C14r Aid iga n &i t Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ON BOOKS: Making Love Possible rmv.zrA 7F .= - Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Preail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints., F WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM 1 Maynard Street Transactions: Excavating for the Truth A PROPHETIC MINORITY by Jack Newfield, New American Library, New York, 1966. By DAVID KNOKE THE NEW LEFT, according to past SDS president Carl Ogles- by, is working for a world where "love is more possible." To Jack Newfield, a charter member of Students for a Democratic Socie- ty, the new breed of radicals "has and always will have, only a fraction of the whole truth, but it is the fragment glimpsed by this generation." Thus he calls them the "pro- phetic minority," a rag-tag collec- tion of under-25 youths political- ly wedged between NSA-liberals, and the Progressive Laborites, whose "ideology is violent, undem- ocratic and bureaucratic." Consist- ing primarily of SDS and SNCC, the New Left has only the vaguest ideology, a nebulous program and undefined constituencies. For Newfield, intent upon pig- eon-holing political stances upon a left-center spectrum, the New Left presents a problem in cate- gorization solved only by placing its members in a context where they stand out in contrast to the Romantic Left (Staughton Lynd), the Hereditary Left (DuBois Clubs and Progressive Labor), Social Democrats (Bayard Rustin, Mur- ray Kempton) and Humanist Lib- erals (Nat Hentoff, I. F. Stone). Newfield decides the new radi- calism is too "pluralistic, amorph- ous and multilayered" to be typed as a particular offshoot of the 1930's radicalism. He instead em- phasizes the political, moral and existential components of the movement as they are expressed through action rather than ideol- ogy. The appalling anti-intellectuil- ism and a-historicism of both SN- CC and SDS rank-and-file is an incredible revelation, especially in light of their rich historical and ideological tradition. This un- learnedness is perhaps the great source of the New Left's ability to remain relatively flexible and free of dogma and the deification of old leaders and old causes that have stultified other movements of the far left. SNCC EXEMPLIFIES the meta- morphoses that young left orga- nizations undergo with astounding rapidity. Newfield describes four SNCC's which have arisen since 1960-from the religious-oriented to the rural community organizers to the "image of Camus' existen- tial rebel" that was shattered by the murder of Goodman, Schwern- er and Chaney and the ouster of the Freedom Democratic Party from the Dem's 1964 national con- vention. The latest incarnation reflects the nationalistic "black power" bitterness of Stokely Carmichael. Newfield predicts "a long season in hell" for SNCC as the Klan, HUAC, the press, unions, moder- ates and Uncle Tom hounds it. But his own portrayal of the resilience of the movement shows that SNCC may overcome its present infatua- tion with marytyrdom and evolve into some new, unforseen form capable of radicalizing the rest of the civil rights movement. SDS is another case in point. Tom Hayden, one of the founders, who is avoiding his own myth in a slum project in Newark, recent- ly told a newsman he was "sur- prised they had lasted this long." SDS has no doubt been given a life-extending transfusion by the war in Vietnam, HUAC and anti- draft sentiment among predom- inantly middle class college stu- dents. With its pacifist bent and refusal to take an ideological po- sition in opposition to anti-Com- munism, SDS has often been cri- ticized by would-be friends as too uncompromising and morally ab- solutist to attain its political goals. But SDS ideology, largely a loosely-defined commitment to "participatory democracy," may be undergoing a change through the influence of such political prag- matists as past executive secretary Paul Booth. The coalition of SDS and more centrist groups for the 1965 march on Washington, and the foundation of Radical Educa- tion Project and Conference for New Politics all point to a willing- ness to compromise on some issues in order to achieve ends. "ANTI-establishmentism." out of which all radicalism in America grows, begins with a transcend- ental idea of man in society, man in relation to his fellows. The be- lief in the inherent goodness of man and his ability to overcome the fetters' of his institutions is a fundamental motivation of the radical commitment. America is receptive to radical influence but vastly muffles its impact because radicalism shares the basic American values of equalitarianism and freedom of opportunity. The apocalyptic vi- sion of the New Left may, as Michael Harrington writes, "even- tually . . , radicalize the main- stream of society and take over the often 'unprophetic burdens of adult leadership," but it will do so only indirectly. The impact of SDS and SNCC lies in forcing liberal and conserv- ative ideologues to face the fact that America has, in reality, aban- doned her revolutionary past. Mid- century America blighted the lives of her black