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January 14, 1967 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-14

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Be rlee Politics

The Daily Offilcal Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for, Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 76i4-8429.
.Day Calendar
Midwestern Music Conference - Hill
Aud., 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Rack-
ham Bldg., 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Student Activities Center - Henry
Mancini concert: Hill Aud., 7 and 9:30
Cinema II - "Charade" with Cary
Grant: Aud. A, Angell Hall, 7 and 9
General Notices
The Exhibit Museum-Rotunda: Some
Michigan Fungi-Life-size Models Cast
from Actual Specimens. Planetarium:
"The Sun and Its Family." Planetar-
ium open to the public Saturdays and
Sundays at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. Museum
exhibit hours daily 9 a.m. to. 5 p.m.
Sundays 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Kelsey Museum - Collections from
Egypt, Greece and Rome; Islamic Art
and Coptic Textiles.
Burton Tower-Observation Deck of
Bellchamber open Wednesdays 4 to. 5
p.m., Saturdays 12m. to 1 p.m.
Martha Cook Building: Is receiving
applications for fall, 1967. Present
freshman and sophomore women may
apply. Call 662-3225 for an appointment.
TV Center Programs: On Sun., Jan. 15,
the following program produced by the
TV Center will have its initial tele-
cast on Detroit stations:
8:30 a.m., WXYZ-TV, Channel 7 -
"Understanding Our World: Who Will
Watch the Watchers?: The Innocent
Abused." A panel of experts discusses
the special problem of protecting in-
7:00 and 9:05 pxit. - Cinema
Guild Will present Jean-Luc Go-
dard's "Bande a Part" in the
Arch. Aud.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema II
Will present "Charade' in Aud. A.
7:00 and 9:30 p.m.-Henry Man-
cini Will perform in Hill Aud.
2:30 p.m.-The University Ac-
tivities Center and the Program
in American Culture will co-spon-
sor a jazz concert featuring Jack
Brokenshaw, Charles Moore and
Joseph Jarman in Rackham Aud.

nocent American citizens against the
misuse of police authority.
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures:
Erik Sjoqvist, professor of classical
archaeology, Princeton University, will
speak on "The Greek Colonization of
Sicily: History and Archaeology," at 4:15
p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, in Aud. B, Angell
Senate Assembly Meeting: Aud. A, An-
gell Hall, Mon., Jan. 16, 3:30 p.m.
Air Force-Needs college women, Sp.
Syst., Math, Communic., Admin., Stat.
$erv. and Trans. openings. Excellent
travel & social, educational opportuni-
Upland Institute of Crozer Founda-
tion, Chester, Pa.-One yr. grad study
preparing for full-time or volunteer
work with social change agencies, some
scholarships available.
Students Who Took Foreign Service
Officer Written Test in Dec.-You will
be notified as to whether you passed
this exam on Jan. 20. If you pass, you
may be eligible for appointment as a
1967 summer intern in the State Dept.
If interested please contact Prof. I. L.
Claude, Poli. Si. Dept., 764-6394, imme-
diately after Jan. 20.
Armstrong Products Co., Inc., War-
saw, Ind.-Asst. Tech. Dir., potential
Chief Chemist, BS Ch., some polymer,
strong math. Sales Mgmt. Trainee, trng.,
option of remaining in Warsaw, or Dis-
trict Sales Mgmt. territory.
A. J. Segal & Soils, Inkster, Mich.-
Estimator-expeditor-designer, engineer-
ing-business bckd.
Detroit Public Schools-Assoc, Land-
scape Arch.,min. 35 yrs. old, BA in
Lds. Arch, or engrg. 5 plus years ex-
per. Sr. Assoc. Archit. Engr., 5 yrs. in
Arch. School, 3 yrs, exper. in planning
projects, some school des., regist. to
practice desirable.
Management Consultants, Chicago -
Home Service Director for home appl.
manuf. Journ., Speech or Engl, major,
plus 3 yrs. exper.
* * *
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau ofE
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Summer Joins with the Post Office-
Applications at Summer Placement
Service, due by Feb. 9, for test on Feb.
Appel Farm, N.J.-Co-ed. Interview
Sat., Jan. 14, 9-12. Seek counselors &
RCA Labs., Res. Ctr., Princeton, N.J.
-Graduate students for Technical Em-
ploye Prog. summer in Math, Phys.,
Chem., Metall., EE, Acout. & Ceramics.
Camp Arbutus, Mich.-Girls camp will
interview here Jan. 16 for counselors,
10 to 12 and 1to 5.
Camp Chi, Wis.-Coed camp will inter-
view for counseliors M or F., Mon., Jan.
16, 1-5 p.m. and Tues., Jan. 17, from
9-12 a.m. & 1-5 p.m.
Quality Queen Laundry, Detroit -
Good pay, pickup & delivery, May 1-
mid Aug. Openings on June 28 also.
Retail Credit Co.-National firm can
use men in 300 branch offices through-
out the U.S. Must be 21, having typing
ability and automobile for local travel.
Contact N. R. Bates, 662-2517, Ann Ar-
Harris Trust of Chicago-Interviewing
Thurs., Jan. 19, Jr. & Sr. for banking.
Camp Tanuga, Mich.-Coed. Counse-
lors & spec. In riding, arts & crafts,
* * *
For further information stop in at
212 SAB, Lower Level, Summer Place-
ment Service. Hours 8:30-12 and 1 :30-

