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September 02, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-02

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C, r



Fair and humid;
evening showers likely

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

80 Rejected
' Makes Error OnI
* Space Needs, Size
Of Freshman Class
Due to a miscalculation in avail-
able space estimates made last
year, approximately 80 students
who had been rejected by the Uni-
versity in May were readmitted to
the freshman class in mdsm
-mer. About one-third of these are
now enrolled at the University.
According to Gayle Wilson. ex-
ecutive associate director of ad-
missions, the miscalculation was
based on four factors.
There was a decrease of about
three per cent in the number of
high school graduates both locally
and nationally. The Admissions
Office had hoped, said Miss Wil-
son, that the rising percentage of
high school graduates going to
college would compensate for this
decrease. There were, however, 500
fewer applications this year than
Selective Service
The second factor, said Miss
Wilson, was the smaller percent-
age of acceptances of admission.
The Selective Service played a
major role in that many boys en-
rolled in the University to escape
the draft, then withdrew. This
left many openings, mostly in the
engineering college.
This withdrawal of men due by
the draft situation was "most pro-
nounced at schools with the high-
est academic standards" observed
Miss Wilson. Because of the Selec-
tice Service requirement that class
standing be in the upper half,
male students preferred going to
a school where this could be easily
Because of these three factors,
the University enrolled about 200
fewer students this year than last
year out of the same number of
admissions. The freshman class
numbers approximately 4300.
Building Program
Miss Wilson also stated that the
University building program is
finally catching up with the space
needed.When it became apparent
that more spaces were available
than anticipated, the Admissions
Office re-evaluated applications
from out-of-state students in or-
der to find the best qualified and
most interested. Miss Wilson said
that people who had expressed an
interest in Michigan even though
rejected and those who had indi-
cated the University as their first
choice were considered.
Many Schools Open j
Another consideration was the
school to which the students were
applying. Many schools had closed
their admissions completely while,
others had a number of openings.
All qualified in-state students
had been accepted, so only out-of-
state applicants were involved
These students received a letter
the first week of July "inviting"
them to attend the University if
they were still interested. Many
of the 80 had already made com-
mitments to other schools that
they did not want to break, but
about 25 promptly accepted the
offer and are now enrolled.
This is the first time the Uni-
versity has had more space than it
expected. However the tightening
up of the Selective Service regula-
tions was a factor that the Uni-
versity planners could not foresee,
Miss Wilson said.


E IrE au aiy

Late World News
JACKSON, Mich.-At least three persons have been injured
in what police described as a "wide open racial riot" which broke
out in this southern Lower Michigan city an hour before midnight
State police were ordered into the community of 50,000 per-
sons which has a Negro population of 7,000 to 8,000, Sgt. Paul
Rand of the Jackson police, said.
Rand said "it reportedly started as a white-colored at-
tempted shooting, but no one was actually shot."
He said Jackson police had asked for assistance and all
available state troopers in the immediate area were being mobil-
ized and sent into the city.
Rand said at least two of the injured were hospitalized for
DAYTON-ABOUT 1000 Ohio National Guardsmen were on
duty last night in an effort to curb racial disorder which started1
with the fatal shooting of a Negro man.
The guardsmen were patroling the streets, but no new serious
outbreaks were reported.
The fatal shooting, which occurred early Thursday, touched
off a series of sporadic disturbances which continued last night.
OTTAWA-PARLIAMENT yesterday ordered an immediate
end to Canada's week-old nationwide rail strike. Union leaders
said they would comply and began notifying the 118,000 strikers
to return to work.
There was no immediate indication on how soon the trains
would be running again.
Parliamentary action came in a new law ordering both sides
to return to the bargaining table and giving the strikers an 18
per cent pay boost.
,' * * * *
wishing to take its college qualification tests will be given two
more chances-on Nov. 18 and 19.'
Officials said today the tests will be similar to those held
last May and June. Eligibility will be limited tp registrants who
voluntarily apply to take the test and who have not taken any
previous Selective Service qualification tests. -
KANSAS CITY-DELEGATES of Sigma Nu fraternity have_
voted to retain a constitutional clause that bars Negroes from
The exact vote Friday in the final session o fa four-day,
convention was not disclosed. However, Alan Wheeler, editor of
Sigma Nu magazine disclosed that a majority favored removal
of the "white clause," but the change lacked the required two-'
thirds majority.
In order to comply with University non-discrimination regu-
lation, the local chapter of Sigma Nu obtained a waiver on mem-
bership policy from the national organization several years ago.J
The waiver grants the chapter complete autonomy in selecting9
members, and thus it is able to base its membership selection on
merit alone, Ken Silverberg, local Sigma Nu president, said last1
TOKYO-RED CHINA told North Viet Nam yesterday it has
made "every preparation" to deal "joint blows at the U.S. ag-
gressors until final victory is achieved."
Peking's official New China News Agency said the assur-
ance was given in a message sent to North Vietnamese leaders
on the 21st anniversary of North Viet Nam's national foundingI
Friday. The message was signed by Mao Tze-tung and other
leaders, the agency said.
LANSING-STUDENT DRAFT deferments in Michigan have
dropped by 20 per cent in the past six months, Selective Service
Headquarters said yesterday.
Reclassification of graduating seniors, stricter deferment
rules and retention of most entering freshmen in a draft-eli-
gible status brought the drop, said Selective Service Director Col.
Arthur Holmes.
Student deferments totaled 83,763 in February but were down
to 66,668 by Aug. 1. Holmes said most entering college are being
kept in 1-A classification, but can have their induction postponedF
if they are full-time satisfactory students.t
* ' * *

