Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ON BOOKS: The Death of a Hero Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN IFC-Panhel:Striking A Blow Against SGC THE OPPOSITION of Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association to the Student Government Council pro- posal to allow non-students to participate in student organizations represents a ser- ious interference with progress at the University. Just what prompted the sudden emerg- ence of the Greek forces into the politi- cal scene is hard to ascertain. However one thing is certain, IFC officers possess such ignorance of the workings of this University, they have no business playing the role of activists. They are motivated by fear of ideas, not by some genuine concern for their constituencies. IT IS PARTICULARLY notable that in opposing the SGC motion the Inter- fraternity Council and Panhellenic As- sociation are committing hypocracy. They are effectively cutting their own throats. Fraternities and sororities have tradi- tionally allowed non-members to partici- pate in determining the membership of local chapters. Several fraternities even have clauses in their national constitu- tions which :require each pledge be ac- ceptable to every alumni and active mem- ber of that fraternity. How can IFC fight non-student participation in other orga- nizations while they allow it within their own ranks. Sororities are even more flagrant viola- tors, since it is practically a universal policy to require an alumni recommen- dation in order to pledge a girl. IFC OFFICERS in opposing the SGC pro- posal, have shown a willingness to evade the real issue. They emotionally admon- ish in a large advertisement in. The Daily, "Don't let outsiders run the University." The question is not ,whether "outsiders" should run this University, but whether non-students as a minority be permtited to contribute to student organizations. The IFC, Panhel, IHA advertisement was a gross appeal to irrationality. An appeal to a conservative campus which fears a Berkeley style uprising. They totally ig- nore the possibility that non-students might aid campus groups, only seeing potential negative aspects. They imply that the proposal is a dupe to allow SDS to import outside agi- tators, and are therefore motivated to oppose it not on principle but because of their intense dislike for SDS. CUTLER'S VETO has found a friend in IFC and Panhel. These groups are con- sidering communication with the Office of StudentAffairs in order to encourage them to veto the proposal. Such an action represents a childish departure from democratic procedure. If IFC and Panhel can't win their way by a majority vote in SOC, they simply seek to overrule the majority., Any contact between IFC-Panhel and OSA will surely undermine the progress made by SGC toward a fair role for stu- dents in decision making. THE IFC PRESENTS a rather dubious official rationale for their opposition. Citing Mario Savio, they argue that a non-student member of a student orga- nization might' badly reflect upon the student body as a whole. This preoccupation with public rela- tions is repugnant to those of us who feel conflict and controversy are essential to the educational prqcess. -STEVE NISSEN THE DEATH OF A PRESI- DENT by William Manchester, Harper and Row, New York, 1967 By WALTER LIPPMANN B Y THE TIME I had worked my way through this fascinating, endless and very readable book I found myself wondering whether I had stayed with it so long main- ly because of a prying and morbid curiosity. The book embroiders with a prodigious amount of detail the well-known story of the six days before and after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If historians handle it critically enough they will no doubt find here a mine of information about the circum- stances of the President's death. For Manchester has interviewed a great number of people involved in the event. But as a contemporary, as one who sat glued to his television set and read the news and speculation in the newspapers, I cannot think of anything in this book that throws new light on what hap- pened. TO READ the book is like scan- ning a painting with a microscope. It remains the same painting after the scanning is over. The Presi- dent went to Texas in order to compose a quarrel among Demo- cratic politicians, hoping to unite the party behind himself for the election of 1964. The city of Dallas was a hotbed of seething hatred of Mr. Kenne- dy. The police protection afforded the President was poor. On the way back to Washington from Dal- las a feud broke out between those who felt that their first and only loyalty was to Mr. Kennedy and those who were attached to Mr. Johnson or rallied to him. The book tells again what we saw with our own eyes, Jack Ruby killing Lee Oswald, the regal bear- ing of Jacqueline Kennedy and the bomp and ceremony of the funeral. The painstaking reporting after the event confirms and ampifies the original story that we all saw and heard at the time. The book makes us realize how well the country was served in those days by the newspapers and the networks, and we are left to won- der what American journalism could be if it were always as in- terested and as concentrated on the task of telling the true story as it was in those days. BIJT IF THE SPOT reporters failed to tell the whole story, if there are hidden secrets, they are still hidden now. For Manchester takes the view that the findings of the Warren Commission, to which he