BERKELEY -- Scheer Lives!"
That's the message on the door
of an otherwise unimposing store-
front here. It's Scheer Headquar-
ters, which was the nerve center
of the recent radical effort to'
grab the Berkeley-Oakland Dem-

- elected city wide= two. years ago
- is composed entirely of mem-
bers from the richer section of
the city - "the hill."
The poorer section of the city,
known as "the flatlands," has
none of its residents on the coun-
CNP wants to enlarge the coun-

CENTER OF CONTROVERSY-Some sessions of the SDS National C
keley campus. This is the Sather Gate, southern entrance to the ca
Hall, where 1400 protestors sat in two years ago, the Student Union
for two days this fall, and Sproul Hall Plaza, where University regu
sparked student rebellion.
SDS. Says No to t


BERKELEY - Debate on the1
draft and proposals for politicalI
action dominated the . National
Conference of Students for a
Democratic Society here Dec. 27-
A two day meeting of the Na-
tional Council - composed of de-!
legates from SDS chapters around
the country-was followed by two
days of smaller workshops, which
covered subjects including elec-
toral politics, student power, edu-
cational changes, white radicalsj
and black, student syndicalism,
the hippy revolt, and the high
schools and junior colleges,
The schedule for the National
Council had originally called for
first taking up procedural and
organizational issues, such as the
set up of the national office, and
later ideological issues, such as
the draft. But a determined group
of delegates, including Eric Ches-
ter from Voice, the local SOS2
chapter, campaigned for and won
a reversal of the agenda. Ideologi-
cal issues came first.
Itturned out that the draft
proposals took so long that proce-
dural and organizational issues
were entirely crowded off the
By a vote of 53 to 10, the Na-1
tional Council passed probably
the most militant anti-draft pro-
gram any major student group
has yet approved.
The draft resolution commits
SDS to the "organization of unions
of draft resisters, united by the
common basic principle that un-
der no circumstances will they al-

The Resoluti

Following are portions of
the anti-draft resolution adopt-
ed by the SDS National Coun-
cil in Berkeley Dec. 28.
1) SDS reaffirms its opposi-
tion to the U.S. government's
immoral, illegal, and genocidal
war against the Vietnamese
people in their struggle for self-
2) SDS reaffirms its opposi-
tion to conscription in any
form . . .
3) SDS recognizes that the
draft is intimately connected
with the requirements .of the
economic system and the for-
eign policy of the U.S.
4) SDS opposes and will or-
ganize against any attempt to
legitimize the Selective Service
System by reforms. The pro-
posals for a lottery or for com-
pulsory national service would
not change the essential pur-
pose of the draft-to abduct
young men to fight in aggres-
sive wars.
5) SDS believes that a sense
or urgency must be developed
that will-move people to leave
the campus and organize a
movement of resistance to the
draft and the war, with its base
in poor, working class, and
middle lass communities.
6) SDS therefore encourages
all young men to resist the
draft. Sinse individual protest
cannot develop the movement