-Daily-Jim Hassberger


The five-week construction strike which took place at the beginning of the summer is taking its toll in unfinished apartments this
fall. The off-campus housing office reports that landlords are "doing their best" to get their places ready. Many houses, however, are
still notsready for occupancy (such as the one pictured above where the residents must live in the living room because their bedroom
is unfinished.-
" .g
Pr"ojxect Ou-wwtreach:4A Correlaltion9
Between Theoies and Prac tic

NSA Attacks
U.S. Policy
On Viet Nam
Students Ask End To
Air War, Seek Talks
With Liberation Front
The National Student Asocia-
tion Congress, in' what one dele-
gate called a "critical but loyal"
resolution, passed early yesterday,
called on the Johnson adminis-
tration to end bombing of North
Viet Nam and take other measures
designed to reachka cease-fire and
an eventual "withdrawal of for-
eign troops from Viet Nam."
Delegates to the congress, which
ended last night, resolved that
the administration has a "wrong,
brutal Viet Nam policy, out of con-
sistency with its own ends," which
must be replaced by immediate
negotiations with the National
Liberation Front made possible by
a cessation of all war operations.
"Our government has made mis-
judgments and has a negative
policy," the resolution said. "Es-
calation has made stable govern
Iment impossible" and has "re-
ated a climate in which effective'
economic assistance is impossible."
All-Asian Proposal
The.delegates also resolved that
the .S. should disassociate itself
with the present Saigon govern-
ment if that government blocks
peace moves. The delegates also
called for an "all-Asian peace
The congress, composed of about
400 delegates from 304 colleges
and universities, also passed a
resolution on the drug LSD. They
called for a "relaxation in laws
governing LSD to enable further
research" on it.
In another resolution, the dele-
gates found the policy of the U.S.
in regard to Communist China un-
realistic. They urged the U.S. to
support the seating of the Peo-
ples Democratic Republic of China,
issue formal U.S. recognition of
China, invite China to all confer-
ences on nuclear weapons and
open trade relations with her.
Condemn 1966 Rights Bill
The delegates also moved to
"condemn" the Civic Rights Bill
of 1966 as inadequate. They called
it. "a weak and token response to
the needs of minority groups" to
have discrimination ended.
Another strongly worded resolu-
tion condemned St. Johns Univer-
sity in New York for action that
university took against several
professors, alledgedly for criticiz-
ing the administration.
The resolution said the NSA
"adhors the summary dismissal of
31 professors at St. John Univer-
Elect Officers
The last action for the delegates
was the election of national of-
ficers. Eugene Groves, who will be
a graduate student at Roosevelt
University this fall, was elected
president. Edward Schwartz, a
graduate student at New York
University was named national
affairs vice-president.
The delegates said they were
seeking the election of a coalition
government in the shortest pos-
sible time, and called' on the U.S.
to support whatever government
Debate on Viet Nam and other
issues was cut short because of the'
length of discussion on a resolu-
tion passed Wednesday, which
called for the abolition of the
An almost nine-hour debate on
that resolution meant that the
session, w h i c h continued on
through Wednesday and early yes-

