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January 15, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-15

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See editorial page


1Mw igau

:43 L I t t4y

Gusty winds;
snow flurries likely

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


'U' Planning
School For

- -


Slum Pupils
Upward Bound Funds
Sought To Finance
Student-Run Project
E~dtorial Director
The University campus may see
a student-run school for Detroit
slum children this summer. Ac-
cording to Robert Golden ('67)
a program is being formulated
whereby sophomores and juniorsI
from, low-quality schools can "ex-
plore new areas of knowledge-
philosophy, psychology, etc .-the
things they can't get in their high
schools. Instructors will be under-
graduates. Programs wil 'be de-
signed by students with faculty'
aid." {
A project of this nature is
being worked on by the University
Steering Committee on the De-l
velopment of Academic Opportun-
ities in connection with the
Health, Education and Welfare
Departmnet's project U p w a r d
Bound. According to Engineering
Prof. Norman Scott, chairman of
the committee, the group has been
working with the HEW to secure
funds to establish such a school in
Ann Arbor. Upward Bound is
aimed at financing and planning
such schools throughout the coun-

ji k Lti igan ai iI

One of the main purposes of
the progam is to promote the
propensity and the ability of stu-
dents from slum high schools for
going on to college.
Student Instruction
"We are very pleased at the
student interest in the project,"
Scott said. "Student work and in-
struction in this program will
make it unique and will contri-
bute greatly to its success."
Scott said the students are now
working through a subcommittee
headed by Prof. Donald Brown of
the psychology department. "We
don't want a plantation ethic in
this thing," Golden said. "The
program will involve a mutual rec-
ognition process and we want it
to be of benefit to both the stu-
dents who are doing the teaching
and the kids." He said there would
be an open meeting Wednesday
night for those students wishing
to work on the project.
Project Upward Bound works 1
through the Office ofuEconomic
Opportunity and has thus far
been responsible for the establish-'
ment of a number of such schools
throughout the counrty. A similar
project is being worked on at
Eastern Michigan University in
Academic Opportunities
The University steering 'commit-
tee on the Development of Aca-
demic Opportunities was created
last January to coordinate the
University's efforts in attratcing
Negro students and faculty.
It is composed of 17 members
' who are drawn from all sectors of
the campus-from the law school
to the department of pediatrics.
literary wild ma
. ...... .... .Gn::G.. ". :J:ttl:k0::IA:::
"The ultimate form of rebel-b
lion," said Leslie Aaron Fied-n
ler in his first lecture as Uni-
versity writer-in-residence, "is9
just standing there doing noth-
Judging from his full sched-
ule here, which Fiedler joking-
ly calls "an obstacle course,"
nobody is going to allow him to
"Probably nobody in the his-
tory of the world has done any-
thing like this," says Fiedler.
I'm not really visiting here or
even living here. It's more of a
peripheral relationship."
Even if he is in a peripheral
relationship with the Universi-
ty, it seems like a dirty trick to
provide him with a "suit~e" of
rooms at the end of a long,
dark corridor in Ann Arbor's
version of the Ritz, the Michi-
gan Union.
"The place presses," says
Fiedler with a long-suffering
look at the glorious decor of his
room. It's almost as if someone
got wind of his reputation as
"the wild man of literary cri-
ticism" and decided to subdue
him. rIsi
" r epntPd the offer orgin-