had special access, are the whole truth. For him, the death of the President cannot be a link in a chain of significant historic events. It was a meaning- less accident perpetrated for no known reason by a trivial and dis- ordered man. This is the crucial judgment about the subject of the book, and it has determined the character of the book. Unqualified acceptance of the findings of the Warren Commission set Manchester to the task of describing in relentless de- tail what happened during the six days when a quite senseless and meaningless crime was committed. Manchester is aware that the senselessness of the murder de- prives his book of a, significant theme. "I have to believe," he wrote in Look magazine recent- ly, "that the state funeral of Nov. 25 and the wake which followed were a redemption, a catharsis, investing the ghastly futility that had gone before with meaning." He goes on to say that "Maybe that craving for significance is a weakness. Possibly Sartre was right. Perhaps it was all an ex- istentialist performance in the theatre of the absurd." This craving to find signifi- cance in the ghastly futility of the murder is the reason why so many people throughout the world have been eager to believe that the Warren Commission was wrong, that John Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy. For the official verdict has been a hard one to believe, because Os- wald was killed in the police sta- tion. With the human craving for significance, men have seized upon the patent incredibility of the senseless event. For Manchester this way out of the ghastly futility was barred when he accepted the findings of the Warren Commission. He knows a great deal about the Warren Commission's work, perhaps more than anyone else, and he has writ- ten a highly persuasive defense of the commission's verdict. He did not, therefore, turn to a theory of conspiracy to find significance in the ghastly futil- ity. And he is not a poet who could have made the senseless death of John- F. Kennedy the burden of a charge against the wantonness and cruelty of fate. What then could Manchester do? He " obeyed his own genius, which is not that of an historian, but of a dramatic novelist. He is also a reporter, and as a reporter he had to agree that the murder was a ghastly futility. As a lit- E-rary artist, however, he was com- pelled to reshape the material to a main theme and several minor cnes. THE MAIN THEME, he chose to believe, is that John F. Kennedy was transfigured by his death and thereby became a legendary hero. In the epilogue, which he tells us he meant to make his best chap- ter, Manchester becomes so en- tranced with the theme of the transfiguration that he does not place John F. Kennedy with the Presidents of the United States. He places him in a line with King Arthur, Siegfried, Roland and Joan of Arc. At the end, Manchester's crav- ing for significance has become so exorbitant that he seems to be saying that the genesis- of a modern legend, like the legend of Lincoln, is that the hero was mur- dered, rather than in what the played a leading role in the turn- ing point of the cold war, who opened the way-not himself un- derstanding it too well-to the new economics, who gave a mighty push to the second reconstruction and drew into office a new genera- tion of public men. IT GOES withoutsaying that in the attempt to tell the whole story as if it were a complete and ubiqui- tous newsreel of those six days, Manchester has slipped up and made some mistakes. I would not dwell on them here were it not that in the mistakes I know about there is the same pattern: always the mistake is a fiction which in- tensifies the drama of the story. The first mistake is of no im- portance, but I noticed it because it is about myself. Manchester was telling where various people were and what they did when they heard the news of the murder. According to Manchester, I "reached the Washington Post and collapsed." In truth I reached the Washington Post, heard that the telling of it Manchester has be- come so obsessed by a passion for detail that his book is pervaded by a dumb and ruthless realism which engulfs the-hero. Only when I read the whole book in all its appalling detail did I feel I understood why Mrs. Ken- nedy was so revolted by it and denounced it as tasteless. I can- not believe that her revulsion was due solely to the passages she cit- ed as especially objectionable to her, personally. Those passages have been deleted, and I have not seen them or wanted to see them. But I have a fair notion of what they were like. They were not scandalous. There was no taint of malice or preju- dice in them. There is no break in Manchester's love and admira- tion for Jacqueline Kennedy. But the objectionable passages did make sharper the dominant fault of the whole book. For the family and intimate friends of John F. Kennedy, the book stains the white radiance of eternity in which John F. Kennedy dwells. ao ANOTHER OPINION: Reaction Against a University WITH REGRET, I predict the next dis- patch from the University of Minne- sota will be news that the Board of Re- gents has been hanged in effigy. You have probably read with some bit- terness and humiliation how the univer- sity, on the verge of naming Robben W. Fleming of Wisconsin as its new presi- dent, was sandbagged, slickered and dry- gulched by the University of Michigan. As a result, Fleming is going to be presi- dent of the University of Michigan, which not only has soundly thrashed Minneso- ta