L1 1 lrigan aiy Seventy-Sixth Year EDTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER . - here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN SCHNEPP To (q67> '- HAV -fl -- r MATIOM 10~ F-- IN6 FPE~i - &ApR g H - TO THE P'ROBLEM4S' OF - FlV6?TY- J Our Next Regent May Be a Democrat / IF CERTAIN INDICATIONS are correct, Gov. George Romney may soon throw partisan pressures out the window in fa- vor of a healthier University Board of Regents. The governor's announcement of a re- placement for Allan R. Sorenson, the last remaining Democrat on the board, who resigned recently, is expected in the next few weeks,, It is very possible Romney will appoint a Democrat. THE GOVERNOR'S POLICY in the past has been to balance all the state boards when possible. With the University vacancy, he has another excellent oppor- tunity to prove his sense of fair play for the opposition. Despite November's Republican land- slide, Michigan remains far from a to- tally Republican state. Furthermore, the added responsiveness a member of the minority party could add to the govern- ing board of the state's foremost Uni- versity is essential. A step beyond the need for a Demo- cratic candidate is the necessity for ex- perience. The board faces serious deci- sions in the near future, from the choice of a new University president to the struc- ture of decision-making. The recent and rapid transfer of power that has occur-, red within the board would leave it with' more inexperienced hands than is desir- able. The new regent, therefore, must have considerable experience with the state's educational structure and with the Uni- versity in particular. THESE SIGNIFICANT demands of diver- sity and experience have already been recognized. Mrs. Trudy Huebner, a Re- publican from Bloomfield Hills, has urged that Romney appoint a Democrat to the vacant seat. Even a Republican state of- ficial has outlined the positive values of such a move. Exactly who should fill the position is irrelevant. Clearly it should be someone representative of the diverse demands of the state. A Democrat would be respon- sive to the presently unrepresented views of his party. An experienced and respon- sive independent would be equally desir- able. Yet a Republican, particularly among seven others, would probably add but an- other partisan voice in an already GOP chorus. FROM ALL SIGNS, the final decision in Lapsing has not yet been made. Hope- fully, Gov. Romney will continue his ef- fort to balance and diversify the Board of Regents. -ROBERT KLIVANS VIMAM -c AOP CVU A PAMJC6 7v I 1, fa2 ). -t-1 4 4 * V Tho 1J Sy dk-* ms i Cal Commencement: Pare ntis Cum Laude By LESLIE LAFAYETTE Collegiate Press Service I THINK there should be a med- al awarded to parents of Uni- versity of California students: "Honorable Service in Battle," or "Courage under Attack." These long-suffering individuals ought to receive some sort of rec- ognition. Perhaps at graduation, after the usual ceremony, the chancellor could have all of the "graduated" parents stand and hail them with: "And by the authority vested in me by the Regents, I hereby con- fer upon you the B.S. Degree." And we all know what "BS" stands for. Pity the poor parent of a Cal student at any social gatherings. At first he proudly admits that his son or daubhter attends the BigU. ...butlookout! "BERKELEY," snorts a listener. (To all outsiders, UC is always referred to as BERKELEY!) "You let your kid go to school up there with those COMMUNISTS!" "They aren't Communists," says Noble Parent, inwardly thinking how much easier it all would have been had Junior gone to USC. "Cal is a fine academic institution. .." "Don't tell me, I know," inter- rupts the listener, whose last vis- it to the Bay Area (in 1947) con- sisted of a tour of downtown El: Cerrito. "I've seen what goes on. Nobody ever studies! All they do is picket!" (leering). "Your kid grown a beard yet?" "No, she hasn't," explains Papa wearily. "Actually she's in a soror- ity-" "A sorority! Don't give me that ! Probably a Communist front." "Listen, I-" "NO, YOU LISTEN! Anybody, that sends a kid of theirs to that Little Red Schoolhouse - get it? Little RED Schoolhouse, har, har! -is nuts! That place should be bombed! What they need is a get tough policy. Kick 'em ALL out!" And Papa exits, temporarily overwhelmed but not defeated, to get another double martini and L yap a new battle strategy. Mother is not safe, from The Enemy either - she finds herself surrounded even in such an in- nocent place as the beauty par- lor. LADY IN THE NEXT CHAIR: Hear the latest about Berkeley? We call it BERSERKLY now! BEAUTY OPERATOR: Ha, ha! Why can't they be real college kids, like UCLA? LADY: (maggnimously) Well, kids will be kids but honestly, with the taxpayer's money the least they could do is go to class. MOM: (flushed) Excuse me ... LADY: I mean, have you ever SEEN such a bunch of weirdos? Max Rafferty (controversial Re- gent of the university)-and he ought to know-says all they do up there is have LSD parties! MOM: (worried frown) . . . I don't believe that. BEAUTY OPERATOR: Well, I read it in the paper. If you can't believe