By The Associated Press
BERKELEY, CALIF.-The University of California has halt-
ed all admissions for the fall semester pending clarification of
drastic budget cuts asked by Gov. Ronald Reagan.
Clark Kerr, the school's president, has notified all nine
campuses to place a temporary freeze on university admisisons
in both undergraduate and graduate schools until a meeting is
held on the budget cut next Wednesday.
Reagan has stressed that his move to cut the budget of
every state agency by 10 per cent includes the University of
California and all 18 state colleges. The state college system has
also called a halt to admissions.
Student protest of the plan is expected before the meeting.
PHILADELPHIA - About 5,000 Philadelphia Transporta-
tidn Company workers went on strike this morning, halting bus,
trolley and subway elevated train service to about a million
daily riders.
The walkout At 11 minutes past midnight came after nego-
tiators for the giant transit firm in the nation's fourth largest
city and Local 234 of the Transport Workers' Union, AFL-CIO,
failed to reach agreement on a new contract.
An economist for the city of Philadelphia estimated. that the
daily economic loss will be $5.2 million.
A STEERING COMMITTEE on student participation met
yesterday to hear the results of discussion led by teams of stu-
dent speakers who visited glormitories during the past week polling
specific student grievances and promoting resident participa-
tion in action on local issues.
The meeting's participants formed three committees, to
investigate problems of local housing, local prices, and the draft.
The housing committee will send out speakers to each
dormitory unit this week to attempt to stimulate organization
in housing units on particular issues. Such problems as dorm
regulations, open-open policies, and problems of Bates housing
will be main points of consideration.
Another group will research the justification behind recent
markups in prices at the MUG and local \bookstores. The com-
mittee on the draft will not begin investigations immediately.
The results of the committee reports will be presented at
a meeting to be held next Saturday at 2 p.m. in the SAB. All
interested students, with special emphasis2on dormitory residents,
have been invited to attend the meeting.
* * * *
RONALD S. TIKOFSKY, associate professor of psychology
and speech has been named chairman of the University's new
doctoral degree program in psycholinguistics.
The progam is the first of its kind in the nation. The study
of psycholinguistics involves the prediction and control of
language behavior, including the learning of a language and
speech deterioration after brain damage.
EAST LANSING-The head of Michigan's "More Education,
More Opportunity" project says the state needs a central clear-
ing-house to help each student find the college which can do
most for him. David Schultz, director of Project MEMO, said a
MEMO survey this fall showed 73 of every 100 Michigan high
school seniors want additional education after high school.
MEMO, cosponsored by Michigan State University and Michigan's
25 community colleges, provides no financial aid itself.
"There is a place in some kind of program in some school
or college for every Michigan high, school graduate who really
wants to learn more and there is some kind of aid available to
every boy and girl who has proven financial need," said Schultz.
A clearing-house he said, would benefit the entire state by
making an opportunity available to every boy and girl for the
maximum amount of education he could, absorb."
Meanwhile, he said, MEMO is trying to bring students and
colleges together on the basis of information from the survey.

-Daily-Grant Holcomb
Michigan forward Dean Lucier (6) has a shot blocked by the sprawling Don Fraser (30) while goalie Pete Roussopolous stands ready
just in case and Wolverine Captain Mike Marttila waits for a rebound to tip in. Lucier scored two unassisted goals including the
winner in a tense third period last night as the Wolverines fashioned a tough 5-4 victory over a tenacious Minnesota team that
had improved greatly in 24 hours. See page 6 for details.
MSU Faculty Committee Approves
Liberalzng Student Regulations

Under Study
Committee Will Study
Proposals To Improve
Guidance Functions
A system by which literary col-
lege freshmen and sophomores
would sign their own schedule
cards was among proposals for
reform of the counseling system
made yesterday at a conference
sponsored by the Academic Affairs
Committee of UAC.
Ofher suggestions discussed in-
cluded mass counseling sessions to
acquaint students with specific
departments and concentrations,
assigning faculty members to act
as consultants on a non-compul-
sory basis, and scheduling by
The conference, attended by ad-
ministrators, counselors, faculty
members and students, recognized
basic inadequacies in the present
registration and pre-classification
Lack of Communication
A lack of commuication be-
the student body was criticized,
ee th coneig fie and
along with the tremendous amount
of paper work with which aca-
demic counselors must be con-
It was pointed out that many
students do not look to counselors
for guidance, but rather consider
them the men who sign the sched-
ule cards.
Counselors complained that stu-
dents are often unaware of what
distribution requirements have to
be fulfilled and what courses they
may elect. They have very little
time for actual advising after they
have finished answering these
Students, on the other hand,
called for an extension of the 20
Iminute time limit placed on con-
ferences, and argued against com-
pulsory counseling to free the
counselors for more serious prob-
Scheduling Inequalities
Students level criticism at the
inefficient system of standing in
line to make an appointment with
a counselor. It was argued that
"first-come-first-served" is an in-
equitable basis for scheduling stu-
dents into various courses.
It was agreed that the pre-reg-.
istration period comes too early in
the semester, before students have
had a reasonable taste of their
present c 1 a s s e s. Consequently,
many students are unsure of the
classes they should take during
the next term and many choices
must be altered in the course of
the semester,
Preparation of a class descrip-
tion booklet which would illustrate
courses in detail was suggested as
a means of making students more
aware of the content of prospec-
tive elections.
Departmental Counseling
It was also proposed that stu-
dents be instructed to take ad-
vantage of faculty counseling
which is done on a department
level. It was, noted that faculty
members are often more aware
than an academic counselor of the
courses offered by his department
and often can better advise a stu-
dent as to which courses would
be most most feasible.
An advisory committee, estab-
lished by James Shaw, assistant
of the dean of the literary college
to investigate the proposals made
at the meeting has requested
further suggestions from students.
Shaw said that changes in the
present counseling system will be

