STATE TAX REFORM: QUICK ACTION VITAL See editorial page Yl r e Lw i n -A6F :43 DARKNESS Light- a.n.-6 p.m. Dark-6 p.m.-6 a.m. Partly light: total eclipse possible Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHTPAGE IFtst, Third Ward Candidates Face Student Vote By GREG ZIEREN and HENRY GRIX Daily News Analysis Fourth of Five Parts The Ann Arbor City Council candidates in the first and third wards will have to face some of the highest percentage of student voter areas in the city. Edward Shafter, Republican, an instructor of English in the en- gineering school and a political newcomer, will face incumbent Democrat H. C. Curry in the first ward. Democrat Gene Wilson, a librarian for the Ann Arbor Pub- lic Library, and John Feldkamp, director of University housing, are competing for the seat in the third ward being vacated by in- cumbent Republican Paul John- son. The first ward is a racially and economically mixed area. Within its borders are low income minor- first ward. He would relocate presently privately owned one to property tax or instituting an in- that the police action in the Cine- ity groups in the North Central those who live in run down or dil- provide stops in all parts of the come tax for the city. Curry feels ma Guild controversy was "hasty,' district, subdivisions to the North apidated homes into public hous- city. that an income tax is more "equit- ill-advised and tactless." of this area and the student voters ing units. He insists, furthermore, Curry advocates the re-estab- able" than the property tax and Housing is a central issue in on North Campus. The third ward, that the 200 units scheduled for lishment of the police community woulI favor putting the income the third ward contest between with fewer students, encompass- construction are "not sufficient" advisory committee, citing "bad tax proposal on the ballot. Wilson and Feldkamp. "Rented es some of the business and resi- and favors the federal proposal communications between the com- Both Curry and Shafter say that housing in Ann Arbor is scarce, dential areas to the South of the which called for 450 units. munity and police" as making the they support increased student shoddy, expensive and profitable," city. The candidates differ sharply on committee necessary registration if the student "really says Wilson. He claims that the Housing and transportation the issue of public transportation. The candidates conflict on the considers his home to be Ann Ar- lack of student housing is a part problems figure prominently in the Curry says that a municipally issues of council pay and imple- bor." Shafter claimed that though of the general situation which first ward race. Shafter has pro- owned bus system with compre- mentation of a city income tax. there were inequities when a stu- could be at least partially reme- posed constructing apartments in hensive service throughout the city Curry favors payment for council-;dertegeuthescwerk'stu-fcodeay leapatiallyusing. the North Central area, part of would alleviate traffic problems men saying that council members ent goes to the clerk's office died by more public housing. which he says is "not worth sav- and allow the residents of his should not have to pay the ex- to register, the clerk and his of- Feldkamp, as director of Uni- ing because the houses are too ward to use the central business penses involved in their govern- fice do the best they can" versity housing feels that he is run down." He explains that.such district more extensively. He ing of the city. Shafter claims Shafter has come out strongly "especially qualified" to tackle an area would constitute' a "resi- claims that such a system would that until the job becomes full- against what he calls, "mingling the problems of student housing. dential mix" of private dwellings be "especially useful" in the North time he would not favor a salary of police at student meetings." He claims that the University has and apartment structures which Central area, many of whose resi- for council. He said that equal treatment for a "unique responsibility" in this would revitalize the district. dents do not possess two cars. Shafter proposes waiting for the students and Ann Arzor residents area and that he personally is Curry claims that increased pub- Shafter is opposed to a munici- state to take action on fiscal re- was "no justification for the pres- looking for sites for construction lic housing is at least a partial" pally owned system but would in- form and income tax rebates to ence of officers of the law at stu- of 221D-3 housing, such as Colb- solution to the problems of the. stead increase the service of the cities before either raising the dent meetings." He further stated nial Square. Wilson cites periphery housing to believe that the state or the development andi a municipally Federal government is going to owned mass transit system as dual . solutions to the specific city prob- subsidize AnnArbor. lems of housing and transporta- Feldkamp is opposed to any tion. He said that a "master plan" type of civilian review board, as of city development is needed em- are all the candidates. He claims phasizing low rather than high that giving a committee such as density housing. the police community relations committee council recognition Feldkamp says rather than in-wudb s mc xesbg stituting a city income tax or would be "co much excess ba- raising property taxes he would gate He claims that the police can handle their own problems ef- first insist that "the University festively. carry its share of the financial: v burden." "I think there needs to be some Wilson states that in order to kind of liaison between the police maintain city services and em- and the community,"Wilson states. He feels that such a com- ploye wages "an income tax may mittee was extremely valuable in be the only answer." He claims maintaining community ' respect that the property tax has been for the police. The committee, he expanded as a further