Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD N CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS A Man of Many Ideologies r. Whe in Are 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, APRIL 8,19d7 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE Romney on Vietnam: Another Echo in '68 GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY'S "major for- eign policy address" on the Vietnam war last night once again confirmed that the GOP's leading 'presidential contender has absolutely nothing to contribute to- ward an improvement of the Southeast Asian mess. Romney contradicted himself over and over again as he tried to straddle the tight-rope between the hawks and the doves. In fact, the speech was so innoc- uous that the governor's would-be op- ponent in 1968; President Johnson, issued a warm congratulatory note to Romney thanking him, in effect, for the support. ROMNEY PLEDGED himself to a fine list of desirable goals: no "massive military escalation," no long pacification program with U.S. presence, a peace with amnesty for the enemy. And yet he gave no tangible suggestions for attaining any of them. On the contrary, he directed himself to "the groundswell of impa- tience" in the U.S. which is crying "'Let's get it over with. Let's crush them once and for all'."' He refuted this feeling with a bit of Romneyesque rationale: * By killing non-white Asians, "We would play into the hands of the Com- munists. They would use this effectively to paint us in their propaganda as ruth- less oppressors and militarists." What, one must ask in astonished re- sponse, have V.S. troops been shooting, bombing and napalming, for so many years-shadows? With his endorsement of the present war effort, Romney is "play- ing into" the very hands he warns against. " A devastated Vietnam would not be a buffer state stopping the expansion of Communism; "It a vacuum.t' Instead of a warning, however, Rom- ney's observation appears more a predic- tion of the result of present policy. He has given us no indication that any pol- icy he might pursue would differ from the "devastating" military attack of Presi- dent Johnson. 0 By tying down U.S. troops in Viet- nam for years with a pacification pro- gram, we would "undermine the initia- tive and capacity of the South Vietna- mese to help themselves. It would trans- form South Vietnam into an American colony which America neither wants nor needs." Though this fear is well-founded, the bitter reality seems to be that the Amer- ican colony inSoutheast Asia exists right now, and that without huge transfu- sions of money and men, the Ky regime could quickly crumble. The lone bright spot in Romney's ad- dress was his endorsement of a "peace with amnesty," a pledge to permit mem- bers of the National Liberation Front to participate in the South Vietnam g'w- ernment. ROMNEY'S DEBUT into the foreign pol- icy arena was anything but a notable one. There are certainly no easy answers for the Vietnam situation, but Romney has failed even to ask the proper ques- tions. He has told us what we want, not how to get it. He has pointed out his path to peace, but the road looks pain- fully familiar. It is becoming strikingly clear to even the most casual political observer that Vietnam will not be a campaign issue in the presidential election. It is obvious that the war policy is being endorsed by all sides with delicate precision. The U.S. people will not be offered a choice in 1968 on an issue which is kill- ing their sons, hampering their economy, and burdening the national conscience. --ROBERT KLIVANS Editorial Director By SUSAN SCHNEPP Personnel Director EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO last month a man walked out of the Communist Party Academy in East Berlin carrying a small brief- case. A driver took him to down- town Berlin, where he quickly made three phone calls. Fifteen minutes later another car sped him out of Berlin, that night he was slipped past border police in- to Czechoslovakia, and by sledge, by train and by auto arrived in Belgrade 13 days later. After spending 14 years in the Soviet Union and East Berlin, 10 of them as a devout member of the Komsomol, the Communist Youth League, and full member of the Communist Party, Wolf- gang Leonhard had defected. The doubts and disappointments about Stalinist Communism which had accumulated over the years had finally changed into conscious opposition after Tito's break with Moscow in '1948. But Leonhard was "deeply impressed by Yugoslav at- tempts to apply Marxism to the problems of our time." He went to work as the director of the German department of Radio Bel- grade for one and one-half years, which he describes as a "most ex- iting and interesting period of my life." In 1950 he went, legally, to West (Germany, where he has since worked as a writer and lecturer, and as a commentator on Soviet affairs for the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit. Since 1963 he has devided his ;ime between lecturing at Ameri- ,an universities and West Ger- many. He is a visiting professor in the history department here this semester. Leonhard spent 1963-64 at Columbia University and last year was a visiting pro- fessor at Yale, where he will lec- ture again for one semester during each of the next three years. Leonhard is the author of four books, "Child of the Revolution," an autobiography of his experi- ences in the Soviet Union; "The Kremlin Since Stalin," "Soviet Ideology Today-Political Theor- ies," and "Khrushchev-Rise and Fal of P Soviet Leader." THIS BACKGROUND, combin- ed with his personal experiences in the Soviet Union make him par- ticularly well qualified to speak on contemporary Soviet problems and foreign relations. The most important issue in Soviet foreign policy now is the Vietnam war, he says, and its repercussions on the Soviet Union are "extremely grave." "Since theUnited States began bombing North Vietnam in Febru- ary, 1965, a qualitative