citizens, bureaucra- tized education, made a value out of militarism, denied political self- determination to other nations and divorced ethics from everyday life. MOVEMENTS are not built on' desire alone and the New Left's biggest shortcoming is its dearth of program. With its pluralist membership and aversion to hard ideology, SDS has difficulty in de- veloping a sense of direction that reaches coherently beyond the demonstrations and polemics. The flexibility and persistent change that Newfield notes shows that the radical young men and women are searching for a form uniquely their own on which to bind their energies. Newfield sees the increasing willingness of SDS to question the reliance on such slogans as "participatory democ- racy" and such tactics as demon- strations as signs of a maturing political consciousness. Newfield warns of two pitfalls awaiting the New Left: a rising tide of McCarthyism engendered by a war hysteria and the "cul- ture's spongelike genius for either absorbing or merchandising all dissent." Of the two, the latter seems more deadly because the danger comes from within and works subtly and insidiously. Eith- er a satisfaction with half-achiev- ed gains or a "turn-on, drop-out" sense of futility could work to destroy the New Left internally. SDS and SNCC must not shut themselves off from fertile new ideas and new membership in a paroxyism of bitterness against "the system." The mainstream of American politics needs a radical consciousness. A TjHE SITE at 325 Maynard St. is de- molished, but an air of mystery hov- ers over it. The financial transactions surround- ing the site's purchase from the Uni- versity are suspicious, with several un- answered questions remaining. These de- serve serious examination by responsi- ble University officials and by the Uni- versity community. JACOBSON STORES, INC., located at 311 Maynard St., wanted land on which to expand its store. On Dec. 21, 1962, the University decided to sell its 325 Maynard St. property-it housed part of the music school, which was being moved to North Campus. So the University sought to sell the land by seeking public bids. In January of 1964 the University plac- ed advertisements in local newspapers announcing public bidding for the site. In the meantime, on Feb. 2, 1963, Realtor John C. Stegeman had formed the "Wood- mere Corp." He says the company was formed "to purchase and put together a parcel of land for Jacobson Stores, Inc." -the land Jacobson wanted for its ex- pansion. After the University's advertisements appeared in January of 1964, Stegeman submitted a bid for the Maynard St. prop- erty of $161,500 "in behalf of a corpora- tion to be formed." On Feb. 11, 1964, the University opened all the bids it had re- ceived for the property, and Stegeman was announced as the winning bidder. That same day, Stegeman asked the Uni- versity if he could reduce his bid to $135,- 000; the University refused. Vice-Presi- dent for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont recommended to the Regents that they accept Stegeman's original $161,500 bid. Then, however, Stegeman declared that he { had discovered he would be unable to make good on the bid because he was having difficulties financing it. SO THE UNIVERSITY then allowed Stegeman to withdraw his bid. He therefore forfeited a bond of $8,075 he had posted to guarantee his bid. The Uni- versity allowed Stegeman to withdraw despite a statement in its public notice of the bidding, which declared: "With- drawal of any proposal is prohibited for a period of 30 days after the time set for opening of proposals (i.e., March 13, 1964).", After Stegeman withdrew - sometime between Feb. 11 and Feb. 27, 1964-. Pierpont recommended to the Regents that they instead accept the next-high- est bidder's offer: $121,750, submitted by Donald Parsons of Detroit. On Feb. 27, 1964, Stegeman's "Wood- mere Corp." became "Stepar Investments, Inc." by filing the appropriate docu- ments with the State Corporation and Securities Commission. According to Stegeman, "Parsons and I were 50-50 partners in Stepar. The name 'Stepar" represented Stegeman and Parsons." Also on Feb. 27, 1964, the Regents at their regular monthly meeting accepted Pierpont's recommendation that Parsons' bid be accepted. In the spring of 1965, the University approved the transfer of its formal land contract-which sold the 325 Maynard St. property to Parsons - from Parsons to "Stepar." On March 30, 1967, "Stepar" made its final payment to the University for the property, and a day later, "Stepar" sold the property to Jacobson Stores, Inc. One of the Regents present at the Febru- ary 27, 1964, Regents \meeting at which The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 4a Mananrd SC..Ann Arbor. Micehigan. 