dependent upon the amount of
student interest expressed in such

The controversial academic free-
dom report prepared by the Fac-
ulty Committee on Student Affairs'
at Michigan State University ap-'
pears headed for final approval
by the Academic Senate and fin-
ally MSU's Trustees.
With President John Hannah's
expression of approval over the

posals for student academic free-
dom-is vague.
Chairman of the Associated
Students of MSU, Jim Graham,
requested approval of the docu-
ment at the meeting of the Aca-
demic Council that finally ap-
proved the report. But he express-
ed misgivingstover revisions made
in the report at the request of

They say that most of the pro-
visions within the report, with
significant exceptions, could be
completely ignored, thereby ren-
dering the report almost meaing-

gator" who tries to settle griev-
ances and cut bureaucratic red
tape for the general populace.


less. The ombudsman to be estab-
New Pociesished at MSU will be a member
rew Ptlices n of the senior faculty and have
The report establishes new poli- access to all university officials

cies in several areas. It finally es-

from the president down.


section of the report that refer- the Academic Council when it was tablishes a policy of editorial free- Proponents of the report cite
red to censorship policies over the first considered in September. dom for the State News, substi- the establishment of a Student-
Michigan State campus newspaper, Revision Weak tuting for the present Board of Faculty Judiciary as one of the
most important provisions of the
the State News, and the Academic Graham commented, "ASMSU Student Publications an advisory report. Through this judiciary,
Council's passage last Tuesday of found the first revision fairly ac- board with no control over the students may appeal convictions
the document, the last obstacles ceptable, but the present revision content or policies of the paper, from lower judicial bodies.
appear to be removed from im- really milked the academic sec- The report leaves final discretion Composed of members of both
plementation of the new policy. tion of what we wanted." in editorial matters to the editor- the student body and the faculty,
Academic Freedom Even the most severe critics 'in-chief and relegates the new this body could potentially reverse
However; critics of the final re- concede that the report could pave board to a merely consulting decisions of President Hannah
vised version maintain that the the way for further liberalizations function. himself, the report's proponents
report actually creates as many and easing of current regulations. The report also recommends a say,
problems as it solves. They -charge But they add that it is not the campus ombudsman, a term bo'r-S
that the section of the report they definitive document that they rowed from the Scandanavians to A Step Forward
consider most vital-specific pro- wanted. signify a type of "people's investi- Members of the committee, in
--_.-_--- .---- answer to the charge that the re-
port had been watered down from
its original version, say that the
Norma See Sub ued rowreport was only clarified, not dl-
NSdwluted. One consultant indicated
that the report was worded so as
to allow interpretation by the Stu-
Of U'Research Expenditures dent-Faculty Judiciary.
Prof. Vera Borosage, a member'
of the committee, saw the report
By WALLACE IMMEN interdisciplinary programs, as fa- search activities," Norman noted, as "a real step forward." She
"University research programs I cilities in related studies are often "and their participation provides said, "Students will now have
will retain their excellence in the scattered among many different not only valuable experience, but many channels to communicate
future," according to A. Geoffrey departments and buildings. often determines their choice of with the faculty and administra-
Norman, vice president in charge "Most departments have limited professional career." tion where they haven't in the
of research, "because of the spe- amounts of space and are not will- "Research will remain an inte- past."
cial knack which our administra- ing to relinquish much of it to The original recommendations
tion has to put things together new, combined programs," he re- gral part of our educational pro- came outina report issued on
and make use of all our resources lated. "If we had the space to cess," he explained. "A teacher- June 8. The 13-man committee
to adjust to changing situations. bring together new disciplinary scholar active in research in his that drew up the report was head-
Norman predicted a leveling off aggregations, we would increase own field brings new knowledge ed by Prof. Frederick Williams of:
this year of the steady increase in our efficiency aild project ca- and new interpretations of knowl- MSU's history department. The
research grants which has seen pacity greatly." edge promptly to those he teach- report took six months to com-
University research expenditures War May Cut Funds es." plete.




