Draft 'Salvage' Operation To Educate Past Rejects LY S Ir.A 6 :4Ia iti By STEVE WILDSTROM Considerable interest and con- troversy has been aroused by a plan, announced last week by the Defense Department, to "salvage" for military service draft eligible men previously rejected because of educational 'deficiencies. Pentagon manpower experts said they -expect to be able to raise 10 per cent of approximately 400',000 men currently found lacking in education each year up to the army's minimum standards. The experts also estimated that 30 per cent of those salvaged would be Negroes. Each year 600,000 potential in- ductees are rejected as unfit for military service. Over half of these are rejected because they do not meet minimum standards on the services' educational assessment test. Because of the present mili- tary manpower shortage, the De- fense Department decided to util- ize its own large educational es- tablishment to raise some of the rejects to minimal standards. The fact that 30 per cent of the men to be salvaged for military service are Negroes is likely to be- come to source of major dispute. Some civil rights leaders, notably Stockeley Carmichael of the Stu- dent Non-violent Coordinating Committee have charged that Viet Nam is a "poor man's war" and that the salvage .operation would increase disproportionately the representation of the poor. Last year, Negroes made up about 10 per cent of all draftees, a figure roughly comparable to the percentage of Negroes in the total national population. The Pentagon's educational plans would undoubtedly increase the proportion of drafted Negroes. Beyond the need for military manpower, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara justified the plan as a move to save "part of America's subterranean poor." He added, "What I do believe is that through application of advanced educational and medical techni- ques we can salvage tens of thou- sands of these men each year- first to productive military careers and later for productive roles in society." McNamara said that the Defense Department has "the largest single educational complex that the world has ever seen." The armed services currently: offer more than 2000 courses to train men for 1500 different skills; o'p e r a t e 30 correspondence schools with one million students and 327 dependents' schools for 166,000 students around the world; and enroll more than 250,000 Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1966 Gireek Theatre Provides Aura Of Summer Nights in Ypsilanti By BETSY COHN Strategists Plan To Double U.S. Troops in Viet Namn I ' A f i 1 i ,t n_ Experts on United States strat- egy in the Viet Nam war are said to be thinking in terms of long range planning that calls for over 600,000 U.S. men in Viet Nam in the next 18 months. This would mean a doubling of present U.S. strength in that country. Of the new total of troops, about half would be devoted to mainly "nation building" projects in the densely populated areas of Viet Nam. According to the planners, larg- er forces are required regardless of whether the enemy continues to form division-size units and seek big victories or decides to break, up into smaller elements and revert to hit-and-run attacks. Along with the projected build- up of ground forces, the Air Force would add about five squad- rons of tactical fighters to the 18 it now operates there, and would vastly expand its airlift capacity to haul thousands of tons of am- munition, food and other supplies from coastal ports to combat units in the interior. No responsible official, Vietna-' mese or American, now says the Viet Cong appear to pre-eminatel in the field. On the contrary, in battle after battle in the last few months, the enemy has been consistently beaten. But ranking officials believe that military victories are not enough. Unless the millions of peasants can believe the Saigon government will provide security and improve their living condi- tions, U.S. strategists feel the prospects for defeating the enemy are blank. The Viet Cong have planted well indoctrinated, highly motivated cells in the hamlets and villages. They have been able to exact tax- es, food and military recruits from the generally apathetic peasantry by promising a better life and threatening to call in guerrilla bands. Said one U.S. officer: "The only way to uproot this intrastructure is to get into each village with the peasants by providing them some peace from marauders, by building schools, and providing fertilizer and government serv- ices." students in Armed Forces Institute S.Y teaching courses ranging from Summer evenings in Ypsilanti elementary to college levels, wvere in an antiqiue aura this sum- mer as the Walter O. Briggs base- According to McNamara, the ball field at Eastern Michigan armed forces are further qualified University yielded itself to a fore- to train men previously considered runner of diversion, the Greek untrainable because of the role Theatre, they have played in educational And so it grew, from somewhere innovation. Teaching machines out of left field where skeptical were first developed to train air- spectators stiffly cocked their craft inspectors during World War heads and curled their lips. Their II. Defense Department educators predictions were that reconstruc- have been among the first to tion