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April 12, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-12

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See editorial page


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Cloudy with chance
of afternoo'n showers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


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THIS ADVERTISEMENT, which appeared in "Aviation Week
and Science Technology," is part of a campaign by the Univer-
sity and local firms to attract technically trained personnel
to Ann Arbor.
THE LAST OF NASHVILLE'S rioting Negro students were
released from jail yesterday as the city's leaders began to attack
the roots of three straight nights of violence, the Associated
Press reported last night.
Dr. Edwin Mitchell, chairman of the Nashville Metropolitan
Human Relations Commission, announced that the last five
students arrested since "rioting began Saturday'night had been
released. "These students have had their charges dismissed and
the jail is now free of students," he said.
Although reports of scattered incidents continued last night,
the major violence began to abate Monday night, and streets
that had been filled with angry young-Negroes for three night
were clear.
* * * *
THE FIRST ANNUAL PRE-LEGAL Institute will be held at
Eastern Michigan University on Saturday, April 15. The institute
which is sponsored by EMU's vien's Union Board in the College
of Arts and Sciences is designed to provide potential law school
applicants with information regarding admissions requirements
and procedures at numerous law schools.
According to Mike Conlin, student advisor to the Men's Union
Board, the institute will "also give participants an opportunity to
meet and talk with many judges and attorneys from the area who
"4 are considered outstanding members of their profession."
The principal guest speaker will be Joseph W. Louisell of
Detroit who Conlin calls a "nationally renowned trial attorney
considered a legal authority in his own right." In addition Uni-
versity Prof. Carl S. Hawkins will conduct a sample law school
The institute will be held at EMU's McKenny Union with
representatives of 22 law schools in attendance, among them
Northwestern University and the Universities of Wisconsin, Con-
necticut and Kentucky. There is no charge for the forum which
begins at 9:30 after registration beginning at 8:30.
THREE UNIVERSITY LAW professors will discuss "How To
Bid for University Property-The Maynard Street Scandal" at 4
p.m. today in the Lawyers Club lounge. The panel is intended to
provide a review for law students in "Contracts" and "Corpora-
tions" courses who begin their exams May 1. The professors are
Beverley Pooley, Stanley Siegel, and Alfred Conard.
The discussion was prompted by an April 4 Daily story.

"Moving back could be your
fastest way to move ahead. SoI
could moving here for the first
time, reads one advertisement in
a recent issue of "Aviation Week1
and Space Technology."
Moving to Ann Arbor, according
to this piece of slick recruiting,
gives the engineer or researcher
the choice of a "wide variety of;
jobs" in a "broad range of disci-
plines." All this, with "a sociable,.
stable residential community" fer1
his family and children, situatedt
in "the middle of things."I
This full-page ad is part of a
$20,000 advertising program spon-
sored by the University's InstituteI
of Science and Technology in
conjunction with six private, com-
UAC Plans
Of Facilities
Designs Expansion
Of Union and League
To Attrct Students
Rejuvenation of the Union and
League to provide attractive stu-
dent areas is the assignment of
the recently formed Facilities
Committee of the University Ac-
tivities Center.
An all-night study hall, coedu-
cational billiards and a permanent
art display are part of the ex-
pansion plans designed to draw
students to the Union and League
for entertainment and study.
"The Image of the facilities
which UAC now offers are dull in
comparison to our activities," ad-
mits Donald Tucker, '68A&D, UAC
president. The senior officers cre-I
ated the committee in February
to gain ideas from students on
the best way to "revitalize the
Union, giving it a student atmos-
prere instead of the present dark
and dingy look."
"We don't want to destroy tra-
dition," noted Lee Mary Danielson,
'69, committee chairman. "We
want to show tradition is young.
because the students are young,"
she said. "We want to find out
from students what they want."
The committee hopes to convince
the 12-man Union Board that they
can use space throughout the Un-
ion responsibly. When the alumni
offices are moved from the sec-
ond floor library, UAC hopes to
have a hand in remodeling the
"It's a beautifulr oom, but we1
would like to make it more prac-
tical," Tucker explained, "by. keep-
ing it open 24 hours a day and
providing vending machines." 1
The committee will push for
women's rights in the billiard hallc
or the new coeducational ha. 1
Plans also include the main-
tenance of a permanent room for
student art displays. Running two
or three weeks, each show will
feature one or more students, de-
pendingx on the amount of space
each artist requires,
Also under consideration will bec
uses of the new Union conferencec
room and 250 seat multi-purposec
rtoom to be opened in the fall.