ocratic Congressional nomination ci to more than the present four
from the local party apparatus. membersand hold elections in
Though that campaign is long separate districts instead of city-
over, the headquarters seems about wide.
as busy as ever. It's now the cen- So, minority elements can get
ter of the Committee for New Pol- representatives on council.
itics, (CNP) a continuation of the Salary increases for council
Scheer organization, which is co- members, so people of modest
ordinating many radical cam- can more easily serve, and a Viet
paigns and projects in the Ber- Nam referendum like the one re-
keley-San Francisco Bay area. cently held in Dearborn are other
The stacks of literature on CNP projects.
tables and shelves tell part of CNP is on the side of students
CNP's story. "Tell It Like It Is, in the conflicts which constantly
and Do What Needs to be Done" flare with the city administration.
is the motto of "The Flatlands," According to the elections dec-
h ,a community paper for the low- laration, "We cannot depend on
income, partly Negro area of Ber- the men who have to run Berkeley
keley. There CNP is helping to to defend the student community.
organize electoral politics and pro- We must depend on ourselves."
test actions over rents and living Last year the city was pushing
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi conditions. a plan for urban renewal of the
onvention were held on the Ber- An impressive collection of Telegraph Street District south of
impus. Just beyond are Sproul strike leaflets testifies to the fran- campus, which is a chief hangout
, which demonstrators occupied tic week last fall when CNP served for student radicals, hippies and
lations on political activity have as "Strike Central" for the As- assorted other denizens. Protests
sociated §tudents of the University before the council with CNP help
of California. It may resume that plans.
role, depending on developments Students and others in the area
in the next few weeks. have also complained of "police
"The Communique for New Pol- harrassment." For a while, ac-
itics and Left-Ou News" is the cording to Austen, "Police patrols
eight-page bi-weekly through were intensified, people were con-
!which CNP publicizes itself and Istantly stopped for jaywalking,
reaches its members. On its front cars with Scheer stickers were
: xtpage is a picture of Bertrand Rus- stopped . . "The city and the po-
on. Excerp s sell at a recent International War lice department pointed to a ris-
needed to end the draft and Crimes Tribunal press conference(Ing crime rate as justification for
the war, SDS adopts the fol- -and the blaring headline, ELEC-
lowing program: .TIONS DECLARATION, announ-
-SDS members will organize cing CNP's tentative program for Aa
unions of draft resisters. The the upcoming Berkeley city elec-
members of these unions will be tions.
united by the common principle The April 15th elections are If the present City Council
utytha ne nom c nane fast becoming the top priority faces us, they are not talking ab
will they allow themselves to here, say staffers. Already CNP the fact that more than 25 pe
be drafted. The local unions members are busy mulling over Negroes are unemployed, or ab
will reach out to all young men candidates. The declaration will families currently living below
of draft age' by organizing in be finalized later on in January n(income).
thehig scool, uivesites~ a mass meeting. icm)
the high schools, universities, e Nasserts that two The closest they come toa
and communities. Cour'ses of TeCPasrsta w
groups - low income residents the people is to get rid of thei
action will include a) direct and students are ill-represented in will not allow the problem of p
action during pre-induction the city government. It says that out the poor, nor the problems
physical and at the time of in- the present City Council, in its to be "solved" by pushing the
duction, (b) anti-draft and an- city planning, urban renewal pro- from student non-conformity t
ti-war education among poten- jgrams to draw middle class resi- the student community.
tial inductees and their fam- dentshe tryungnt "poshmunity,
iles () emntrtinsce- dents is trying to push out poor1 We consider every in~ivid
ilies, (c) demonstrations cen-~pople and many members of min-', osdrevr nii
tering on draft boards and re- oity groups ' this city to be our most preci
cruiting stations, (d) encour- a .t hold feared.
aging young men already in the Berkeley is being made saf
military to oppose the war, and d eaiiauin n ubt of becoming merely a city of ta
and rehabilitation business, both o eoigmrl iyo a
(e) circulating petitions stating for low income and for revenue ing the tax base and servicing
that the signer will refuge to producing housing. Bold planning the people who run this city in
serve in Vietnam or submit to and the use of existing federal commercial, conservative and p
conscription in any form. Na- assistance programs would make We reject that road.
tional SDS wil coordinate the it possible to create an abundance Berkeley can be a diverse a
local 'union on a regional and of housing and, coupled with rent city. This it not an idle dream
national level ..ct.Ti tnta dedemo
-Nationael SD. wil ascontrol, could effect a reduction in Berkeley and what the pr
-National SDS will assist all in the high cost of housing." not come even close to what is
efforts to organize, within the I The declaration goes on: "Space ledgeendstohavile
armed forces, resistance to U.S. should be utilized for com- ledge and resources available.
foreign policy. Toward this end munity centers, child care facil- Most of that knowledge i
we will publish a periodical ities, low cost cafeterias. for the most part, the conne
newspaper and other literature "Berkeley needs a city hospital. the University and the needso
directed to those already in the There should be improved ambul- drawn or exploited.
armed forces . . . ance service. The city should pro- There are unemployed pe
vide. public insurance. Working We should be concerned with
larger society if it is to achieve its mothers should be guaranteed used hands and minds. The i
radical aims: "Our constituency cost this community should be put
isn't in Europe, or Asia, or the "The city should aid consumers izing it-(froriA the CNP Decla
East-its here" said one partici- by publishing comparisons of
pant. prices on goods sold in different the patrols and have denied the
The recent Berkeley-Oakhand stores." CNP also calls for ex- charges of harrassment.
campaign, in which Robert Scheer panded public recreation facilit- Cm
came very close to winning the ies, water-front development, and CNP has also set p a commit-h
Democratic Congressional nom- city-sponsored cultural activities. tee to study reconversion of the
ination from the local party in- To finance all these projects, Bay Area economy to a peacetime
cumbent, was a frequent topic of CNP says, the city should be more area if defense spending drops,
discussion. bold and imaginative than in the ara indeeneosendin ops

