FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN"' FRIDAY, JANUARY 6,1987 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN T Charges 'U' Practices Covert Discrimination Better Jobs, High Salaries Offered 'U' Law Grads For That Personal Touch (Continued from page 1) 1 "Developers prefer to build cash register multiples: cheaply con- structed apartments than can be, rented for $200 or more a month.- What poor family, student or non- student can afford such rents? But by throwing the problem into the vrivate sector, this is the so- lution that the University and the City have offered those of modest income." Robert Bodkin, former president of the Student Housing Associa- tion, claimed that Ann Arbor is a "seller's market" in housing. He said that "there is no deprecia- tion Profits are one-fourth to one-half higher than the national average." He said capital gain is "at least 17.2 per cent and up to 44 per cent. This is very high" Patrick J. Pulte, testifying as an independent landlord, put the capital gain figure at ten to 11 per cent. He pointed to high build- ing costs and to destructiveness of student tenants as being prime factors in keeping the profit mar- gin down. "A return of this size is far from unreasonable; it is in the area of the national average." Pulte also testified that "today's students don't want to work. I have trouble getting them to do things like clean hallways and shovel walks for $2 an hour." "That tells us something about the students," Faxon said. Pulte concluded by saying, The market' is not a sellers' market. 'here are a reasonable number jof a.partment vacancies right now "And if profits are 3o great, why don't Detroit builders comne here?" he asked. Torn Van Lente, testifying after Pulte, maid that "they are coming here." Van Lente said he posed last year as a "real estate majo devoted to private enterprise and to keening thenUniversityhout f housing" to find out what re- 0* turns were being made by Ann Arbor realtors "They told me they were mak- ing 12 per cent to 17 per cent," he said. Van Lente also testifed that shortages are so bad that "last fall, a significant number of stu- dents returned home for lack of housing." Michael Davis, vice-president of Inter-Cooperative Council, then presented a paper entitled "A Case Study in Frustration: The ICC's Attempt to Expand Onto North Campus."~ * Davis said that after engaging an architect and obtaining cost es- timates, "we were called to a meeting of (the University Hous- ing Committee) at which we were JessupCat Gr Discusses W The policy of political exped- iency as practiced by the world's great powers has blocked the es- tablishment of international rule of law as a pathway to peace, ac - crding to the only American sit- ting on the International Court of Justice Philip C. Jessup expressed this opinion in his speech at the Uni- versity winter commencement ex- ercises. told that our density was too high and inconsistent with that already on North Campus. When asked to set down some concrete guidelines on such matters as density, park- ing and recreation areas the com- mittee would not do so." Davis claimed "we cannot pro- ceed any farther on this project without a written sales agreement from the University specifying all the requirements for the sale so that our architect and lawyer can work on further plans for the project and city zoning. "We cannot afford to provide the University with information they already should have. We can- not afford to do estimates and then wait around until they are 50 per cent too low." Montgomery commented "I as- sume these students are paying their tuition, and can reasonably expect administrative and techni- cal help from the University's vast resources. Maybe you could short- en the coffee breaks." Feldkamp replied that ICC had not supplied his office with suf- ficient figures. He said that most North Campus housing involved substantiallyfewer residents per acre than the ICC plans called for. "I am willing at any time to sit down with these people and work to draw these plans up," he added. Graduate Student Council mem- ber Roger Leed, a law student, then testified that students have "vir- tually no rights" in dealing with landlords. A member of the Ann Arbor legal aid society, Leed said students must sue "pillar-of-the- community" landlords in courts obviously friendly to the latter to get a deposit of even $50 back. He also said "The student does not know his rights and the Univer- sity makes no effort to inform him." New Congressional Plans Assume NO' Tax Increase A rapidly increasing demand for lawyers is giving law school grad- uates a greater choice of posi- tions, higher starting salaries and a better chance for eraly profes- sional advancement than ever be- fore. Growing competition among law firms, government agencies and corporations for law school grad- uates can be seen in the recent activity of the University Law School placement office. In the past three months, 236 employers-an all-time school high conducted 3,607 interviews at the school. Employers from 19 states interviewed 404 students, 196 of whom were seniors. "One trend," said Kenneth L: Yourd, assistant to the dean, "is for firms to hire second year stu- dents for summer jobs with the hope of interesting them in join- ing the organization after gradua- tion." High Starting Salaries Starting salaries for law school graduates can go as high as $10,000, reports Miss Elizabeth A. Bliss, supervisor of the placerient office. "Today the recent graduate can move upward in his firm or organ- ization as soon as he shows that he can handle the responsibility," said Yourd. Forty-five employers came to the campus recently from New York, along with 40 from Mich- igan, 31 from California, 28 from Illinois, 25 from Ohio, 20 from Washington, D.C., 10 from Penn- sylvania and 37 from as far as Florida and Oregon. "Actually," explained Yourd, "the in-state placement is much higher than -these statistics indi- cate. Many students do not go through interviewing because they already have positions waiting for them in their Michigan com- munity." On-Campus Interviews Potential employers usually send one or two representatives to the Ann Arbor campus for up to three days to conduct as many as 13 interviews a day. The Law School provides 14 individual interview rooms and maintains a clerical staff to keep appointments sched- uled. conducting on-campus