r ~Seventy-Sixth Yeart EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD TN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Under the Influence Stop In The Name of Love of Meredith Eiker I' Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Wil Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. s r t. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL OKRENT A2 U R & D Recruiting: Another Milking Job? SUNDAY, APRIL 30, has been declared a day of love for Detroit, the day of Motown's first "love-in." As usual the Midwest has lagged behind the cities innovating the love-in-New Ycrk, Los Angeles, and San Francisco -but our chance is finally coming. Scheduling the event in the Belle Isle bandshell, Trans Love Energies, a group of artists, writers, and musicians who live and work around Detroit's Artists Workshop, has planned a day of romping in the sun- singing and dancing, balloons and food-holding hands with strangers, and smiling at policemen. The only advance stigma the day will bear is that, according to the Detroit Free Press, the love-in is spon- sored by "hippies" "Who are hippies?" Answers Free Press writer George Walker, they're "People who wear beards (some don't) People who don't care much about money. People who (some of them) take LSD." And, according to Walker, what's "square" is "every- body else." THE WHOLE CONCEPT of the love-in seems to be kind of a nice thine. Noel Cooper, promotion manager for Trans Love Energies, is quoted in the Free Press article as saying, "Were trying to give people in Detroit something like the Sar Francisco scene. We want to give them something free. something they would enjoy. We're going, to give them as much love as it's possible to show them. "I haven't seen The Man (policeman) love a person. I would lkie to see them come to Belle Isle and enjoy the world." Said George Zeipekis, "Bring bells and flowers and dress as beautifully as you like. Just wear what you want. People are people. No suits. No ties. Just feel comfortable and free and happy." NOW I'M NOT at all sure what the love-in in Detroit is going to be like or who will go and who will stay away. But I've got an idea what a love-in in Ann Arbor might be like, let's say on3 scheduled in the Arb on April 25: First of all. in true love-in spirit, The Daily and The Ann Arbor News would publish a joint free edition. Guest editors for the issue would be Vice President for Public Relations Michael Raddock and Chris Carey of the Uni- versity's News Service Gary Rothberger would escort Lt. Eugene Stauden- meier to the festivities in an official Sesquicentennial car driven by Regent Paul Goebel. SGC President Bruce Kahn would serve Vice Presi- dent for Student Affairs Richard Cutler his hot dogs and potato salad, while the vice-president prepared his state- ment abolishing hours for high school seniors. SINCE THE LOVE-IN would be held immediately following the last final exams. Follet's and Ulrich's book- stores would set up stands in the Arb for buying back books at the same price they sold them for. For entertainment the last 14 minutes of "Flaming Creatures" would be shown along with a Mickey Mouse cartoon for the adults, while guest bands would include Harlan and the Regents, Ho Chi Minh and the Peace Feelers, and Ed Robinson and the Movements. Faculty members would finish grading exams with student asistance, telling students how well or poorly they did rather than turning in grades to the transcript people and the draft boards. ALL IN ALL the day would be a grand success, everyone in the University community would love every- one else -.-. Maybe ... $ THE UNIVERSITY is currently partici- pating along with six Ann Arbor re- search and development corporations in a joint advertising campaign aimed at recruiting technical personnel to fill va- cant positions in both industry and Uni- versity research operafions. This slick advertising campaign, called A2 U-M R & D, has thus far cost the University some $5000 or 25 per cent of the total cost of the program. At this point, not a single research or profes- sorial appointment has been definitely secured. The response to the series of display advertisements, which has appeared in three different technical journals since last October and which will run through the middle of the summer, has been ex- cellent, according to both officials of the University and private industry. Over 200 requests for information have thus far been received. HOWEVER, THE \PROCEDURE for con- tacting those people who do show interest in coming to Ann Arbor seems to preclude the possibility that they will pick the University over private indus- try, unless their talents are such that only an educational institution can make use of them. When a resume is received from the in- 'terested party, a copy of it is sent to the University and each of the person- nel directors of the six corporations. The University which is paying the largest share of the project is given no advan- tage in procuring an individual's serv - ices. A person submitting a resume may receive as many as seven competing job offers. The, University, with a generally lower pay scale than private industry, is