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April 14, 1967 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-14

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FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 196'7



New Bus Ad Degree
Receives Faculty OK

Thus' there came to

Court Overrules Police Attempts
To Confiscate Cornell Magazine

WHEN from out the paleface wigwam
From behind the staring moonf ace
Came the slow and solemn five booms
Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders over woods and meadows.
Lights the campfires of the heavens
Then the Michigamiua warriors
In their feathers and their warpaint
Soon will gather 'round the oak tree
'Round the oak tree called the Tappan
There to greet the trembling paleface
Who in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins;
But, before they take the long trail
To the home of Michigamnua
Many Trials and ma'ny tortures
First must prove their strength and courage
Ere the redman bids them welcome
Ere he calls each palef ace "Indian"
Ere the peace pipe smoke goes skyward.
LISTEN to this tale of romance
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of green leaves
Came they forth, the stoics valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface wigwam
Wigwam one of friendly Great Chief,
Came they forth to take their token,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming yelling redmen;
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and trembling
Stood around the mighty oak tree
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted demons
Swooped and caught their prey like eagles
Loud the war cry stirred the stillness
As they seized their hapless captives
Forth they bore them to their wigwaw
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they are aoun d the glowing bonfires
Heard the words of mighty wisdom,
Smoked the pipe of peace and friendship.
Thus there came to Michigamiua...

A new program for the Master
of Business Administration degree
has been approved by the faculty
of the University Graduate School
of Business Administration, Dean
Floyd A. Bond has announced.
Stewart H. Rewoldt, professor
of marketing, has been named to
direct it.
. The new MBA program em-
phasizes basic foundation courses
in various disciplines, followed by
advanced courses in the student's
field of special competence. The
new requirements will be effective
with students entering the pro-
gram in tloe fall term of 1968.
These students will take re-
quired "core" courses in a prede-
termined sequence, thus making
it possible for each course to build
directly on others previously,
Required coursework in the 60-
hour program will be reduced from
33 to 30 hours under the new plan.
Students will be required to take
six four-hour courses-in account-
ing, marketing, finance, statistics,
human behavior and organization,
and analysis, planning and control.
They will be required to take two
three~hour course =in business,
the economy, and public policy
and in business policy. In addi-
tion, each MBA degree candidate
will be required to complete at
least one master's seminar.
Requirements for admission to
the new program remain the same
as in the present program except
that incoming students will be re-
quired to possess an ability to use
programs available on the Univer-
sity's computer. Students deficient
in this respect will be expected to
take - a non-credit course in the
computer and its use.
Three of the MBA program's re-'
quired will be new: the four-hour
"Analysis, Planning, and Control,"
and the three-hour "Business, the
Economy and Public Policy"' and
"Business Policy."
"Analysis, Planning, and Con-
trol" will deal with the decision-
making process in business organ-
izations, utilizing concepts and
techniques of logic, micro-econ-
omics, and the quantitative areas
of mathematics, statistics, ac-
counting, and finaficial analysis.
The course will include the use
of computers.
"Business, the Economy, and
Public Policy" will focus on the
inter-relationships between the
business firm and the economic-
political-social-legal 'environment
within which it must operate.

"Business Policy" is a capstone
course required of all students in
their last term. It will integrate
work previously taken. In addi-
tion, it will consider top-level
business decisions in the light of
public policy. The international
setting of modern business will bel
The new required courses are+
designed to provide graduate stu-
dents with exposure to subject
material that has recently become
increasingly important to their
careers as businessmen, Bond said.+
They also will serve to integrate
materials taught in the traditional
subject matter areas.
U' To Issue
New Student~
IUD's in, Fall
The student identification sys-
tem at the Universitywill be
changed with the fall term.
All students will get new ID+
cards and new numbers, said Har-
ris Olson, assistant registrar. Each+
wallet-size maize and blue plastic1
card will be punched with several+
holes, like an IBM card. Electronic
equipment will be able to record+
the number from the holes as the
student checks, out a library book
or pays his fees or gets his foot-
ball tickets.
The card wil bear the student's
signature, along with his name
and number in embossed letters.
Thus existing equipment will be
able to print a name and num-
ber, charge-plate fashion.d n
The punched-hole system will;
first be put into use this fall in
the library's overnight reserve;
section. Source-data collectionj
equipment, which can read ID;
numbers directly from the hole,;
will be installed later in other
parts of the campus, Olson said.
A special embossed character will
validate a card for each term when,
the student registers.
Each student's new number willi
consist of his nine-digit Sociali
Security number plus a 10th digit.
The last digit, determined by ap-
plying a mathematical formula toi
the first nine, is a check digit i
which will indicate an error ina
recording the first nine.