4104. Parsons' bid was accepted was William McInally-then secretary and a diector of Jacobson Stores, Inc. THE UNIVERSITY defends its part in the transactions by pointing out that "Parsons' bid plus Stegeman's forfeited bond brought the price to almost 30 per cent more" than the independently-ap- praised value of the land. The argument is specious and irrelev- ant for several reasons. First, including Stegeman's forfeited bond in the compu- tation is apparently the result of an im- plicit assumption that the forfeited bond can be called part of the sale price of the land. This may be good accounting, but it is bad common sense. The sale price alone should pay for the land's value ~-not the sale price and a forfeited bond. Or does the University mean to imply that Parsons and Stegeman were, in- deed, paying jointly for the land? Second, whether or not the price re- ceived from Parsons-$121,750-is "ade- quate" is not at issue. A more valid ques- tion is whether the University got as much for its land as it possibly could have under more straightforward cir- cumstances. And that question probably should be answered in the negative. THE ISSUE is more than just getting the best possible price for land (al- though it is clear that the University fail- ed to do this). Is it not the b'est possible procedure for the University, when the highest-bidder withdraws, to re-open bid- ding? Vice-President Pierpont notes that not reopening bids is legal, but it seems clear that reopening bids would be the wisest procedure under the circumstanc- es. It is regrettable that the University chose not to follow this procedure. In- deed, it even abandoned its stated deci- sion not to allow any withdrawals until March 13, 1964 (30 days after the bid opening), when it let Stegeman withdraw at a much earlier date (Feb. 27) -- thereby giving Parsons his opening. Thus a number of serious and disturb- ing questions remain unanswered: " The University declared that it would not allow bid withdrawals until March 13, 1964-well after Vice-President Pier- pont allowed Stegeman to withdraw. Why did Pierpont allow Stegeman to with- draw? * Stegeman and Parsons had a clear and distinct business relationship. The first-highest bidder, Stegeman, with- drew to form a company with the sec- ond-highest bidder, Parsons - thereby saving himself $31,700 (the difference be- tween his $161,500 bid and the sum of Parsons' $129,750 bid and the $8,050 for- feited bond). Why didn't Pierpont re-open bidding in view of Stegeman's withdraw- al from bidding? Is it wise and proper to sell land at an auction when the first- highest bidder withdraws to form a com- pany with the second-highest bidder? Are Stegeman's actions proper? " Regent William McInally, since de- ceased, was, at the time of the Univer- sity's decisions about the 325 Maynard St. property, an officer of the company which very much wanted to buy it. What is the wisdom and propriety of the bid- ding in view of this fact? AS THE UNIVERSITY'S chief financial officer, Vice-President. Pierpont has worked long and diligently. There is no questioning his competence; there is no questioning his integrity. He deserves the thanks of the entire University com- munity for his careful and irreproach- able management of the University's fi- nances. But the above questions have not been answered. They inevitably breed suspi- cion and doubt. Such evidence as has been discussed appears to be only circum- stantial. But, as Thoreau said, "Some evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk." It is up to Vice- President Pierpont, Mr. Stegeman and Mr. Parsons to make a full explanation. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH -ROGER RAPOPORT Editor A Dead C-Plus Scroll: The Words of Ibid The following is an address given at a banquet honoring re- tiring Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department. By INIS CLAUDE Professor of Political Science Being a fragment of the Book of Tubal, unearthed in the Dark Recesses of the Blue Front Cave by the notorious political archaeologist, I. Claudius: VERILY, brethren, I say unto thee, he that putteth in no input, the same receiveth no out- put. The prophet, Tubal, rose up and spake: "He that eateth and drink- eth until midnight, and fighteth and carouseth until daybreak, yea, verily, there shall be no sleep for him that night. "He that suppeth with psychol- ogists, and breaketh bread with economists, and drinketh with so- ciologists, the same shall promote inter-disciplinary cross-steriliza- tion." IBID BEGAT op cit and op cit begat loc cit. Loc cit begat ipse dixit. So be it. Thus saith the prophet, Ibid: "Yea, verily, he that procrastin- ateth, the same shall be late. And there shall be weeping and g- nashing of teeth. "He that publisheth not. the same perisheth. He that citeth an- other in friendly footnote, the same shall be quoted in turn. To him that writeth a critical review, it shall be said, 'Judge not, that ye be not judged.' He that re- searcheth unceasingly shall gain everlasting tenure, and all the fringe benefits appertaining there- unto. "Behold! He that coktaileth and highballeth, dwelleth in the spir- its. Let every man look to his own spiritous life. "Blessed is he that surveyeth and computeth, for unto him shall be granted. Blessed is he that sim- ulateth, for his conceptual frame- work shall cover a multitude of sins. But woe unto him who hath no model, who hypothesizeth not, and whose only rigor is mortis, for he shall be cast into outer dark- ness." AND