FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE FibE FAR16I IA _* *a ,1 . Partial Text of Draft Commission Report DID YOU KNOW The University offers a BBA degree program that provides Junior and Senior students with the opportunity to- Attend classes in a small campus environment Receive extensive individual counseling Test career plans and gain experience through business internships * Achieve financial independence with internship earnings This unique progra--combining a strong aca- demic program with business internship assign- mients-is available at the DEARBORN CAM- PUS now. Get the whole story in a 40 ninutte presentatio1 . .. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, at 10:00 A.M., Auditoriun "D," Angell Hall (Phone 764-0300) I. Introduction During the last year, the issue of class ranking for Selective Serv- ice has become a source of con- siderable conflict and tension in many academic communities. It has become a focal point for per- sons with strong feelings about the foreign policy of the United States. the war in Vietnam, wars in general, ways of meeting the nation's military manpower needs, student deferments, and grading, as well as those concerned with the specific issue of the use of class rank as one criterion for student deferments. The University has shared fullyI in the general tension which this issue has aroused, as evidenced by student agitation, a student ref- erendum, sit-ins, and unprecedent- ed attendance at faculty meetings. This tension is not merely the re- suit of a few agitators, although it may be true that a few people with very intense feelings have been able to mobilize a large num- ber whose feelings are less in- THIS SUMMER, JOIN A co-o-P Room & Board Board only $18.00 per week $12.00 per week Inter-cooperative Council 2546 Student Activities Building 668-6872 tense. It may also be true that the intensity of the feelings arous- ed has obscured some of the sub- stantive issues involved. I. The Committee and Its Charge. Because many students were up- set by the refusal of the University to regard the results of a student poll as binding, and in order to assure a comprehensive review of the complex issues involved, Pres- ident Hatcher, on Nov. 28, 1966, appointed a Committee on Class Ranking for Selective Service. The committee included three students, three faculty members, three deans and one member of the central administration. Because the stu- dents originally named to serve on the committee declined to serve on the grounds that the student representatives should be named by the students, the final commit- tee was not constituted until Feb. 3, 1967. In his letter of appointment, President Hatcher asked the com- mittee "to review the subject of class ranking for Selective Serv- ice and to make recommendations as to what policy the University 'I should follow in subsequent aca- demic periods." When he met with the committee at its initial meet- ing, President Hatcher indicated that the charge was not meant to be restrictive and that the com- mittee was free to explore and make recommendations about all areas which it felt were relevant to the central issue of ranking. VI. Findingsj A. Present Selective Service Pol- icy Regarding Student Deferments Selective Service regulations provide for the deferment of reg- istrants "whose activity in study is found to be necessary to the maintenance of the national health, safety or interest." Fur- ther, the regulations provide that the director of Selective Service "may promulgate criteria, which shall be advisory only, concern- ing the replacing of registrants in Class 2-S." The current cri- teria provide that an undergrad- uate student may be deferred if he attains a score of 70 or more on the Selective Service College Qualification Test or achieves a class standing above a certain percentage of the male students in his class, the percentage vary- with regard to the legal rights of ing with the class level of the students: 11 I student. There is a further stipula- tion that the student be enrolledI full time, that is, that he is pro- gressing at a rate which will en- able him to complete his degree! in the time normally required for his program of studies. Graduate and professional stu- dents are initially eligible for de- ferment if they score at least 80 on the SSCQT or rank in the upper quarter of their senior class as undergraduates. The issue of class rank is not relevant to their, continued deferment. Local boards are essentially au-' tonomous and are free to require a registrant to furnish any infor- mation which they feel is rele- vant to his case. In other words, local boards are not required to defer students who meet either or both of these criteria nor or- der the induction of those stu- dents who do not meet either of them. It should be emphasized that there is considerable varia- tion among local boards in the kinds of information they re- quest from persons seeking student deferments and in the weight which they give either to SSCQT scores or to rank in class. B. The Legal Rights of Selective Service Boards The President's Regulations gov- erning Selective Service provide that a local board has the author- ity to subpoena any person to ap- pear before it and to require such person to produce any papers or records which it deems necessary or to testify, under oath, in re- gard to any pertinent matter with- in his knowledge. In an informal legal opinion, a member of the University's Law School faculty ex- pressed the opinion that there is a good possibility that. a local board, if it so desired, could ob- tai a court ruling compelling the University to calculate and submit the .class rank of any student. Whether a local board would choose to exercise this prerogative, or simply not extend a student's deferment, is a matter of conjec- ture. C. The Legal Rights of Students The following legal opinion re- ferred to in the previous section contains the following statement i . IL _. I .. A CAREER