I Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN r -_ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD TN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Announcing, the Edgar Awards for 1966 Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. -Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This inust be noted in all reprints. \T SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN ELAN i The Use of Marijuana: It Should Be Legal TYPICALLY, Dr. John Pollard's inno- cent and obvious observation that the use of LSD and marijuana has probably increased over the past few years drew sensational press. The only one who ad- mitted being unsurprised about the reve- lation was Ann Arbor Police Chief Wal- ter Krasny, who tries to track down the stuff. Nobody, however, was really surprised. But nobody was really asking the right question either. So I will: Why is mari- juana illegal? There are two main reasons why a drug could be proper subject for a prohibitory law. F IT PROVOKES dangerous anti-so- cial behavior in the user. Marijuana does not seem to do this. In fact, many claim its effects are the op- posite. A 1962 White House conference, the Ad Hoc Panel on Drug Abuse, stated that "although marijuana has long held the reputation of inciting individuals to commit sexual offenses and,, other anti- social acts, evidence is inadequate to sub- stantiate this." And in "Narcotics and Narcotic Addic- tion," D. W. Maurer and V. H. Vogel state:. "While there may be occasional violent psychopaths who have used marijuana, have committed crimes of violence, and who have, in court, explained their ac- tions as uncontrollable violence result- ing from the use of the drug ... these are exceptions to the general run of mari- juana users .. . It would seem that, from the point of view of public health and safety, the effects of marijuana present a very minor problem compared with the abusive use of alcohol and that the drug has received a disproportionate share of publicity as an inciter of violent crime." " IF IT HAS DANGEROUS effects on the physical health of the user. Marijuana is considerably healthier to use than alcohol. Marijuana has been shown time and time again to be non- addictive. It does not, of itself, make the user more prone to "graduate" to addic- tives. Nor does it have the deep psychol- ogically penetrating effects of LSD, an entirely separate drug with which many people incorrectly associate marijuana. As stated in "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics" by L. S. Goodman and L. Gilman, "There are no lasting ill-ef- fects from the acute use of marijuana ... Marijuana habituation does not lead to the use of morphine, heroin, cocain or alcohol, and the associated use of mari- juana and narcotic drugs is rare." Nor does it create a psychic dependence in the user. Alcohol, on the other hand, is mildly addictive and can, with excessive use, re- sult in both brain damage and in liver disease. Our most popular "drug," to- bacco, is a known carcinogenic. IT IS DIFFICULT to argue that one drug be made legal simply because others with more harmful effects are already such. But if we are to assume that alcp- hol and all the psycho-sociological impli- cations surrounding its usage are legally acceptable, then we simply cannot use the same arguments to make marijuana le- gal. And indeed, the law itself has many serious negative effects. By making a cheap, easily accessible drug illegal one makes its usage far more attractive to high school students and to those too young to know how to handle it. Its il- legalization promotes underworld activi- ties. And when such widespread activity is illegal, enforcement has more the effect of punishing the unlucky dupe who gets caught by chance than of keeping usage down. To effectively enforce this law would require a police effort far exceeding that used to unsuccessfully "enforce" Prohibi- tion. Like- Prohibition, all the illegality of marijuana does is create another crime. AND THE LONG-RUN effect of a bad law is only to promote disrespect for laws in general. None of the arguments from the medical standpoint are new. As early as 1944 a major government inves- tigation done by the La Guardia Com- mission, reported that: "Marijuana is more a nuisance (to prohibit) than it is a danger." But by public association to the ma- j or habit-forming drugs, the "minor" drug marijuana has acquired a big label. And judging from the reaction to Pollard's remarks, the popular attachment of the use of marijuana with the anti-war move- ment and with campus rebellion will make a fair, rational re-examination of the law impossible for quite some time. THIS IS NOT the time to flood the area with law enforcement officers in a vain attempt to stop a natural trend; the time