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April 02, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-02

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P $irligan Batty
Seventy-Sixth Year

-- 1

Where OpAnio re 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Time To Vote in Ann Arbor.
Endorsing City Candidates

jor issues facing the voters will in-
volve Ann Arbor's housing problem, the
city's insufficient mass transportation
and parking facilities, city finances, and
the University's role in financing their
share of city services.
In lieu of these problems, and the
candidates solutions for abating them,
our endorsements are as follows:
should be elected mayor. As a council-
man, Pierce was often a "maverick" in
bucking moves which would have led to
congestion and deterioration. As a may-
oral candidate, he has proposed a tough,
progressive program to solve "long-range
problems of housing, traffic and parking,
human relations, finance, recreation, nat-
ural beauty and air' pollution. Dr. Pierce
would be a dynamic and energetic mayor,
and offer Ann Arbor the programs it
His opponent Wendell Hulcher (inc-R)
shows a lack of leadership even within
his own party, and his slow-moving, com-
placent attitude towards the problems
that beset the city would, be detrimental
to a constructive council.
First Ward
l H. C. CURRY (inc-D) has stressed
the need for solving the problems of the
predominately Negro North Central area.
In many ways the problems of the first
ward are unique, being the area where de-
terioration of present housing conditions
have led to slum-like conditions. The
problem of racial imbalance in local
schools is also a problem that the coun-
cilman from the first ward, as well as
'the city as a whole must deal with.
His opponent, Edward Shafter, is cer-
tainly one of the best candidates the
Republicans have put up recently. How-
ever, his grasp of the problems of the
North Central area seems limited. He
would solve the problems of that section
by tearing down certain residential
houses and constructing apartment units.
We cannot see how this solution gets to
the heart of the problems of the area.
Second Ward
* JERRY DUPONT (Dem) is one of the
outstanding candidates on the ballot. His
stand on civil rights problems, his real-
istic attitude towards transportation
problems facing the city, and his lucid
view of city fiscal matters makes him a
more than qualified candidate. His under-
standing of the legal complexities facing
the city in their relation to the Univer-
sity and private business interests would
qualify him as an ideal councilman, cap-
able of coping with the problems of a
rapidly growing community.
On the other hand,'his opponent, Doug-
las D. Crary (inc-R) has a deficient im-
age of the city-University relationship.
He also has an inadequate understanding
of the fiscal and tax problems facing the

considerable thought. He happens to have
a good understanding of the budgetary
ills that face the city, and the crisis that
could possibly result in regards to wages
and benefits for city employes. His real-
istic stand concerning the sources of
additional revenue to the city, including
the necessity for a city income tax, the
University's share in city finance, and a
reassessment of tax-exempt property in
Ann Arbor is extremely favorable. We al-
so find the priority he has given a mass
transportation system further qualifies
him as an excellent candidate.
His opponent, John Feldkamp (Rep), is
one of the least acceptable of candidates
running for a council seat. On issues
of mass transportation, budgetary prob-
lems, and additional revenue to the city
his stand would lead to crisis situations in
these fields. Raising the question of "re-
ductions in services that the residents
would prefer compared to tax increases,"
are signs of an irresponsible attitude to-
wards many of his district's constituents.
Furthermore, hi accomplishments as
University housing director have been
minimal, and have done little to allev-
iate the student housing problems.
Fourth Ward
" JOHN HATHAWAY (inc-R) of the
predominately non-student fourth ward
has views on civil rights, housing, trans-
portation, and student registration that
are, if not exciting, at least realistic. He
has been a hard working and effective
member of council, and would continue
to be so if he were re-elected.
On the other hand, Gail Green (Dem)
lacks a grasp of problems facing the city.
Her view of city financial problems is so
naive that it shows a complete misunder-
standing in the way this, or any other
city, is run, and if elected she would be
a detriment to the people of her city and
her ward.
Fifth Ward
though he has voted against the Hous-
ing Commission, and Proposed to cut in
half the numbers of public housing units,
he has, on the other hand, come out espe-
cially strong on increasing student voter
registration, and solving the problems of
transportation and student housing, and,
therefore, would appear to be the best
choice in his ward.
Robert Greathouse, his opponent, has
a more favorable attitude towards civil
rightsrand public housing, but he is not
fully aware of other problems that face
the city. We would give him our encour-
agement, however, and congratulate him
during the campaign for making his op-
ponent pay more attention to the prob-
lems of public housing and civil rights.
TOMORROW WE URGE all members of
the community, especially those stu-
dents registered, to vote.
Associate Editorial Director

