SATURDAY, APRIL 1,196'7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TEMES SATURDAY, APRIL 1,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ThREE Court Order Bars Today's Rail Strike States Strike Would Interrupt Flow of Defense Materials CHICAGO (AP)-Railroad con- ductors and brakemen were barred yesterday from proceeding with a nationwide railroad strike sched- uled to begin today. Judge Richard B. Austin of U.S. District Court issued a temporary restraining order against the Order of Railroad Conductors and Brakemen. A suit for the order was filed earlier in the day on behalf of 66 railroads. The temporary order remains effective until April 10. Judge Austin set a hearing on a perma- nent injunction against the strike for April 7.' Walkout Called for Today The union had called a walkout for 12:01 a.m. today. Union offi- cials did not attend the. hearing and, offered no opposition to the railroads' action. "The threat of a strike definite- ly constitutes an emergency at this time," James R. Wolfe, a manage- ment attorney, said in requesting the order. Wolfe is general attor- ney for the National Railway Labor Conference. "We would expect the conduc- tors' organization to obey the court order," he said. Not Contest Order Charles I. Hopkins, one of Wolfe's associates, said he confer- red with union representatives be- fore the hearing and they report- edly said they would not contest the restraining order. Wolfe told Judge Austin that the dispute between the railroads and the union "involves interpre- tation of an agreement which is subject to consideration by the National Railroad Adjustment Board." He did not elaborate on the dispute. Judge Austin did -not comment on the temporary restraining order. The oreder said, "The threat- ened strike world seriously impede trasnportation of passengers, mail, and substantially interrupt the freight and express loading-in- cluding the transportation of mili- tary personnel and defense ma- terials-essential to the military effort in Vietnam." It restrains the union from striking, picketing or interfering with railroad operations. Clyde F. Lane, union president, said yesterday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that the organization "will, of course, comply with the law and the order of Judge Austin." Another official of the union said they are trying to contact all members in time to prevent any work stoppage. Chet Huntley STRUGGLE CONTINUES: Af-*d "im Seeks Break With Union Rebel Claims Support From NBC Colleagues To End AFTRA Ties NEW YORK (A)-Union rebel Chet Huntley sought to pull fel- low-newscasters out of a striking television and radio network union yesterday. claming undercover back-to-work support from ,most: of his NBC collegaues: Huntley has crossed picket lines' to remain on the air during the three-day strike. Although an AFTRA member, he said a union that includes announcers, per- formers, singers and disc jockeys "does not understand the econ- omics of the news operation in TV." BRut Huintle~v ' cie~f rival iWni China Press Condemns Lu, Mao's Chief Rival TOKYO (A-From the highest grace last year and Defense Min- terms of this book, the more re- level of the Chinese Communist ister Lin Piao became the No. 2 visionists one becomes and the party yesterday came the first of- man in Red China. further one degenerates into re- ficial attack on President Liu Red Flag declared Liu's book visionism. Shao-chi. an indication that the "must be completely denounced "This book must be thoroughly struggle for power was closer to a and its bad influence must be z n n i cticized&J~t*Af a reJ atedfl.~ and~* *it climax thrown out" because it "takes a Red Fleg, the theoretical journal roundabout route to push bour- of party Chairman Mao Tse-tung, geois individualism and slavery." assailed Liu's book. "How to be a 'Divorced From Class Struggle' Good Communist," which has been "This book is deceitful talk," held up for years as a model for Red Flag said, "divorced from the 17 million p0rty members, living class struggle, from revolu- To emphasize the repudiation tion and political struggle. The Tof iu'sehigsi theReuda more one cultivates oneself in of Liu's teachings, the Red Flag_____________ __ article was reprinted in People: Daily, the official CommunistA paer i Pkig.utomnakei party paper, and all other news- Posters Not Official ,v , pernicious influences liquidated." The Maoists consider the true Chinese Communist bible to be Mao's collected works, now printed and distributed in the millions. Condensed quotations from Mao are printed in small red-covered books. Cs File Suit ter Cronkite, high-salaried ace of Heretofore, attacks on the white- the CBS news operation, refused haired. 