in the mounting fury of their rivalry this season (49 to 0 in football) but must now stand accused of pouring it on. All of which leaves the university's em- barrassed regents with their mortar boards unglued and their academic gowns down. To appreciate the awk- wardness of the situation, imagine what it would have been for the Viking owners if the Detroit Lions signed Bud Grant while the owners had him stashed away in the Leamington Hotel. Our one note of thankfulness here is that the regents are not in charge of. recruiting football players for the uni- versity... ON SECOND THOUGHT, one has to consider the nature of the competi- tion. The University of Michigan has al- ways imagined itself as the Harvard of the cornbelt and, while it has never quite achieved that status, the school remains The Daily Is, a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Sunscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER. Managing Editor rather scornful of its neighbors. It is, in fact, occasionally described as Buick Uni- versity. In its stumbling fashion, the Univer- sity of Minnesota has tried to compete. It defied Michigan 60 years ago by steal- ing the Little Brown Jug, and so what is so far-fetched about another traveling trophy, symbolizing success in the war for professors, the Easter Egghead Tro- phy? i Who knows to what lengths Michigan went to land Fleming? A no-cut con- tract? Three draft choices to be named at next year's commencement? A trade in which Wisconsin gets two political science professors plus a blonde labora- tory technician in exchange for Flem- ing? Michigan, I think, is capable of these manipulations. How else does one ex- plain Fleming's preference of Michigan after so publicly being offered the Min- nesota job? Money? The state of Min- nesota, now that it has disowned the city of Minneapolis, has tons of it. POLITICAL CLIMATE? Michigan has Romney. Minnesota has LeVander. A tossup. Outdoor status? Their rivers and lakes are no more polluted than ours. Industry?-They have GM, we have 3-M. No, it has to be something more inti- mate than that. I think you have the answer in the disclosure that Fleming visited in Minneapolis a few weeks ago and, in the natural course of things, probably was required to park an auto- mobile at the university. Having under- gone this shattering experience, Flem- ing was happy to return to his job of holding hands with beatniks on Wiscon- sin's Madison campus. -JIM KLOBUCHAR Minneapolis Star Journal March 30, 1967 Swedish Sex UNITED PRESS International re- ported: "The Swedish Pupils Central Organi- zation (SECO) today rejected a teacher's suggestion that high schools install 'sex rooms' for their Dupils. hero achieved. But surely a mod- ern historian must not forget that Lincoln became fixed in the minds and hearts of our people not be- cause he was murdered in Ford's Theatre, but because he saved the Union and emancipated the slaves. The Kennedy legend will flour- ish or will languish because of what Mr. Kennedy did, because of what he left behind him that endures. The historic foundation of a Kennedy legend will be that with him the generation born in the 20th century came to power and that under* him there were new beginnings in the life of the nation. IN THE BYPASSING of the substance and the significance of John Kennedy's work as President. lies the root of all the troubles that this book has caused every- body involved with it, the family, the publishers, the author. In thinking about how Manchester wrote a 600-page book on the death of the President without writing about what John F. Ken- nedy did as a President, I learned something from reading Manches- ter's earlier "Portrait of a Presi- dent." That book was, so to speak, a sketch from life, and it is said that because President Kennedy liked the book, Pierre Salinger pro- posed Manchester to the Kennedy family as the author to write the story of the President's death. Like the present book, the ear- lier book is very readable and full of entertaining detail. But read- ing it one would never understand how the wry, witty rich Boston Irishman with his beautiful and fashionable wife was the man who .. .and his King Arthur. President was in the hospital, but still alive, thought the crowd was too noisy around the tickers and the television sets and rushed for a taxi to go home to hear the rest of the news. In the taxi on the radio I heard that the President was dead. The mistake- i, of no importance ex- cept that the truth is much less dramatic than the fiction. The second mistake concerns that excellent soldier, Gen. Clif- ton. According to the first Man- chester version, which has since been corrected, Gen. Clifton lost his head and, forgetting his sense fo duty, first telephoned a mes- sage to his wife before he tele- phoned about security matters which were his special charge. The story was not true at all, but the spectacle of a gallant and effi- cient soldier losing his head made it a better story than the prosaic facts. The third mistake is that at the swearing in of Lyndon Johnson aboard the airplane the ceremony was boycotted by the Kennedy men who were on the plane. The story is not true. Lawrence O'Brien and Ken O'Donnell were present, though their faces do not show in all of the photographs. O'Brien was hidden by Judges Hughes who was swearing in President John- son. O'Donnell was to the left of Mrs. Kennedy and was not caught' in all the photographs. Again the mistake is one which hots up the truth and