has clearly come to question the validity of the law itself. -HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director By ROGER RAPOPORT ,ONCE -AGAIN IT is time to present the most cherished awards in all academia: The Michigan Daily Edgars. This year's third annual presentation honors those individuals and institutions who have done the most to further the intellectual, moral, and social values exemplified by our nation's FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover. From a multitude of strong nominees our judges, Mr. Hoover, Rep. Joe Fool (D-Tex), Gov. Ronald Reagan and Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, have chosen the following winners: FATHER OF STATE UNIVER- SITIES EDGAR-To RutgerUni- versity, which is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year by dropping the school flag from a plane onto four of the world's highest mountain peaks including Mt. Everest and Mt. Fujiyama. ARTHUR SYLVESTER EDGAR -To the University's Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss for answering a Defense Depart- ment document maintaining that the school is known as one basic- ally for "rich white students" by saying that the report "should not have been made public." COMEBACK OF THE YEAR EDGAR - To Berkeley's dynamic Mario Savio for his brilliant en- core. MICHAEL RADDOCK EDGAR -To Saturday Review magazine's the University " 'U' Ruling Irks Student Council." MARTIN DIES EDGAR--To The New York Times' perceptive education editor Fred (all the facts) Hechinger. who wrote re- cently that "during the McCarthy years most strong university ad- ministrations were able to resist right wing threats." MARCELLA CISNEY EDGAR To the University admnistration for finding a way to finance a new theatre here in the midst of a desperate shortage of classroom space. ALLEN DULLES EDGAR-To Michigan State University's Vice- President for Students John Fu- zak, who hired a graduate stu- dent during the past year "to keep track" of student activists by at- tending their meetings and re- porting on them. We're Just try- ing to get, some knowledge about them to find out if they have some legitimate complaints," a b o u t MSU, Fuzak explained. COGNITIVE DISSONANCE ED- GAR- To University President Harlan H. Hatcher for justifying the school's compliance with a HUAC subpoena because "uni- versities must obey the law," while the school is fighting the state's Public Act 379 in court and re- fusing to comply with P.A. 124. A Shown above (right) is Harlan Hatcher, one of the distinguished recipients of the "Edgar Awards" announced today. Above at left is John E. Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and center, Ronald Reagan, governor of California; both judges for the annual awards. M +h Travel Editor, Horace Sutton, for his recent fact-filled report on the University. He reported that Uni- versity students were protesting because the administration "sup- posedly" complied with a HUAC subpoena. VINCE LOMBARDI EDGAR - To Notre Dame football coach Ara Parseghian. When a Michigan State News reporter asked Par- seghian at a press conference what he thought Notre Dame's greatest weakness was, Parse- ghian threw the reporter out of the conference. RICHARD VANHOUSE EDGAR -To University Chi Phi member Frank H. Miller, '67, for claiming publicly that fraternity rush practices like having one's head "submerged in a flushing toilet" brings "men together." SHELBY SHERTZ EDGAR - the University for celebarting its 150th anniversary this year after celebrating its 50th anniversary in 1887. IPCAC EDGAR-To Stanford student Stuart McRae, who de- clined to answer a question at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearing last summer because it "nauseates me and I might throw up all over the table." HURON VALLEY AD-VISOR EDGAR-To the Ann Arbor News, for headlining the Student Gov- ernment Council secession from PLAYMATE OF THE EDGAR-To Margie. YEAR Realistic Government b Goodman' By ROBERT JOHNSTON Collegiate Press Service ABOUT THE LAST place one would expect to find semi-an- archist and student hero Paul Goodman ("Growing Up Absurd and Compulsory Mis-Education") is in the Harvard Business Re- view ("Productivity Management," "Heuristic Programs for Decision- Making"). But compare the following two articles. Goodman's latest appearance in one of his native habitats (The New York Review of Books) is on "The Psychology of Being Powerless" andis typical ofBhis attacks on contemporary "over- organization." He says, "The psychology (of be- ing powerless), in brief, is that history is out of control. It is no longer something that we make but something that happens to us." The world, in other words, is run not for the sake of people but in conformance with quantifiable val- ues which necessarily exclude