im- mediately at a disadvantage. It apnears that only those individuals' services who. are not needed or wanted by private in- dustry would come to the Unive st by un- der the way the program is presently structured. THE UNIVERSITY has lent its name and its prestige to a project for which it stands to gain little or nothing. The program, a part of the Institute of Sci- ence and Technology's Industrial Devel- opment Division, is supposedly designed to serve the University's "public service function to the state's industry." But a $5000 expenditure to help other Wealthy corporations recruit technicians seems to be nothing more than a milking job. The University presently has enough problems keeping its faculty in the face of tempting offers from just such com- panies as Bendix Aerospace and Conduc- tron, two members of the cooperative venture. The program is up for reconsideration this summer. At that time, the University could well devise more mutually benefi- cial enterprises with local industry than A2 U-M R & D. --MARK LEVIN it Letters: The Handwriting Is on the Wall To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to applaud the University for taking a firm pro-Vietnam war stand. Yes, be- lieve it or not, the University of- ficials are definitely hawks. But they are not too sure how this would affect their control on the' students so they have done it be- hind our backs through the Plant Department. Every day as I walk by the blue construction fences in fro n of the Union I am affronted by various slogans, exclamations and statements of personal opinions slopped on the aforesaid fence in blinding yellhtic paint. THIS IS ALL very .normal but I would like to bring to your at- tention the life expectancy of these signs. An anti-war slogan will last for three or four days at the very longest, but the pres- ent war signs ("Hang Ho" and "Send the 1st to Hanoi") hive been on display for two weeks. So there you have it, the Uni- versity of Michigan is behind the" war 100 per cent and I would like to congratulate them for tak- ing this unpopular stand. Hawk- ishly yours, -Jeff Van Hartesveldt, '70E Voice Resolution To the Editor: VOICE, at its April 11 meeting, passed the resolution printed below and asked its officers to transmit it to SGC tonight: "1. Voice notes that J. Michael Forsyth6, SGC-appointed legal counselor to students and Stu- dent Rental Union's ,legal advisor, is president of Associated Apart- The Draft Card Law Burns Out IT'S GOOD TO KNOW that one branch of the government is still untinged by the anti-left paranoia that has af- flicted many public officials since mas- sive demonstrations against the war in Vietnam began. Monday, a United States Court of Ap- peals in Boston ruled as unconstitution- al one absurd law passed by Congress in the wake of these demonstrations- the 1965 amendment to the Selective Service Act which forbids the burning of draft cards. The decision, written by Chief Judge Bailey Aldrich, stated in part: "In singling out persons engaged in protest for special treatment, the amendment strikes at the very core of what the First Amendment protects." A law already existed which required all draft-eligible males to have their Se- lective 'Service cards in their possession at all times. Although the desirability of that law is questionable, it should have been adequate to handle draft card burn- ers. The Daily is a mernber of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service Sn scrtption rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by maill $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Mich:, 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 423 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN..........Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW....Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .. Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP..............Personnel Director NEIL SHISTER ..................Magazine Editor CAROLE KAPLAN.. Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MATROSS.... ...,............ .. Arts Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Neal pruss, Wallace Immen,- David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Donobue, tteve wild- strom. DAY EDITORS: David Duboff, Kathie Glebe, Aviva Kempner Carolyn Miegel, Cynthia Mills, Jennifer Anne Rhiea, Sports Staff tLARK NORTON ............. Sports Editor ROBERT McFARLAND .... Executive Sports Editor GRAYLE HOWLETT..... ..Associate Sports Editor RICHARD STERNET....Associate Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Howard Kohn, Bob Lees, In singling out those who deliberately and publicly destroyed their cards as a form of symbolic protest, for punishment more severe than for those who through carelessness forgot to carry them, Con- gress displayed a flagrant disregard for the right of men to engage freely in pro- test of public policy. WHEN A MAN engages in an act of speech, that act is protected under the guarantees of the First Amendment, so long as it does not directly infringe on the rights of another individual. If the act of speech is accompanied by a violation of a constitutional law, then that other act is