* 1~ ?! * ,' r" "I think the fear at first of the power structure, of the fighting doigs, the clubbi=? f ricymer the dirty name callers, this I think yo uhave until you are confronted with it and once you exp'-rience this Your fairs are cut down. This gives you more incentive to become a .art of the th . n le I &tie. t ROMNEY F PRESIDE or 'S jt -0 F 9/w Be entirely ready for the new season- The newest styles at the lowest prices. On a Sunday afternoon a couple of weeks ago four Alabama Ne- groes talked a little about their lives. The four students, here for a year participating in the Michi- gan-Tuskegee Intitute exchange program, and some white students (several of whom spent la4t year at Tuskegee) passed a couple of hours over kool-aid and pretzels in casual conversation with a tape recorder in the background keep- ing track of what was said ... HAS THERE BEEN any kind of change in the Negro attitude over the past couple of years that you guys can perceive?' Yeah . .. I think there has been Dne ... the thing now is 'black na- tionalism', a glorification kind of thing. If you've been suffering for a long time there's a tendency to take the things people have been knock- ing and raise them up, make them superior. We make our dancing su- perior, our 'soul' food superior, our music sunerior---iid tort of a racial reversal, you know. It's a soul revolt . . ., dogmatism is fashionable now. VWhites are playing it too, you know Plk i" white Nearo that Fiedler way l- ,bout. The hipoy is iust a "f? T(,". It's really a revcr'al because for a long time everyone x 'as ashamed sort of, or at least not o proud of black culture. Like when you're taught that Bach is better than Lightnin' Hopkins you get tht- *lea -iu should put away this "Pr+ of yo'ir back- ground, like t'e blues sn-'tuals. You find this p++ 4t.in + he real boarek-r-poi. ir of*+he bovro,- Yyu - "+ '"- They havn ni "- ~ '-. . +ho Right. When I first played a low- down blues record my mother d dn't appreciate it at all, you know? She thought it was nor"^"'n,' common, that you assoea a r w 't the bar down on the corner. I think : . . yeah, I think-a lot of it, this sort or aiame o oek cul- ture and all . . . it might be because in your education you never meet any black men. You iearn that, or at least it seems from what you're pre- sented with, that nobody ha, done anything civilized except in Europe. -You know, you study European his- tory and European art and Euronean music . . . and the. Negro, man he knows he's just not European, he comes up thinking 'what have I done?' In American history you nev- er -meet any Negroes. The whole American education is sort of training the Negro to be the 'invisible man.' You come up through the system, the educational system, and you never hear what the Ne- groes have contributed to civiliza- tion, and, you start saying "every- thing that is white happens to be right." Then you have the bourgeois Negro who takes on these things, he becomes more white than the whites' W !4"r A R'UT civil rights work avid oovernment legislation, ha- thb had a real effect on the Nv .. . 1rJhe causing the black Well . . . the civil rights marches and demonstrations were good be- thev made whites conscious of hr nroblem in the South. It was -ood for the attitude of the nation in feneral. People start thinking 'maybe there's something to it, may- be we'll a'o ahead for a little whlie'. Tt'sreally just to shock people . - - ,hake things up. The big problem with the civil rights movement is that the govern- ment isn't enforcing the Civil Rights laws, it isn't putting any teeth in them. You nass laws, people write them. but they do nothing about them. See . . . you can't understand the South until you go there. You can read about it and all, you know in Time magazine, but you can't feel what it's like. So far I don't think the govern- ment has done anything really. It doesn't look at the human being, it just looks at a mass of people. We're not working as human beings to- grether: and this is -the war on pover- ty, you know: if we can dish out so much money, somehow the people will become our friends and we can solve this thing. WHAT IS YOUR attitude towards whites, especially college stu- -dents, who come down from the North to work for civil rights and march and demonstrate? I feel sort of indifferent about them, but it is more on an individual basis and not the group. I'm not sure of my motive for feeling this way about them, maybe because I don't understand them. I think a lot of times in college you get involved in movements not for humanitarian purposes but out of boredom. When you don't have any west to pioneer you can go to the Peace Corps, but then what? Civil rights looks good, so you come down as missionaries. Lots of civil rights workers take this missionary attitude. They come down and say 'look, I'm going to show you how to be a human being.' When you have unequal relation- ships between human beings it nev- er works out; it is destructive for both parties. In the movement it is inevitable that you're going to come down with a sort of condescending attitude, like 'I know how bad you people are suffering, so I want to come and help you.' ARE-YOU GUYS active in dema- onstrations? Have you ever marched or sat-in? I was working with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party for about a week. It was the first time I had done this kind of thing, I had just come out of the army. Our primary job was to get people who were reg- istered out to vote. It was pretty frustrating. My first exposure was in about the 11th grade, in the summer, and I would be on my way to a game and my friends would say 'let's go dem- onstrate'. I didn't know what they were talking about so we would go uptown and walk around. I really didn't know what we were doing. At Tuskegee I marched some, in Mont- gomery, but I finally realized I was putting my life in jeopardy being out there. Anybody can do anything to you while you are marching be- cause you're supposed to maintain a non-violent role. I kind of shut down and