.4 1' 4. i 4 al * -4 -4 . 4-. 1 HEALTH WORKER Tod Whitaker kneels next to*World War 11 wing tank now used to catch drinking water. ATTORNEY Dan tion with Public Persinger works in coopera- Defender's office in Majuro. MECHANIC Dale Bai Paul Callaghan are HEALTH WORKER Ann Maxwell talks with two of her patients at the dispensary in Wone, Ponape. EDUCATOR Barbara Whitlow airs a radio program on public health to people of the Marshall Islands. MA MAIN ISLANDS of Western Samoa lie on direct line between Hawaii and New Zealand, 4,000 miles from California. Nearby is American Samoa. REPORT FROM MICRONESIA POLYNESIA, Continued from Page 1 Health, Education, Food Are Major Samoan Problems nanas, cocoa and coconuts by in- troducing improved techniques of planning, upkeep, management and production of better and larger crops for both export and domestic consumption. A SECOND PHASE of the Western Samoa program will send up to 150 English teachers into the elementary and intermediate levels of the Samoan school system, which currently is staffed largely by in- adequately-trained islanders. Reflecting the broad involvement in community life expected of most Volunteers, the teachers during "off hours" will help fellow Samoan teachers improve their English, in- struct students and villagers in basic health and hygiene practices, and aid Volunteer health workers in their tasks. Living conditions will be in the South Pacific image for most Vol- unteers, who will reside in villages in the traditional Pale - a round wood and thatch structure that of- fers natural wall-to-wall air con- ditioning in a comfortable tropical climate. THE EXPERIENCES thus far of Volunteers in neighboring Mi- cronesia suggest that Volunteers will take quickly to the similar Samoan setting. The close confines of an island environment, instead of fostering rivalry and misunder- standing, promote a spirit of friend- liness, openness and mutual de- pendence. It is within this cultural context that the Volunteers will live and work for two years. Western Samoa is the first Poly- nesian island group to achieve in- dependence, having slipped off its United Nations trusteeship status under New Zealand on January 1, 1962. Full political emancipation . ended almost a century of colonial administration, first under Germany from 1889 onward, then under New Zealand following World War . DURING the latter half of the 19th century, while Germany, the United States and Great Britain contended for Samoan favors, the islands and their people were plagued by bitter internal struggles surrounding the kingship. Recent times, however, have witnessed peaceful transition from colonial to independent governments and the Samoan scene since 1962 has been one of marked stability. Lying 1,000 miles below the equator and 2,600 miles southwest of Hawaii, Western Samoa's two major islands of Upolu and Savaii cover an area approximate to Rhode Island. The islands are sur- rounded by coral reefs enclosing quiet lagoons. Tropically-vegetated heights of several thousand feet dominate both islands. Author James A. Michener, with long experience in the South Pa- cific, wrote of Polynesia in Return to Paradise that its "influence on world thought is far greater than its size would warrant. Musical names like Tahiti, Rarotonga, Bora Bora carry an emotional freight to all cold countries of the world . .." about the c The gentle trade winds caress the is- lands of Micronesia for ten months out of the year and the climate is eternal spring. Recently there has been a subtle change, not in the climate, but in the currents of thought and social patterns. New ideas and new attitudes are being introduced in an area v.here customs and mores are deeply in- grained. This is the Peace Corps in Micronesia: the class of 1966 a year later. The change is a two way street. The young man from the Bronx who lives in an isolated village of only 40 people adjusts to a new life, a slower pace and tempo, completely alien to the concrete and steel of New York. He discovers the beauty of an orchid blooming in the steaming rain forest, the laughter of children on their way to school along a jungle path. He teaches English in a small thatch-roof school, improves the water catchment system in the village, and plans to introduce new health con- cepts. But just as important as the changes he makes, he will come away from his island deeply changed. In most areas of Micronesia there are no problems of hunger, but it is still a world of startling contrasts. The c/ass of '66 people of Ebeye (its main street is pic- tured at right), profoundly influenced by the proximity of the missile site at Kwajalein, have forgotten many of their out-island skills. They eat their tuna in cans and wear sport shirts imported from California. Only a small portion of the people on Ebeye work at the missile site. Ebeye has become known as the slum of the Pacific with 4,000 people crowded onto the small island. On Ebeye, like other parts of Micro- nesia, the influence of the Peace Corps is beginning to be felt. Eight Volunteers working in cooperation with the Trust Territory 'perform such diverse jobs as teaching, community development, health, and even business administra- tion. Part of the satisfaction of being a Volunteer in Micronesia is the sense of acceptance which is given by the Micronesians. These people feel that the Peace Corps Volunteers belong to them; there is a warmth, an empathy which is a coin of great value. The present program has over 450 Volunteers. The impact of their work, of their concern will be felt for gen- erations. MICRONESIAN HOUSING range homes to this one built by Volu TEACHER Kathy Fitch is as- signed to the elementary school at Wone on island of Ponape. By fall 1967 there will be more than 400 Peace Corps Volunteer teachers in Micronesia. ISOLATED SPLENDOR of Pagan Island's black sand beaches give Carol and Wayne Waldrip and young friend complete privacy. Waldrips, both teachers, are only Volunteers on this outlying island. POLYNESIA DESK PEACE CORPS Name (please print) Washington, D. C. 20525 Please rush me a Peace Corps Application for Polynesia. Address State Zip Code City I am a Liberal Arts Major, College or University graduate in Month Year L Other 25,000th VOLUNTEER John. Phillips (left) and fellow Volunteer Thomas Sheehan, both architects, confer with a local planner on a low-cost housing project for Saipan. Specify Attention: APPLICANT SERVICES t