subject to penalty. But the two must always remain separate, and only the second should be punish- able. Many political activities, although not literal acts of speech, constitute speech in a symbolic sense. Thus, one who com- mits civil disobedience may be punished for his deliberate offense, but never because he committed civil disobedience. And one who burns his draft card in protest of the war in Vietnam may be sentenced for failing to have the card in his possession, but not for the act of burning the card itself. SINCE THERE SEEMS to be a conflict between Monday's decision in Boston and decisions on other draft-card burn- ing cases reached earlier in two other courts of appeals, it seems that the Su- preme Court may have to resolve this conflict. Hopefully, the highest court in the land will concur with the judges in Boston on this issue. -SUE REDFERN An Exectution AARON C. MITCHELL was murdered yesterday by the people of California. Mitchell, a 37-year-old Negro charged with killing a Sacramento policeman, be- came the first execution victim of the year and California's first since Jan. 23, 1963. Five hundred protestors spent the night outside the prison walls and another group kept an all-night vigil in front of Gov. Ronald Reagan's home in Sacra- mento. Reagan had refused a commuta- tion on Tuesday. MITCHELL'S EXECUTION once again raises the issue of capital punishment into the foreground of public attention. "And Now. To Get Back To The Subject Of Ethical Conduct-" A9 IC At7 .4 ments, a local real estate firm; "2. Voice urges SGC and Stu- dent Rental Union to discharge Mr. Forsythe from these positions and replace him with someone whose interests are not in such blatant conflict with those of the students he is to advise, and' "3. Voice further urges SGC to examine the procedures which led to Mr. Forsythe's appointment, and take steps to ensure that fu- ture procedures for hiring legal consultants are free of the faults which permitted selection of Mr. Forsythe." - -Gary Rothberger, Chairman for Voice Serious Disruptions To the Editors: '/ITHIN THE past month the University has experienced two of the most serious instances of disruption of the academic pro- cess since the dismissal of three professors by President Hatcher and the subsequent censure of the University by the AAUP which oc- curred in the late 1950's. The incidents to which I, refer are the interruption of the speech- es of Senator Philip Hart and Repsresentative Gerald Ford dur- ing the Alumni Weekend, and the intrusion upon and effective dis- ruption of the press conference recently held by the president- elect of the University. THE FACT THAT these meet- ings were disrupted by students is, in my view, a matter of utmost concern to those students at Mich- igan who value academic freedom and are themselves preparing for careers and lives in which free ex- pression and diversity of opinion will play a large part. No student in an institution of higher education has the right to act so as to prevent the expression of views at variance with his own. It is even less defensible !to act so as to prevent such views from being heard by others. I do not believe that a univer- sity can tolerate the presence of those persons-whether students, faculty or administrators-who would challenge and inhibit the principles of free expression, in- quiry and diversity that make pos- sible the advancement of thought and learning. THOSE WHO ARE unable to ac- cept those basic conditions of a university education ought to ab- sent themselves from the univer- sity before their totalitarian be- havior begins t to threaten the values upon which a university is founded., The students who disrupted these meetings have, in my opih- ion, demonstrated their funda- mental opposition to free speech and inqury; and accordingly, I would urge them to withdraw from an institution which is committed to the preservation of those values and which is therefore presumably forever at odds with their own system of values. FURTHERMORE, the faculty and students of the university are already faced with serious internal threats to the academic freedoms they now enjoy without the addi- tion of others brought about by irresponsibleactions of their fel- low students. Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs, Allan Smith has shown, by h's refusal to act in the recent Cinema Guild case and by his hindrance of the activities of the Civil Liberties Board and the Cin- ema Guild Defense Fund, a mark- ed up concern for the values of a university. In addition we have the example of Vice-presidents Smith and Cutler casually providing the House Committee on Uni-American Activities with the names and fac- ulty and student members of a perfectly legitimate university or- ganization. Such behavior is as Mr. Smith and Mr. Cutler have so clearly demonstrated, indefensible and worthy of censure. Most recently a heavy handed, attempt to block the appointment of the editor of the Michigan Daily failed, I believe, because members of the State Legislature articulated their own support for Mr. Rapo-, port while too many adminis- trator, Regents and faculty stood by, willing to look the other way