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January 06, 1967 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-06

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EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
a substitute resolution on class
ranking which will be presented to
the literary college faculty at its
regular monthly meeting on Mon-
day. The resolution-and supporting
material was submitted by Prof. E.
Lowell Kelley of the psychology
Facts on Military
Manpower Needs
1. More than 1.6 million able-
bodied males become 18 each
year. This figure is expected to in-
crease to about 2 million by 1974.
2. There are 1.2 million men in
the Army at present. One out of
three (400,000) are draftees.,
3. Manpower needs for Navy,
Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast
Guard are fully met by volunteers.
4. The present probability of be-
Ing drafted is roughly 1 in 4.
5. An unknown but very signifi-
cant proportion of all current en-
listments is attributable to selec-
tive service, i.e., draft eligible
young men enlist to get t1}eir
choice of services. It is doubtful
that voluntary enlistments would
provide more than 50% of mili-

tary manpower needs without se-
lective service.
6. Of the men drafted during a
3-month period (Dec. 1065-Feb.'
1966), only 2.1% were college
graduates, 12.2% had some col-'
lege, and 85.7% no college.
7. There are 4,088 local draft
boards in the United States.
8. A Gallup poll last year showed
that only 43% of U.S. citizens re-
gard the present system as "fair."
9. (a) In 1950, there were 2.2
million undergraduate students-
18% of the 18-21 year olds.
(b) In 1966, there were 5.4
million undergraduate students-
30% of the 18-21 year olds.
10. One-fifth of all undergrad-
uates attend the relatively new
community colleges.
11. (a) In 1950, only 11% of.
graduating seniors went on to
graduate school.
(b) In 1966, about 25% of
graduating seniors go on to grad-
uate school.
12. There are some fields in
which there is a definite shortage
of trained specialists: e.g. phar-
macists, needed by both the armed
ibe To

forces and by the civilian econo-
my. Many schools of pharmacy
report an inadequate number of
qualified applicants for their
freshman classes. A large propor-
tion of young M.D.'s are subject
to a period of con'ipulsory military
service-as officers.
Text of Substitute
Resolution on
Student Deferment
Because of widespread and in-f
tense debates on the campus of
The University of Michigan on
the issue of basing student defer-
ment in part on academic per-
formance, the Faculty of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts has engaged in extended dis-
cussions both of this and the
more basic question of whether
there should be any student defer-
ment, given the current situationI
with respect to the relative needs
for military and specialized civil-
ian manpower. In the course of
these deliberations, we have also
noted the several alternatives to
selective service as a means of
meeting the manpower require-
ments of all the armed forces.
Without presuming to be suffi-
ciently well informed to make firm
recommendations on many aspects
of this important and complex
national problem, as college pro-
fessors who have observed the
practice of student deferment over
the past 15 years, we have grave

doubts about the desirability of
continuing the present practice of
deferring college students , during
periods when draft calls are rela-
tively small. These doubts are
based on the following considera-
a. Because the abilities to at-
tend college, both intellectual and
financial, are so closely associated
with the socio-economic status of
the family;
b. Because for a very large pro-
portion of college students, con-
tinued deferment results in actual
exemption from any military serv-
c. Because we believe that college
attendance and performance in
college should be based on posi-
tive motivations rather than the
negative one of avoiding military
d. Because we believe that the
reservoir of able young people is
such that the needs for trained
civilian manpower can be met
without deferring college students
as a category;
e. 'Because most of the able
young men who would be called
to service can complete their col-
lege education after their tour of
duty. (Admittedly, they will be
two years older, but our experi-
ence in teaching veterans of
World War II leads us to regard
them' as good prospective stu-
While expressing our grave
doubts about the justification of
continuing the current practice

of student deferment, we
1. That any change of
be made applicable only to
men becoming 18 (or 19)
old, thus permitting colleg
dents who meet the criter
deferment to complete the
2. That each young man I
'vised as soon as possible
reaching the age of 18 whet
not he will be required to se
the armed forces, thereby pi
ting him to make firm plan,
respect to attending college
cepting a job, and marriag
3. That, if selective serv
continued, the present progr
II-S deferment be retained (
books for use, if and whe
needs for military man
should increase to the point
a policy of no student defe
would seriously threaten th
tion's supply of specialized <
trained personnel.