the dilettante
A News Conference Revisited
by stephenr firsheini
MARCH WENT OUT like a lion for the University tration not to admit any picketers into the building "for express permission of Chris Carey the master of cere-
community and its newly selected president, Robben a reason that was obvious to everyone." monies, and director of the University News Service.
Fleming. Several girls had to remove yellow daffodils from their The subsequent disruption arose over two asic issues-
Friday's events illuminated the sad state of mistrust hair before they were granted passage, because the flow- (1) Fleming's failure to give "yes," "no" answers and his
and fear that characterizes the Voice-University rela- ers, worn by protesters in front of Hill Aud., had taken desire to postpone Chacin's statement on the incident In
tionship, as another series of Voice happenings made it on some sort of anti-war aroma. Also, no picket signs front of the League until the latter part of the con-
evident that disruptions of public events in Ann Arbor were allowed into the League. ference, and said that he would gladly speak to him
have become the major weapon of the group in its quest German Chacin, a former University student, and personally afterwards; (2) the restricted admittance of
for changes in the University structure. While the ad- Gary Rothberger, of Voice, were denied access because people into the room by the doormen.
ministration, in the meantime, continues to treat students they looked like "troublemakers." When the press conference ended, and students
as inferior beings. The former was wearing a protest button, and the crowded around Fleming's table at the front of the room,
Because of their behavior, the Regents and the offi- latter had built up a reputation as an dogged activist there were cries of "We don't want you," and "Go back
cers of the University have dismissed Voice as a group who didn't mince words. to Wisconsin," and "If students voted in a referendum
of anarchists whose main interests are not those of the A shoving bout ensued, and Chacin was taken into that we didn't want you as president, wuld you leave?"
University, and whose methods are inimical to the self- custody by the Ann Arbor Police, questioned and later
proclaimed goal of a "democratic society." Having adopt- released. (The University eventually dropped charges ALL IN ALL, THE Therformance by the mem iners of
ed this posture, the administration's main efforts are against him.) But the incident gave Voice its cause cele- Voice was disgusting. They have legitimate complaints
directed to avoiding embarrassing incidents, while main- bre for Fleming's press conference later in the day. against the University, as we all do. They had complaints
taining a facade of concern for the rights of its students against the press conference set-up too, but somehow,
and alumni. As Friday showed, this "holding action" is THE CONFERENCE was poorly planned, and it soon a lot of really relevant questions were asked by those
self-defeating and only provides activists with additional pE ONFERENCE was polyplaned and o present.
sef-eeain ndonybecame obvious that there was going to be some kind of The thing that grates is that Fleming wasn't given a
fuel. commotion. The University had decided to open the chane. t the eginning of heconferen' hever
conference to interested bystanders, but had failed to pointedly stated that he could not answer specific ques-
THE LEAGUE INCIDENT is a case in point. After provide for the throng that was determined to see its tions about the University and Ann Arbor, but that he
U Thant and the dignitaries had hustled across the Mall, new president in the flesh. The room was altogether too would try to relate them to his previous job as chancellor
in a stilted version of the James Bond back door es- small for the number of reporters, technicians, and stu- of Wisconsin.
cape, and had presumably settled downtto a bit of lunch dents-mostly Voice members-who were milling about. So it was no surprise when he failed to take either
upstairs, the Sanford Security police took up flanking In addition, seven film cameras, radio and tv equipment, side on our pet local issues. The point is, one would
positions at the doors. and huge tangles of wires were strewn throughout the hardly expect him to take a uninformed stand at his first
According to witnesses on the scene, the Sanford men room, creating a real fire hazard. press conference, especially when confronted with a
made no attempt to prevent the entrance of, for lack of And outside the hot, smoky room, quite a few addi- hostile audience of Voice members