mercial research and development
corporations in the Ann Arbor:
area. The purpose of this ad cam-!
paign is to attract personnel to
Ann Arbor to fill vacant technical
positions in local industry and
University research operations.
"Our Industrial Development
Program is one way the University
can fill its public service function
to the industrial public of the
state," explained Joseph Martin,

Technology," both monthly pub-
lications. The total cost o' the
program, called A2/U-M R&D,
ran over $20,000 with the Univer-
sity paying $5,000 or 25 per cent
of the bill, according to Martin,
Bendiy Aerospace Systems Divi-
sion, Lear-Siegler, Inc., Conduc-
tron Corp., Veda, Inc., Extrater-
restrial Research Center, and G-C
Optronics, Inc., paid the balance
of the cost of the campaign. Each

At this point, the University has
hired no new personnel as a result
of the ad.
According to Martin, he rie-
sponse so far has been excellent,
with over 200 requests being re-+
ceived since the program's incep-
tion last October. When a reply
is received a copy of the person'i
resume is sent to the University
and each of the personnel diree-
tors of the six participating cor-
porations. Offers are then sent
out independently to these per-
sonnel whom the individual coi -
porations want. l
A person responding to the ad
may receive as many as seven
competing job offers, including
one from the University. The Uni-
versity is thus forced to compete

directly for a particular individual
with local firms, who in general
have higher pay scales.
"In terms of response, the pro-
gram has been successful," Mar-
tin said. "But, in terms-of getLTig
people to Ann Arbor we just aren't
sure yet. A survey will have to be
conducted soon to see if the pro-
gram was really successful." Mar-
tin said he knows of one possible
faculty appointment so far as a
result of the program.
As to whether the program will
be renewed this summer when it
expires, Martin said that "If the
corporations push for it, we'll de-
cide then. It all depends on the
shifting economic climate. Re-
search money is tight and the war
is taking a large chunk out of our

associate director of the IST. corporation's share was based on
"We're interested most of all in their number of employes with
helping local industry and we felt Bendix, the largest employer, pay-
this might be a successful way," ing an amount equal to that of the
he continued. University.
Besides appearing in "Aviation Bendix, which took the initia-
Week," the ads (two different dis- tive in forming the cooperative
plays are being used) were placed program, is directing placement
in "Engineering Opportunities" of the ads which will run through
and "International Science and the summer.

Picket Wisconsin
CIA Recruitment
400 Demnonstrators Heckle Students
Arriving for Interviews on Camiptis
Nearly 400 demonstrators at the University of Wisconsin's
Madison, campus picketed yesterday in front of the law building there
to protest interviews by recruiters for the Central Intelligence Agency
being conducted in a law school classroom.
Although picketers lined thu halls around the classroom where
the interviews were being held, the more than 50 students scheduled
for then} were allowed to pass through the lines and no incident
'"The students going in for interviews were heckled, photographed
and questioned by the picketers ir: the halls but they were allowed
to enter the interview room," Bob Zwicker, a past officer of the
Wisconsin chapter of Students fo" a Democratic Society who parti-
cipated in yesterday's demonstration, told The Daily last night.

According to one Bendix offi-
cial. "There has been an excep-
tional response from technical
people all over the country."
John Lewis, a Bendix public re-
lations officer, said that presently
there are not enough Ann Arbor
research and development com-
panies chipping in to helo to fi-
nance the program. But, those who
have' participated have received
excellent return on their invest-
Lewis predicted that, based on
the initial response. Bendix would
try to participate in the program
again. if the University is willing.
He said he hoped to see the pro-
gram soon expand into more and
different media with greater


-Associated Press
SEVERAL HUNDRED STUDENTS at the University of Wisconsin's Madison campus picketed CIA
interviews hell in the law building on Bascom Hill yesterday. The demonstration, which was Wis-
consin's third in the last 12 months, proceeded peacefully and no arrests were made.
Enrollment Shows Increase
For Spring, Summ'ter Terms