68-year-old president have!Hoc1s to join Huntley, who draws a com- been limited to wall posters put 1+ i}j 141 ., a 41+ GlL J' it Vlll . N - _. .. .. C _ _ E rr e- mr rti tm I Til^. w 71 1.... « .., fi 1. Y.... -Associated Press HOUSING MARCH Dr. Martin Luther King, center, led a march yesterday calling for an open housing ordinance in Louisville, Ky. With Powell are his wife, Coretta, and a newsman. ASK WAGE INCREASE-:* Teamsters Threaten Strike, Truck Shutdown Imminent' NBC. Cronkite said he told Hunt-' ley that, "I felt that I had to honor our union obligations." Rebuffed by Smith. Huntley's overtures reportedly also were rebuffed by ABC's How- ard K. Smith.; Nor was there any open en- dorsement of the revolt from David Brinkley, although Huntley claimed the secret support of his NBC partner. Brinkley has joined the 18,000-member American Fed- eration of Television and Radio Artists on strike. His office said he could not be reached for comment. Huntley sent a telegram to NBC renouncing AFTRA as bargaining agent for newscasters. The move was intended to set up a National Labor Relations Board represen- tation election, and a possible withdrawal of newscasters from the union. However, the wire .bore only two signatures-Huntley's and that of his fellow-rebel from NBC, Frank McGee. Their revolt against the strike has been joined by NBC's Ray Scherer and Morgan Beatty, but neither signed. loosed by Mao last year to spear- head the power struggle. The post- ers never had official recognition' and recently were sharply curtail- ed by authorities. Red Flag did not mention Liu by name as it blasted the book he wrote in 1939. Liu, once con- sidered Mao's successor, fell from DETROIT (A)-All tour oI the nation's major automakers filed suits in federal court yesterday challenging three of the govern- ment's new safety standards for 1968 cars. The automakare asked the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Cincinnati, Ohio, to throw out the Vietnamese Constitution To Take Effect Today WASHINGTON (A')-The first nationwide trucking shutdown in history was threatening yesterday when negotiators for 1,500 major firms warned they would lock their doors if the Teamsters Union attempts strikes against individual companies. An "immediate and complete ces- sation of our operations" was threatened by Trucking Employ- ers, Inc. if the Teamsters strike even a few firms over deadlocked national contracts talks covering some 500,000 workers. While Teamsters walkouts could have begun as early as midnight yesterday when their present con- tract expires, most local unions won't take strike votes until this weekend. Slim Chance of Agreement But M. M, Gordon, president of Trucking Employers, Inc., told fed- eral officals the threat of a shut- down is "imminent" and added there is only a slim chance of an agreement over the weekend., Gordon said an industry policy committee had directed a total halt in the operations of the 1,500 firms that handle some 65 per 'cent of the nation's trucking busi- ness if the Teamsters attempt to "splinter" or "whipsaw" the em- ployers by striking only a few firms.' A federal source said the truck- ing firms have the legal right un- der federal labor laws to carry out their threat to shut down. A 'Selective' StrikeJ Teamsters negotiators, headed by their general vice president, Frank Fitzsimmons, have said any strike would be "selective" against only a portion of the total 12,000 companies involved in the nego- tiations. Federal mediators continued meanwhile in their attempts to reconcile the wide gap- between the union's 56-cent-an-hour wage increase denands for a three-year contract, and the 'industry's latest offer of 7 cents. Fringe benefits and numerous improved working conditions and new equipment de- manded by the union would bring the total cost much higher. Truckers now are paid $3.25 to $5 an hour. Wide Gap of Offers Gordon said the industry's total offer amounts to an increase of about four per cent a year, and that the union's demands added up to more than 11 per cent per year. Gordon said the industry's offer, including fringe benefits, is worth 49 cents an hour per worker over the three years, compared with total Teamsters demands that would cost 95 cents per hour. He said the union demands would "destroy our ability to serve the general public" and "we de- mand the right to manage our own business." Gordon declined to comment on how the negotiations had been affected by the absence of the Teamsters president, James . R. Hoffa, who was sent to prison earlier this month to begin an eight-year federal jury-tampering sentence. Hoff a, in 10 years at the head of the union, always had domi- nated the negotiations, and some union sources say the trucking industry is trying to take advan- tage of his absence to shake off the union's tight hold on the in- dustry. SAIGON 1PT-South Vietnam's controversial new constitution goes into effect today even as efforts to change it are being mounted. The official Vietnam Press Agency reported yesterday the government also plans to announce a national reconciliation policy to- day. This plan was evolved at the seven-nation Manila summit con- ference on Vietnam last October. American officials had been re- ported unhappy it had not been announced earlier. Essentially, it War Crimes Tribunal' Attacks U.S. Vietnam War Practices Heavy Fire BlocksTroops SAt Viet Cong Headquarters LONDON (A) - A documented' attack on American military prac- tices in Vietnam is being organized by a handful of European intel- lectuals as a show trial of alleged American war crimes. No attempts are being made to collect evidence against the Communists. This ,self-constituted interna- tional war crimes tribunal" is no- minally headed by the 94-year-old British pacifist and philosopher, Lord Bertrand Russell. It planned to open in Paris on April 24, but French officials have said they will enforce laws against public insults to stop it. 200 Witnesses If the tribunal meets, its organ- izers plan to produce 200 witness- es. Ralph Schoenman, 31, Russell's American secretary, claims to have several American defectors ready to testify. He says they are Ne- groes who left the U.S. forces to fight alongside the Viet Cong. Teams have returned from North Vietnam with photographs showing what they