didn't march any more. Most of the lower class Negroes have been so oppressed and down- graded that they are actually afraid to go out - and mix with anyone. When a great leader comes in who can stand up against a white man, they really admire him. They shout, they praise him because he has-cour- age to stand up and voice opinions. I could become a leader myself. When I go home, all the people like my grandfather and uncle, they all come around and say "Son, you get that education, I couldn't get it, and when you get it you come back and help us." When I go home I visit some of the areas, and all the peo- ple say the same thing. It really kind of upsets you to hear them say this. WHAT ABOUT non-violence, how do you feel about that? In the first place, people call you dirty names and you smile and say "I don't care." and you don't hit the guy. In good faith you follow the movement and dc what the move- ment expects. I would do it again... I don't know. I'm just not non- violent, and I'm not going out and subject myself to any stuff like that. I think that getting people out to march, that's just suicide. All those people marching in Chi- cago . . . it was real good. The only way you're going to get any.progress in this country is to show some pow- er. It's the black power thing com- ing right back. The only thing peo- ple hear and respect is power, and that means money power, too. I think the main problem with the marches is that there's not unity of the people in the group-each one is kind of wondering "which road shall I take?" WHO QIVES you the most trouble at home? Jodq"S r 1209 S. University (Continued from page 8) constitution came out against a gra- duated income tax, and it was evi- dent to those there that Romney concurred. Many delegates warned him at the time that the constitution be- ing ratified was hardly conducve to the good government ideal which Romney wanted, but he did not re- act. "He was extremely naive, and despite all his good intentions, he was unprepared for the realities of politics and we ended up with bad results," said a man who was present. An outspoken Romney critic who is head of an important committee in the Legislature says "most of the Representatives think he is a phony. He is a great actor but most of what he says has been prepared for him. He talks about how states could have more power but when he's question- ed about it or has to implement the idea in workable legislation he falls apart. Mostly he's just generalities." AND STILL, despite a relatively lackluster performance as Gov- ernor, the Romney band-wagon rolls on. A national committee to get him elected President was set up early this year, headed by Leonard Hall, one of the chairmen of the Nixon movement in 1960. He has made a swing-tour of the western United States, is out of Lansing almost as often as he is in, and has begun re- ceiving the kind of publicity that candidates get because they want. The fact quite obviously is that Romney is running. He stands a mo- derately good chance of getting the G.O.P. nomination if he can out-last Nixon and Rockefeller doesn't come in to steal the show, and, for another big if, assuming that the war in Vietnam is still going on as unopu- larly in 1968 as it is now the Repub- lican candidate could well1win. The Romney magic is no mystery to understand. He looks and sounds simply superb. Dynamic, vmorous, handsome, showing little trace of his 59 years and the possessor of an extremely charming wife, he is strik- ing on the podium. His greatest asset seems to be his intensity with which he is able to infect an audience and leav~ them enraptured. He is tough, and the con- viction of his forefinger raised in emphasis leaves a real impression until you remember that what he said wasn't too much. As the Wash- ington bureau chief of The New York Times, Tom Wicker, says, "Romney brings to politics a sort of pounding evangelism that can make a simple homily on the duties of - a citizen sound like a call to arms." "(HE GOSPEL SPIRIT seems nat-- ural to Romney, who is the son of a Mormon missionary and served an evangelizing stint himself in Eng- land and Scotland during his twen- ties. He is supposed to be an intense- ly religious figure, who does not smoke, drink, play cards or, accord- ing to one of his state police body- guards, even engage in much small- talk. One of Romney's aides is reported to have once commented that "what he really wants to be is one of the Council of Twelve of the Mormon Church. It's kind of an odd thought, somebody using the Presidency as a stepping-stone to something else." A Democratic state legislator from Detroit says "when Romney talks about governmental philosophy it is a late 19th century, ten Command- ment belief in God. There simply is no way, th into mode: "He is,Tn salesman. anything," him. He h throughou with very sent out o mon whil family mo' rem'mbers schools in Romney after leavi as secretar for a Dem4 sachusetts Washingto left the Se Aluminum years leavi mobile Ma Detroit. Fr Kelvinato dent. By 1954 at America after ass brought ti into a pro In the e: partisan movement pushing : which was tutional C JE WAS bucke< two years and this v Robert Gr Throu ojt has retai above-boa For all h ney has m tician to gion need compromi tion this s the bored for a state "there is plan," ma willing to act passe there sho during tim ing a lot o inspired ( gets back and turns Romney Romney t now is ho to becom It's a lon asking An But the: compact in the m George re over from tudes and hardly a culty in g: his natior might tur: arm for t. ball of th The Roi ed to the swing eles in fact, a over his r ter. He she to them, r image tha had marr Real solid Still, be whiteness looks like never smi AT YOUR SERVICE MARILYN SHOPPE'S Lone do tact is available on a li-mited basis for tra-sportation iithln the camus area to the Marilyn S/ o/pje . Ifo have a O°oll of 5 to 7 coeds 't'1h1in l complinientary lift (after" 2:30 P.M.l) call Mr. Helmer for a reservation. 665-0689 PAGE FOUR APRIL '67 THE DAILY MAGAZINE APRIL '67 THE DAILY MAGAZINE