said. "Part of tils is our fault. We
feel we haven't really learned to
talk to them."
One of CNP's main problems
now is financial - to pay off the
sizable debt run up by the Scheer
campaign. The campaign cost
$12,000, easily twice as much
as Scheer's opponent, Jeffery
The debt has been trimmed to
just under $8,000: staffers say
paying it off is" a prerequisite to
future effective functioning of the
CNP." Once its paid off, "at least
we'll be able to concentrate on
doing something again, not just
fund raising."
Staff members differ somewhat
on CNP chances in the upcoming
election but all agree that it will
be an uphill fight. CNP will run
at least three candidates for open
council seats, and according to
Haley has a fair chance of elect-
ing one or more members to the
council, which now has a Demo-
cratic majority.
"The Democratic organization
is' weaker now than it was two
years ago," partly as a result of
the Scheer campaign, he says.
In the Democratic primary Scheer
lost the Berkeley-Oakland area
by a 52-48 percentage, but he got
57 per cent of the Berkeley vote."
Austen stressed that "much de-
pends on how hard people work
organizing the campaign and reg-
istering student voters. Thousands
have been dropped from the regis-
tration rolls recently, she said.
"In the Reagan-Brown campaign
there was a boycott the polls
major election you can lose your
CNP members know it will not
1 Critique
really understands the crisis that
out it. They are not talking about
r cent of Berkeley's young male
ut the more than 6000 Berkeley
the poverty level ($4000 annual
a "solution" of the problems of
people who suffer most, But we
overty to be "solved" by pushing
arising from racial differences
Negro, nor the problems arising
o be "solved" by destruction of
ual and every diverse group in
ous resources, to be valued, not
e for mediocrity. It is in danger
,xpayers and consumers - build-
business. It is to be remade by
their own image; homogenous,
redominantly white.
and exciting city, a truly human
or utopian nonsense. What exists
esent planners are planning do
possible with the technical know-
s stored in the University. Yet
ction between the resources of
of the community has not been
ople in Berkeley - a lot of them.
creatively employing these un-
latent and human resources of
to work rebuilding and revital-
be easy trying to wrest control of
the city from the Democrats, who
have governed it for years and
in the past have had a strong or-
The Bay Area is by far the
center of radical activity on the
West Coast, but CNP is building