what you read in the pa- per, I mean, what can you believe? MOM: The papers aren't always very objective. LADY: Well my son, who goes to San Jose State and is going to be a corporation management trainee and personnel guidance counselor says that ALL the creeps from San Jose transfer to Berke- ley. MOM: (indignant): My daugh- ter goes to Cal and she is not a creep and neither are her friends! LADY: (shocked silence, laced with pity)'. . . You'd better get her out of there quick! My friend Ber- tha said her husband's sister-in- law's cousin Ethel sent their daughter to Berkeley and in six months she was SMOKING and had a boyfriend who was a Com- munist. MOM (disturbed): . . . I'm late for an appointment. Never mind the hairdo. OF COURSE, parents of Cal stu- dents are modern day Jeckels and Hydes. They may defend you to the death, but for you their tune changes slightly, as the following incident will show. CAL STUDENT: Hi, folks! I'm home for vacation! MOM: My God, your hair is so long! And who ever heard of wearing sandals in December! C.S.: Oh, Mom ... DAD: What's going on up there with those few non-student agita- tor beatniks? C.S.: Whatya mean, "few!" Really, there are some legitimate issues, ,REALLY legitimate issues involved here. One cannot.. . DAD: Issues smishues? What do you thing you're there for, free? Were YOU involved in those dis- turbances? C.S.: (really C.S.) Of course not! Me? MOM: That's good. I don't want you to get HURT! Honestly, what a bunch of goings on.. . lunatics! I just hope you never get mixed up with-(sound of phone) Hello? Oh, hi, Grace. Yes, she just got home. What? (bristling) What do you mean, "radicals!" LUNATICS! Grace, how many times do I have to tell you that what you read In the papers isn't necessarily... . Like I say. A medal please. Or at the very least, a crash hel- met . . . (Miss Lafayette is a staff member of the Daily Californ- Ian). Commerce' (and) Labor "Washington continues to be shocked by the innovations of the new (Wil- son) administration ... here in Wash- ington they seem to undermine the foundation of society." -The New York Times March 13, 1913 T HEABOVE COMMENT appeared with the announcement in 1913 that the old Department of Commerce and Labor was to be divided in two. Fifty-four years later, the President has asked for a reversal of that decision, and once again more than a few people are shocked. At the present time, there are 53 exec- utives in the Labor Department and 71 in the Commerce Department, all slight- ly nervous about losing their jobs. Pollard FOR A REVELATION that was supposed to be "nothing new," Dr. John C. Pol- lard's recent revelations about illegal drug usage on campus has raised quite a furor. Equally surprising is the University ad- ministration's swift denial of his claims, insinuating that Pollard had "hallucinat- ed" about the extent of student use of the drugs.,; POLLARD'S RESPONSES to the press and the administration were appropri- ate. To rebut the administration denial, he said, "would be laughable." Later he added, "The officials made me look like a liar, but I understand I have put them on the spot." To the news media, who clearly over- played his remarks, he said, "I am amaz- ed at the response . . because there was nothing particularly new nor revealing in any of my statements." DR. POLLARD'S original purpose in making his remarks-to inform and create concern among physicians and re- searchers about the growing problem of drug usage and restrictions-is admirable. So is his uncompromising stand in the face of a sensationalizing press and the disappointing response of the administra- tion. -DAVID KNOKE (jyg Ai(143UU VtiU4 The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail: a ear lnbv hcarrie A 9by mail). But more important labor and man- agement both fear that such a setup might tip the present balance of influence against their respective interests. For the division of the two departments, though never exceptionally well defined, has served the interests of both power blocs. It is presently a healthy situation, as both sides know their voice will be heard in the administration. 'HAT IS NOT TO SAY there isn't any waste. Over the years, both depart- ments have collected a rather formidable and diverse list of responsibilities, rang- ing from welfare programs to weather bureaus. They have also picked up ponderous bureaucracies, and their work is often overlapping. (For instance, poverty pro- gram funds are administered through the Commerce Department and welfare pro- grams operate through the Labor De- partment. It is this overlap and featherbedding which irks the President and other pro- ponents of a combined Department of Business and Labor. They call for a sharp slash in personnel, but have no definite program for handling the burdening list of functions under a single director. BUT THE OVERLAP and featherbedding can be eliminated without the combi- nation of the two departments, which will bring unfortunate consequences. A grand coalition of these interests would result in a sort of "lobbying" race. The rivalry between labor and manage- ment which is already