The Trojan Horse, Cornell's
literary magazine, contained one
surprise article that rocked city
courts in Ithaca and later in Syra-
cuse, New York. The magazine
confronted the campus adminis-
tration and the city government
with the question of whether
either body had the right to cen-
sor alledgedly obscene campus
The literature under question
was written by David Murry, a
resident of San Francisco who
passed through Ithaca and sub-
mitted some selections to the
Trojan Horse editors.
The selections include some im-
pressionistic poetry with candid
sexual imagery. The editors print-
ed it and started to routinely
sell the magazine in the student
union Jan. 17.
At 9:30 a.m., Jan. 19, James
' Herson, supervisor of the safety
division of campus patrol confis-
cated the 130 magazines at the
sales booth. At the same time, he
charged the two editors selling the
magazine with violating a student
code regulation forbidding the dis-
tribution of obscene materials on
Richard Hoffman, managing
editor of the Cornell Daily Sun
analyzed the move in a special,
interview with The Daily: "Herson
said he confiscated the magazines
to protect the students from pos-
sible trouble with sec. 1141 of the
N.Y. Penal Code's obscenity laws,"
Hoffman explained. "Herson said
he acted on a complaint from an
'ethical resident.' He later told us
that two campus policemen on his
force had told him the magazine
article was obscene."
"Herson did not notify Cornell
administrators that he was con-
fiscating the magazine," Hoffman
said. "At the time, most of the
administrators were in New York
City for a Board meeting. The
highest .official on campus was
Dean Donald Cooke of the grad-
uate school.
"Cooke learned what happened
and met with several, other offi-
cials. It was decided to return the
magazines to the faculty advisor
of the Trojan Horse, but with a
cease and desist order not to sell
it pending clearance by the Sched-
ule Co-ordination Activities Re-
view Board, which is under the

auspices of student government,"
Hoffman continued, "and is com-
posed of students. SCARB's deci-
sion was to be reviewed by the
Executive Board of student gov-
ernment. If both organizations
passed it the magazine could be
"Meanwhile," Hoffman said,
"students planned a rally for the
next day to protest campus police
interference with student activ-
ities. The editors of the Trojan
Horse decided to ignore the cease
and desist order and resume sales
of the magazine."
"Before the rally," Hoffman
said, "District Attorney Richard
Thaler told administrators of the
university that he would not al-
low violations of the law. He was
asked by the president over the
phone not to intervene, but Thaler
came at 12:30 p.m. with two cars
of plainclothesmen."
"Pushing and shoving that
threatened to erupt into a riot of
1500 students flared yesterday" the
Cornell Daily Sun reported, "when
Thaler att'empted to arrest 5 stu-
dents selling copies of the Trojan
Horse. Thaler's physical confron-
tation with the crowd occurred as
he tried to lead the five to his
car. The students blocked his
"Thaler, speaking through a
bullhorn," the paper reported,

"proposed to let the five be set
free if he be allowed to get a court
injunction against the sale of the
Horse, and that all students in-
volved in the sale of the Horse sign
a list of those willing to be prose-
cuted for selling the 'obscene' is-
Thaler got the injunction,"
Hoffman said. "Two days later
the injunction was revoked. The
judge ruled that the article wasn't
Perkins Acts
"University President James A.
Perkins returned to campus the
day after the rally," Hoffman
continued. "He immediately re-
voked the cease and desist order
against selling the 'Horse.' He
said he was against censorship by
the University. SCARB and the
executive board had both passed
the magazine as O.K., to be sold
" "The University did not make
a judgment on the magazine."
Hoffman said, "but many profes-
sors in the English Department
issued a statement saying they
did not think the article obscene.
In current developments, Her-
son, the head of campus patrol
resigned. The university formed a
commission to set standards for
literature. This commission is
comprised of students, professors
of English, and administrators. -
Another commission was formed

to investigate the role of the Sa-
fety Division of Campus Police.
And, the university has offered
the advice of the university at-
torney to the students who signed
Thaler's list as willing to be prose-
cuted for selling the "Obscene"
The Court ruled that though the
article by Miller was "worthless,
vile and filthy; it was not pruri-
ent." Herson is currently waiting
to be appointed a deputy police
chief, a position rumored to have
been created for him.
During the Cornell controversy,
editors of the Promethean, rival
paper to the Syracuse "Daily
Orange," spotted articles on Cor-
nell's problem.
"We have a censorship problem
at Syracuse," isaid Promethean
editor T. J. McCarthy. "We de-
cided to reprint Miller's article
with an editorial condemning cen-
sorship. We wanted people to have
the opportunity to read Miller's
work themselves and form their.
own opinions on its literary merit."
"Well, we reprinted it in Febru-
ary and the next day the district
attorney, who is running for re-
election in November, issued a
statement to the local papers that
he would present the copy of the
Pro containing Miller's article to
the Onandaga Grand Jury to
'educate parents on obscene litera'