say are results SAIGON QP)-Heavy enemy fire blocked U.S.'troops yesterday from a War Zone C bunker complex be- lieved to be a major Communist headquarters. Stalled through a four-hour battle, infantrymen call- ed on air strikes and artillery to clear the way for them Saturday. The battle site was 65 miles north of Saigon in the jungles of Tay Ninh Province, where Amer- icans for five weeks have been seeking both military and political command posts of the Viet Cong in the most massive offensive of the war-Operation Junction City. A dug-in regiment of Viet Cong regulars-perhaps 2,500 men- aimed rockets, mortar shells and machine-gun bullets against some 1,400 Americans, members of two battalions of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, advancing from a heli- copter landing field five miles from the Cambodian frontier. 42 Killed A field report said seven Amer- icans have been killed and 42 wounded in the battle. Five were injured by U.S. bomb fragments In the close quarters action. The Viet Cong were reported to have lost, 28 known dead and it wvas estimated American shells and bombs, landing outside the sight of ground observers, ac- counted for 50 or 60 others. In the air war, the U.S. Com- mand announced destruction of the Thai Nguyen steel plant's blast furnaces. This was accomplished in the seventh raid on the plant since it was put on the target list by Washington three weeks ago. Rocket fire that fell short cost the lives of four U.S. Marines and wounded 18. They were hit by a Marine F8 Crusader jet that was supporting a Marine ground ope-' ration 325 miles northeast of Sai- gon in Quang Ngai Province. of U.S. antipersonnel bombs drop- ped on civilian targets. In our view, these weapons are directed specifically against the civilian population," said Law- rence Daly, general secretary of. the Scottish Mineworkers Union. "The hundreds of steel pellets used in these bombs are quite ineffec- tive against concrete and steel. but they kill and wound cruelly by piercing the bodies of civilians," Daly said. When Russell announced plans for the tribunal last year, he said only witnesses sanctioned by the U.S. government would be per- mitted to appear on its behalf. Members ofathertribunal refused to accept this and insisted that any evidence be welcomed. No Evidence of Communists But a spokesman said no evi- dence of atrocities by Communists in South Vietnam had been sub- mitted, and no investigators had been dispatched to Saigon. Far from apologizing for any lack of impartiality, Russell and his secretary defend the tribunal's briefsagainst the United States, Russell saying: "We must be ada- mant on the necessity to distin- guish between sporadic incidents in the course of a war of resis- tance fought by a colonized peo- ple and the acts systematically practiced by the American forces In Vietnam. 'Pattern of Act' "The tribunal must not focus on isolated episodes; rather it must uncover the pattern of acts committed in a systematic fash- ion and on higher orders' by the U.S. military forces in Vietnam." Schoenman, accused of prejud- ging the issue, said, "It was the Gestapo who were judged, not their victims." The tribunal members were se- lected largely by Russell, wbo is honorary president. Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher, is ex- ecutive president. Baldwin and Carmichael The American members are Dave Dellinger, pacifist editor of the magazine Liberation; Stokely Carmichael, Negro leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and James Baldwin, Negro novelist-essayist. Baldwin joined a few weeks ago. Others include Isaac Deutcher, British historian and biographer of Leon Trotsky, and Lazaro Car- denas, who nationalized U.S. oil interests when he was president of Mexico. The tribunal operates under no legal authority, and Russell freely admits this. He has invoked as a precedent the Nuernberg war crimes trial held by the victorious Allies after World War II. Nuernberg "The Nuernberg tribunal ex- pressed the sense of outrage which was virtually universal at the crimes committed by the Nazis in Europe. We do not represent any state power, nor can we compel the policymakers responsible for crimes against the people of Viet- nam to stand accused before us," Russell said. Russell originally wanted Presi- dent Johnson, Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara and Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk named ;n his charges, but French laws would have prohibited it. is an attempt to win high-ranking Communist defectors to the gov- ernment side by promising them special treatment and high posi- tion. Promulgation of the constitution by the military regime is the latest in a year-long series of hurdles blocking the way to civilian rule. Several obstacles remain before election of president, vice presi- dent and the upper house of a two house National Assembly sched- uled for Sept. 1. Militant Roman Catholic groups demonstrated yesterday against what they termed an atheist con- stitution. Perhaps 3,000 marchers protested elimination to "the So- preme Being" in the document's preamble, Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, nom- inally a Buddhist, said he "saw no obstacle" to restoring a refer- ence to God in the constitution.. Phan Khac Suu, chairman of the Constituent Assembly and a candidate for president under the new constitution, said assembly- men will meet again Thursday to study proposed changes. Friday's protest against the do- cument brought the