a better word, "non-activists." But, as one Regent later tional students were peering in eagerly-since the two It's a bit too premature to condemn him, as one
admitted, the guards were on orders from the adminis- men at the door would not let them enter without the student did, as a "Hatcher, with more brains."
.Letters: Criticizing Po vwers' Stand on Guild
To the Editor: fessor, esteemed by me, to the ef- psychology, I had hoped to find a
ROF. POWERS' letter (Daily, feet that the tragedy of the stu- psychological truth or two in the
March 28) on "Flaming Crea- dent-power movement was that film. Because I write, I had even
tures" provokes again the real the students, by their imrinr hpdtifra ritctuho
issue in the minds of many of us in policy struggles were depriving two-even perhaps a major truth
academic community residents. He themselves of the only chance inlikeThou shalt not bore.
argues that the issue is not pri- their lives to enjoy the "true in-
marily legal-as the Civil Liber- tellectual delight" of uninterrupt- BUT ALAS, the wisdom of oth-
ties Board adjudged-but moral. ers older and tenured and there-
It is in the spirit of this appeal to put the student in his place.. fore more mature than myself has
to higher principles that Prof. under the guidance of older, wiser
Powers censures the Cinema Giuld men. prevailed, however illegally. High-
for not having the police preview judged for me-
the film before it was shown. THERE IS another moral side undoubtedly because ,I am still too
Behind this lies an acceptance to the question. This involves the immature. I have been to war,
of the myth, common to our so- myth of the university as a fron- commanded men, seen death, by-
ciety, that discretion and matur- tier of freedom and creativity. "If ed fathered a chid, str led
ity come with age and position we can't be free here," Arthur lahed akednt unlBut
and, indeed, are perforce lacking Miller said here three weeks ago laughed, walked in the sun But
among youth. This is why he is so "then God help us!" Membersa I am not old, have no tenure,
careful to point out that Cinema of the academic community who cannot quite stomach well-mean-
Guild Advisor Hubert Cohen is agree with the position Prof. Pow- \ring, sanctimonious, self-appointed
"an instructor," "a graduate stu- ers advocates undoubtedly will arbit f oth
dent," tone in the dual-role of postulate that "freedom" does not s
student and instructor"; and this include the freedom to be ob- moral choices.
is responsible for Powers' conclu- scene. Like Prof. Powers, they But I shall, undoubtedly, in-
sion that the Cinema Guild Board have judged the picture themselves prove with age.
of "four students" might well be already-by heresay. And the pic- Edward M. Germain
judged "too immature to under- ture is just as obscene to them eahn Feow
stand the implications of their de- as it was to the public official Teaching Feow
cision." The myth that tenure who saw only 12 minutes of it.
and age coax up wisdom also lies The author of the nt -
behind an eagerness to condemn quent defense of free speech in
the youths for ignoring the fath- the English language stateshem-n "U too, Thant"
erly advice he claims they received passionately in "Paradise Lost" OPINION
before Vice-President Cutler. that after Adam ate the apple The Daily has begun accept-
I am reminded by this of the he learned that to be truly good, can so quickly turn away from it I have read statements that ing articles from faculty, ad-
young director who, when he dif- he must be fully aware of the na- -one without even having seen there are genitals exposed in the ministration, and students on
fered with a senior member of ture of evil and still turn away it.:But as for myself, I have been film, that there is a "transvestite subjects of their choice. They
his department, was silenced with from it. I am delighted that Prof. deprived, by the lack of due proc- orgy scene." But are these so pre- are to be 600-900 words in
a reminder that his tenure had not Powers, the policeman, and the ess of law, of my freedom to sented that the God of Adam length and should be submitted
yet been approved. I am also re- magistrate are so fully aware of fully understand the consequences would banish them to hell? Be- to the Editorial Director.
minded of the comment of a pro- the evil of this film, that, they and nature of the evil in it. cause we know so much about
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Expo 67: Montreal Welcomes the