Draft Convictions Increase;
Result of New, Stricter. Laws

ystu- reported yesterday its investiga-
ia for tions led to conviction last year
ir de- of 450 persons accused of violat-
ing military draft laws-almost
be ad- double the 262 convicted in 1965.
hThe greatest number of con-j

Other figures from the Justice
Department showed that the num-'
ber of draft law violations had
remained relatively steady since
1962. In that year there were 234
convictions. In 1963 there wereI
251 and in 1964 there were 227.
An official said the big in-

reau's Washington headquarters.
Many Draft Dodges
Hoover said the FBI, in investi-
gating SelectiveService Act viola-
tions had "encountered virtually
every type of draft dodging."
Hoover devoted six of his state-
ment's 19 pages to the Communist
party in this country.
He dealt with last year's anti-
war demonstrations in a section
of the report titled "Communist
Party, U.S.A. - Front Activities."
But he did not call the demon-
strations Communist-inspired.

victions in any previous year for crease in 1966 was due partly to
which records were immediately larger draft calls and partly to
available was in 1954 when 434 strengthening of draft laws. This
were found guilty. But this figure included a 1965 law that made de-
is for a fiscal year-July through struction or mutiliation of a reg-I
the following June-and the 450 istration card a crime.


he figure is for calenaar 19b6--Jan-
,he uary through December.
er In the FBI's annual year-end re-
re port to the attorney general, Di-
nt rector J. Edgar Hoover traced the
a- increase in the number of draft
ge law violations to the nation's larg-
er military commitment.

The FBI did not have figures JuuR11gIRLs
showing the number of investiga- Hoover said "the moving forces
tions it had made into alleged behind these demonstrations are
draft law violations. A spokesman pacifist, student and ad hoc 'stop
said hundreds of investigations the war' groups.
were handled locally by the FBI's "The Communist party and oth-
57 field offices and much of the er subversive groups and their
material never reached the bu- members continued to actively
_-_.--- support and participate in the
demonstrations throughout the

Red Guards Openly Disgrace Chu,
Chinese Communists' Number 4 Man



lC. r

*Dine Out
For Enjoyment

TOKYO M)-Communist leader
Tao Chu, tagged a "bourgeois re-
actionary" by Mao Tse-tung's wife,
was led through Peking streets in
disgrace Thursday, crumbling his
laurels as the party's No. 4 man.
Japanesesdispatches reported
this, and also put a footnote to
Mao's eight-month absence from
Peking that ended last July. Ky-
odo news service said the reason
given was that Mao had been
balked by his own Central Com-
mittee from putting the current
purge into operation.
Propaganda Chief
Tao, named chief of propaganda
only four months ago, had de-
nounced party Chairman Mao's
chief antagonists, President Liu
Shao-chi and Teng Hsiao-ping,
the party general secretary. Now
the Red Guard is lumping all
three as opposing Mao's thoughts.
The inference is that the Mao-
Lin Piao faction made an error in
advancing Tao, 60, the south
China party chief, until he ranked
behind only Mao, Lin and Pre-
mier Chou En-lai.
The Peking correspondents of
the newspapers Asahi and Yomuiri
said that after being led through
the streets by Red Guards, Tao
was subjected to a Red Guard
curbside kangaroo court. Neither
gave any details.
Kangaroo Court
While the kangaroo court was
in progress, a Red Guard car
moved through the streets with a
loudspeaker telling the people that
Tao was a counterrevolutionary
who supported Liu and Teng,
Yomiuri said. Tao was accused of
spreading the Liu-Teng line in
central and south China and har-
boring bourgeois elements in his
new propaganda organization.
Posters in Peking's wall told of

Tao's denunciation by Chiang
Ching, Mao's actress wife, at a Red
Guard rally Wednesday.
"Tao Chu attended the Central
Committee party meetings," she
said, "but never sided with the
proletarian revolutionary line rep-
resented by Mao Tse-tung. In fact,
he remained loyal to the line rep-
resented by Liu Shao-chi and Teng
Hsiao-ping and is connected with
enlarging the Lin-Teng faction.
Story of Mao's Absence
The Japanese newsagency Ky-
odo said the story about Mao's
absence was told for the first time
in wall posters appearing in