. . ..... ...

dence program is that it keeps
him in constant contact with
tudents. "Maybe the only thing.
ny generation can do is to en-
rage in a dialogue with the new
,eneration," he says.
Perhaps this explains why
Fiedler has maintained a close
'elationship with the university


to this hypothetical 'someone.'
If you keep to teaching you
deal with real flesh-and-blood
"Another lovely thing about
the university is the freedom.
You don't have to be a Pav-
lovian dog punching a time
clock. The professor has to be
a model of freedom."
It would seem that Fiedler
has been a model both to stu-
dents and to his own family
of six children. 'His eldest son
is now living in the Fiji Is-
lands. Another son lived on a
kibbutz. His youngest son was
lead singer in a rock-and-roll
"The true scholar in my fain-
ily is probably my daughter
who's a freshman at New York
University," he says.
Not everything during Fied-
ler's stay here has been perfect.
"I was whisked out to North
Campus the other day. but I
really don't have a very clear
picture of this campus. It's kind
of cluttered, isn't it?"
Another less-than-perfect ex-
perience was the forum held
last week with Ed Robinson.
Mike Zweig and Professor Ton-
-n "iin-nr alla if " " i -e1

double in the last six years, to Norman admitted there is a ' -
reach $52 million last year. This chance that increased federal ex-
ranked the University a close see- penditures for the war in Viet-
ond behind Massachusetts Insti- nam may reduce the funds avail-
tute of Technology in federal re- able for new research proposals.!
search support. "But I don't think this is a oari S
He said the research expendi- major threat," he said. "The fed-
ture rate this year will probably eral budget' for research and de-
not show as substantial an in- velopment could be held at the By LAURENCE MEDOW
crease as the 8.8 inciease of last present figure or even cut with-
year. "But this certainly does not out necessarily reducing support Internal politics are creating
mean we have reached the limits for the basic science and engin- dissensions among members of the
of our research capability," he eering activities which are carried State Board of Education as they
emphasized. out in the universities." face elections of board officers at
Strong Faculty He claimed that only about one- their regular meeting Jan. 24-25.
"Our high position among un-
versities doing research, howeveri ninth of the total federal expend- The controvery focuses on a
,smaintained sr ho ' itures for research supports re- suggested by-law revision which
our faculty," he noted. "They are search programs in educational would permit Thomas Brennan to
productive scholars and are able institutions. The remaining share succeed himself as president of
to secure financial support for is expended by industry, the board. The board's by-laws
th eiur research from funding Not Major Setback presently do not allow any officers
agencies. But the University does depend to succeed themselves.
"But to attract and hold this on federal expenditures for 78 The paradox is, however, while
snrt of faculty. more than salary 1 per cent of its total research the five votes needed to change

rife Clouds Election

In his campaign, Augenstein
charged that the Democrats on
the board were evenly split into
two blocks and that the division
has hampered their effectiveness
in many instances in the past.
He cited deadlocks on the elec-
tion of officers when the board
took office two years ago, the se-
lection of Ira Polley as superin-
tendent of public instruction, and
yesterday he added the 4-4 tie
vote taken on the proposals for
medical expansion at the last
board meeting of 1966, before he
took office.

votes for election rather than a
majority of those voting.
In response to Augenstein's
charge of a split in the board,
Brennan said that if such a split
exists, it comes out mostly around
election time and does not inter-
fere with normal operations of the
board. "Argeement on officer elec-
tions would not automatically
heal splits," he added.
Augenstein said that the split is
now delaying action on the Michi-
gan State University proposal to
expand its present two-year pre-
clinical curriculum to a full four-

e his own undergraduate
.. 'n iF .nrr V ..b T sic *


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