at a high point, would become more intense in the com- petition for one man's allegiance. Under the present system, minimal re- sponsiveness to both labor and manage- ment are guaranteed independent of changes in the }iresidency. Overlap can readily be eliminated with no more than an efficiency study and re- ,rganization of bureau structures. CONGRESS IS SAID to be very cool to- ward a combination already. Hopeful- ly they will heed the best intertsts of both labor and management and oppose the President's call for innovation. -WALLACE IMMEN j No Comment "A NEW ROUND of congressional con- troversy on the air war (in Viet Nam), especially on the effectiveness of American bombing and the risks of civil- ian casualties, is shaping up for the new session of Congress. (Central Intelligence Agency Di- 4f Letters: Time for Demonstrators To Grow UP To the Editor: I AM ENCLOSING the following article, not with the illusion that you will use it, but merely so that I can live with myself. Realizing how radical the Daily tends to be I feel that the least I can do is succour my soul and send my opinion to you and leave it to your conscience as to its use. Speaking as an outsider in this highly intelligent environment (?) (meaning, of course, that I am not a presently enrolled student) I think that I look at the present student sit-ins differently from you. Students will never be satisfied with their schools, no matter how much freedom they are given or left without. Let's face it, you're never happy with what you've got until you lose it. So, the SGC has made its break to show its disapproval for some of the things that are going on. Fine, but must this all be taken to a point of ridiculousness? Sit- ins were ruled illegal by the Uni- versity and so why can'tthese students act like the intelligent, rational, thinking human beings that they would like to think that they are? TO BE AN ADULT you have to accept a lot of things that you may personally feel are wrong or unjust. And to change them you do so through legal procedures not by committing those same acts. To me this seems very childish and immature. What would these same students think of a parent who stole at Work, knowing that there are such laws forbidding this behavior, but doing so to protest them? Not much, I'll bet!! Not only do these sit-ins detract from the prestige of the Univer- sity, but also give the student a reputation for being extremely Iunadult. A friend of mine. who happens to be very in the "know" as far as human behavior is concerned (this will be to the chagrin of those demonstrators enrolled in psychology) once remarked about the sit-in thusly (when speaking of those taking place at Berkeley): To me they look like complete cases of regression. If you ever look at those kids closely,you no- tice that they all sit there crouched and hugging their knees, looking blank, not hear- iEt a-hn mm.nd h rmino- limn. And if this is what they are com- ing here for GOD HELP US!!!!! If you don't agree with some of the present policies, try to find a legal and workable way to change them. Most important of all, provide a feasible solution, not an idealistic hypothesis. A good many of you students have yet to leave the secure con- fines of your family and student environments and go out and face this big, bad world. I personally feel that you are in for a tremen- dous adjustment. You cannot go into an industry as a six-month or even four-year employe and get away with what you are trying to pull now. The only repercussions that you wil l feel will be that of being fired, along with the knowledge that you will receive poor letters of recom- mendation, if any RIGHT NOW you are young and idealistic, pleasantly thinking that the world owes you a living. Well, as much as I hate to throw LSD in your cokes, kids, it just doesn't work that way. Apathetic? No, I don't think so. Antagonistic? Not really. ,Sympa- thetic? Yes, with all of whom have to put up with your childish antics and complete obliviousness to authority. How long is it going to take you to realize that you are not in college to flaunt authority and produce anarchy (which, by the way, NEVER works), but to re- ceive an education; attaining the full and sound use of your mental faculties and readying yourself for a place in an adult society? What kind of a responsible adult yill you be when you get through with your little play things that you have now? How are you, an anarchist, going to get along in a rather homogeneous world of ma- ture and practical men and wom- en? -Patricia McMahon Fiedler To the Editor: IN REPLY to my note on Fiedler (Daily, Jan. 8) correspondent Ronald Rosenblatt counters by saying that Prof. Fiedler is great. That's nice. First point: I agree that "Fied- ler's ability to take a seemingly trivial manifestation of contem- porary culture . .. and extrapolate from it a meaningful statement about our culture is a piece of literary sleight-of-hand." That makes him (and I believe this) one of the best stand-up come- dians in America. However, few people I think consider sleight-of- hand to be critical analysis. Second point: Whether or