terday, had less time for other

Project Outreach, a unique psy-
chology program initiated by
teaching fellows last year, is still
going strong, as seven more teach-
ing fellows have joined the pro-
gram, and three additional proj-
ects have been added, Robert Ros-
enwein, Outreach coordinator,
This weekend teaching fellows
working with Outreach will give a
report at the American Psycholo-
gy Association's symposium in New
The program. is now being of-
fered to over half of the students
in Psychology 101 and 191 (hon-
ors). The students attend three
hours of class instead of the usual
four, but spend three to five hours
a week in one of 16 projects.
Increase Awareness
"Project Outreach," Rosenwein
said, "is designed to increase the
student's awareness of the relev-
ance of his more abstract class
experience to the world about
He explained that the activi-
ties of the students include the

study of psychology's applications role of mediator in the dispute, which now regard the students
to sociology and law and social ac- working to alleviate the situation as the most proficient volunteers
tion such as tutorial work, partici- by finding the students jobs, and available.
pant observation and work at by generally being their "big Richard Mann, associate profes-
mental institutions, brother." sor, ventured to .say that some
Work at mental institutions was Help Appreciated evidence shows that freshmen oft-
the primary Outreach project. Last Rosenwein said that the stu- en do a better job than students
year, and again this year, the stu- dents have been greatly appreci- who have taken advanced de-
dents worked at Northville Hos- ated especially at the hospitals grees..
pital, on the outskirts of Detroit, ---------- ---- -- --
where they helped the mentally
retarded and disturbed students
lead recreational activities andr
participated in group therapy for
the patients. Students observed"
"roll play" therapy, which, is ask-1
ed to pretend he is someone else Foree Room triping
and react as he imagines the oth-9
er person would.
Other Projects By JANE DREYFUSS facilities were allowed closed dorm
Still another social project is the The University has converted space.
"participant observation" project. 377 doubles to triples this year, In past years conditions were
Rosenwein*explained that a group John C. Feldkamp, assistant to the so extreme that students were
of shiftless high school students vice-president for student affairs, temporarily housed in such places
who. hung around the outside of a said. The conversion was done to as lounges, TV rooms and libraries
local drug store and often had ar- allow transfer students to live in barrack style while dorm space
guments with the owner over their- the dorms. was being.located for them.
right to stand there was infiltrated Prior to this year, only sopho- "But this year," Feldkamp said,
by a freshman in "Project Out- more and junior women transfer "the number of incoming fresh-
reach." After gaining their confi- students without parents permis- men was 4300 rather than the
dence, the student assumd the sion to live outside of University predicted 4500 creating 200 avail-

Kaufman Cites Critical Defect
In Smith-Cutler, Voice Letters,

VOICE POLITICAL PARTY will hold a rally on the Diag at
noon today to protest the University's compliance with a House
Unamerican Activities Committee subpoena of the membership
of three campus activist groups. Speakers include Stanley Nadel,
'66, who was subpoenad to HUAC's recent Washington hearings
and Prof. Julian Gendell of the chemistry department.


The Smith-Cutler Report on the
HUAC subpoena and the introduc-
tion to a reply published by Voice
political party were used by a Uni-
versity philosophy lecturer yester-
day to point out the two "general
defects of the political commun-
In the introductory lecture to a
course on the philosophical foun-
dations of Communism, Facism,
and Democracy, Prof. Arnold
Kaufman said that the Voice in-
troduction exemplifies "what pass-
es for authentic commitment in
politics" and the Smith-Cutler re-
port, "what passes for responsible
political activity."

sons for the release as given in
the report. He said that in these
respects, the report illustrates
"what passes for responsible po-
litical activity.'
The reasoning in the paper, he
said, shows a "gap between
rhetoric and the grip of political
beliefs-the divorce between rhe-
toric and the nitty-gritty of po-
litical life."
He felt that in the use to which
the processes of political rhetoric

Kaufman challenged the rea- is used, "the public is taken for

Kaufman added that the opin-
ion that not to release the infor-
mation would defy HUAC and
thus, the body of law that backs
academic freedom "is a red her-
Both general defects of the po-
litical community have one thing
in common, Kaufman said. "Both
involve the abandonment and mis-
use of reason. In this sense, where
they collide, it can almost be said
that they deserve each other."

able spaces. With our over-under-
crowding we decided to open the
dorms to transfer students," he
High Demand
"But, unfortunately, the demand
for space was greater than we ex-
pected. By the time we closed the
door too many students were
allowed in."
The dorms affected by this
overcrowding situation are East,
West and South Quadrangles,
Stockwell, Cousens and Alice
"We expect to alleviate this sit-
uation within three weeks," Ed-
ward C. Salowitz, assistant to
Feldkamp, reported, "once we find
out how many students have not
"All rooms will be deconverted
but no student will be forced to
move out of a converted room if
they do not wish to do so," he said.