A! A CHICAGO TEACHER. Excellent Salary-$6,000 up Liber I Pension Plan Paid Sick Leave Tenure after Three Years Promotion Within System Professional Growth Opportunities for Additional Income For informaiton on certification and employment procedures, write to: DIRECTOR, Teacher Recruitment, CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS 226 North LaSalle Street-Room 1005-Chicago, Illinois 60601 "As much as can be said with assurance is that it is possible that a court could be induced to hold that access by the indi- vidual student to his class rank for deferment purposes is a fed- erally created privilege and that, accordingly, the student posses- ses standing to enforce the priv- ilege against the University in the courts. This probably is most likely to be true in cases in which the University with- holding the information calcu- lates male class rank for oth- er purposes or can do so with- out undue inconvenience and where the University's refusal to the student appears to repre- sent a protest against federal public policy as it relates to the draft or the conduct of our for- eign affairs ... The conclusion reached, therefore, is that Judi- cial compulsion to supply class rank from a withholding Uni- versity in a suit brought by a student is at least in the realm of possibility." Whether any student would choose to institute a legal action to require the University to pro- vide his rank in class is also a question that has not yet arisen. D. Present University of Michi- igan Policy and Practice It is the policy of the Univer- sity of Michigan to supply to any agency, at the request of the in- dividual student concerned, any information which it can reason- ably make available. For those undergraduate stu- dents who request it, information concerning their . class ranks is sent from the Registrar's Office to the Michigan State Selective Service Headquarters, from whence it is distributed to local boards throughout the country. For all except seniors, class ranks are computed for male students, by class, within each of the schools and colleges; they are based on the cumulative average. In the re- port which goes to a student's local board, he is classified in the highest applicable category of the following: Upper one-fourth, upper half, upper two-thirds, upper three- fourths, or, lowest fourth of his class. For seniors seeking deferments for graduate study, the same cate- gories are used, but the rank! is based on the work of the senior year only.' VII. Recommendations Regard- ing University Practice for Spring; 1967 The committee felt that it was necessary to make one recommen- dation for practice this spring and a separate one for University policy in subsequent years. It did so for two reasons: 1. Conditions this spring are quite different from those which will prevail in the future. Students currently enrolled have based their expectations upon the existing policy announced last fall. They do not have the opportunity now to take the steps which they can take in future years in response to any change in University pol- icy-that is, to enroll in another institution or to make arrange- ments to take the Selective Serv- ice College Qualification Test. They have completed the year at the University of Michigan and the SSCQT will not be given again before their deferments are re- viewed by local boards. 2. Even if it were possible to make a single recommendation covering both present and future policy and practice, it appeared unlikely that agreement could be reached on such a recommenda- tion before the end of the Winter Term. Since the process of compil- ijg class ranks is presently sched- uled to begin soon after that date, the committee was confronted with the choice of submitting a recom- mendation too late to have any effect on that process or of sub- mitting two separate recommen- dations. It chose the latter alter- native. For the -immediate future, i.e., the spring of 1967, the commit- tee is unanimous in its opinion that the only defensible recom- mendation is that the University compile male class ranks by class and by college. It further recom- mends, however, that each student be given the privilege of request- ing that the certified copy of his rank be sent directly to him raht- er than to the Selective Service System, thus providing him with the opportunity of deciding whether or not to submit it to his board. VIII. Considerations in Arriving at Future University Policy Re- garding the Reporting of Infor- mation About Scholastic Status There are three clear issues about which decisions must be made: 1. Shall the University, at the request of its students, under any conditions and in any manner make any information about the academic performance of its stu- dents available for use by their Selective Service Boards? 2. If so, how much and what kinds of information, shall be made available? 3. If any information about stu- dents is to be transmitted to local boards, what channel of commu- nication shallbe used? Any eventual recommendations regarding future University poli- cy must involve some combina- tion of the specific alternatives to questions 2 and 3 above. The com- mittee expects to continue meet- ing until it can arrive at what it believes to represent the most de- fensible future University policy. Summer in San Francisco? Let the COLLEGIATE GUIDE TO SAN FRANCISCO show you around. A complete, up-to-date guidebook to non-tourist San Francisco. Written by students for students. i '; I NEED CARFARE HOME? SELL YOUR USED BOOKS TUt STUDENT BOOK SERVICE Send $1.00 to GUIDE, 170 Bridge Rd. H illsborough, Calif. 94010 U FOR THE PRETTY-YOUNG PEOPLE Ik %. : ,. '' ,. , , MEAL ANNOUNCING THE GRAND SNACK, You OPENING OF THE JUST CAN'T BEAT THIS PLACE WHEEL 1 _ - i i SUNAY - ANN ARBOR'S NEWEST AND FINEST PLACE TO EAT Opens 9:00 Sunday Morning South U. and Church -Wzz (0% bay 500 E. Liberty Ann Arbor 11 TRAVELING IN EUROPE THIS SUMMER? 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