not Fiedler rejects Freudian-Marxism, he does apply such analyses to his subjects, a point incidentally which has become increasingly ap- parent in his lectures this week. THIRD POINT: Manifesto writ- ers such as Fiedler and McLuhan with their ponderings on the tac- tile world, hedonism, pseudo-mys- ticism and so on are presenting substantially nothing that is new. As I laboriously pointed out their thesis is no more than an exten- sion of Freudian-Marxism. Fourth point: What does it mean to be "almost exactly right?" Fifth point: I wear a beard and fairly long hair. That's part of the game. In spite of this I have no real conception of what it means to be a baby-hippy and this is probably due to the fact that generations nowadays are about five years. Equally, for example, I have no idea what it means to act in a play called "When I grow up I really want to become a peasant," as I understand children in China are doing. To realize the complexi- ties ofthe world is no more than to appreciate that we cannot pre- sent "ethical" statements. We are restricted to statements about eth- ics. Last point: By now Mr. Rosen- blatt should have been aware of a' long-standing Daily policy con- cerning typographical errors. -Andrew Lugg, Grad Phony To the Editor: IN THE BEST interests of re- sponsible journalism, myself and fellow musicians at the School of Music urge The Daily editorial staff to scrutinize a little more closely the quality of music 'cri- ticism that is to be found in your paper. The recent nonsense written by one Richard Perry illustrates the depths to which intelligent criti- cism can be carried. His descrip- tion of Beethoven's Eighth? - "This movement was marked by a lean, clean angularity which force- fully portrayed the propulsive ge- ometry of the music." This mumbo-jumbo tells me nothing. And his charge that Brahms' "main, lyric themes were overstated in a most unsubtle and sentimental fashion" reveals only his own unfamiliarity with the score. BUT MORE SERIOUSLY, I am shocked that you would print what amounts to be a personal slander of Mr. Bassett-"Do we applaud him for his music, or for his hav- ing the audacity to be a compos- er?" Since when does any responsi- ble critic ever pass judgment on a new piece of music after having only heard it once, and having not. the opportunity to study the score? And what are Mr. Perry's cre- dentials as musician that he can with impunity dismiss summarily a prize-winning composition by a composer the stature of Mr. Bas- sett? The best he can offer is a subjective opinion which nobody really is interested in anyhow. Mr. Perry's writing tabs him as a musical ignoramus and a phony reviewer. It would be to the good of all, the musicians and the lay public, if you were to relieve him in this capacity. -Barrett W. Kalellis, '68M A nwere? -AFTER YOU have found out what you think is right and what is wrong, then you must know that von can say yes to what 4 he Moement: I Everywhere By ALICE BLOCH, Special To The Daily PARIS-Walkout staked by near- ly 1000 students at a Sorbonne lecture hall recently persuaded university officials to relieve over- crowded conditions in a philosophy lecture course. Thewalkout and subsequent ne- gotiations between the Groupe de. Lettres Modernes, an unofficial student organization, and the sec- retariat of the Faculty of Let- ters resulted in a change of the philosophy lecture from the Am- phitheatre Richelieu, which holds about 1000 places, to the Grand Amphitheatre, holding about 3000. More than 3500 students are registered in the program of "Let- tres Modernes" and have the right to attend Prof. Adolphe Adam's course on "The Philosophy of the Pirst Half of the Eighteenth Cen- which was free during class time. "A great number of students wishing to attend your lectures have been finding themselves in the corridors because of a lack of room. Malcontent with their pres- ent situation, they know that you count on their discouragement to reduce the crowd in the amphi- theatre," the letter stated. PROF. ADAM replied to the stu- dents that he preferred the "phys- ical contact" with students pro- vided by the smaller amphitheatre and that the addition of another lecture by another professor was a better solution than the change to tle Grand Amphitheatre. The GLM spoke to the adminis- tration about this proposal and was toldathat because of severe under-staffing, the addition of a lecturer was impossible. other students, most of whom fol- lowed suit. Prof. Adam said into the microphone, "Ifyou were right, you wouldn't need to agitate to get your point across," and left the room. A counter - demonstration of about 200 students ensued. These students refused to leave the room and repeated, "We want the course! We want the course'!" The concierge and his wife en- tered, turned out the lights and or- dered the remaining students, to leave. Most obeyed but several stayed in their seats. "I'm not going to leave. I'm a serious student," yelled one boy in the balcony. The concierge re- moved him bodily. THE GLM negotiated for sever- al days with the faculty secretar- lat and on Dec, 10 posted notices *I