Seventy-Sixth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNTVERSTTY QE MTT-ICAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AT-LARGE On the War L v NEIL SHISTEII here Opin ios Are P'Ee, Truth Wi Prey'U 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 i Editorials Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LEVIN ._ Draft Committee Findings: A Foul and Rank Report IT'S NICE TO KNOW that students count around here. President Hatcher's Committee on Class' Ranking for the Selective Service yesterday came out with a resounding affirmation of the status quo. Undaunted by last semester's draft referendum, and unphased by decisions of other university administrations to discontinue class rank- ing as well as compliance with the Se- lective Service, our committee blandly and unanimously recommended that the University compile ranks by class and by college for spring, 1967. Attached was a rider that would grant to each student the prerogative of deciding whether or not to submit his rank to his local draft board. In short, the same privileges(?) students are permitted at present. E OBJECT to the present policy at the University for reasons almost endless- ly reiterated. The choice granted a stu- dent is no real choice: failure to submit ranks by one student places him at a distinct disadvantage with respect to oth- ers who may decide the opposite way. We oppose the practice of class rank- ing itself because we cannot understand how a physics major can possibly be com- pared and correlated with an English major on a numerical scale. Furthermore, we oppose the sending of ranks to the Selective Service because it directly ties the University to a military establish- ment that is conducting what we con- sider a terrible and unjust war. WE'RE NOT SURPRISED by the "partial report," only disheartened. Our orig- inal suspicions that the committee was an administration ruse to temporarily pacifystudents has been confirmed. -JOHN LOTTIER -STEPHEN FIRSHEIN "O, it is excellent To have a giant's strength, but it is tyrannous To use it like a giant." Shakespeare "Measure for Measure" T HIS WAS THE YEAR, the first real year, of Vietnam. Anything else that happened in this country or, for that matter, on this campus can be traced back to the war. Only in the two World Wars and the war between the States were more Americans fighting than are today in Vietnam. Our government has committed itself, almost inadvertently, to fighting the fourth largest war in its history and the irony is that it is a war for something nobody believes in. The American atmosphere has become correspond- ingly tense, as the promise that this country once held for humanity is in serious danger of being permanently polluted by a war that defies the rhetoric of democracy. Arthur Schlesinger Jr., historian and former Presi- dential assistant, asks in "The Bitter Heritage" the pro- found question: "Are we really carrying out our policies in Vietnam, as we constantly proclaim, to save the people we are methodically destroying, or are we doing it for less exalted purposes of our own? Are we treating the Vietnamese as ends in themselves, or as means to our own objectives?". IT'S TOO EASY to pick out villains and heap abuse on them. There are men in power, 'to be sure, who must be held personally accountable for what is happening. But there is a level of analysis more worthwhile and less paranoid than that of personalities. Three Presidents, in successively small and what they judged to be "final steps," have inflated our pres- ence in Vietnam to the present dimensions. Consuming over a billion-and-a-half dollars a month, the war has swallowed up the Great Society dreams, the war against poverty, the fight for equal opportunity for the Negro and a chance to re-vitalize the cities. What has happened is the result of something more profound than partisan or consensus politics. It is equally false to blame it on political or economic imperialism. The condition of America and Southeast Asia in April 1967, is a tribute to the politics of dehumanization. Possessing a sense of impotency which has bred a cor- responding sense of personal irresponsibility, the public and the men of power themselves have become entrapped by the mystique of expretise and the feeling that some- body else knows what is best. There is deference to expertise and the plain truth is that the expertise often doesn't exist. Kennedy found this out at the Bay of Pigs when the Cuban insurgency on the island didn't materialize as he had been told it would; he learned it during the missile crisis when the military urged him to bomb Cuba; he was learning it in Vietnam where, despite the glowing reports being filed by his advisers. Diem was overthrown three weeks before the Dallas assassination. JOHNSON