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April 13, 1967 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-13

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For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0
Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M.


Completely remodeled 1 bedroom a-
partment with new furnishings and
wall-to-wall carpeting throughout.
$160 per month includes heat, water
and parking.
Other furnished and unfurnished 2-
bedrooms in campus and hospital
337 East Huron
Call 662-7787 between 10 and 1 daily
FOR FALL - Need roommate for large
2-man apt. Close to campus $65/mo.
Call Deanna 663-7114. C49
For the summer
10 nicely furnished rooms
100 feet behind women's pool
Call 662-2340 C35
over 22 yrs. for sharing the last 2
bdrm. apt. available for the fall at
the Bradford House, 1010 Catherine
on _the Medical Cntr. Call Georgia
at 764-5150 daytimes or 761-5075 eve-
nings. C44
YOUR OWN ROOM in a five-fian
house for $45/mo. Available May-
Aug. Call Bill 663-4428. C38
STUDIOS - New bldg - Singlesor
couples. $145-150. fall. 668-6906: .43
1 MAN WANTED to share 2 bedroom
apt. with one other for summer.
Phone 761-4839 8-12 p.m. C4
FIIFTH MAN EEDED to share modern
3 bedroom split level apt. near cam-
pus for next school year. Call Tom
668-9007. 05
to share plush modern apt. Own
bedroom. Pleasant surroundings. 5-
min. from .campus with car. Rent $77
per month. Available April 15. Call
663-4585 after 5:30. CC
Your best guide would be to c6ntact
Patrick J. Pulte Inc. 2-4 E. Huron
NO 5-9405. With an experienced
guide finding the apartment you
want is easy. Fall '67 listings may be
picked up at our office. , C22
2-man units
3-man units
4-man units
We also have a few 3-man 2 - bedroom
units at $66.67/mo., All new; modern
buildings. Call now while selections
are good. Liberty Land Co. 662-3358

FEMALE graduate student looking for
a roommate and apartment for all
1967. Call collect after 8 p.m. 212-331-
4890. 07
JULY-AUGUST sublet for 1,2 or 3I
girls in huge, air cond., 4-man apt.
on campus. CHEAP. 761-3992. C40
IF YOU HAVE LOTS of classes in the
Frieze bldg - you should live in
the Washington Manor next fall. 418
E. Washington St. 3-man 1 bdrm.
mod. bldg., 668-6906 for appointment.
NEED 1 or 2 girls to share 3 bdrm.
house - campus area. 665-2170. C42
For Fall rental we still have a few
luxurious 3-man apartments in var-
ious campus locations. Some bi-levels,
2 bedroom three man, all with pri-
vate parking, air cond., and all the
other luxury features. Call 665-8330
till 9:00 p.m. C
NEED ROOMMATE? Quiet senior needs
place to live next fall. Mark 663-2031
APARTMENT for summer and fall. Two
bedroom, four person, large kitchen
and living room. Fall rent $220/mo.
Less for summer. Call 761-6225 after
5:00. C27
NEEDED-1 or 2 girls to share large,
air-cond. Arbor Forest Apt. May-Aug.
1 block from S. Univ. Xtras, parking.
Call 665-4648. C42
1315 KENSINGTON and 710 Hagadoren,
4 and 5 bdrms.Call BR 3-0223, Det.,
or write 14666 Rutherford, Det. 029
FOR RENT - 4 bedroom house. Sum-
mer and/or fall. 662-8183. C25
SITY-Furnished, three bedrooms, for
four male students, available Aug. 20.
One year lease. 663-5930. 028
NEEDED 6th GIRL for fall in spacious
Charter apt. $58.33 mo. Call 764-1080
modern apartment. 4800 Wnshtenaw
Call Carol 764-8211 between I and 5