in that case. IF A UNIVERSITY is to remain free of rigid external or internal controls, it is essential that those persons within it who value free- dom of inquiry respond not merely to threats to those freedoms posed by their traditional enemies: the "administrators." It is equally important that they apply the same standards to those of their fellow students who would, by their anti-democratic and ir- responsible suppression of others' rights of free speech, threaten the survival of academic freedom on this campus as well, -James McEvoy, Grad in the Beginning. . To the Editor: N THE BEGINNING people I were hungry and they were called "revolutionaries." Then the counter-revolutionar- ies killed the revolutionaries and non-revolutionaries. Then the revolutionaries killed the counter-revolutionaries and some "non-revolutionaries." Then Americans killed revolu- tionaries, some counter-revolution- aries (by mistake), some non- revolutionaries (by accident), and North Vietnamese (onmpurpose) . Then North Vietnamese killed Americans and counter-revolu- tionaries in self defense. Then Australians and South Ko- reans, coming to the aid of their "~American friends" killed revolu- tionaries, non-revolutionaries, and some counter-revolutionalies (they all look the same and to quote President Johnson, "Let's hang the coon skin on the .wall"), and North Vietnamese (onapurpose). THEN CANADA, the quiet man on the quiet International Con- trol Commission (other members are quiet India and quiet Po- land) gave material aid, and by their. quietness, moral support to the Americans, Australians, South Koreans, and others-so more rev olutionaries, counter-revolutionar- ies, non-revolutionaries, North Vi- etnamese, Chinese, Russians.,. could be killed. Faculty members became mildly indignant, and some even signed petitions which nobody gavena damn about. Law became less than meaning- less. Some people even thought about an International Brigade and banging the bang-bang men. --A. G. Sugerman Legal Research Assistant School of Public Health 4 +I. '4' I TDYAND TOMORROW... Iby WALTER LIPPMANN>r..... Srf n. A Tonkin Wrench in the Constitutional Machinery AS PRESIDENT Johnson meets the Latin American presidents at Punta del Este he must make do with the inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing fact that under the American Constitution he can speak for the United States, but he cannot fully commit it. He is in a position to propose -in this case that our aid to Latin America be increased up to approximately $1.5 billion during the next five years. But under the Constitution, the power to dis- pose, the power to appropriate this money, rests with the Con- gress, and the President is not able to make a final financial pledge at Punta del Este. "The verdict of history, in short," says Prof. Edwin S. Cor- win, "is that the power to deter- mine the substantive content of American foreign policy is a di- vided power, with the lion's share falling usually, though by no means always, to the President." THERE HAVE BEEN several ways of dealing with the prob- lem of divided power which aim to avoid the situation where the President negotiates with a for- divided power in international af- fairs is to appoint as members of the American negotiating commis- sion influential leaders of the op- posite party in the Senate. The failure to do that, the choice of a retired Republican diplomat in- stead of a Republican senator, may have been the critical mistake in Woodrow Wilson's handling of the treaty of Versailles. Another method is for the Presi- dent to consult with the leaders of the Senate before he negotiates. This has often been done, and often, but not always, it has work- ed successfully. Another method of dealing with divided power is to try to per- suade Congress to commit itself to the President's proposals before the negotiations begin abroad. This was the method President Johnson attempted to use only to be rebuffed by the Foreign Rela- tions Committee of the Senate. Obviously it was a mistake to ask for a commitment by the Senate unless he was sure that he would get it. DIVIDED POWER in U.S. for- eign policy is a perennial problem up a block against secret treaties. It compels the President to edu- cate public opinion by explaining himself. NOR HAS IT proved to be an unworkable system, as John Hay, for instance, thought it was. The system works best when there is a friendly and confident under- standing between the President and the Congress. Like so many features of the American consti- tutional system, an underlying consensus is necessary to operate it. Because of the absence of that consensus the President failed to get from the Senate a commitment in advance to support him for the next five years. There is grit in the constitutional machinery. The grit is there because of the grave abuse by the President of powers which were voted to him under the Tonkin Gulf resolution. I wish the incident had not happened and that the President would not have to appear at Punta del Este after being rebuffed by the Senate. How damaging are the effects likely to be? WE CAN BW Ecrtain T thinr C O~lz ES/S"/ fS" Pt tv 1 - - \ h .1 "'