It was the second time in three
days that Mao, often pictured as
all-powerful in China, was reveal-
ed as having lost out to the Cen-
tral Committee.
Wall posters put up Tuesday
said Mao relinquished the presi-
dency to Liu Shao-chi against his
will in 1958.
The latest posters said Mao told
the Central Committee in Peking
last Oct. 25 that he left the cap-
ital in November of 1965 because
he could not put into practice his
opinions on the great proletarian
cultural revolution-as the current
purge is called.

country," he said.
In a section titled "Communist
Influence in Racial Matters,"
Hoover said the "civil rights move-
ment during the past year has
undergone a sharp division among
its leaders as to objectives to be
attained and, more specifically, the
means by which these objectives
would be reached..
Black Power
He said "several of the more
militant Negro leaders have begun
to espouse a line of black power.
Some of these have openly advo-
cated violence as a means of at-
taining their objectives."
The report said Communists
"recognized the opportunities in-
herent in this situation and are
always looking for political, social
and economic inequities to propa-
gandize and use as the basis for
creating disorder in our society."


Britain Encounters Difficulties
Practicing Economic Restraint




Aos the
r. w
Also Turkey and Ham

LONDON (P) - The new year
ended the first period of total
freeze on wages, prices and in-
comes. The next six months of
credit squeeze and "severe re-
straint" may be harder for Prime
Minister Harold Wilson's Labor
government to enforce.
Unions, growing restive, talk, of
refusing to cooperate when the
thaw is due to begin in July. Busi-
ness is afraid the economy may be
permanently squeezed out of shape
by lack of investment for retool-
ing. The government still has not
worked out its policy for getting
the economy moving again.
Wilson's austerity program suc-
ceeded in its short-run objective
of stabilizing the pound sterling,
boosting the gold reserves, and
pulling the trade balance out of
the red. A surplus of more than

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$500 million is predicted this year, rationalization occurred when Dis-
enough to pay off the first install- tillers Co. agreed to sell its chem-
ment on loans that supported the ical subsidiaries to British Petro-
pound during two years of crisis. leum, which needed extra capac-
But will the year complete the ity in petrochemicals to compete
job of shocking the nation into a with American giants. Distillers re-
new outlook? First results suggest ceived cash to expand its dollar-
it will. Industry is reorganizing earning distilleries.
into large units for international In the grip of the economic
competition. Management is get- squeeze, management in many
ting tougher. Some unions accept fields has begun cutting out dead-
the view that fatter pay envelopes wood. Almost unnoticed, in the
can only come from higher pro- unemployment figures-now head-
ductivity. ing toward 600,000 and more than
The government has set the pace twice last year's-is the number
in reshaping the steel industry, of junior executives looking for
aircraft and shipbuilding. Even work. The Times review of man-
before impending nationalization, agement and technology estimated
three big steel companies combin- them at 20,000.
ed to produce steel pipe needed to Arnold Weinstock, head of Brit-
bring in natural gas discovered in ain's General Electric, says this
the North Sea. "is going to be a year in which it
The machine tool industry, one will be less easy to postpone pain-
of the early sources of Britain's ful but essential decisions."
industrial power but lately living On union attitudes, the effect is
on past glories, has begun c more difficult to Judge. Eighty
binsing into larger units. Some mogereemifficultted.oEihy
companies have reached into West wage agreements submitted to the
compnieshavereahed nto estMinistry of Lar for approval are
Germany and the United States labeled productivity agreements.'
to buy up firms that will strength- But officials suspect most are
enTheirsa eins . simply coverups for inflationary
Teelectrical industry is being
linked under the force of the Elec- settlements, with management
tric Power Board decision to buy yielding higher wages simply to
in bulk. buy industrial peace.
An almost textbook example of George Woodcock, secretary-
________________________general of the Trades Union Con-
gress, says workers can no longer
NEJAC elmfullemployment without
flowing some kind of wage guide-
V RENTALS But Jack Jones, executive sec-
retary of the nation's largest un-
Zenith 19" portables ion, the Transport and General
Workers, chafes under governmen-
$1 0 per month tal attemps to balance pay and
production. "We are being enslav-
662-5671 ed by academic economists," he
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