Projected figures released yes-
terday by University Registrar
Edward G. Groesbeck indicate
that enrollment will be an es-
timated 9,614 students for the
spring half term and 12,186 stu-1
dents for the summer half term
this year.
Both figures include those en-
rolled in the spring-summer term.
This represents an increase of
five to six per cent over last year's
The projection depicts a stu-
dent body which will be composedI
of 57 per cent undergraduates
during the spring term and 49 per
cent undergraduates during the
summer term. A striking feature

is that 87 per cent of the under- tural growth of the University and
graduates enrolled during the the growing popularity of the
spring and summer terms will be spring and summer programs."
juniors and seniors. He indicated that previous enroll-
This high proportion of juniors ment estimates "have been very
and seniors was partially explained accurate despite the fact that the
by the fact that at the end of the spring-summer projections can on-
winter semester almost two thirds ly be based on the history of the
of the University's undergraduates past three years."
have junior standing with 55 hours Final figures relased by Direc-
or more. Other explanations of- tor of Registration Don E. Beach
fered for this phenomenon are show that 3,414 students com-
that upperclassmen are more like- pleted advance classification for
ly to spend the summer away from the spring and spring-summer
home and have a specific educa- terms. This represents an increase
tional goal for summer study. of 8.8 per cent over the final fig-
Natural Growth ures for 1966. LSA students, rep-
Groesbeck stated that the pro- resenting 52 per cent of those who
'ected increase in spring and sum- frerigstered accounted for almost
emer enrollment reflected "the na- all of this increase with 17.2 pm
-- --- cent more students classifying
than did last year.

India Leader
To Address
The vice-president of India who
has just been named a candidate
for his country's presidency by
the ruling Congress Party will de-
liver the. commencement address
at the University, April 29.
Zakir Husain; vice-president of
India since 1962, was announced
as a presidential nominee by In-
dia's Prime Minister Indira Ghan-
The commencehent convocation
will conclude the second major
ceremony of the Sesquicentennial
celebration, "Higher Education in
Tomorrow's World," which is at-
tracting several hundred educators
from all over the world.
More than 4700 diplomas will be
awarded in the exercises in Mich-
igan Stadium-or Yost Field House
in case of bad weather. Of those,
about 2000 will be master's or doc-
tor's degree.
Husain, who will take part in
the four-day conference preceding
commencement, is an author and
educator as well as public servant.
He was governor of India's pop-
ulous Bihar State, appointed by
the president, from 1957 until he
became the nation's vice-president
five years ago.
Husain, a Muslim like 10 per
cent of his countrymen, has been
chairman of World University Ser-
vice in Geneva and a member of
the executive board of the United
Nation s Economic, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
in Paris.

'Picketers included a broad coa-
lition of students. Groups repre-
sented at the demonstration and
officially supporting the protest
were Wisconsin chapters of SDS,
Young Democrats, the Committee
to End the War in Vietnam and
several local groups , Concerned
Law Students, Concerned Black
Students and United Campus Ac-
The picketers held their rally
on Bascom Hill in front of the law
school building from noon to 3:30
and later sponsored two "learn-
ins" on the role CIA should be
allowed on campus. A "learn-in,"
something like a teach-in but not
quite the same according to Wis-
consin students, was also held
Monday night, before yesterday's
Eighteen university protection
police were present at the rally
and city and county police were
"on reserve" in case they were
needed, according to a spokes-
man of the Daily Cardinal, Wis-
consin's student hewspaper. No
arrests were made in what turned
out to be ,a relatively peaceful
However, according to Hank
Haslach, past president of Wis-
consin's SDS chapter, at least 10
Madison policemen were on hand
at the .demonstration in ' addition
to the university police.
Haslack called the presence of
city police to support the univer-
sity protection police a "signifi-
cant break in past university pol-
"After the Dow sit-in," Has-
lach continued, "Chancellor Flem-
ing proposed to the faculty and
administration that the university
permit the use of whatever force
is necessary to handle the situa-
"Presumably," Haslach said,
"that includes the national guard
since Wisconsin doesn't have any
state police except traffic police."