movement for constitutional government full circle. The radical Buddhist "struggle movement" against the military regime a year age gave the first impetus to writing a new consti- tution to replace the one which died yith President Ngo Dinh Diem on Nov. 1, 1963. n d IThe Ky regime arranged elec- tion of the Constituent Assembly Sept. 11, 1966, and the finished constitution was handed over the military leaders last Friday. Today was declared a national holiday. All Vietnamese ambassa-' dors were brought back to Saigon for the festivities and 7,000 sol- diers, students and civil servants were ordered to show up for the ceremony on the grounds of Doc Lap-Independence-Palace. passenger impact protection stan- dard. American Motors also chal- lenged' two others. The key target of the industry is the standard setting specifica- tions for equipment in the area of a passenger's head, knees and legs. The standard is aimed at re- ducing the chances of a passenger being injured in an accident. General Motors and Ford said they could not meet the standard. "If the standard is not revised, Ford will be unable to produce. automobiles for sale in the United States after Dec. 31, 1967-when the standard takes effect," Ford said. Chrysler, which was the first to file in yesterday's flurry of suits, said it would "suffer irrevocable harm" if forced to attempt to comply with the standard on 1968 cars. 'AMC, the second to go to court, attacked two other standards- one requiring changes in door latches and hinges to keep doors from popping open in collisions, the other requiring that cars be built so the steering column can jam backwards no more than three inches even if the car is hit headon. The legal moves came one day after the National Traffic Safety Agency in Washington virtually rejected all appeals by auto com- panies to change or eliminate some of the 20 standards, handed down for the first time under re- cent federal legislation. Chrysler said the court appeal was taken in accordance with the provisions of the new federal highway safety law, which says automakers can appeal to federal courts the standards they think are too tough. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-In a low-key ceremony, President Johnson yes- terday signed the ratification of a consular treaty with the Soviet Union-the first bilateral pact ever entered into by the United States and Communist Russia. 'To become effective, the treaty now must be approved by the So- viet presidium, the Moscow ver- sion of a parliament. Such ratifi- cation ordinarily is a formality and U.S. officials anticipate it will be carried out fairly soon. The treaty-formally called a convention--sets up procedures for establishing consulates in each country and a few may be opened although there are no immediate plans for any. Proponents of the treaty said its most important section is a pro- vision for prompt notification on the arrest of Americans in Russia and vice versa. This notification would enter a plea of innocent at is to be followed by access to the the arraignment. prisoners within four days. Cur- rently, under Russian law, an WASHINGTON-A federal dis- American could be held for up to trict court has no authority to de- nine months without notification cide whether the House of Rep- or access. resentatives had a right to exclude * * Adam Clayton Powell, a lawyer NEW, ORLEANS-Clay L. Shaw, for the Housensaid Friday. central figure in Dist. Atty. Jiru The Constitution "empowers Garrison's assassination probe, each house of Congress to deter- will be arraigned Wednesday on a mine, under standards and rules charge he conspired to murder within its discretion, whether any President John F. Kennedy. particular person shall be allowed The arraignment date was to enter or remain as a member agreed on yesterday by Garrispn's of that House," said the lawyer, office and Shaw's lawyers. Bruce Bromley. The district attorney has alleged In a brief filed with U.S. Dis- that Shaw, 54, conspired with Lee trict Court of Washington, D.C., Harvey Oswald and David W. Fer- Bromley said the court clearly rie in mid-September 1963 to kill has no jurisdiction in the case President Kennedy. "for reasons which are basic to Irvin Dymond, one of Shaw's the separation of powers within defense attorneys, said his client our federal government." TONIGHT & TOMOR ROW Alfred Hitchcock's SHADOW OF A DOUBT With Joseph Cotten, Teresa Wright, MacDonald Carey. Script by Thorton Wilder. STILL SHOWING THE TRIUMPHANT FINALE OF THE 1966 NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL! LA GUERRE EST FINIE AWARDS: Shown outside the Fes- tival of Cannes (approved as the official French entry to the Cannes Festival last May, it was with- drawn under pressure from the Franco regime). At the end of the Cannes Festival, a group of Span- ish film critics awarded LGEF its newly-inaugurated Prix Luis Bu- nuel. It also received the Interna- tional Film Critics' Prize (Federa- tion Internationale de ta Presse Cinematographic) at Cannes, the "French .*Oscars" of the "French' Academy (L'Academie du Cine- ma) were awarded to Resnais for "the best film of the year" and to Yves Montand for "the best performance." Shown at the non-competitive 4th New York Filn Festival, 1966. Directed by ALAIN RESNAIS Starring YVES MONTAND, INGRID THULIN and introducing GENEVIEVE BUJOLD. Produced by SOFRACIMA/PARIS-. EUROPA FILM, STOCKHOLM' A BRANDON FILMS RELEASE HILLEL DELI HOUSE FRIDAY: SATURDAY: 7-9-11 5-7-9-11 A must for all thinking people! I I