ONE Jewish roommate wanted for girl
on campus apart. fall 67 761-7776. C30
WANTED FOR FALL-1 man to share
ultra-imodern 2-man 2-bedroom apt.
All luxury features inci'tei.lg air-
cond, dishwasher, etc. Call Steve,'
668-8692. C6
3 men need fourth for fall term. Mod-
ern bi-level, air-cond. apt., close to
campus. Call 764-4616 or 764-4614. C5
FOR FALL-Large 4-man luxury apt.
Dishwasher, parking. 761-8504 afttNr
5. C4
1 OR 2 MEN to share 1 room of 2
bdrm. apt. Air cond., dishwasher, dis-
posal. 2 blocks from campus. 406
Packard, Apt. 103, Cali 662-4841 eve-
nings. C3
NEXT FALL-3 studious swingers need
4the for s'acious 4-man. 2 blocks
from campus. 8 m> lease. $58/mo.
761-8482. 02
4-MAN, 2 BDRM. mod. air cond apt.
Convenient to campus, parking, rea-
sonable. 761-6774. C1
WANTED - Grad cou'il, as resident
managers forlarge capus bldg. NO
8-6906, To begin 5/15/'67. 050
2 SENIOR GIRLS need two roommates
for fall. Mod, apt.,d ishwasher, air
cond. $55/mo. 8 min wala from cam-
pus. Call Jan, 764-7945. C45
ROOM FOR LADY, either teacher or
student in Apt. 207, 721 S. Forest Call
663-7056. E41
ROOM AND BOARD for an elderly lady.
Pleasant person and food wiji be no
problem. Call 663-7056. C40
E. UNIV.-Singles for men, Available
at end of April. Phone 3-5930. C18
SUBLET - 1-3 men to share large,
modern 2 bedrm. apt. Near campus,
parking, air cond., balcony, etc. Call
761-9776. U14
1 MAN NEEDED to share 4-man mod.
air cond., apt, cheap. 761-9342. U13
4 BDRM HOUSE available May- Auag.
Campus area. Call 665-2170. U12
4-man luxury apt. air cond., dishwasher
garbage disp. 912 Brown no. 102 662-
7124. Ull
MODERN 2 bdrm 3-man, air cond.,
sun roof, parking, asking $135. 761-
9476. Ul0

3-MAN summer sublet near law school.
Spacious rooms. New interior. Only
$35. Call 764-9060. U8
MODERN APT, to sublet near Rack.
ham and hospitals, John or Bob
665-3862. U7
FURNISHED SUBLET - 2-man, couple
preferred. 5 min. from Union. Op-
tional fall renewal negotiable. 761-
8356 evenings. U30

NEED 4TH GIRL for Carriage House.
Air-cond., bi-level, dishwasner. Call
665-3381. U.32
SUBLET May-August. One bedroom, 2-
man on campus. Call 761-9541. U38
CLEAN NEW 4-man apt. Close to cam-
pus. $180. 761-8355. U37
MOD. 4 MAN, balcony, air cond., dish-
washer, fireplace. 927 E. Ann, No. 3.
Near hosp. and campus. 665-6534. U36
SUMMER HAVEN for 2 or 3. Air cond.,
wall to wall carpeting, modern furn-
ishing and appliances. 2 blocks from
acmpus - 323 Packard apt. 4. Call
663-7797. U14
- 4 bedrms., irg. kitchen, lrg. lvg.
room up to 8. $40/mo. for individual
5 min. from campus. TV 311 E. Lib-
erty, 665-2700. U13
ONE MAN apt. May-Aug. or half-term.
2 yrs. old. $55 or less, 665-3669. Steve.
WANTED - 2 girls to share modern 4-
man apt. Air cond. Sundeck. Close
to campus. Call 665-7010. Very rea-
sonable. U11
ONE OR TWO GIRLS needed for first
half or full summer. Arbor Forest
Apts. Toni or Amy. 761-5958. U10
WANTED - One female subletter. New
apt., air cond., spring and/or sum-
mer terms. 665-0901. U9
SUMMER SUBLET - Large modern 3-
man. Free central air cond. Sun-
porch and parking. Call 663-8923 or
764-2759. U8
4-man, bi-level, spacious modern apt.
2 baths, disposal, covered parking.
663-9763. U24
2 BEDROOM APT, Cheap. 662-5148. U2

MODERN 2-MAN apt., air cond., close
to campus. Will negotiate price. Call
761-7500. U6
Charter House. Modern 4 or 5 man, 3
big derooms, 2 full baths, furnished,
dishwasher, disposal, parking, free
central air conditioning paid by
management. Stay cool. Call 663-2210.
Free TV a
The best 4-man for the summer
Call 665-6678
JULY & AUGUST-Sublet our 5-man
bi-level apt, 3 bdrm., STUDY room,
2 full bathrooms, etc. Air-cond., bal-
cony. A real bargain at the corner of
S. Univ. and Church St. Call 761-
6547. UD
1336 Geddes No. 3 - 1 or 4 needed;
centrally located with 2 bedrooms,
dishwasher, air-cond., wall-to-wall
carpeting parking 663-1906, U3
ONE BEDROOM, furn. apt, avail for
sublease May 1st.rCallBill 761-4134.
Avail. Fall. U14
MODERN 4-MAN APT. 2 bdrms., air-
cond, double bath, large balcony -
Will sublet to 1, 2. 3, or 4 persons
911 5. Forest No. 11 665-4314. U42
MOD. 2-MAN, bi-level apt. 8 min. from
campus, air-cond., all utilities free.
731 Packard. 662-5857. U41
2 BDRM unfurnished for summer. Call
mealtimes 761-8967. U9
4-MAN bi-level apt. Air cond. Avail.
July-Aug. $1$0/mo. 662-2355. U6.
COMPLETE house for summer. 4-man
3 bedrooms, $120 or best offer. Call
761-7573 or 761-3178. U5
PARK PLAZA - 4-5 man apt. Very
reasonable. 1320 S. University Apt. 71
Call 665-0202. U4
NEW, 2-MAN funr. apt. near campus.
Patio, lounge chairs. Call 662-2193. U23
LARGE, MOD. 2 bdrm. apt. for 4 or 3.
Central air-cond., off street parking,
sun roof and laundry facilities. Call
NO 3-5584. U24
HUGE 4-MAN, 3 bdrm. house near
campus and hospital. 414 E. Kingsley.
761-9251. U35
SUMMER SUBLET-Spacious 3-man, 2
bdrm., one block from Union. $45/mo.
Will bargain. 665-2312 persistently. U34
3-MAN 2-bdrm., mod. air-cond. apt.
Good location, parking, reasonable.
761-3648. U25
PARK PLAZA, 1320 S. University 4-man,
air-cond. Call 761-6671. U18
3-4 MAN, 3 bdrm. house with parkingl
available. Reasonable price, near cam-
pus. Call 665-8786. U25

