FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAn nn-rl . 0 £LrANL THREE i Big Network Strike Gains Momentum Sound Technicians, Cameramen Support AFTRA Newscasters NEW YORK(M-)-The American Federation of Television and Ra- dio Artists won growing support yesterday for their nine-day strike against the three big networks- from such behind-the-scenes spe- cialists as cameramen, sound en- gineers and even the motorcycle messengers who rush films be- tween studios. Management personnel w e r e pushed into many of the vacant posts at NBC, CBS and ABC. But their inexperience was reflected on television screens, where sound wavered, pictures blurred and cameras were misdirected. } No peace talks were in prospect. Technicians Leave At ABC, even press agents walk- ed out briefly. At CBS an official said: "About all we've got left is engineers." NBC apologized for spotty tele- vision transmission, but later re- ported: "After some initial start- up problems, technical operations have substantially improved and are continuing to run smoothly." As hundreds of technicians from their unions walked out in sym- pathy with AFTRA's 18,000 strik- ing performers, network studios from coast to coast faced the prospect of a drying-up of live shows and an increasing depend- ence on reruns of old programs. "We'll have them rerunning re- runs soon,"' declared a union leader. Claim Featherbedding Newscast by stand-in network officials continued but live news coverage was being reduced, in- cluding network staffing of Presi- dent Johnson's scheduled visit next week to Uruguay. AFTRA struck the networks March 29, demanding a $325 a week base salary for slightly more than 100 newscasters, plus an in- creased share of sponsors' fees for their programs. The networks claimed, however, that the real issue behind the strike was what they called featherbedding-such as a demand for the assignment of three New York staff announcers to cover an FM radio assignment of only two hours a week. Pickets Increased AFTRA picket lines were aug- mented in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington as hun- dreds of other industry unionists left their jobs in sympathy with the strikers. Included were members of unions covering television camera- men and engineers, film editors, off-the-air news writers, motor- cycle couriers, outside film cam- eramen, and radio directors. Communist Dawn Attack Releases 200 from Jail British, Arab' Troops Fight Terrorists DETAIN LEFTISTS: Humphrey Pledges Continued Military Support of W. Berlin SAIGON (I)-Communist troops pulled Quang Tri into the north- ern border war Wednesday. They smashed before dawn against U.S. and Vietnamese posts at that pro- vincial capital and freed more than 200 prisoners from the pro- vincial jail. Sketchy accounts from Quang Tri, 16 miles south of the border, said 10 American soldiers and 47 of the enemy were killed. Thir- teen GIs and two U.S. government civilian employes were wounded. Informed sources said combat troops harried the Communist force in its withdrawal and there were reports of some fighting in the area throughout the day. The massive raid, which officers LBJ Names Abrams To Viet Military.. Post believed to have been staged joint- and local guerrillas, could be the ly by North Vietnamese regulars prelude to another attempt by North Vietnam to mount an in- vasion in force. Though U.S. Marines and South Vietnamese, troops frustrated di- vision-size thrusts of this nature last year, the U.S. command fig- ures Ho Chi Minh's regime has three divisions totaling 35,000 men in striking distance and may try again. In such a case, Quang Tri would be a primary Red objective. Highlighting war developments elsewhere: * Spokesman announced com- bat deaths declined on both sides last week from the record figures of March 19-25 with the allies' totaling 423, down 66, and the Communists' 2,373, down 410. Of the U.S. Armed Forces, 194 men were killed and 1,679 were wound-j ed in action. " There was a net increase of 10,000 American servicemen in Vietnam to a total of 435,000 as of last Saturday. A U.S. spokesman said the newcomers were members of numerous small outfits, mostly logistic support units. Rebel Attacks Protest BERLIN .T) - Vice President UN Federation Plans Hubert H. Humphrey renewed yes- terday the U.S. pledge to defend Hostilities Increasing West Berlin on an official visit marked by the detention of young, ADEN OP)-Their heavy ma- leftist extremists charged with chine guns blazing, British ar- plotting torattack him, possibly mored cars rolled through an Arab with explosives. quarter yesterday battling terror- Solemnly, Humphrey told the ists in what officials said was the West Berlin parliament he brought hottest fighting since violence!West-Ber.n frm ent he brought in the crowd that greeted him at said, they could not prove a direct city hall was a dissenter, connection between them and a Police were still probing the al- conspiracy by the seven men still leged conspiracy by young leftists held, The group, swept up in a sur- who they said planned attacks' prise raid by police, had in their with explosives during the Hum- possession plastic bags filled with phrey visit. chemicals which a police chemist Ten persons originally were ar- said could, if used in the right rested Wednesday night, but three mixture, produce dangerous ex- girls were released when, police plosives. Federal Reserve Board Reduces Discount Rate WASHINGTON (P) - Gen. Creighton W. Abrams Jr. is being sent to Vietnam as second in com- mand. President Johnson announced Abram's assignment yesterday as deputy to Gen. William C. West- moreland. Both