of a ,traditional Greek Thea- make use of films, language labo- tre in the midwest would certainly ratories, television and computers be a foul play. in teaching. Nevertheless, a few adamant Another potential area of con- sportsmen persevered and the the- flict in McNamara's proposal re- atre concept materialized into an lates to objections to the Defense outdoor arena charged with elec- Department becoming a large tronic music and a limber chorus quasi-educational institution. Fred of over 20. M. Hechinger, education editor of On June 14, 1966, the Ypsilanti the New York Times, wrote: Greek Theatre group under the ("One consequence may well be Idirection of Alexis Solomos, pre- for the regular educational estab- sented a re-run of the prize-win- lishment to abdicate even more ning Greek Trilogy from the 458 readily its mandate to seek ways B.C. drama festival. The open- of preventing drop-outs and help- ing performance was more than ing the poor to climb out of pov- a success; over 100 drama critics ing, from all over the country soewed erty." forth a mouthful of dynamic de- Hechinger voiced fears that the scriptions such as "electrifying Pentagon plan might lead to the success," "brilliant and exciting," creation of a military-educational- plus odes and puns on every facet industrial complex in the United of Greece and theatre available. nis Xenakis who provided ac- Despite this companiment to his music by use there was the i of an IBM 7090 computer. Xenakis of traditional t programmed his own ideas and in the non-me musical axioms into the computer ance of Dame and decoded the results into mu- whose portraya sic for conventional instruments. with it the path He calls his philosophical ap- the ancient Gre proach "stochasis," a term he in-, Director of t vented for music which is based ties in Ypsilan on probability theory. his first Ameri immutable element ture which had been three years ' own Athenian company. Solomos heatrical greatness in the making. Solomos, who had remained in the United States chanical perform- spent the previous year teaching until early this month at which Judith Anderson drama seminars at Eastern Mich- time he returned to Greece and l of dignity carried igan University, has been called his native playbill. He neverthe- hos and tragedy of the backbone of the Greek Theatre less has hopes of returning to ek dramatists. in America. In Greece he is also the group next summer. he summer activi- known in theatrical corners as ti, Solomos greeted the director of the National The-! Another recent rearrangement can audience that atre of Greece for 14 years and hael King and David Rhys An- derson (a University drama stu- dent). Michael received an offer to play in "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever": David, his tin- derstudy was given the part, and Orestes (according to recent re- views), seems to have suffered none the worse from the sudden change -in his personality. The second production. "The Birds," starring Bert Lahr was also hailed as a theatrical suc- cess. Critics hooted and cheered Lahr on his winged endeavours. They delivered glib orations on the excellent set arrangement and stage direction; and hailed "The Birds" as a political satire which fit with amazing comfort into contemporary drama, in spite of the fact that it was written over 2000 years ago. It rotated throughout the sum- ..;mer, between Dame Judith An- derson to Bert Lahr; and no one ithut"havin attended one without aving see the other." On September 4, the season wi to a close after nearly three ~ ~ mnthso outdoor productions. Ideally the theatre has been a to- } tal success in providing the first authentic Greek Theatre in the United States. Unfortunately, the E..theatre cannot survive on ideal- ism alone and to borrow from a nationally syndicated pun: "ev- ery Gi'eek must have its tragedy." y stage of the Ypsilanti Greek Theatre. See NEW, Page 5 modern influence, evening with a slight bow, a ges- most recently, director of his States leading to still greater concentrations of power. Hechinger also asserted that the Defense Department's educational facilities are not all that McNa- mara makes them out to be. How- ever, he concluded by saying, "The answer to these objections, of course, is that somebody better do the job.... The question thus be- comes whether American educa- tion and political leadership on1 It was also an internationally acclaimed success and received complimentary coverage from a to- tal of over 800 newspapers. The first night audiences were effec- tively assimilated into a musical amalgamation of the ancient and the modern. While the trilogy re- tained its ancient plot, the chorus members moved in a sinuous .ab- stract arrangement, choreograph- ed by Helen McGehee, assistant local, state and federal level are to Mai'tha Graham. willing to concede defeat and let Electronic music written espe- the armed forces take over." cially for this performance by Ian- Shown here is the present temporary II I' Since 1883 Since 1883 It's v VA I, University Bookstore for the Best in Books and Supplies-serving Michigan Students Since 1883 Thousands of Michigan Men and Women have found our dependable and courteous service combined with the friendly atmosphere of a supply needs. 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