2 GIRLS WANTED for summer to share
large, 3 bdrm. house with 2 other
girls. $40/mo. each. Apr. 20-Aug. 20.
Call 862-8036. Ul
SUMMER SUBLET-Spacious 3-man, 2
bdrm., one block from Union. $45/mo.
Will bargain. 665-2312 persistently.
2 OR 3 MAN, 2 bdrm., spacious, great
location, really cheap. Call Joel 761-
9766. U26
Large, four-man duplex, 2 bdrms., full
basement, ample parking. 665-4003.
Need 1, 2, or 3 men to share four-man
duplex. Full basement, ample park-
ing. 665-4003. U28
2-BDRM. 2-MAN grad students, good
location, quiet. Call Dick 761-9766.
ROOMS FOR RENT - Summer only
or fall. Furn. All utiliites paid. Near
hospitals and campus. Low rent. 261-
8797. U35
FURN. 5 ROOM APT, for summer sub-
let. All util. paid. Light and airy.
Near campus and hospital. Low rent.
761-8297. U34
FURN. 2 bdrm. apt. for sublet. Util.
paid. Near campus. Low rent. 761-
8297. U33
1 OR TWO MAN, mod., effic. apt. 4
min. to Angell. Air cond. $105/mo.
307 Thompson No. 101 761-9809. U22
SWIMMING POOL, air-cond., covered
parking, party room. 1 girl wanted to
share this mod. 3-man apt. for sum-
mer. 663-0055. 1U36
swimming pool, color TV available.
Second half of summer only (term
3-B). Call Clarence at 761-6630.
$50/mo. U9
Swimming pool, AC., 3-MAN MODERN
APT. Covered parking, 1001 E. Unn-
versity Apt. 8A. Call 761-6162. U9
SUMMER SUBLET - One block from
campus - 4-man in new bldg., air
cond., dishwasher, patio, fully furn.
Call 761-4795. U
NEED 1 GIRL for 3-man for summer.
Own room. Good loc. $40/mo. 665-
5297. U4
Mod. 2-rpan bi-level apt. air-cond. &
disposal. 761-7987. U3

PARK PLAZA - 3rd floor. 2 balconies,
overlooking MUD Bowl. 4-man. Air
cond. 662-9945. 1
NEED ONE GIIRL to share modern
4 man 2 bedroom apt. Close to cam-
pus. All conveniences. Call 663-9410.
Unusally large efficiency for one -
(two if of opposite sexes) - near
campus - will haggle over price -
668-7737, keep trying U49
ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. close to
campus, utilities paid, garage. 663-
7930. U48
That's what you'll be in our spacious,
modern, 4-man with FREE CENTRAL
AIIR COND. Extras include off-street
parking, sun deck, and disposal.
Priced for quick sublet, 320 E. Mad-
isoneno, 7 Phone: 761-0194. U20
CHARMING garret apt. for summer
sublet. People over 6-1 should not
apply. 662-3910. U21
2-MAN APT. corner S.U. and Wash-
tenaw $42/man/mo. Call 665-6202. U47
MODERN 2-MAN aipt next to law quad
Call 665-3438. U46
WANTED - 1 girl for big 3 man. Will
bargain. Call 663-7669. U45
1-3 people needed to share mod. air
cond. apt. 1 block from campus.
Parking available. 326 E. Madison no.
3 665-9080. U44
3-MAN AIR COND., 8 min. from cam-
pus. All utilities free. 668-8317. U22
NEED 4th GIRL to share spring sum-
mer sublet. Apt with swim pool, Call
662-0887. U 32
PARK PLAZA - Comodious 4-man air
cond. parking patio, 1320 S. Univ. no
4 668-6560. U33
SUMMER SUBLET 1 or 2 girls needed.
Reasonable - Close to campus 665-
9470. U27