change has taken place in the war; the bomb- ing of a Communist country in the Communist sphere of influence. "Internally, this resulted in a strengthening of the conservation- ist dogmatist forces inside the So- viet leadership and party appara- tus. The Soviet Union has tried several times to negotiate but has failed because of Chinese opposi- tion and inadequate response in this country. As a result, the So- viet Union has degraded coexist- ence from the general line to a sub-part of its foreign policy. "Soviet press attacks on the U.S. are much stronger than two years ago, and she is now trying to im- prove relations with other coun- tries, primarily France. The Soviet Union has made it clear that any improvements in relations with the U.S. can only come after the bombing of North Vietnam has stopped." LEONHARD indicated that he is personally "highly critical" of the war and believes it is "diametrical- ly opposed to the interests of the U.S., He says that the U.S. has based the war on three main assump- tions that cannot be proven - that North Vietnam has made an aggression against South Vietnam, that the South Vietnamese must be protected from a Communist minority and that North Vietnam is a satellite of Communist China. "The greatest possible gain for the U.S. would be a pro-American government in South Vietnam, and the losses far outweigh this or any other possible gains. For this, America is involved in military operations that are highly unpop- ular all over the world, and has estranged itself from its allies and public opinion. Turning to Soviet domestic pol- icy, Leonhard said that the main problem is adapting the Commu- nist system and ideology to the problems of an emerging indus- trialized society. "The leadership is torn between wanting new eco- nomic reforms, knowing they will Increase productivity, and the fear that such reforms will undermine the political power of the party, the ideology and the system. This is the deep contradiction in the Soviet leadership today." ON THE IDEOLOGICAL level, he said, the "Soviet Union needs new academic subjects-sociology, psychology and other. social sci- ences-yet the leadership fears the new subjects may undermine the clarity of Communist ideology." The future of the Soviet Union will rely heavily on the, outcome of these problems. In the long run, Leonhard sees an "evolutionary transformation of the Communist system to the tasks of an indus- trialized society. Great changes are possible within the basic frame- work of the Soviet system, such as profit motives and autonomous factories and collective farms. The ultimate hope would be to trans- fer to something like Yugoslav Communism is today." BORN IN VIENNA in 1921, Leonhard emigrated with his mother, a devout Communist; to the Soviet Union in 1935. There he attended a Soviet school, the Moscow University for Foreign Languages, and in 1942 and 1943 the Comintern-school, the high- est ideological training school for foreign Communists in the Soviet Union. Emphasizing that it is very dif- ficult to know what Soviet students are like today, Leonhard said he tends to think that "many are politically interested" and that though they must rely on the one- sided Soviet press, "they are very able to read between the lines, understand undertones and so form their own opinions." Although all students must take four years of required courses in Marxism-Leninism, he said, "only a small number really believe it all, while others are influenced, by some theories, disregarding oth- ers. The largest group listen be- I * cause they are required to, but are little affected by it, and a fourth group is extremely critical." Leonhard said that such a large percentage of relatively apathetic students worries the party lead- ership greatly, but added that the leadership thinks it will be able to fill the party apparatus with only five to eight per cent of the devoted students. AMERICAN universities have impressed him very favorably. "Several things surprised me in a pleasant way, especially the high proportion of time spent studying the social sciences and the great interest in international issues. "American students spend much more time on their studies ,than those in Europe." He said he has also liked the absence of a hier- archical structure within the uni- versities and the informality and near equality among professors, and assistant and associate pro- fessors. On the othe: hand, Leonhard, in extensive world traveler, feels sad "that many very intelligent students don't have the opportun- ity to visit and live in- other. countries. This is very important for general education. My great wish would be for students, espe- cially political science, economic andl modern history majors, to be given the possibility to really live in a completely different surround- ing for a few months, both in a West European country and a de- veloping nation." HE IS ALSO critical of Ameri- can political education - "there is too much stress on power prob- lems and diplomatic relations be- tween big countries and an under- estimation of very important and inspiring political developments in smaller countries. Very interest- ing developments in the political systems of countries like Sweden, Yugoslavia and Switzerland are overlooked because from a power viewpoint they are unimportant." What is the world outlook of a man who was in 1949, as he de- scribes himself, a "deeply believ- ing Marxist," and has now lived several years in the West? Leonhard explains that when he came to the West he was at first "a sort of Marxist in the hum- anist sense of the word, trying to keep some of the original prin- ciples of Marxism, combined with the problems of our time." But his stay at Oxford from 1956-58, and his many world trav- els convinced him that "maybe one ideology is not enough to serve as a key for the many complex. socialand economic problems in more than 130 different countries of the world, "But I