Attempts To Extend Tenure
Of Popular Professor Fail

Students at the University of
,California at Berkeley have lost
the battle in their effort to obtain
extension of the tenure of a pop-
ular visiting lecturer, E r n e s t
The student senate voted ap-
proval last February of a $13,000
one-year rotating, student fi-
nanced chair, and nominated
Becker to fill the position.
However, last week, when stu-
dents had not yet found an ap-

- The Detroit News

credited position for Becker, he
announced that he "will go on the
national job market as a free
agent. I would like to express my
deep thanks at the genuine honor.
the students have conferred on
The controversy began after the
anthropology department failed to
ask Becker to return at the end
of his one-year tenure. The Asso-
ciated Students of the University
of California then decided to fi-
nance him themselves. However,
the anthropology department de-
cided they would not give Becker
a position, even if his salary was
paid by the students. The depart-
ment claimed it could not create
a position for another tenured fac-
ulty member.
Thus followed a long series of
attempts by the ASUC to find a
department that would take Beck-
er as instructor of an accredited
course. An ASUC spokesman said,
"we wil keep pressuring the uni-
versity until we can find a depart-
ment that will take him."
Last week the student senate
met, facing only two alternatives.
They had either remove Becker's.
name as nominee for the student
chair or to appoint him. The"
latter proposal was defeated by a
tie vote, as the motion needed a
majority to pass. The senate then
approved a recommendation that
Becker would have to teach an
accredited course before he could
be appointed to the student chair.

The senate redoubled it efforts
to find a department.
After serious consideration last
week, the philosophy department
decided against taking Becker.
This led Becker to announce pub-
licly that if a position were not
found for him by last Friday, he
would have to break ties with the
University at the end of his tenur.
Becker, who has a doctorate in
cultural anthropology, taught at a
State University in New York for
three years after serving as a staff
member at the U.S. Embassy in
Paris. He has four books to his
credit, including a study called
"Tlie Revolution in Psychiatry,"
a primer on Zen, and a controver-
sial critique of U.S. education.
Currently teaching a course on
anthropology and religion, Beck-
er's approach appeared to be suf-
ficiently interdisciplinary to allow
a number of departments to con-
sider him for a faculty position.
Students sit in the aisles as he
lectures in a 900-seat auditorium.
In February, 150 student march-
ed to the chancellor's office to
show 2,0000 signatures they had
obtained on petitions advocating
Becker's retention, but William B.
Body, vice-chancellor of student
affairs told them that by long
'standing tradition, "faculty mem-
bers initiate appointments using
the procedures of the depart-





A 56-pag
with The

e rotogravure section
Detroit News, Sunday, April 23
"TrHtE U of M YEARS"-a special 56-page souvenir section to be pub-
lished in The Detroit News Sunday, April 23 will feature full-color litho-
graphs of familiar campus scenes created by Prof. Emil Weddige espe-
cially for- Michigan's sesquicentennial.
9 Sports Standouts Through the Years 0 Medical School Beginnings

Fred R. Brown
R. Dean Cummins
Joseph D. Dayton
Bruce D. Getzan
Walter W. Heiser
Richard G. Hunt
Harold E. Kaplan
William L. Krauss
William M. Lord
C. Lee Marttila
Alexander McDonald

Robert E. McFarland
Wayne A. Miller
Clark R. Norton
Raymond Ph'illips
David S. Porter
William C. Sage
Ernest M. Sharpe
Donald F. Tucker
Ronald K. Ullyot
Richard F. Vidmer
Howard B. Weinblatt

§ 4!II

& History of The Michigan Daily 9 " Speaking of Professsors"
0 U. of M. Grads in Washington 0 The Hatcher Era
@150 Years of "Delicious Absurdities" Words and Music at U. of M.
Order copies of
Enclosed is $ Please send "THE U OF M '
mailed back home postpaid to the address below. (Write additional addresses o
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Kenneth A. Wiebeck

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