CITJY INCOME TAX : THE TIME HAS COME See editorial page :Y S11ir ~igau :3 aitii PARTLY CLOUDY. High--42 Low--24 ;Mild tonight with chance of light showers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Congress Expected to ass niform Draft Rules EDITOR'S NOTE: This may be the commission's report in hand, is year Congress steps into thegreat expected to demand, at the least, debate on the draft. Some sourcestodmna e believe a change is in the air. This a revamping of the present sys- article, the second of a two-part tem to establish national stan-; series, outlines what could happen. dards and cut into the autonomy By SEYMOUR M. HERSH of local draft boards. WASHINGTON ( P)-The De- Nobody, not even the most fense Department, President John- enthusiastic advocates of most: son's Commission on Selective drastic measures, is willing to Service and millions of young predict Congress will do much Americans and their parents are more than that. convinced it's time to change the Johnson already has made it nation's draft laws. They may get clear he believes the law needs their way this year. The burden falls to Congress. changing. He established the 20- which must decide by June 30t member commission last summer whether to extend key provisions and ordered it to study exhaust- of the Selective Service law. The ively the problem and come up issue will get its most thorough with some recommendations. hearing since the current law One high committee official said was passed in 1951. in an interview that much of the Sometime in the next two commission's actual decision-mak- months President Johnson, his ing has been completed and mem- I I s bers now are in the process of preparing a final version of the report. The official said a key provi- sion calls for a shakeup of the present Selective Service system! and the establishment of national standards to reduce inequity. Still to be decided are two key issues: the Pentagon's demand that the order of draft be reducedj so that youngest men get called' first and the various'proposals for' ity." Hershey acknowledged re- cently," "but not with numbers. Since World War I, right or wrong, good or bad. the armed forces .haven't had to worry about men." At the heart of the problem- and the discontent-is the present system of local autonomy for the: more than 4,000 draft boards across the nation, many of them headed by veterans of World War' I. . outcry has mushroomed only the or go on to graduate school The military's educational stan- drafted. Roughly. 70 per cent of past two years-along with the' rather than face the prospect of dards have been eased in the past' all others also end up in the Army. sharply increased U.S. commit- being classified 1A. few months to the point at which Many experts believe no work- ment in South Vietnam. An estimated total of 1.8 million men with fifth-grade or equiva- able solution is possible within the More than 600,000 youths have 18-year-olds will become eligible lent educations, are considered ac- framework of the present system. been drafted since late 1964, but for the draft ool this year-the Crptable. As one means of solving the mfsr thentd etumbdraf hisryBear- Critics have charged that this present draft dilemma, four major most of the attention has focused largest number in history. By ear- amounts to increasing the chances alternatives to the draft have on those youths who havert been ly 1970's that total is expected for lesser-educated youtrhs. to get emerged from the various confer- drafted. to grow to two million yearly. drafted without boosting the ences and other discussions in the The debate has produce a new But draft calls are expected to chances of the more privileged. past year. breed of protester-the draft-card drop by a third this year. Last; But Hershey contends that critics These are: burner; strained the present Se- week the Pentagon announced a who have charged the Selective 0 The all-volunteer military. lective Service System for han- March draft call of only 11,900, Service with blanket discrimina- Advocates of this program, who dling draft appeals; and led to more than 50 per cent below the tion against Negroes and youths' acknowledge it does not have a series of high-court battles over 1966 monthly average. with poor education don't know' much popular 'support, envision the constitutional rights of con- Adding to the disparity this all the facts. large military pay increases and scientious objectors. year will be the Pentagon's new Recent Defense Department improved living -conditions that There were those youths who policy of lowering mental and statistics show that about 30 per would attract enough young men fled to canada to avoid the draft; physcial standards to permit an cent of the youths who drop out to meet all military requirements. others flocked to join National estimated total of 100,000 margi- of grammar school and about 27 At a recent draft conference, it Guard and Reserve units, and still nally qualified men to enter the per cent of those who go on to' others d cided to stay in college' armed services. graduate school eventually get' See CONGRESS, Page 2 i( I I I a lottery system to further re- The varying interpretations i duce unfairness. these boards have given to the I One fact is indisputable: the guidelines supplied by national present Selective Service system is and state draft headquarters have nf air. . led to the, inconsistent pattern of student and occupational defer- Even its most ardent supporter, ments that now is under heavy at-! Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, na- tack. tional draft director, agrees. The pattern has existed since "We've had trouble with equal- the end of World War II but the 'U' Official Blasts LSD' Use Claims c__ r __ - _- Anthro.Dept. h 1AIic an BaI~J 9Will Involve NEWS WIRE Non-Majors Prof. To Give News Conference; Police May Probe Sitiation By DAVID KNOKE University officials yesterday de- iied that there was widespread use of LSD and marijuana on cam- pus. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard L. Cutler said, "We attempt to keep our ear to the ground but we just haven't picked up any such information. We may be stupid or blind, but I think this office would know if the use were as widespread as Prof. John C. Pollard said." One University administrator in- sinuated that "Pollard was hav- ing hallucinations" about the ex- tent of drug us. The rebutal followed a'claim by Prof. Pollard, a psychiatrist in the Mental Health Research Institute. that LSD from New York was be- ing sold on the "black market" in' Ann Arbor at $5 per capsule. Administration 'Laughable' Last night Pollard said, "The sale of illicit drugs is well-known by many students; for me to make a rebuttal to the denial by Univer- sity administrators would be laugh-: able." Cutler was unavailable for comment last night. Pollard is holding a press con- ference at 10 a.m. in the Adminis- tration Bldg. this morning to an- swer newsmen's questions. Pollard first made his revela.- tions that "enormous amounts of marijuana" and LSD "may be~ used on this campus" to the Wash- tenaw Medical Society Tuesday: night. Pollard said last night that he could not substantiate his claims with factual evidence. He, said he had offered his views to, the meeting of physicians and area high school teachers as "impres- sions and opinions." Pollard has taken the drug five times himself for experimental purposes, until the supply was re- stricted by the federal government. He is seeking permission to use the drug in further studies, Police Chief Comments Walter E. Krasny, chief of the Ann Arbor police, said last night that he believes "there is a great- er showing of drugs around the campus now than two years ago,1 that. is to say, we are more aware_ of it than two Years aao." "We have suspicions," said Kras-I ny about the incidence of LSD. He questioned the use of the term "widespreadto describe the situa- tion at the University. "Pollard talks about LSD, somewhat of a 'new kick' to us, but as far as' marijuana-'pot parties' - we've been aware of them for quite someI time." .«7.J ' Second Department To Broaden Base of Advisory Committee By CAROLYN MIEGEL A PROTEST BY LEGAL AID CLINIC Board of Directors members who represent the poor has been filed with the local, state and regional offices of the Office of Economic Oppor- tunity, requesting a withholding of funds from the board pending a review of the selection of a new clinic director. Six members of the 19-member board, representing the poor clientele of the aid clinic, were excluded from selection of the new director last Thursday, according to Mrs. Emma Wheeler, head of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The petition also protests the exclusion of the'six members from the original personnel committee. It charges that "the individual selected for director is a relative of a lawyer member of the board, and national OEO regulations regarding nepotism make the hiring of this man illegal." * * *' * PROF. 0. L. CHAVARRAI-AGUILAR of the linguistics de- partment will resign to become chairman of the department of languages and linguistics at the University of Rochester, it was learned yesterday. Chavarria-Aguilar came to the University in 1957 and was acting director of the linguistics department for the 1966 summer term. He is currently assistant director of the Linguistics In- stitute of the Linguistics Society of America. His current research is concerned with ancient Indian gram- matical theory. While on leave in 1962-64, he established an English language program at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kampur, India. THE WASHTENAW COMMUNITY COLLEGE Education As- sociation has petitioned the WCC Board of Trustees to recognize the association, a faculty group, as exclusive representative for professional-negotiations and collective bargaining. The group is seeking recognition under the Hutchinson Act which requires a public employer to recognize as exclusive repre- sentative of the employes an organization which is designated by the majority of employes. The association, a local unit of the Michigan Association affiliated with the Michigan Education Association, claims to represent more than 90 per cent of the 41 full-time teachers at WCC. The board delayed action on the petition until the next meet- ing. It held an executive session with its attorney on the require- ments of the Hutchinson Act and expected developments. THE FORD FOUNDATION has awarded $230,000 to 11 uni- versity and Michigan State University, for. special instruction in Far Eastern Languages. The three-year grant will support summer institutes to help students of Japanese and Chinese speed up their learning of the two languages. The grant was presented to the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, a voluntary association made up of the Big Ten schools and the University of Chicago. The CIC Far Eastern language program began in 1963 under a Ford grant. PRIVACY SQUELCHED: Suspend So. Quad's Closed Door Plan The anthropology department's academic advisory