NOW abideth teaching, service and research. But the greatestuofthese is research. And Tubal declared to the as- sembled multitude, he whose cup runneth over, the same should sip with care. Thus spake the prophet Ibid: "Woe unto him that committeth not, for he shall be unpleasing in the sight of the Dean. From his majestic throne in the Hall of the Angells, the Great Jehaber pro- claimed: 'Thou shalt have no oth- er deans before me, and very few thereafter.' "Blessed be the name of the Ford. He that buildeth his center upon a foundation of Rockefeller shall endure, though the winds blow and the rains fall and beat upon that center. And manna from Carnegie will flow unto him, like the dews of Hermon that ran down upon Aaron's beard, even unto the hem of his garment. He shall dwell in the land of milk and money, and his research assistant shall rise up and call him Guggen- heim. Blessed be the name of the Ford. "He that flyeth from coast to, coast, and consulteth hither and yon, and conferenceth in the out- ermost parts of the earth, and symposieth in every tabernacle of learning-when professeth he?" "Consider the jet prof, how he goes. He keepeth his passport re- newed and his credit cards ready to hand. He consorteth with all manner of travel agents. He read- eth memoranda in airports and writeth reports on runways. Yea, he sippeth and suppeth in the heavens above the earth, and thinketh lofty thoughts. Hosanna, a multitude of the heavenly host- esses shall call his name." And the prophet cried out in the wilderness, saying: "Oh, ye pharisees and Assistant Professors, ye men of short bibliographies and little faith, I declare Unto three -he that tooteth his own horn, the same shall not be tooted." AND IN THE fullness of time, the voice of the University spake unto James K. Pollock, saying: Behold, thou good and faithful servant! Thou hast filled the chair beyond compare. Wisdom hast thou dispensed, poorly recompensed. To University, state and nation hast thou given advice and consultation, And scholarship profound has made thy name renowned. Praise and honor is thy due. Well done! Well done! 4 I A Letters:* Conference Flap' Was Unavoidable To the Editor: THE "FLAP," as Mr. Ra (April 1) calls it, over th conference for Presiden Robben Fleming last Frid not a result of it being" planned" as Mr. Firshein (April 2). The Deans' Conference was selected for the newsc ence because it is familiar for the media and for tho must light it and provide sources for radio and TV news conference was to be r ed to news media. A faculty was to meet with Mr. T Friday morning. A student ing scheduled for Saturday ing was declared open to a dents who chose to attend morning Friday, Mr. Flemi ed, that the news confere open. Adequate space was provi news media. If SDS-Voice h arrived with its full comp the room would have bee quate for spectators, too. THE NEWS conference have been held in Hill A ium and the "flap" would n been avoided. The SDS-Voi dents and non-students w tent upon disruption when had an opportunity for publ It's an old pattern. The bility was anticipated, andr pressed concern was that t ment would be taken by the as representative of the body. It isn't. The news present understood that. -Jack Hamilton Assistant to th Vice-President University Rela To the Editor: IT WAS WITH considerat appointment that I rea Klempner's article concerni Interfraternity Council's i gation of Fraternity Buyers ciation in last Tuesday's Daf Rather than the IFC bein tantly negligent" in its furs it is a case of Mr. Klempn ing blatantly ignorant of th in this matter. To mentio IFC has had a reluctance t uate and criticize their own ization," and has forfeited duties of leadership" is pers offensive not only to myself my fellow IFC officers, an rmnfltfl- l a nnr n p fh° apoport he news t - elect ay was done on such things as a joint so- cial program with IHA and a pro- gram on WCBN, only to mention a few. "poorly THIS YEAR'S Executive Offi- states cers are fully aware of where their responsibilities lie. They are par- Room ticularly aware of where their res- confer- ponsibilities lie with regard to the ground FBA. se who What Mr. Klempner fails to power realize is that FBA is already a V. The great benefit to individual frater- estrict- nity houses, saving them approxi- y group mately $60,000 a year (according 'leming to FBA figures). Charging that it meet- is an organization that works for morn- the benefit of the local merchants, fy stu- is a completely ill-founded state- ,. Mid- ment. ng ask- However, it is IFC's contention nce be that a co-operative organization such as this should be utilized to ded for its maximum to increase savings had not in its present areas of operation lement, and expand into other services n ade- that can possibly save fraternities and other student organizatinos money. The sole purpose of our in- could vestigation is to make sure FBA uditor- does just that. ot have The critical remarks lodged ce stu- against IFC cannot be applied to ere in the direction of the current ad- Icityh ministration's programs and poli- lii-. cies. To make derogatory remarks myi ex - without examining the facts, to yis ele- quote completely out of context media and even mis-quote (as was done studedntin the Daily article), to completely stmedia undercut the progressive programs of student organizations on this campus is not an example of res- ponsible journalism. e The IFC always has and always for will gladly accept constructive cri- ations ticism. However, it is unfortunate that our Daily, when confronted FBA with a complex and delicate ad- ministrative problem, chooses the axe rather than the surgeon's sca- le dis- pel. d Ron -William C. Sage, ing the Executive Vice President nvesti- Interfraternity Council ' Asso- ily. ig "bla- Fore! ictions, To the Editor: aer be- WISH to take exception to your e facts editorial of April 1, in which n that you argued that the green fees on o eval- the Radrick Farm course should organ- be reduced and the course opened d their to students. sonally This course has been developed but to with the understanding that it, d is in together with future additions, jor universities we have no fac- ulty center and there is no real prospect of acquiring one. AS FOR the obligation of this school to build recreational facili- ties for the students, this seems amply fulfilled. There are a num- ber of major universities in this country (Harvard, Berkeley, and UCLA, among others) that offer no golfwcourse to the students, and I know of none that offers two golf courses for the use of stu- dents. Thus it is against the interests of the student body as a whole to change the policiesaat Radrick Farm since such changes would diminish the usefulness of that property, given its primary func- tion as explained above. -J. M. E. Moravcsik Assoc. Professorsin Philosophy Flaming Operetta To the Editor: PROFESSOR JOHN E. Powers' letter of March 28 has reveal- ed what an erroneous view of the Flaming Creatures Scandal I had formed as a result of the Daily's "juvenile" coverage of the affair:, Members of Cinema Guild, dis- regarding a Vice-President's ad- vice-" If you wish to succeed as a (showman), you'll need To consider each person's auri- cular: What is all right for B would quite scandalize C For C is so very particular) "- dare to present a film that by chance was 'imported from France." A sergeant from the city, de- claring that "a policeman's lot is not a happy one," becomes so un- comfortable while viewing certain improper scenes that he orders the film seized and four Guild mem- bers loaded with chains and drag- ged off to a dungeon cell. THIS, ELICITS a statement from the President, who obviously believes "it is one of the happiest characteristics of this glorious country that official utterances are invariably regarded as unans- werable." . The College of Engineering joins him in chorus "The Law is the true embodiment Of everything that's excellent." Meanwhile, our hapless students are hauled into court where they plead, "But youth, of course, must have its fling, So pardon us, So pardon us," and the Judge acknowledges in re- ply, "That youth at us should have its fling, Is hard on us, Is hard on us." Now the campus tensely awaits the verdict: "How beautifully blue the sky, The glass is rising very high, Continue fine I hope it may, And yet it rained but yesterday." Well, "my pain and my distress, I find it is not easy to express." Through reading the Daily I had conceived the whole affair as a comedy. It was not until I read Professor Powers' mature and ex- hausitve analysis, from his learn- ed just where to place the blame of immaturity, juvenility, and good faith, and finally discovered where "the real responsibility for this tragedy rests squarely" that the true and tragic nature of the whole deplorable Scandal hit me with all of its seriousness and force. PROFESSOR POWERS has per- formed a service by his letter. And at the same time he has answered another quesetion that has plag- ued the minds of contributors and readers of the Daily's Letter Col- lumn for several weeks. Is it pos- sible for anyone now to suspect the existence of even a touch of levity in the College of Engineer- ing? Begging Gilbert's pardon, --W. Craig Wilde, Grad. Who Shall Rule? To the Editor: ON THE FRONT PAGE of the Friday, March 31st edition of the Daily, SGC President Bruce Kahn was quoted as stating, ".. . I still feel that SGC should be the body with the final authority in the area of individual conduct rules, subject only to Regental ve- to." I cannot understand how he can make this statement and jus- tify it in light of his rejection of the right of the Vice-President of Student Affairs to administer the same veto that the Regents have delegated to him. Can he offer an explanation? -Marvin J. Freedman, '67 Rape To the Editor: I OBJECT TO WHAT seems like newspaper censorship here- abouts. A University co-ed was ab- ducted on South State Street, and then raped by four men. It is be- lieved the same four-man group bumped into the rear of a car in Ypsilanti on purpose, and ab- "Tell Your Fortune, Mister?" i - ,t 'b7f .a- .. F a: 4 r . «+; , r- : ;as' , " 'C d ,' 5, .. y . - . 'C r "t - - = t -Y 1,.. ; . J///. " v!W . E , y - , . .( ; , 1 S 0 i