Parking on Campus: A History of Headaches


First of Two Parts
Editor's Note: This two-part
feature on parking on campus
is to be included in a series on
college parking which is being
compiled by the University of
Wisconsin (Milwaukee) Post.
Back in 1827 when Simon Petu-
lak drove his two-toned, one-seat-
er Nevada Pinto onto the Detroit
campus, no University officials,
were very concerned with the
problems of student parking. Si-
mon just hitched him up to the
flag pole.
But 100 years later when Henry
LaSworth drove his '20 Ford onto

campus. Bikes had gone "out" and sity. "There just isn't enough to have cars. In 1932 the age was fines. Laws were passed to dis-
cars had come "in." room," one Regent said. down to 26. courage student driving - some
The rather uncomfortable sit- But the students didn't care Rea's progressive ideas died that still exist, today. One law for-
uation forced then University about room. They wanted their quickly, however, and for the next bade parking on State street from
President. M. S. Burton in October cars, and the Regents' statement 20 years nothing happened. The 3 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays,
of 1922 to write home to parents: made them mad. As a protest. stu- Daily fought a magnificant battle, Thursdays, and Saturdays,
S".. .your son or daughter would dents began roller skating to class- but it, too, gave up the fight when Ban.Removed
be much better off without the es, and the injury rate on Ann The Daily editors, who had follow- On Sept. 23, 1952 the Office of
use of an automobile." Burton Arbor surged the highest it had ed the police late one night to in- Student Affairs made a complete
contended that it "too often leads ever been. Medical records labeled vestigate the quality of traffic en- study and recommended complete
to a waste of time," the injuries "roller skate colli- forcement, were thrown into the removal of the ban. They pre-
Moral Risk sions." Ann Arbor jail. sented it to the students for a
President Burton, too, realized Some students employed chauf- Good for Soul vote.
j the greatest danger of the smoke feurs to drive them around, and Everyone, then, just sat around But something very strange had{
spurting, gear cranking, four- told the chauffeurs to just "drive the ice cream parlors and wished occurred. The '50's marked a
wheeled horses. He said automo- around all day" if you couldn't that they could have a car. The change in the composition of the
biles lead "to an increase in prac- find a place to park. One student Medical School announced that student body and most students
tices which . . . involve a serious brought an airplane to campus. walking was good "for the soul" didn't have cars, looking upon
moral risk." No Airplanes and to ban walking-(i.e. allow them as a "sign of bourgeoise
Be that as it may, students pro- Bs cars) - would seriously endanger luxury,"
tested. Led by The Daily, stu- But the Regents were not ouit- medical health.Sosuetdfaedher-
tesed Ld y heDaly surwitted by those sneaky actions. But the uber f students in-- So students defeated 'he ref-
dents presented the administra- They issued a statement b .Brrtgth n er o bf stu erendum asking that the baa be
tion with a letter informing them The isued a amen b'i. creased. Thus, the number ofkStu- lifted by a vote of 2840 to 2792.
thatc annoing w "ut" n that allchauffeurs and airplanes, toodents over 26 increased and park- ' Th w3. a. "'j Ut. but.it ki"led .L

Higher than Anticipated
Beach admitted that these ad-
vanced classifications were "high-
er than anticipaated," but refused
to consider them an accurate i-
dication of an increase in enroll-
ment. He noted that these figures
may only reflect the increasing
popularity of the advanced clas-
sification program.
The increase in advanced clas-
sification in the literary college
has not had a visible strain on
course offering for the spring and
spring-summer terms since Beach
indicated that only, three course,
are closed.
A survey of several academi
departments revealed that clas,
sizes are expected to be about th
same or smaller than during the
regular fall and winter semesters
Prof. Wilfred M. Kincaid wh
is in charge of setting up course
schedules for the Mathematic
Department explained, "In genera
the size of introductory course
will be the same as they are norm-
ally. However, intermediate an
advanced courses with only on


Restructured IHA Plans
Stress 'Quality' for Fall

Plagued by lack of a quorum in
its first year of operation, Inter-
house Assembly's new administra-
tion hopes to cover a great deal of
ground in the coming year.
IHA, a committee of Student
Government Council, has the pow-
er to recommend changes to the
Office of University Housing and
to discipline its members. It was
created last year to end the d'ap-
lination of noers hetwen Tnter-

cently heard John Feldkamp, di-
rector of University Housing. He
could not give a definite answer
to the question of a raise in room
and board rates for next year, but
said the current price structure
will definitely contiue.
An increase is tied to allocations
from the state legislature, wages
for labor and the number of con-
ferences and summer-school stu-
dents attracted to supplement the
eight-month revenue of the dorm-
# tn' aP.'

the campus, administrators began
biting their lips. They were mainly
afraid that it would pollute the,
air, and that poor Henry would
have to take the thing back to
Daddy. But Henry insisted that

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