air cond., bi-level in Viscount 1316
Geddes no. 4 665-0394. U36
4th GIRL WANTED. Mod. furn. apt
Dishwasher, air cond., parking, 1
blocks from Frieze. 665-4271. U35
LARGE 2-man apt, avail. May 1st. In-
dividuality and economy call 665-4532
1st HALF TERM one man in 4-man
mod, air cond. 409 E. Kingsley 668-
7357, 5-7 p.m. U49
One or Two Girls
Need for whole summer or either half
Modern apt., air cond., close to campus
Rent Cheap
Call 761-1368.
LARGE 2-BDRM apt. in the Summit
House with balcony and other good-
ies. CHEAP. Call 062-2883 or stop in
at 919 S. Division No. 304. U39
Large 4-man, air cond., dishwasher,
parking space. 1 block from campus.
663-1676 U46
Air cond., large and luxurious, sun
deck, ample closet space, laundry
facilities, CHEAP! 919 S. Division no.
303 Call 761-3718. U4
APT, for 2 near Bus. Ad. Bldg. Free
Parking. 761-800,4. US
'60 Falcon yours to keep in running
cond. for sublet of our large4-man
apt next to law quad. Call .662-3364.
4-MAN APT., modren, air cond. 662-
5117. .U
2 BEDROOM luxury apts. available for
summer at low rents. Bi-level, air
cond., dishwashers, carpeting, park-
ing. Available full summer or either
half term. 665-4200 after 6 p.m. ' 43
HELP! Close, quiet, cheap 2-man sum-
mer sublet. 662-3035. U38
WANTED - One man for two-some in
3-man apt. 2 air conds., pool, color
TV U Towers. Call 665-0225. U19


OR 2 MAN, mod. efficiency air cond.
laundry in bldg. 3 min, to Angell.
Will negotiate. 663-7127. U18

CHEAP, convenient, and close. 4-man.
Call now. 761-9363. U13

GROOVY 4-MAN to sublet. Modern
spacious, air cond., Overlooks West
Park. Call 761-6902. U15


THREE MATURE seniors seek 4th man
for modern apt. Fall. Jim, 761-8974
after 5. C32







MODERN EFFICIENCY for one or two.
Only $90/mo for whole summer. Call
761-9808 now. C37

HOUSE - 4 men, 5 min. from campus.
Call 764-8972. U35

CARRIAGE HOUSE - 3-man apt., air-
cond., Dishwasher, parking space, 1
block from Campus. 665-4311, U4
3 MAN; all mod. conveniences, dis-
posal, dishwasher, etc. Very close
to campus. Forum Apt. 662-4177. U20

FIVE ROOM furn. apt. $130/mo., utili-
ties incl. 663-7816. U32
WANTED-2 women to sublet fully
equipped apt. for spring and summer
terms. 1015 Vaughn. 665-7962. U49

2 Bedrooms
Summit House Call 761-5471

SINGLE - Summ sublet at State
and Packard. Ca 2-9204. U19
LARGE mod. 4-man air cond., 2 bal-
conies 2 bdrm. 608 Monroe, opposite
S Quad 665-8257. U20





2-MAN next, to Frieze. Parking $90/mo.
662-5948. U1

SUMMER SUBLET - 4-man apt, mod-
ern, air cond., dishwasher, bi-level.
1412 Geddes no. 10 761-1468. U49

house. Garage available. $75/mo. for
2 men. Call 665-6025. U41

3 MAN, MOD. APT. has everything. 1
block from campus. Call 761-3305.
Price negotiable. U1

VISCOUNT - 1316 Geddes no. 21 4-
man, bi-level, all conveniences. $45/
man, 4 months 663-1950. U33

SUBLET 2-3 man split level apt. Close
to campus. Cool. Cheap. 334 E. Mad-
ison 761-8291. U47

TWO MEN NEEDED to fill 3-man apt.
Individual bedrooms, pool, color TV,
etc. Phone 761-6776. UU
2 BEDROOM 4-man apt. in Carriage
House. Must see to believe how great
apt. is. 665-8107. U15
1336 Geddes No. 3
Turn on, tune in to centrally located
4-man; dishwasher, air cond., wall-
r..n-tn _ anz 63-9_1 U3

LCVI ) zupe slims-- 4.74

Tradewmas apt. no. Is 76i-4u. U45o

NO S-4063 m b. btaLe

I '" .r;

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