was advised to increase the forces and extend bombing on the grounds that this would hurt the morale of the Viet Cong and impede the infiltration from the north. After over a year of bombing it is dubious that either of these goals has been achieved. And the general public, only partially politicized and with access only to the often-distorted information which the government chcoses to release, has no alternative but to think that somebody is in adequate control of the situation. The net result is that We continue to blunder along, ignoring cries of protest, and forgetting about the strange fact that almost none of the major Asian countries- Japan, India, Pakistan, Burma, Malaysia or Indonesia- support our action We are fightin this war under two belabored ra- tionales which don't stand up under close examination. Contrary to the Sate Department line. Vietnam is hardly "Munich" nor is it a manifestation of a Sino-Soviet plot to take over the world Schlesinger writes that, above all else, the Vietnam was has "estranged us from the future. The young men and women who at the start of the sixties were begin- ning to look on the United States as the hope of the world today watch our course in Vietnam with perplexity, loathing and despair " It is a time for piotest-a time to reject the chauvin- istic pleas comin:: out of the White House and to fight for what this country should and ultimately must be.' There is no disgrace in recognizing an untenable position and retreating; there is no honor but only infamy in destroying lives senselessly. AN EVOLUTION of protest for the soul of America is underway, with one of its major moments occuring tomorrow as massive anti-war demonstrations are held in New York and San Francisco. The original anti-war core of long-haired New Leftists, which the mass media and the President seem to believe still represent the sub- stance of the movement, have been supplemented by a vast majority of nevi recruits, more conventional both in attire and attitude. The new breed of protestors, the one the press and the President are going to have the hardest time under- standing and rationalizing away, is not permanently alienated from the society but rather has too much of an emotional investment in the American heritage and potential to allow it to stumble, the lumbering giant, to its destruction. .4 1 Avoiding a HUAC Repeat Power and Poetry: L'Envoi THE SPECIAL REPORT to the OSA on student records contains an extreme- ly dangerous elastic clause that evokes unpleasant memories of the University's inexcusable compliance with the House Un-American Activities Committee sub- poena last fall. The catchall statement impairs an oth- erwise excellent report, rendering it com- pletely worthless. Article Three notes that "nothing in the body of this docu- ment shall be construed as a restriction upon the discretionary privilege of the vice-president for student affairs, who may disclose information (in consuita- tion with such student, faculty and ad- ministrative person or persons as he may choose) to preserve and protect the rep- utation and integrity of the University. "As the- second largest recipient of federal scientific research monies, the University might be persuaded once again to safeguard its reputation on Capitol Hill by releasing materials unauthorized by the individuals directly involved., "This section must be deleted before the report becomes acceptable to the stu- dent body at large. As the Graduate Stu- dent Council vice-president stated Wed- nesday night after his assembly failed to endorse the report, "It vests complete dis- cretion in the vice-president for student affairs. Therefore the rest of the report is basically meaningless." NORMALLY the Office of Student Orga- nizations in the OSA has the duty of providing information on students or for- mer students to employers-on academ- ic matters, employment histories and oth- er relevant matters. The service of a congressional subpoena is not an every- day occurrence. Nonetheless students must be protected from unwarranted invasions of privacy by witch-hunters. The aftermath of the Mc- Carthy reign of terror, as well as "secur- ity" investigations, clearly show how stu- dents may be unjustly haunted in later life by activities of their youth. The Uni - versity can never be permitted a HUAC repeat. -S.F. By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH ONE CONSIDERS many things in attempting a summing-up; and-knowing the past Daily edi- tor is expected to write a farewell of sorts - here are some final musings. I thought of my pet theory, the Window Theory of Education, which holds that if students don't actively participate in what's go- ing on at the classroom, if they're not just as much a part of the course as their