SGC To Push Student Vote


-E-~ 1

A two-fronted campaign to in-
crease student involvement in local
government has been mapped for
the coming year by the Student
Government Council.
During the fall semester, efforts
to gain passage of the 18-year-old
vote referendum on the state's
November ballot will be made
through publicity and a possible
survey of state political figures.
During the winter semester, SGC
will again attempt to register elig-
ible students for voting in Ann
Arbor. The winter SGC campaign
will be the second year of con-
centrated voter registration activ-
ity by the organization.I
Residence Requirement
Neill Hollenshead, '67, city plan-
ning chairman for the organiza-
tion, said the campaign planners

Under current law, attendance
at the University does not auto-
matically fulfill the residence re-
quirement necessary for voter reg-
istration in Ann Arbor. A more lib-
eral voter residence policy could
result from the state secretary of
state, the legislature, or a court
Hollenshead said that during
the spring semester, SHA repre-
sentatives contacted over 4,000
University students 21 years and
over. Contacts were made in door-
to-door canvassings, by phone and
through mailings.
Results Expected
A report on the results of the
spring semester drive is expected
during September.
Hollenshead stressed that both
the 18-year-old vote and the stu-

age are capable and politically(
oriented. We believe they can and
should become part of the com-
Present H;ousing Views ,
Coupled with community voting
activities during the summer were
efforts to present student views
on housing standards and zoning.
After discussion with builders
and architects, the Student Hous-
ing Association, an SGC -related
organization, submitted a report
on housing to the City Planning
Commission through the City
In June, SHA representatives
delivered their report to the Cityt
Council while asking questionst
and making recommendations on]
zoning, use of open space in apart-1

Kaufman said that the Voice I 3l ' 7 E o~I
introduction was "a stupid state- or
ment." He said it "said several
things not establised n te r"e-t f
ply," "did not encourage readingtig no salihdi ter O f S t 0
of the paper," and "illustrates a
defective conception of authentic,
political commitment." By WALLACE IMMEN
Orgasm Politics
Kaufman said the "poetic" lan- Despite a flurry of rumors, final
guage of the introduction exem- announcement of the site selected
plifies "orgasm politics," which for the Atomic Energy Commis-
he said 'reflects the powerlessness sion's proposed 200 billion electron
people feel and have in our po- volt (BEV) nuclear particle accel-
litical community." erator now appears two to four
Kaufman added that he felt the months away.
Voice reply itself was seriously Hopes are still running high,
and intelligently written, however, that a site in Northfield
The fundamental reason for the Township, near Ann Arbor will be
Office of Student Affairs' release the inevitable choice.
of the subpoenaed information, Rumors that the selection has
Kaufman felt, was not given in already been finalized were recent-
the Smith-Cutler report. He felt ly stirred up by Rep. Craig Hos-

seen in Selection Process
rProposed AEC Accelerator

withholding the site announcement
until after the November election
to serve political ends.
Still Considering
Rep. Weston Vivion (D-Mich),
told The Daily yesterday he has
found nothing to indicate the AEC
selection committee has come to a
decision, and he believes they are
still individually considering the
merits of each site. He said so far
the committee has been extremely
careful not to release qualitative
evaluations of the remaining six
sites and he was sure that any ru-
mors were emanating from politi-

Vivian is one of the men closest
to the official selection process. An
area of Northfield Township, near
Ann Arbor is in his district and still
in promising contention for the
project. He believes the process is
in a temporary state of "suspended
animation," but the final an-
nouncement will find Northfield
the location of the accelerator.
Ask Investigation
Another reaction to Hosmer's
claim came from Sen. Robert
Griffin (R-Mich) who has writ-
ten Glenn T. Seaborg, chairman of
the AEC requesting an investiga-

plored." He made no prediction as
to how long it may be before the
decision is announced, but implied
a wait until after the November
elections indicating it would take
more time to prepare a meaning-
ful conclusion.
Delay Expected
Another forecast of a delay in
the decision was made recently by
A. Geoffrey Norman, University
vice-president for research. He
told The Daily that nobody out-
side the AEC can say when the de-
cision will be made. Although it
almost certainly will be left until




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