hu- man concerns. Compare this with a quote from the May-June Harvard Business Review, in an article on "The Af- fluent Organization," by a pre- sumably respectable business ad- ministration professor at Berke- ley, Raymond Miles. "In the modern organization," he says, "with dollar resources and machines, there is typically an unfettered drive to maximize employment and return. But the people 'sectors of the organiza - tion-its human resources-re- main underdeveloped and under employed. The individual orga nization member is seldom chal- lenged to develop, or allowed to use his full capabilities." IT READS like Goodman, but the comparison will undoubtedly deeply offend the sensibilities of his disciples. For them, Miles' "workable" or "realistic" approach to today's problems a priori reeks of the worst sins of the Establish- ment and is perforce expelled from further discourse. Goodman himself might react similarly. In the Review article mentioned, he decides that apoc- alypse is the only way to elimin- ate our problems. He can then pro- ceed to condemn all alternatives as too narrow-minded. One can- not argue with this kind of logic, for if everything is all wrong, viol- ent, thorough-going revolution is indeed the only answer. THESE PROBLEMS aside, how- ever, Goodman has managed to hammer away consistently at one theme: the world is for people and not vice versa; a Great Society for the sake of a great society is not worth having; it is the people we ought to be concerned with. Working from this philosophi- cal base, he objects to modern "scientific" trends in planning, organization and decision-making (whether in universities, the fed- eral government or business) as inhuman. "Indeed," he says, "at least in the social sciences, the more var- iables one can technically compute, the less likely it is that there will be prior thinking about their rele- vance to human life." IN MILES' defense, one can first point out that if he is to have any impact at all on Harvard Bus- iness Review readers he simply cannot come right out and say he is more interested in people than in profits. Second, and more im- portant, how can either the New Left's Goodman or General Motors' Roche object when Miles shows us a way to have our cake and eat it too? As Miles puts it, "The modern generation has been bent by the winds of change pushing against all of our social institutions. It wants and expects more from all phases of life-purpose, meaning and challenge are its bywords. Nevertheless, it appears that man- agers at every level consistently underestimate the ambition and enthusiasms of their subordinates for a chance to contribute." If business employes can find new tasks for themselves that are challenging and meaningful to them (Goodman's concern) and if, at the same time, the company's interests are advanced, who can complain? IT IS NOT a little ironic that one finds "applied Goodman" in the Harvard Business Review, but it is significant not so much be- cause of its ,location but because it is, forgive the word, realistic. Goodman has long suffered from an inability to build any concrete bridges between his world and the real world. Thus, he will write, "Common people, who do not have to govern, can let themselves feel powerless and resign themselves. They re- spond with the familiar combina- tion of not caring and, as a sub- stitute, identifying with those whom they fancy to be powerful." Goodman's answer is self-gov- ernment-so that the poor can better their conditions and the middle classes construct a mean- ingful life from suburban escap- ism. (I don't worry here about the rich; they have long since learned how to do both.) But Goodman has no real course of action to offer, only faith to sup- port his statement that it can be done. MILES CITES hard experience, and there is remarkable similarity between the managerial attitude he has encountered and the pro- fessional politicians' attitude be- moaned by Goodman. The first is demonstrated by a "bemused grin" when the managers are ask- ed if they have ever given their subordinates a chance to demon- strate the judgment, creativity and responsibility that it is claimed they lack, We see the second when Good- man cites one of the driving forc- es of the Kennedy administration as expressed by Arthur Schlesin- ger, "One simply must govern." He is implicitly asking the politician, "Why not let us govern our- selves?", yet he offers no reasons. Miles, on the other hand, of- fors a very powerful one: it pays. AS THE SAYING GOES, if you can't fight them, join them. Whether building a better mouse- trap, running a better government or providing a better university education, if the employes, the governed or the student can do it better, by acceptable standards, then why not? The task remains