teacher, then they'll continue to do what they're doing now-stare out the window. I thought of another theory, of the University of Individuals, which holds that if students (and faculty and administrators too) have not only the freedom to speak and to do,,but also the op- portunity to be heard and to be effective when they speak and do, only then will they be able to develop their full potential as individuals. I thought of "the courage to serve-the responsibility of the educated citizen," which to me means that education is in the final and most important sense self-education; that the teacher is not really the cause but rather the catalyst of education; that the responsibility of the citizen is to become educated in this sense, and the responsibility of the edu- cated citizen is to help others be- come educated - by providing them the freedom to speak and do and the opportunity to be ef- fective when they use that free- dom. It means that, while freedom and opportunity are sometimes popular they can often be quite unpopular, because some people t have more freedom and opportuni- ty than others. Well, I think they're all pretty good ideas although rather in- volved. But a farewell column, one is told, shouldn't be complex and, above all, it shouldn't be calcu- lated. It should spring from the heart, a totally spontaneous, ser- endipitous rendering of four years of experience, NONE of the above ideas are like that, though, and I knew it, which was why I wvas a little afraid I'd have a lot of trouble writing a valedictory. Until sev- eral days ago, that is. I was sitting in class and, true to the Window Theory of Educa- tion, was casting my glance vague- ly around the room. I then no- ticed that my neighbor was writ- ing an impassioned note to her- what should I say? -boyfriend? I'm not sure. With a typical reportorial in- quisitiveness and disregard for privacy (which I suspect is not an exclusively reportorial property) I made out some of it: "I love you, I love you . . . always you, still you, more you, and yet you again " "Perhaps I am mad to be this way," the note continued; I began to suspect her passion might not be completely reciprocated. It was touching, very touching, and I felt very moved. Pathetic, perhaps; foolish, possibly; re- strained, scarcely; impulsive, ob- viously; but that note struck me as wonderful and rare. Somehow it symbolizes what I want to say (and it probably sounds a lot like what I'm saying!) For whether or not it was re- ciprocated, that brief missive was an act of love, the kind of thing which-I think all of us, in the final analysis, know-makes life rewarding, and the kind of thing of which there is too little. The real reason, I'm afraid, why teachers don't treat their students like equals, why they don't in- volve their .students in their class, why administrators shy from con- sulting students (and faculty), is that they don't love them: that they don't have the kind of trust and feeling about them which even understands weakness and folly and error which love inspires-or, if they do have that feeling, they are too afraid to act on it. Too often, the feeling is instead one of distrust, a belief that "rules must be followed, because if wedon't have any, people might get out of hand," a "haunting fear," as H. L. Mencken put it, that "somebody, somewhere might be happy." PERHAPS the same criticism equally applies to The Daily and its critics. For I suspect The Daily's greatest weakness is not its inaccuracy or its unfairness in attacking its enemies-in all hon- esty I think we have surprisingly little of that. Rather, we don't love our enemies; and if we love them we don't love them enough. I include myself in that coin- pany; and I recall the report that Dean William Haber spent several hours talking with demonstrators in the Administration Bldg. that confused December day, President Hatcher called him and said, "Bill, I can't thank, you enough. I couldn't have done that" Here, then,, is a man who is shy, almost painfully so. . who (I think) has basically good inten- tions, but for a variety of reasons ("Hell, he was raised before World War I," a second-echelon admin- istrator once snorted to me) hadn't acted on all of them. From what I gather he and his wife have been deeply upset by my and The Daily's criticism of him: looking back, I do not regret a single word of what I wrote because I think it quite justified; but I do regret that I didn't feel love-and express. it-as I wrote. The above should, no doubt, be grist for the mills of The Daily's critics, even though, in the last analysis, The Daily and I have said far more in praise of the University and President Hatcher (his Vietnam remarks, his re- sponse to the "student power" crisis, the 'University's position on draft reclassifications