thought that what a man perhaps could have are some general aims he would like to have fulfilled as much as possible in the world. My general ideas would be social justice, political democ- racy and intellectual tolerance and freedom. THE FULFILLMENT of these ideals, he believes, is*different for each country of the world and must be adjusted to fit the reality of the time and place. "Above all. one must avoid judging other countries according to the system you are living in." "One of the primary duties of young intellectuals today is to overcome ethnocentrism, to trav- el, to see, to think, to adapt to other surroundings, to try to un- derstand the problems of other countries, thereby improving un- derstanding, the most 'important prerequisite for the peace we all want." 4* The Night SGC Passed The Buck HE ACTION of Student Government Council Thursday night in putting the non-student membership issue to a ref- erendum was self-defeating and contrary' to the concept of representative govern- ment. Succumbing to the alarmist cries of the ex-officio and other conservative members of Council, a two-thirds majority placed the question of whether non-stu- dents should be allowed to become voting members of student organizations on next fall's SGC ballot. While it is true that enough signatures have already been gathered to initiate a referendum, it would have been much better for Council to let the referendum be called from outside. As it now appears, SGC took decisive action on an important and highlycomplex issue and then reneg- ed on their legislative responsibility by passing the buck to the student body as a whole. Council acted, but lacked the nerve to carry out the action. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service Sn:.scription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by nail; $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard 8t.. Ana Arbor. Mich., 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan. 42a Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor I MEREDITH BIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Direotol SUSAN ELAN .......... Associate Managing Editor LIAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .. Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP .............. Personnel Director NEIL SHISTER................Magazine Editor C~AROLE KAPLAN ........ Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MATROSS.....................Arts Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Neal Bruss, Wallace Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Steve Wild- strom. nAY EITORS: navid nDhbff. Kathie Glebe. Aviva THE OPPONENTS of opening member- ship in student organizations to non- students fear that such a move would open the flood-gates to outside agitators who will lead wholesome, innocent Uni- versity students down the path of sub- version and creeping socialism. They also fear that allowing non-students in will cause "the University to look bad" when the nasty agitators say things the people of Michigan do not especially want to hear. These fears are at best alarmist and at worst totally spurious. The student organization in which non-students have played the most prominent role is Voice though they have also been involved in the Inter-Cooperative Council. Under the current, unenforced :regulations, these non-students are not legal members. If- a rule were passed prohibiting non-stu- dents and strictly enforced, its only prob- able effect would be to force Voice and perhaps others to relinquish their status as student organizations. Even If Voice severed its official relationship with the University, it would still be identified in the media as a student group and the break would have no effect in the public mind. THE REFERENDUM may well have the effect of backfiring on the groups most interested in calling it, Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association. The referendum campaign is certain to bring up the issue of non-student, that is to say, alumni control over the affairs of fraternities and sororities. Under a pol- icy of total freedom from non-student control over student organizations, frater- nities and sororities would be forced to either make substantial changes in their organization or lose their student status. Council's refusal to take responsibility for their own action Thursday night was a serious failure of will and may serious- ly undermine student faith in SGC. -STEPHEN WILDSTROM No Endorsement, Letters: Stacking the Student SupremeCourt To the Editor: THE RECENT appointment to Joint Judiciary of five can- didates who have threatened not to apply laws passed by the ad- ministration, is ill-timed and most improper. The action is a dis- service to the community here, which is presently trying (we hope) to quickly and carefully re- assess the traditional role of stu- dents in the university. At this critical period, when committees are being organized on many levels to investigate the important areas of dissatisfaction, when a spirit of trust and co-operation would be helpful, SGC has declared, in ef- fect, "Aha, we have just created a new weapon. Now, would you please co-operate." When power politics are applied against a group (eg. the admin- istration's move against the ap- pointment of Daily Editor Rapo- port) it is advisable to use power as a countermeasure. However, a major power move at this time, which is unprovoked, is imprudent. The means employed in this power move, in particular, are inexcusa- ble because they violate the in- tegrety of the judiciary system, which is vital in any self-regulat- ing community. A COURT'S POWER are defined at the time of its formation. I doubt that a provision was in- cluded -for Joint Judiciary to en- force only those laws which it thought proper to be enforced. A court only interprets and applies all those laws that are legally passed. In our country, the su- preme court can declare at law to be