intensifies the drama. MISTAKES of this sort can and no doubt will be corrected. In spite of them the book remains a dedicated effort to tell with re- lentless detail the story of the six days of the murder. But in the The trouble is that the book as a whole shows in horrid and painful detail this mean and sordid real- ity in which the epic story of the aero's death was enacted. That the death of the young and brilliant President was senseless was an in- tolerable event; it was bearable only if it was extricated from the muck in which it in fact took place, It was terrible that the Presi- dent was dead. It was injury add- ed to injury that the hero was on a trivial mission among inglori- ous Texas politicians._ For the Kennedy family, to have brought Camelot down to this has been Manchester's transgression. AS THE STORY develops in Manchester's pages it has neith- er .elegance nor grandeur, and the author's gluttonous appetite for anecdotes does not spare the fam- ily or the reader the horor of the carnage inside the automobile, the insufferable insensitiveness of the clowns and mountebanks and louts at the Dallas hospital or the macabre details of the autopsy at Bethesda and of the undertakers' work. Thus, the search for the significance of the senseless death wallows on in a flood of noisome detail. It is no service to John Kenner dy's reputation, historic or leg- endary, to put together an infinite number of tidbits'and to dwell not on his historic achievements, but on the glamour that emanated from him and his family and on the trivial facts surrounding his) murder. For this belongs to what the French call "petite histoire," the little stories that are the small change of history. (c), 1967, The washington Post CO. r 7 Manchester's Book.. . Letters: Is This an All American City? THERE ARE those social critics who decry the decadent state of the American society. I have never particularly ascribed to such pessimism, but was prompted to wonder if perhaps such statements may have some validity when I scanned the Thursday Ann Arbor News and the Friday Daily, and learned that Ann Arbor is an "All- America" city, one of only 11 in the nation. This raises my hackles, for if Ann Arbor is one of the very best then perhaps our society is in a decadent state. The only American standards by which AnwArbor should win such an award are mediocrity and the entrepreneur- ical spirit under which business- men strive for greater riches. Ann Arbor indeed possesses a unified community spirit when it comes to loosening greenbacks from the students (or checks-oh, those service conscious, eager-to-please local banks). In the four years since I first arrived in this city I have failed to note a single significant item of progress on the part of the city --the city should be condemned for its inability to cope with an -viormnaTni rz%-.1m. a Tnvr city workmen can be depended upon to continue trimming trees.) Instead of making efforts to constructively solve the parking problems the city has embarked upon a system of draconian en- forcement of irrational regula- tions; the theory must be that the greater inconvenience placed on those with cars will result in a diminution of them. It won't work: the vicious economic circle in ef- fect here means that the Univer- sity draws predominantly upper middle class students, many of whom desire and can afford motor vehicles. PERHAPS ANN ARBOR does merit an award for the efficiency of its police-if the award were based on the quantity,,of parking and traffic tickets written. When it comes to rapes and thefts and real crime, of which there is a considerable amount, they seem to be out to lunch,. The attitude of most of the members of the police force can only be termed as hostile to stu- dents, and I doubt whether they can boast a desire to recruit col- lege graduates, as the Berkeley, fic will bear. I have done some informal checking, and have been unable to discover any city with higher food and cleaning prices, for example. And as for the local gouging real estate cartel, com- plaints in this basic economic area are legion. I've been told that the local rate of return for landlords is exceeded by few cities in this country. Admittedly, local real estate taxes are high, but this doesn't warrant exorbitance. And this leads to the question of what, the local government is doing with the tax money, for the services provided are far from superior. The city is poorly laid-out to begin with. Thus, with the base of poorly planned streets the traf- fic problem is compoundedhby the lack of efforts being manifested to alleviate them. And supposedly the award was founded in part on the Ann Arbor parks-who's kidding whomn! And the city had the audacity to make a bid for the new AEC site, finally awarded Weston, Ill. PERHAPS ANN ARBOR could make it as a tourist attraction. There's the Hanging Gardens of Babylon-City Hall. And the tour- i .a 1.A .n A o +nn -ll - n ny Bitter? No, maybe it's just been a long, rough winter. In general, this is a good place to go to school. I don't expect perfection, but Ann Arbor seems headed in that direc- tion. And I hope that the city fathers don't let this award go to their heads. If they felt humble when they accepted it they had good cause. -Michael Bobroff, Law '68 OPINION The Daily has begun accept- ing articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on subjects of their choice. They are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. 4$ -' ,r - ra .. Mt r+5 ', Vi > / "' I