White House and Pentagon officials said there is no move afoot for Abrams to replace Westmoreland as top commander in Vietnam. Abrams, who conferred with Johnson at the White House, told reporters he expects to be West- moreland's helper, carrying out a' variety of chores "pretty much across the board." Pentagon Work For most of the past five years, Abrams has moved through a variety of staff jobs at the Penta- gon. He has been army vice chief of staff sincebSeptember, 1964. The White House said Lt. Gen. Ralph E. Haines will succeed Abrams as vice chief of staff. Haines, now commander of the 3rc, Corps at Ft. Hood, Tex., will be nominated for promotion to full general. Abrams returned only Wednes- day from his third inspection trip to Vietnam. "Each time I've come back with a stronger feeling of confidence," he told newsmen. He said he be- lieves the force level in Vietnam "is about right" in light of the type of operations being conducted there. Strengthens Command His assignment to the No. 2 command post in Vietnam is in line with Johnson's statement of last month that he intends to strengthen the military command there. As part of the reshuffle, Lt. Ge. Bruce Palmer was sent to Vietnam as commander of Field' Force Two. Westmoreland's former deputy, Lt. Gen. John Heintges, is being reassigned as deputy U.S. Army commander in Europe. Abrams had a pivotal role dur- ing his Pentagon tour planning and directing the deployment of federal troops in racial disturb- ances in Mississippi and Alabama. As a lieutenant colonel, Abrams commanded a tank battalion in Europe from the Normandy cam- paign on. It was Abram's unit that led the breakthrough to Bastogne, reliev- ing the Americans under Gen. An- thony C. McAuliffe. Abrams was decorated many times and wears the distinguished service cross, the silver star, and medals conferred by Britain, France and Korea. broke out four days ago. Their objective was Al Noorj Mosque, turned into a terrorist stronghold. The British cleared the way for friendly Arab troops of the Federation of South Arabia, who entered the mosque, and re- ported they killed two terrorists and brought 'out several prisoners. The terrorists have been attack- ing since a U.N. mission arrived to help plot the future of the fed- eration after Britain pulls out next year. The terrorists want to wreck the federation by taking over Aden, the capital. The British con- tend Egypt is behind the extre- mists. Attack Patrol a iessa, c rom residtent Johnson renewing the pledge of America's commitment to the city 110 miles behind the iron curtain. Consult NATO Vice President Hubert H. Hum- phery assured the West German people yesterday the United States will not withdraw troops from i The fighting broke out after a British patrol was fired on from a minaret of the Al Noor Mosque. Europe without consulting its al- WASHINGTON 1)5-The Fed- lies in the North Atlantic Treaty eral Reserve Board unanimously Organization NATO. approved yesterday a drop in its "No nation has the right under discount rate from 4.5 to 4 per NATO agreements to, unilaterally, cent effective today. on its own, take care of its own The move was taken at the re- wishes without at least informing quest of directors of Federal Re- others," Humphrey said in a tele- serve banks in 10 of the system's vision interview taped in Bonn 12 districts. yesterday morning before he left It signals a dramatic easing in for Berlin. credit following the tight money "There will be no reduction in condition which plagued the econ- American forces in Europe taken omy last year. by my country on its own, that is The discount rate is the interest unilaterally.' charged by .the Federal Reserve There were no demonstrations System on borrowings by banks against Humphrey's visit, and the which are members of that system. people generally were friendly. But Other interest rates are pegged World News Roundup Or eWS ORH 1a Armored cars moved in and shot Ethics orGd Proposal off the dome of the mosque and a Yemeni flag fluttering from a staff, and probably killed an Arab rgy1 g ff jg0 4 ngy agl, snip r. upward from the discount rate. An increase in the discount rate from 4 to 4.5 per cent in Decem- ber 1965, was followed by high in- terest rates and relative scarcity of money experienced in the econ- omy last year. In announcing its action, the board said the reduction is in line with recent declines In market rates and is in keeping "with Fed- eral Reserve policy objectives in assuring that availability of credit is adequate to provide for orderly economic growth." The board approved action tak- en by directors of Federal Reserve banks in Boston, New York, Phi- ladelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco. Others to Follow This left only the Atlanta and St. Louis Banks at 4.5 per cent but they, too, are expected to go to the lower rate. The boards action follows a general decline in interest rates in the money market which saw the yield on treasury bills drop below 4 per cent last Monday for the first time in 18 months. l3. V Z /%% L/% ,i L" U.. 43.FU./ 1 /J /JU /rr 'Y .'V l/ U.ii Creation of a permanent Ethics Committee for the House of Rep- resentatives was made definite yesterday when the Rules Com- mittee unanimously approved a resolution authorizing it. House leaders said they would schedule a floor vote on the meas- ure probably next week. Little, if any, opposition is expected. How- ever, when and how the committee will go into action is still uncer- tain. Adam Clayton Powell, the New York Democrat whose misconduct was largely responsible for the demand for the new committee, probably won't be around to vote if