and the like) than they have said about us. Indeed, the old chestnut that "The Daily never says anything good about the University" assumes some degree of irony when it is' vice-versaed. BUT ALL THIS simply em- bellishes the point, which is that the poetry of love, not the power of self-interest or money or in- fluence, is the premise on which our lives ought to be built and which we too often forget. "We want a society in which love is more possible," former SDS Pres- ident Carl Oglesby likes to say. So do I, and I guess'that's what I've "learned" here. If the Voice members at President-designate Fleming's press conference really believed in love and acted on it would he have run a closed ques- tioning procedure or called stu- dents "creatures?" These situations, of course, put to a test our belief in love, largely because the other fellow seems to be hating us. But if James Farmer could say, "We're gonna love the hell out of Mississippi," then even when love meets hate there is no justification for not loving, not for Voice, and not for Pollock. Of course, a belief in love often seems useless because it is so often almost a panacea: if everyone would just start loving each other, everything would be fine. There wouldn't be any more student pro- tests, war in Vietnam, revolts in Nigeria or fistfights at football games, But that's not going to happen tomorrow. What does one do in the meantime? YOU FIGHT your enemies, whether they live in the Adminis- tration Bldg. or the Kremlin; but you realize-and hope he does- that you love him and he ought to love you, too. So perhaps things may change eventually. "Have love in your hearts as you do this thing," Joan Baez told 800 demonstrators as they prepared to sit-in at Berkeley's Sproul Hall. I 1know that sounds naive and romantic; I know I do. I know it won't always succeed (e.g., my neighbor's note). But it sounds good, and perhaps it's worth a try. 4 4' Crucial Link WE HAVE BEEN treated to a bit of wishful thinking on the part of whites and Negroes alike that the issues of civil rights and Vietnam can be segregated. On Wednesday, Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, undersecretary of the United Nations and a director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, attacked fellow Nobel Peace Prize re- cipient Dr. Martin Luther King for try- ing to lead both a civil rights campaign and a crusade against American involve- ment in Vietnam. In his view the "two efforts have too little in common," and constitute "a serious tactical mistake." It appears, though, that Dr. Bunche is the one who is making the serious tacti- cal error; his actions are regrettable. To separate the two pressing problems re- stricts the citizenship of the black Amer- ican to one important field when the demand for full citizenship requires the active participation cf all Negroes in de- termining all the policies of the nation. THIS APPLIES to an even greater ex- tent to the issue of war and peace. Disproportionately drafted, wounded and killed, black men must by definition be involved. Dr. Bunche's statement can only be viewed as a continuation of subservience CL r 1ftIdaiiUyxu The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service Su'scription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academicschool year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 423 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. to the Johnson war administration, and as such, practically condones the con- comitant scrapping of the anti-poverty apd anti-ghetto promises. Dr. King, however, along with civil rights leaders Stokely Carmichael and Floyd McKissick, is doing a great service to every segment of the nation. All too often in the past black men have been confronted with broken promises and unenforced legislation. By rallying against the Vietnamese war they can only strengthen their organization as a civil rights movement, and this is a necessary step for the attainment of their too-long- awaited'goals. --J.L. Dupes and Dopes THE HOUSE Committee on Un-Ameri- can Activities charged about a week ago that Communists are the principal organizers behind the extensive demon- stration which will take place during Vietnam Week, April 8 to 15. The commit- tee report, aptly titled "Communist Ori- gin and Manipulation of Vietnam Week" says the aims of these demonstrations are to reverse the U.S. policy of resisting Communism in Vietnam, to undermine the U.S. and to destroy any possibility of establishing a democratic government in Vietnam. TO THE THOUSANDS of innocent dupes marching in New York and San Fran- cisco tomorrow, we offer an antidote: Just keep repeating to yourself, "Better dead than red." -S.F. Oh, IDo It! Letters: No Grounds for Dismissal of Lawyer To the Editor: WE WERE RATHER surprised T and somewhat taken aback to read the Voice Statement in yesterday's Daily. Although it raises some legitimate questions about what can be called the ab- stract issues at hand; its conclu- sions and some of its hypotheses are in no way related to fact: Mr. Forsythe is not legal advi- sor to the Student Rental Union. He is paid to handle legal prob- lems of individual students of all sorts and varieties. He has been consulted by SRU and Student Housing Association people on an individual 15 minute appointment basis concerning legal questions surrounding their operations. VOICE asserts a "blatant con- flict of interests." In an abstract sense this is true. There is a con- ceivable conflict of interest situa- tion, but it has not materialized. In his dealings with SRU repre- sentatives and with other indi- viduals, Mr. Forsythe has been honest, straightforward and very helpful. From personal experience we can note that he has given in- valuable advice in at least two cases on how to break a lease with an individual landlord and proce- dures for bringing landlords to suit. Ironically, Mr. Forsythe's posi- tion as a realtor (although a very small one and one with a good reputation) which VOICE decries makes him all the more qualified to dispense competent opinion on 10"l llsznn enerninL' rntal legal advice. So far this has proved to be the case. IN SHORT, the success enjoyed by the Legal Aid Program has in no way been endangered by Mr. Forsythe's appointment. He has proved to'be a competent and im- partial dispenser of legal opinions. Theresare no real grounds for his dismissal as is suggested in the VOICE letter. Sam Sherman SGC Treasurer Tom Van Lente SHA Chairman Esch To the Editor: FOR VAGUENESS and non- news, Rep. Esch's recent state- ments on Vietnam in an interview with your reporter are unexcelled. Would Mr. Esch consent to an- other interview to discuss spe- cifics? 1. Hs said, "If the North Viet- namese would show any signs of a reciprocal action, I would favor a halt in the bombing." What wouldtbe an acceptable "sign of a reciprocal action?" (for they have made numerous signs of various sorts),, and how does his state- ment differ from the administra- tion's policy? 2. He said, "We must find a third group who will be able to effectively govern all of Vietnam." What does this mean? Where do we find such a group? (After all, Ky and Ho persuaded to step aside? 3. He said, "We must articulate our policy in regard to Vietnam in particular, and Southeast Asia. as a whole;" and, "We should strive for unity within our own government concerning the war. That's fine, but on what policy shall our government unite, and what policyshall we articulate? What are the elements of a South- east -Asia policy Mr. Esch could support? DOES HE CONTINUE to be criti- cal as he was in his campaign, of the proposal made by his predeces- sor, Rep. Vivian, in the House, to recognize mainland China? Does he continue, as he did in the cam- paign, to support cutting off Food- for-Peace to countries which per- mit trade with North Vietnam? Would he agree with Mr. Vivian's proposal of January 5, 1966, in the House of Representatives, to submit the conflict to the United Nations. Does he support the Ful- bright proposals? The U Thant proposals made last summer? His constituents elected Mr. Esch primarily to speak up in 'Washington. What has he said in the House of Representatives on the subject of Vietnam? We all want an articulate, uni- fied policy which will bring ovr troops home, insure peace and justice for all the people of South- east Asia, reduce our taxes, and allow us to better support educa- tion. the war on povertv and eco- erable buses with limited and ir- regular service." As a regular patrol of this sys- tem, I find,'to the contrary, that the buses are quite adequate, and their service, though not unlim- ited, quite regular. What I do find qgtite miserable, however, is the irresponsibility of the editorial writer (has he ever ridden a bus; looked at a bus map, or read a bus schedule?) and the attitude of The Daily in re- fusing to give this bus system the necessary support that it de- serves. THE CITY Bus Company very recently instituted new routes and new schedules throughout the city. The Ann Arbor News publicized these changes by announcing all the discontinued routes but none of the added ones. The Michigan Daily joined this conspiracy of silence by printing nothing at all! WouldThe Daily care to redeem itself to the student body which it seeks to serve, and to the bus company which offers service to the student body and townspeople alike, by offering to tell the pa- per's readers what public trans- portation is indeed available throughout the city? -Ben Z. Rubin i- #dA J / f kI "'WAR \ fr-- Wm'kW ' I