W I 4 w' V APRIL '67 American Freedom and Literature-wtvi thin There are 552 comfortable armchairs waiting for YOu at the - ti FORUM, Superlative Shows Groovy Movies Free Coffee FRESH OUTLOOK ON ENTERTAINMENT 210 S. Fifth Ave. Showtirmes Mon.-Thurs. 7, 9 p.m. Fri. 7, 9,11 p.m. St. 5, 7,79m11 pm Sun. 5171 9 pm. unless otherwise onnoun ed 761-9700 or outside society Being a Negro in the -%outh The Meanest Film Critic of Them All George Romney, Presidential Candidate Of Girls, A Photographer's Statement China, The Ambassador's View from Formosa Dave Strack's Season of Defeat Twenty-Two Seconds To Build a Car P.3 P. 4 P. 6 P.8 P. 9 P.12 P. 14 P.18 I Notes from the Editor Magazines and newspapers are different animals. They appeal to different interests, they do dif- ferent things. Reading one doesn't make up for not reading the oth-. er. A newspaper, more than any- thing else, is plugged into the mo- ment. It is a creature of the pres- ent and because of this it ages at an alarmingly fast rate in com- parison with the man-hours that go into any issue. Sometimes papers are pretty good, often they are not. But even when a paper is not very good it doesn't much matter. For people read papers as a kind of hobby, something they do as much for enjoyment as for enlightenment at about the same time every day. And papers don't really de- liver much that could pass. for genuine enlightenment anyway, just a lot of quick glimpses at what was happening yesterday. The big trouble with newspapers is that "the mystique of the news- paperman" is simply not too rele- vant to the world as it prods somewhat reluctantly into the last third of the 20th century. The scoops and flashes and eight column headlines, while often most interesting, are worth more for their shock, "gee-whiz, how about that!" value than for any real insight they provide. For the great newspaperman, the one who wins the Pulitzer Prizes and the accolades of his colleagues, the fact that the world is burning down is much less im- portant to him than his finding out where separate matches are on fire. These separate spot facts be- come news-and the newspaper lives or dies on the hard news it can produce. But in and of them- selves these spot facts don't mean much. And virtually all that any newspaper gives its readers is such a cross-word puzzle of bits- and-pieces with no attempt made at putting any of them together into a comprehensible whole. It seems safe to speculate that most newspaper readers have very little understanding of the un- derlying issues which are prompt- ing most of their page one stories. Despite all the coverage most American papers give to riots in urban ghettos, how many give an equally intensive treatment to ex- plaining the true conditions of the Negro or the dynamics of poverty? Not too many. And although there are lots of federal budget stories, how many papers describe the dynamics of deficit-spending economics to their readers? When a foreign country suddenly erupts it be- comes big news, but how many newspaper readers hear about the forces at play in underdeveloped countries? Which is where the magazine comes in. But the big question is where do college students get spare- time reading with ideas relevant to the lives they are leading and the subjects they are studying? There are some professional magazines around aimed at col- lege readers, but these are either downright patronizing (e.g., "What to do on Your Big Date!") or trying so hard to be hip that they fall on their faces. The feeling in professional cir- cles seems to be that a magazine that isn't irrelevant won't be read by college students. A casual sur- vey would probably reveal that, besides The Daily, most students limit their outside reading to brief snatches of Time or Newsweek with Sports Illustrated, Made- moiselle and Playboy thrown in. These are good magazines, but they are mostly diversion and when you put them down you rarely know a lot more than when you started. We are editing this: magazine with the idea that it will be a nice. thing to sit down with and. do some thinking without feeling ov- erburdened. We tiink this first issue represents a good beginning. Nei Shister seconds is sufficient to do the job, drink some milk, eat some candy, and then do the job again. The great occasion of the day is lunch. Nothing else, except the final whistle, takes as long to come. No- thing else is so short. A sandwich or two, milk, perhaps an apple-and it5s back to the line. Pauses seem to go by as fast as work on the line is slow. Every so often: jackpot! The Line Has Broken Down. Only when the conveyors split, or the chains break does the line stop. Instantaneously the workers disappear, to recline on boxes, boards, chairs, any place they can savor the dead beast. A quiet descends on the factory, the giant engines pushing the system are still- ed. It does not rest often. Nor long. Before you know it, the line once again calls you back to monotony. The line has taught you its bless- ing. It wastes no time. Instead it bids time slow down, and time agrees. Together they drive you mad. The regular workers on the line are called the "old men." Larry has been here two years. He's only 24 years old, but he already has the slow movements of an old man. "Crazy George" has been here for 40 years; he retires next month. He was dull after 10 years (though only 35 at the time), by his 45th birth- dayhe was almost senile. His 55th birthday brought a day off, thanks to the union, but George came to work anyway. He didn't need the ex- tra money (he was paid if he came in or not) he just couldn't think of doing anything else. A little time after that, George earned his nick- name. By his retirement summer, he was dancing and singing, making unus- ual gestures at the guided tours that came through, and the younger workers were a little worried about him as his mind drifted away from girls. Other men react differently. One hot night last summer, a worker, recently arrived from the South, in- vited the foreman into an elevator,- ostensibly to go up to the labor re- lations office. The door closed, and the elevator started. The worker got off at the second floor, the foreman didn't, he was dead, with a slit throat. The worker hadn't been accustom- ed to the pressure: There's a deadline every 22 sec- onds. Every 22seconds.'the south- erner, and there was .another one and another murder that summer, wasn't used to the pace. You ddn't E rest, you don't stop to talk,youdon't do anything but your job. Ifyobu don't do that, the foreman does his job. He'll leave you alone if you work. Someone not accustomed to the line, three months removed from Appala- chia, from the Mississippi Delta didn't do his share. He was used to the different rhythm. The foreman has a job, he rides you. The job would be bearable if there were no foreman (or if you get a decent one). Rhythm clashed with rhythm -and they caught'the worker be- hind some vats of paint. This semester is Pressures are almost over. mounting. T h e m o m e n t o f tr u th is a t h anWE HPW EE B E NA LT OE W E H OP E W E'V E B EE N A B LE T O H E Congratulations an d good luck SLATER'S BOOKS 336 S. STATE ST. /6" i- A~A M . S S Y ~i l d+ I it's st Miss J's goui Fu siIu a tic deli fromr Pink or gr A.-Prir I-cB _r The Daily Magazine April '67 The DAILY MAGAZINE is publish- " ed monthly, September through EDITOR ....... .............. ..........Neil Shister April, by the Board in Control of ASSOCIATJE EDITOR ................................... Carole ~ apian Student Publications, 420. Maynard . . , , . , St., Ann Arbor, Michigan.. ASSISTANT EDITOR....................... .....L sa Matros's PICTUTE '5REDITS a PHOTO EDITOR Andy 'SackS Cover, 2, 3, 4, 5-Andy Sacks; 7-from LAYOUT DIRECTOR .......... .............................. David Hoorristra Pauline. Kaei; 9, 14, 11-Robert Shef- . field;. 3-Mar Riboud for MAGNUM; BUSINESS MANAGER...... ..... .......... Hank Pfeffer 14, 15-Ji nres. - ,- .1 ri l if r r ,. . ... T -Of ... a -. Y -i - o . .',." - PAGE TWC APRIL'67 THE DAILY MAGAZINE APRIL '67 .:THE DAILY MAGAZINE..