the resolution comes before the House next week, Powell's exclusion from House membership on March 1st for ex- ploitation of public funds, defiance of New York courts, and general disregard of House Rules gave im- petus to the drive to set up the new committee. Powell is favored to be re-elected in a special election next Tuesday but if he is the House may refuse to seat him. The resolution .to create the committee as a permanent group gave it a name-Committee on Standards of Official Conduct- and said it should be composed of six Democrats and six Repub- licans to be chosen by their col- leagues. But it limited its jurisdiction to 'proposing standards of official conduct for House members and employes and put no time limit on when it should make a report. Whatever standards are recom- mended will have to be cleared by the Rules Committee and rati- fied by the House. Many Proposals More than 100 resolutions pro- posing differing approaches have been introduced. Most of them called for a special committee which would have had a limited life unless revived every two years. Others proposed that the job of policing congressional conduct be assigned to an existing subcommit- tee headed by Rep. Wayne L. Hays, (D-Ohio). It was Hays' sub- committe which last year con- ducted the initial probe of Powell's activities. The compromise was drafted by Rep. Richard Bollling (D-Mo), of the Rules Committee who may be named a member or chairman of the new committee. Also expected to be assigned to the group is Rep. Charles E. Bennett (D-Fla), who led the fight for a special commit- tee. But snipers and terrorists ma-, chine gunners kept the infantry-; men at bay. Security chiefs de- cided to clear the area. Armored cars and troop carriers' clanked into action under a hail of bullets. Their heavy machine guns blazed back, peppering apart-, ment buildings. Pinpoint Terrorists British troops poured out of their carriers to join the fight. Crouchihg behind low stone walls and in roadside ditches, they pin- pointed terrorist positions with automatic rifle fire. British troops are forbidden toj set foot in Moslem holy places, sol they cleared the area to let fed- eration solidiers enter the mosque. The U.N. mission had no com- ment on the violence. But it was disclosed that when- its members visited a prison Wednesday most of the Arab nationalists there re- fused to talk with them. The terrorists belong either to the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen, whichl wants to attach Aden to Yemen,l and the National Liberation Front. Both say they will have nothing to do with the U.N. mission. They hold that the 17 sheikdoms and sultanates making up the federa- tion are reactionary. PARIS-France has begun to produce highly enriched uranium,' giving its hydrogen bomb andl atomic submarine programs a big boost, the French Atomic Energy Commission said yesterday. A commission spokesman said the uranium treatment plant at Pierrelatte, in the Rhone Valley, had begun to produce uranium en- riched by "at least 90 per cent." Full production will begin in two or three weeks, several months ahead of schedule. * * I NEW RORK-David J. Miller, 24, the nation's first draft card burner, was sent to jail yesterday for still refusing to get a new draft card. Federal Judge Harold R. Tyler had found Miller guilty on March 15, 1966, of burning his draft card. He had sentenced him to three years in prison, but suspended it on condition he get a new draft card within 15 days. The convic- tion was upheld by appeals court and the Supreme Court refused to review it. Asst. U.S. Atty. Peter E. Fleming Jr. told the court that Miller re- fused to get a new card and had no intention of doing so. He burn- ed it Oct. 15, 1965, at a Manhattan Army- induction station to protest the Vietnam War. * * * WASHINGTON - A delay at least until next Tuesday was or- dered today in Senate voting on relpeal of a plan for financing presidential election campaigns from income tax receipts. Sen. Russell B. Long of Louisi- ana, the acting Democratic leader, cited current absenteeism in an- nouncing that no votes would be taken before Tuesday. Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn), who is pushing for repeal of the cam- paign-financing plan, had charged earlier that delaying tactics were being used to give administration forces to save the plan. Gore said the plan would be repealed if a vote were taken yes- terday but stated he could not forecast the results if action were delayed until next week. I Starts Friday CLAUDE LELOUCH Director of "TO BE A CROOK" 'Has been nominated for on Oscar, as "BEST DIRECTOR" and his "A Man and a Woman" as "Best Foreign Film." Judith Crist of the World Journal Tribune says: Claude Lelouch's "TO BE A CROOK" "EXCEEDS IN CONTENT AND CONCEPT 'A MAN AND A WOMAN'! is a diverting caper and the kidnapping is a COMic MASTERPIECE! BEST BET!" Wanda Hale of the Daily News applauds "TOBE ACROOK" "1 OF 6 BEST" PRESENTS THE a REPERTORY COMPANY "Nation's Finest Company!" 6*th FALL FESTIVAL or 3 NEW PRODUCTIONS WEt. 11-24, . ;iC%&= Michel de Ghelderodes su omk I k*cl OCT. 10-15, 17-22 e I'MC NMIUNNE Eugene I9nesco'B OCL. 14-29, CaT 3140.V. S One of the doxie Auimica m aDO&O ii the Twmntim, by PNiit*W PWAywriht George Kelly One of only five films recommended by TIME Magazine Hurry!" The FABULOUS After 8 full house months in the Village FR are now on a Midwest Tour. T L...,. ., I/,....,, 0 ,,. 'T' Qd and "NOT TO BE MISSED!" -Cue Magazine SHOW TIMES: Fri.; 7, 9,11 Sat., 5, 7, 9, 11 Sun., 5, 7,9 M-Th., 5, 7, 9 Mrnate by Daonad Watso IDAY NITE-APRIL 7-LIVE LAn Vrf"I"TIIf C Ln f"AC "7.Ar Q _lnf. D hA F