committee is adding non-anthropology majors to its ranks, accenting a growing campus trend toward involvement of a diversified student group in shaping academic policy. The anthropology unit is the ~second to include non-majors on its advisory group. The psychology department's academic advisory commiteee took a similar step in November. Widening the spectrum of the group, according to one member ssociated Pres of , the Anthropology committee, .LA (ESTATE "opens channels of communica- tors, and faculty. Almost every Gov. George Romney delivers his "State of the State" message in the House of Representatives student enrolled needs a chance chamber of the Legislature. He asked for tax reforms. Standing at Gov. Romney's rear is Lt. Gov. to participate in decisions which William Milliken. (See story Page 3). affect his curricula and I am hopeful the idea will spread to STA TS SYNIBOLS, the rest of the University."-1 Acting in cooperation with the teaching fellows, members of the ;A" committee will talk to recitation sections of the introductory cour- c se ses (anthropology 101, 131, 222,! l and 428) during the next week. setoso h nrdutr orss(nhoplgE0.11 2, Favor New Democratic Regent Here Top State Official Says Romney Wants Bipartisan Board By ROBERT KLIVANS Gov. George. Romney is leaning toward the appointment of a Democrat to fill the Regent's seat left vacant by the resignation of Allan R. Sorenson (D-Midland). a ranking state education official indicated yesterday. "If we follow the Gov.'s past practice," the source said, the Board would not become repre- sentative of merely one party. Sorenson was the last remaining Democrat on the Board. Mrs. Trudy Huebner, one of the seven Republican Regents, has al- ready indicated that she feels Romney should appoint a Dem- ocrat to fill Sorenson's position. The announcement of a re- placement is not expected prior to the first of February. Romney and his staff have been preoccu- pied with the preparation of yes- terday's stateof-the-state ad- dress and other pending appoint- ments. Democratic representation on the Board has dwindled rapidly in the past year. Eugene Power resigned last March and was re- placed by Republican Alvin Bent- ley. Carl Brabec decided not to seek re-election, and both Re- publican candidates, Robert Brown and Mrs. Trudy Huebner, were victorious in November. Frequently mentioned in Dem- ocratic circles is Donald M. D. Thurber of Grosse Pointe, who served one two-year term as Re- gent before he was elected to the State Board of Education. He was defeated in November for a full eight-year term on the State Board; Other possibilities on the Dem- ocratic side include William T. Patrick Jr., a former Detroit coun- cilman, and Robert Nederlander, a Detroit attorney who unsuccess- fully sought a Democratic Regent- al nomination last fall. Republicans mentioned as pos- sible candidates for the vacancy include two former Republican state chairmen, Lawrence B. Lin- demeer of Stockbridge and John Feikens of Detroit, and Mrs. Mar- cia Strickland of Bloomfield Hills, who is backed by Regent Alvin Bentley. f They are trying to recruit stu- dents, specifically non-anthro- pology majors, for their next open~ I meeting on January 25th.j By including these non-anthro- pology majors in their discussions, ByI the group hopes to formulate pol- icy to improve the introductory Whyc aspects of anthropology. "Many Harlan1 students take these courses merely toilet for for distribution," commented one, sity atto committee member, "and we think doesn'te they should be able to take them Status for enjoyment as well as for dis- Nonen tribution." are selec At the open meeting several ministra suggestions will be discussed by Universi the students and a course , of Eugene action devised. Among the plans The ex for course improvement to be dis- servicet cussed are: 'However " Doubling the numbers of re- Presiden citations per week and excluding second one lecture from all introductory administ courses. If this plan is adopted, What the role of the teaching fellow serious would be expanded and the recita- fices at tion periods might have more Direct meaning and better attendance. tions Di Each student would therefore be today t responsible for material covered Wayne in recitation as well as in lecture. tains f " Cutting the section size in does pri half and having the recitation dents. sections meet as discussion groups But U every other week. The present John F size of most introductory recita- curtains tion section in anthropology runs though between 35 and 50 students. Although the agenda is still in the formative stages, the commit- tee hopes to use these suggestions .' as an outline for discussion. Future plans for the committee include a closer study of the roleO of the teaching fellow, specifically in the area of lesson planning.! Member of the committee ex- B pressed their dissatisfaction with, "The7 the type of study undertaken in whelmin the recitation classes. sponsibi One difficulty in the teaching residenc fellow's position is that he may overflow be notified of his course assign- A last n ment as little as three days prior function to the beginning of classes. Mem- student bers of the committee suggested But LEE WEITZENKORN does University President H. Hatcher get a private r his office when Univer- rney Edmund Cummiskeyj even get a carpet? s? se. "All' office furnishings cted on the basis of an ad- tor's requirements," says ty purchasing director 0. Ingram. xigencies of providing legal do not require a carpet. , it's a long walk from at Hatcher's office to the floor men's room in the tration building. all this reflects is the nature of furnishing of- a major university. or of Student Organiza- uncan Sells (who resigns. o accept a new post at State University) has cur- or his office because he vate counseling with stu- niversity Housing Director eldkamp doesn't have any for his office, even he makes about $4,000 more a year than Mr. Sells. But' then Feldkamp doesn't have to worry about peeping toms, since his office is on the third floor. Sometimes office planners must4 make fine distinctions in furnish- ing offices. Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont, who frequently enter- tains imiportant financiers has wall to wall carpeting. But Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler, who. usually entertains students has a carpet that stops a foot short of the wall. Another symbol is doors. Execu- tive Vice-President Marvin Nie- huss has two doors -to his office, Vice-President Cutler has one. And Niehuss' Secretary has a car- peted reception room. Cutler's doesn't. Sometimes lw level adminis- trators luck out in furnishings. Cutler's assistant David Baad has attractive curtains in his office which were originally.installed for Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport, the Assistant Director of Student Counseling who now works up- stairs. But other low level administra- tors lose status when they have special symbols. For example top deans usually get three ashtrays. But asistant deans only get one. When one heavy smoking assistant dean brought an extra ashtray from home the University Janitors re- fused to empty' it. But Plant Department director Alfred Ueker denies that his staff plays any role in perpetrating a typicalMadison Avenue bureauc- racy here. "We have no status symbols around here. Our janitors take care of all property found in Uni- versity offices," says Ueker. Still the OSA's Sells remains to be convinced. He brought two Oriental throw rugs to work to brighten up his drab tile floor. They have not been cleaned or vacuumed by University Janitors in a year. l et dqual? Well, Not Quite Committee To Issue, State College. Goals May Investigate Krasny indicated that someone By JOYCE WINSLOW in the police department on the South Quad's liberal new closed narcotics squad would probably door visiting hour policy has been contact Pollard in the near future suspended pending a review by the "about witnesses or persons of University's Residence Hall Board value" to the police in investiga- of Governors, Tomas Fox, direc- ting the illegal use of drugs. tor of South Quad said last night. Polard indicated that the Fed- eral Narcotics Bureau had tried The experiment launched last to contact him by phone while November by Fox allows South 'Quad residents to keep their doors he was out. "eina p i , e t closed when entertaining members -Being a physician, the doctoro h poiesxdrn pc- naturally has priveleged communi- of the opposite sex during speci- cations with his contacts." said h fied visiting hours. Students in Krasny. "We would probably re- other Residence hall must keep quest that he advise his sources the doors opened, during similar that they voluntarily come to us. periods. could have any visitor he chose in1 his room at any time. This is ab- solutely misleading."s Te faculty members of the Board indicated that the article in the Ann Arbor News was the first written statement on the visiting hour policy they had read. They did not know that the policy was in effect. But housing director Feldkamp1 wrote a memo to each Board member in October detailing the plan. He tucked the memo inside a booklet, "Standards for Stu- 3 dents" which was mailed Nov. 1 to each faculty member of the dler_ Defends Right Academic Freedom y LISSA MATROSS teacher has only one over- ng responsibility-the re- lity to be free," writer in ce Leslie Fiedler told an audience in Auditorium ight. "And he has only one n-to free the minds of English teacher Fiedler -e ri - -n-ar - mv flp it is vain and pointless," said Fiedler. "The teacher must con- firm the faith of young people in the power of their own senses and intelligence." Fiedler asserted that the prim- ary duty of the teacher is not in "forcibly injecting the student with certain subject matter that is, at best, optional, and at worst, irrelevent." By LAURENCE MEDOW A "philosophical statement ont the direction and goals" of the State Master Plan for Higher Ed- ucation will be issued soon by the. study steering committee for the development of the plan, according to John Porter, head of the Bu- reau of Higher Education and assistant state superintendent of public instruction. The statement will also provide boundaries and guidelines for in- vestigations to be conducted by the study committees now being es- tablished,' Porter said Once agreement is reached on the philosophical statement, the c--- .tr nmmf ppwillhprin +n The statement will define the role of the state board and eda'- cational institutions in develsping the plan and the obligations of the institutions to make information available for .the study. Porter said the statement would be concerned with the drafting of the document and not its content. Therefore, it would not include a listing of issues to be studied. Meanwhile, Harold Smith, pro- ject director for the master plan, recently reported that seven study committees are now being estab- lished to consider: (1) potential enrollments and enrollment projections leading to growth renmmendations for the