for students and social theorists to show, as Miles did, that this is in fact the case. (Johnston was 1965-66 editor of The Daily and is now a grad- uate student In the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs at Princeton University.) J Letters*Group Protests Adminis trator Offices To the Editor: AS OFFICERS of the newly created Backers of Adminis- trative Recognition of Freshmen, we were most disturbed by Lee Weitzenkorn's article on office furnishings. The most objectionable situation revealed in the story was the fact that Vice-President Cutler's office does not have wall-to-wall carpet- ing like Vice-President Pierpont's. We feel that students who viist the Vice-President for Student Affairs are more important than LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. the highest-ranking financier that enters Mr. Pierpont's office. MOREOVER, as a group of up- per-classmen who have come to- gether to protect and extend the rights of first-year students (who often "are not aware of the ad- ministrative machinations going on about them), we resent the fact that the students were not consulted about the furnishings. We - hpe that any future re- modeling plans for administrative offices will be discussed with the students, for it is the students whom the administration and their building were created to serve. -Stephen Friedman, '68, Chairman -Martin Dreser, 168E, Secretary Backers of Administration Recognition of Freshmen Mass Media: Image Builder WHO SAYS ,a good University has to be dull? Certainly not the local and na- tional news media. ABC television pictured the University, as the place where the action is, where students have a sophisticated mixture of scholarship, personal growth and sex. Meanwhile, a non-sensationalizing pro- fessor came out with something everyone knows - many people on this campus smoke pot-and the rumors started flow- ing from the Detroit news media that the smoke in Ann Arbor is thicker than the smog in New York. THESE TWO EVENTS have changed the image of the campus more than a whole semester of effort by Vice-Presi- dent in charge of Public Relations Mich- ael Raddock or the Sesquicentennial Com- mittee. That's not to say that they haven't been trying, just that they've been con- centrating their efforts in the wrong areas. To dramatize the need for funds for more student housing, they should run a news release saying that students sleep together because of the lack of space. To get more money for medical research they could whisper about the need to do something about the widespread VD. Ejlg 3jrljigajt BjaiJ The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mal; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). That is the kind of sensationalism the Detroit papers like. NOW, NO ONE denies the fact that stu- dents sleep together, take marijuana, and even LSD, but there are many more essential things to write about. Students' lives are being affected by the war in Viet Nam, the freedom of a political dia- logue on campuses is threatened by HUAC and student and faculty self-respect is being undermined by a headstrong Board of Regents and administration. These are the issues that concern this institution. The University should be a place for innovation and experimentation. It is too bad that in reporting these events, news media are concerned more with their friv- olous aspects than with the serious im- plications behind the,, new attitudes to- ward drugs and sexual relations. It is also too bad that the other im- portant issues such as student participa- tion, and freedom of speech are ignored. IF THE NEWS MEDIA were' to take a more mature attitude toward the events on this campus, they might discover that they had learned something. Or, would that be too much to ask? -RON KLEMPNER No Comnment OLD CAMPAIGNERS never die depart- ment: Barry Goldwater, famous national elec- tions salt standse an Peellent chance V x" J. f rr .....................................:"N::.LV.Y: rT VJ.'fr"J.YJA44Vtr.gf:'J 'N.444'fYMJJJ YrJ:J::.4V:4V::."1.4""'."44V"XY:'44YJMVV .":::I.V:r:Jfr Vrr. rfh;4lY::.4. N.Yl45WCJJ:J:"4lV.Y. ...... V.W:frJJfJ.: ". " 4.""Yf ""4 YYY: """ "4Y.4.V. "V ...... J ..L. 4 1 M. ..4 ........ ......4....4.......... J..,.,..4.... .4.................. ". "......... f.{...{ .....5.4...1 X.N. a YF JA:"fi 4M1::' "J4 'f 4 " 14 M.4......, . ..N. t . 4AJ A.:4......i... i. .. .44.. ...4".. M1f f.. . f..4J J.. . f t, ...:.V .J .nf.4 .. n:::::::x.Y:. Y::a.. .. ..... ......... .: .... , ............. ...... ... n .. ..r. .tip , ri .4i: "4"A": 4 ..4J.f........4. ..........4 ... ... .... .. ..... .«....... ..rJf. .. .......J '......... .... ... ...... ... r +n J:. F J Jr'. l..... ..M1" . l . ..X.. .1...........f.. .. }....1. !.. 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