interviews. Relocation Services Yourd also reports that thej placement office is dealing in- creasingly with graduates seeking to relocate after having been in practice. Large cities supplied the great-t est number of interviewers. There1 have been 36 from New York City, 28 from Chicago, 23 from Detroit,i 20 from Washington, D.C., 18i from Los Angeles, 14 from Cleve- land, and 10 from San Francisco.t On the other hand, interviewers1 have also been on campus from Armonk, N.Y. and LeSueur, Minn., Of the 17 Michigan interviewers not from Detroit, seven came from Grand Rapids, two each from1 Kalamazoo, Lansing and Muske- gon, and one each from Dearborn., Holland, Midland and Sturgis. Government Opportunities Increased interest from govern- mental agencies in law school graduates is also evident. Among the employers from Washington this year have been the Federal Power Commission; the Depart- ment of State's Office of the Legal Advisor, the National Labor Rela- tions Board, the Navy, the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration, the Civil Aeronau- tics Board, the Atomic Energy Commission, the InterstateCor- merce Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Communications Commission, the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Small Business Administration and the Department of Justice. "Although it is still too early to determine results of current in- terviewing, which will continue at a reduced rate for several months, a look at last year's law graduates gives some basis for prediction," said Yourd. Gravitate to Cities Of the 1966 graduates registered with the placement office, 30 per cent remained in Michigan and 9 per cent settled in the contiguous None of these graduates went into individual practice. Twenty- four per cent joined small firms (fewer than 10 lawyers); 37 per cent went to large firms; 17 per cent joined state, local and fed- eral government (including judi- cial clerkships); 1 per cent went to corporate legal departments; 8 per cent decided to teach or go on for further study; 3 per cent went into military service with commis- sions; and 10 per cent went into occupations other than law prac- tice. Of the 282 graduates in 1966 who registered with the placement office, 60 per cent reported em- ployment resulting from contact through the office, said Miss Bliss. Use Daily Classifiled Ads Sterling Silver Monogrammed Jewelry-Modern Hand-made Gifts '-I Available by special order from our Jewelry Department In addition to the large num- states of Ohio, Indiana and Wis- bers of potential employers com- cousin. Approximately 90 per ing to campus, 138 notices of op- cent of the graduates reporting portunities for seniors and 47 for1 second year students have been placement accepted positions in posted by the placement office as cities of more than 50,000 popula- a service to students for firms not tion. )acotion J gl 1oulujue, 312 S. State Street MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:00-5:30 WASHINGTON (MP)-Leaders are laying out schedules of the new Congress on the assumption that President Johnson will not now ask for a tax increase, it was learned yesterday. Johnsonrcould surprise them by calling for a bigger tax bite to hold down the Vietnam-swollen deficit. In such a case, priorities would be reshuffled quickly. If such a call is made, presu- mably it would come in Johnson's State-of-the-Union message ex- pected about Jan. 17. Congress convenes Jan. 10. But, adding the general econo- mic indications to the lack of in- formal nudges from the White House to gear up for quick action on such leglislation, leaders are as- suming the tax-increase proposal is on the shelf. It would have to be given urgent treatment to have any hope of affecting the fiscal balance for the government's present book- keeping year, which ends June 30. Even to become effective for the beginning of the next fiscal -year, tax-increase legislation would have to have priority over prac- tically all other major legislation. Instead, the tentative schedule for handling fiscal bills runs like this: First, and urgently, an increase in the $330-billion limit, on the national debt. The aim is to have a bill lifting the ceiling, probably by something less than $8 billion, 'aduation orld Law made against a background of "policy papers, intelligence reports, and invoked precedents," he con- tinued. "It is a curiosity of current usage that intelligence' is now commonly associated with some- thing secret, C.I.A., and indeed one is sometimes hard put to find in government the operation of in- telligence in its normal meaning." Acceptance of Foreign Policy on Johnson's desk before mid- February. The Treasury already has had some uncomfortably close days when receipts were down and ex- penditures up. A time of real stringency lies ahead before April income tax collections roll in. The $330-billion limit set last year was based on an estimated deficit of $1.8 billion. Some ad- ministration sources now are talk- ing of a possible $10-billion deficit, although that figure is somewhat suspect on Capitol Hill. Some legislators say the executive branch lens toward gloom in its fiscal forecasts so as to look better later. After dealing with the debt situ- ation, the House Ways and Means Committee, where all tax legisla- tion originates, intends to take up next Johnson's proposal for a sweeping increase in Social Secur- ity benefits. I M Po wI Va Hu ANNUAL SHOE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS EN'S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES rtage Vitality inthrop Johansen rsit Cangem ush Puppies F90 to $1690 $690 to $1090 Values to $25.00 Values to $18,00 I I Clearance Sale unusually tiny prices!! Men's Sample Shoe 70-7 1/C-8C ALL SNO-BOOTS REDUCED Great Reductions CAMPUS MAST'S SHOP 619 E. Liberty NO 2-0266 I I I 4 . a. I r E THREE REASONS WHY YOU'LL LIKE OUR Bachelor Bundle 1. Everything comes back to you clean and fresh and just raring to be shown off. 2. Our sympathetic seamstresses, mindful that a needle is a lethal weapon in the hands of a mere male, replace all missing buttons and make minor repairs . , . on the house. I 3. You'll like our prices. is a best buy. You'll agree our Bachelor Bundle Just ask for Kyer's "BACHELOR BUNDLE." We'll do the rest. *The cuties in the picture, we'll have to confess, were put in to catch your eye. But girls do like men who are nicely groomed ! to0h I I I