Dept. of Comparative Literature
by Eugene ONeill
Le Roi Jone s
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
WED.-SAT., JAN.b18-21
$2.00,$1.50, $1.00
Box office opens 10 a.m.
Monday before performance



low themselves to be drafted." dious and tangled up in parlia-
In addition, SDS will seek to mentary procedure, debates and
organize "resistance to U.S. for- roadblocks. At the start there were
eign policy" in the armed forces, over a dozen separate draft pro-
Debating in favor of this section, posals to be debated and acted on.
one delegate said "General Her-# Many delegates fell by the way-
shey was on a TV interview once. side during the day-long meetings
He was cool and calm when he to see the sights in the Bay Area
talked anout student protest. or confer elsewhere.
Thin somebody mentioned organ- The distribution of delegates at
izing protest in the armed forces. the conference was heavily weight-
He wentfpale."n ed in favor of the West Coast.
Delegates at the conferenc While each SDS chapter was sup-
lspent much time on probems of posed to send delegates in pro-
'One of.SDS's major worries was portion to its membership, there
often touched upon-it needs more was a thin distribution of dele-
fulltime workers. The undepend- gates from east of the rockies.
ability of part-time student help Voice proved an exception toj
was repeatedly mentioned. this, however. It sent its maximum
As of now SDS has several full allowable contingent of six dele-{
time workers such as vice-pres- gates.

. *(, 4.X ry .: ".., ': t t7 ,j,;


Prof. Fiedler
Prof. Felheim
Prof. Powers
Prof. Stew

N 4
I ON .
Idridge :

Questions raised included:
-How far right should a cam-}
paign like Scheer's go? The Berke-
ley Viet Nam Day Committee,
which was at first was a driving
force in the campaign, was near
the end called "extremist" by
Scheer people. The bitterness
caused by this has far from sub-
-Should a radical campaign try
to grab the Democratic nomina-
tion, like Scheer did, or run a

past: "The city should not be
afraid to proceed on some of the
preceding activities on adrevenue-
producing basis, financed by rev-
enue bonds."
In addition, the declaration as-
serts the city should take advan-
tage of a provision in the city
charter and take over the pres-
ent private power facilities in
Berkeley. According to staffer
Michael Haley, "the price of pow-
er could be lowered and another
$2000 a year could go into the

ident Carl Davidson and presi-

and aepenuec ,iota
for the area's sustenance, a statewide organization. It lob-
CNP council candidates will bies in Sacramento, the state cap-
S ital and plans this spring "to
prooi rou iff""rs arond th driv of.wlfar

There were delegates from
Michigan, Minnesota, Antioch,
Oklahoma, Columbia and Harvard,
among others. California dele-
gates included many from high
schools, particularly in Oakland,
Los Angeles and Riverside.
High school students from Riv-
erside told of the organization of
a new "free high school" as an
alternative to the public school
system. Copies of a high school
newspaper, It, which students said
was banned at the high schools,
were distributed at the confer-
One high school student began
an article: "The thing I remem-
ber about my high school is the
fence around it topped with barbed
wire. That's to keep the real world
out and me in."
Another described ,the schools
as compounds "inside fences, cy-
clone or otherwise. We're con-
scripted when we're about five or
six and we stay there till we're
Two of the best attended work-
shops were on internal education
and electoral politics. National
President Nick Egelson character-
ized the trend in internal educa-
tion technioues as a shift from


proabl prpos azernua ua fousaround he drive of welfare
rates which go easier on indust- rights organizations to prevent
rines having no connection with restrictive legislation from passing
defense productrion.,the State Assesmbly and Senate."
Most of CNP's support comes Regional conferences and a
from students and professors, State Conference are planned for
others associated with the univer- the coming months. These will
sity, and low-income areas in the concentrate on state and nation-
city. While Scheer had some wide economic prospects "should
union support in his campaign, in peace break out" and will review
general CNP has little rapport "the development of a national
with unions. ;CNP, and relationships with ex-
"A longshoremen's local and an isting organizations of all kinds-
electrical workers local supported from the Democratic party
us in the Scheer drive, but the through the SDS, the California
AFL-CIO Central Labor Council;Democratic Councils, and all the
supported our opponent," Austen rest."


third party candidate? Some par-! city treasury."
shpa didatwen Smer- Another goal of CNP is to sec-
ticipants said that when Scleerlure better representation for the
bent over backward to get support city's low income groups on the
from local Democrats, he sold out I city council. According to staffer
his leftist supporters. Jan Austen, the present, council


Prof. A

dent Nick Egelson, who tour the
country coordinating activities and
circulating information, but dele-
gates stressed that SDS needs
many more such workers.
Also discussed were "cliquish"
leadership tendencies in the past.


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