Third Ward
GENE WILSON'S (Dem) outlook on
problems is intelligent and reveals

The following is the first of
two articles on Expo 67 to be
held this summer in Montreal
between April 28 and October 27.
Daily Guest Writer
NO, EXPO 67 is not a porno-
graphic film. Derived from the
French, "L'Exposition Universelle
et Internationale de 1967," ]xpo 67
is the familiar name for the ex-
hibition to be held in Montreal
from April 28 through October of
1967. It will be the highlight of
celebrations marking the cen-
tennial of the Canadian Confeder-
In 1962 Montreal's mayor, Jean
Drapeau, secured for Canada and
Montreal the unanimous authori-
zation of the International Exhi-
bitions Bureau in Paris to hold a
"general exhibition of the first
category" in 1967. There is a fun-
damental difference between this

Official Emblem of Expo 67
and a world's fair, such as the
one held in New York in 1964.
The fair was essentially a com-
mercial marketplace, while a
world exhibition such as Expo 67
has an educational aim: to pre-
sent not just man's technical ac-
complishments, but also his ideas

about himself. At all "first cate-
gory exhibitions" participating
countries are responsible for build-
ing their own pavilions and ex-
hibits. This ensures a variety of
ideas and viewpoints. (One of the
few countries. not participating is
TO STIMULATE the intelli-
gence of both the exhibitors and
visitors, Expo 67 has as a theme
"Man and his World." It was in-
spired by the book, "Torres des
Hommes" written by the French
poet and aviator, Antoine de
Saint-Exupery. The underlying
theme of his work is: "To be a
man . . . is to feel that through
one's own contribution one helps
to build the world."
At a cost of $40 million special
pavilions will explore the sub-
themes, "Man the Creator," "Man
in the Community," "Man the Ex-
plorer, "Man the Producer," and

Irresponsibility of a Radio Station

IT MUST BE NICE to be a Detroit radio
Among the privileges seem to include
broadcasting inflammatory quasil-iews
items to a potential audience of over four
million people.
Take the one CKLW was running Fri-
day morning about recently appoint-
ed University President Robben Fleming,
for example.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Siscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier {$5 by
mail; $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mall).
Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
niy excent Sunday and Monday during regular

CK interpreted Fleming's statement
that he hopes to "encourage dissent" as
an "open invitation to sit-in" and ended
with the rhetorical "Will Michigan be-
come another Berkeley?"
Americans form such weird, misin-
formed prejudices about what's happen-
ing in the news need look no farther than
news stories like this one.
The radio commentary on the situa-
tion construed Fleming's statement as
an "open invitation to sit-ins," and im-
plied that this would lead Michigan to
another Berkeley type of situation.
THESE QUESTIONS to varying degrees
do not lend themselves to easy an-
swers. It is especially dubious to assume
that the upshot of Fleming's laissez-faire
attitude about student dissent will be
an upsurge of rambunctious demonstra-
tions. Just the opposite result is more like-

The complex of the sub-theme of "Man
the Explorer."

"Man the Provider." The theme
pavilions will transcend national
frontiers and should chronicle the
contemporary era.
One of the themes, "Man the
Explorer," will develop four top-
ics, each one related to man's
efforts on the frontiers of knovl-
edge. In the truncated tetrahedron
pavilion, the visitor will pass
through a model of the human
cell, and see open heart surgery
performed as part of the topic,
"Man and Health." He will then
walk through an open section of
the earth in connection with the
topic, "Man. and Life." In connec-
tion with the topic, "Man and the
Polar Regions." he will walk in

mudflats; St. Helns's Island was
extended at each end; and a
breakwater was enlarged to form
Cite du Havre, on which is situat-
ed the Expo's entrance, the Sta-
dium, Habitat 67, and a theatre.
INA SERVICE to its visitors the
Expo's communications system
will relay to the visitor informa-
tion about queue length at pa-
vilions, accommodations, shows,
transportation, and the weather.
To emphasize that Expo 67 is
not a profit making enterprise.
the total cost of the exhibition
from December 1962 to June 1968,
when demolition is completed,
will be $333 million, and revenues


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