invalid because the charter de- fining the supreme court's power has permitted the court to do so whenever it has interpreted a law to be in contradiction to a higher written law (constitutional), which has precedence. That Joint Judi- ciary has these powers is most doubtful; this apparently didn't bother SGC at all. There isn't even a written charter applying to Joint Judiciary upon which it could declare a precedence that an administrative law contradict- ed. In other words this appoint- ment has muddled the whole judi- ciary process; JJC has overstepped its prescribed boundaries, and its decisions are no longer based upon written rules. Even if the Joint Judiciary Committee did have such power, the present move is still improper. The judiciary system is not a po- litical pawn; in the Supreme Court, such attempts at maneuver- ing are discouraged by the life- time apointments of the members. The appointments by SGC were political and were in sufficient number (5) to constitute a majority of the court and thus radically change its nature. The 5 appoin- tees had all stated that they would not necessarily enforce rules pass- ed by the administration. SGC saw the political advantages and jumped at the opportunity, dis- regarding the almost unanimous opposition of the members on JJC to the stated intentions of the new appointees. JJC is now a po- litical annex of SGC and is dis- credited. Even goals that I happen to con- sider desirable do not justify such an action. An act of civil disobedi- ence, though arousing more pub- licity, would have been far less dangerous to the community. This error might. have been averted if the administration had been given time and had been willing to present its views in greater detail to SGC, Joint Judi- ciary, and, in particular, to the community, perhaps through the Daily. -Howard M. Shapiro, '70 Med. Exploitation To the Editor: ONE OF THE wisest moves that Robben Fleming could make to win the support of the student body would be to lead the fight to end student exploitation by Ann Arbor apartment owners. Up to the present time, this exploitation has had the tacit approval of University officials, as seen in the University-approved lease agree- ments. The unreasonably-high rental rates facing the students are bad enough. A more depressing fact is that the University acquiesces to the 12-month lease requirerpent demanded by the apartment own- ers. This certainly does nothing to reduce the image of the University as being more sensitive to business interests than to student interests. THE 12-MONTH lease require- ment in effect transfers to the apartment dwellers the financial losses which the owners would otherwise suffer as a result of the decline in apartment demand which occurs in the summer 'months. Since other business enterprises have to face seasonal fluctuations, why does the University feel -it has to cooperate in a scheme which further pads the profit statements of the apartment own- ers at the. expense of students? Is this another example of con flict of interest? -John McGarry, '67 4.' on mas.==me....iaso=TODAY AND TOMORROW... by WALTER LIPPMANN w w.... The Truman Doctrine: A Legacy of Globalism AT THE DINNER for the presi-. dent of Turkey on Monday eve- ning at the White House, Presi- dent Johnson referred to me as one who had in 1947 opposed mili- tary and financial aid to Greece and Turkey because I opposed the Truman Doctrine. This is not true, and I am, therefore, reprinting in full the first article I wrote after the enunciation of the Truman Doc- trine on March 12, 1947. My article was published March 15, 1947, and was entitled "Policy or Crusade?" The text follows: For it is, as the lawyers would say, an obiter dictum, that is to say "an expression of opinion .. . not forming an essential part of the reasons determining the deci- sion." Thus, there are sufficient practical, humanitarian and stra- tegic reasons why the United States should intervene in the Middle East to prevent, as the President put it, "changes in the status quo in violation of the Charter of the United Nations by such methods as coercion or by such subterfuge as political infil- tration." But since the reasons are suf- ficient why Congress should vote the authnitu tointervene in the ed so vaguely, so broadly, so rhe- torically that no workable policy can be deduced from them. They can mean everything, anything or very little, and words of that sort, when pronounced by the head of state in a time of intense crisis and of passionate confusion, are imprudent. The pronouncements of a pow- erful government should be defin- ed and precise lest they be taken as threatening more than it in- tends and as promising more than it can deliver. For experience should have taught us by this time that there are good reasons why a seasoned inBnman miR vprv harv indeed must learn to eschew, for they usually mean, as Elihu Root,. I believe it was, once said, that first you shake your fistand then you shake your finger.- THE PRESIDENT'S own state- ment illustrates this very tenden- cy; "It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempt-; ed subjugation by armed minori- ties or by outside pressures" .. . but "I believe our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid..." Instead of such a large promise followed by a lame anticlimax, it wnulde h hetter much is danger- ion and Turkey is negotiated and is not imposed by force; that be- hind the protection of this tem- porary special guaranty we are contrib' ting economic and finan- cial assistance in order to revive and strengthen the national life of these two countries. The advantage of adopting a precise Middle Eastern policy is that it can be controlled for the purpose of maintaining order. A vague global policy, which sounds like the tocsin of an ideological crusade, has no limits. It cannot be controlled. Its effects cannot be predicted. Everyone everywhere will read into it his own fears and hopes, 01