source of claims, "acted as a buffer in an revenue and that it is unrealistic explosive situation." CHECK SUBJECTS' WELFARE: Committees To Review Fleming Experiments on By NEAL BRUSS Any University researcher plan- ning to use human subjects must have his program reviewed by a committee of his associates before he can apply for funds or begin his experiment, according to a University regulation which goes into effect today. The new regulation was formu- lated last October by the Academic Affairs Advisory Council to pro- vide procedure for safeguarding the rights and welfare of persons ' involved as subjects in research and investigation. The regulation was developed after Dr. William H. Stewart, the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, stated in February, 1966, "No new, renewal, or con- tinuation of research or research training grant in support of c cal research and investigation -volving human beings shall awarded by the Public Health; vice unless the grantee has i cated in th eapplication the m 3 ner in which . . . (his) institu { will provide prior review . . . committee of his institutional sociates . ." The Surgeon General states1 { the review ,should examine rights and welfare of the hu subjects, the way in which participants' consent 'bas obt ed, and the risks and med benefits of the investigation. The regulation requires tha such experiments be reviewed gardless of how they are to funded. Each college or research lini- in- be Ser- ndi- aan- tion by a as- , , f Humansr has a separate reviewing commit- tee. The review committee for exper- iments planned by litertary school researchers includes members of the psychology, sociology, zoology,E -Student philosophy and anthropology de- !,L X partments, according to William Hays, associate dean of the liter- ary school. Arrested Leste Supports v's Greet U -4x Dissent; tha th ma ti ain lica t a [re un I NEWS WIRE WASHINGTON (P)-David Miller, 24, who said he expects to be put in prison soon for burning his draft card, was carried, bodily from national Selective Service headquarters yesterday when he refused to leave after the close of business: He said he wanted to continue a protest against the draft by staying in the building until Monday morning. PROVOST OF LONG ISLAND University's Brooklyn Center, Dr. William M. Birenbaum, was formally removed from his post Monday. Birenbaum differed with Dr. R. Gordon Hoxie, chancel- lor of the university, on the autonomy individual campuses of LIU should have. Birenbaum charged that the university's central administration tended "to equate local dissent with disloyalty." Originally Birenbaum had intended to resign in June, but at the request of students and faculty, he asked last week that his resignation be cancelled. This request was rejected. AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, to study organization of the Department of Physical Education and Athletics and to recom- mend possible successors to University athletic director H. O. (Fritz) Crisler has begun its work, Prof. Douglas A. Hayes an- nounced. Prbf. Hayes, professor of finance, is chairman of the 10- member advisory committee, and William L. Steude, director of student-community relations, is secretary. Crisler is planning on retiring next spring. VERA BAITS HOUSING last night held what was probably the first University authorized beer party in the history of the 4 dormitory system. Staff members strictly supervised attendance, which was limited to Baits housing residents and dates who were over 21. The keg of beer was paid for out of house funds and dues. at No Curtailment he Hays said that all schools in- n volved in Public Health Service he grants received the Surgeon Gen- n- eral's statement. He added that al the new procedures definitely were not causing faculty resignations or ll curtailment of research. e- While in the past experiments be have come before review boards, no restraints were made on ap- ait plying for funds or beginning the experiments before the review. ~= About five projects have already been reviewed by the literary school committee, according to a member of the psychology de- par tment. More Paperwork "The new procedure doesn r cur- tail research, but it does present some more paperwork," ne said. "However, the literary school has developed a form which ful- fills the PublicHealth Service de- mands and only takes half an -= hour to complete." "The effect of the reviewing is not to hamstring research, but to discuss the critical issues. If the board feels an experiment plan is unacceptable, it will meet with the prospective experimenter," he added. Subject Pool "The. psychology department has been aware of the need for this type of consideration for years. As a result it has a subject pool program, and those experi- mentors who use the pool submit their plans for similar screening." After the review committee has cleared a program, its chairman Will confirm approval in a memo- randum to the Vice President for Research. The experimenter receives a copy of the memorandum, which states that he must advise the re- view committee of changes in his program which vary with the in- formation he gave to the review committee. Accompany Requests The memoranda will accompany all requests for funds both inside and outside the University. When I an expel iment is financed by reg- ular operating funds, the memor- andum will be sent to the Vice President for Research through the dean or director of the experi- menter's unit. At League Charged with Assault For Shoving Guard, Held for Short Time By SUSAN ELAN Associate Managing Editor and ! PAT O'DONOHUE A former University student was arrested and later released yesterday following an anti-war demonstration in front of Hi: Auditorium. The arrest later became the topic of a heated debate at a press conference' g i v e n for Robben Wright Fleming, president-elect of the University. The debate continued after the conference ended with Regent Robert Briggs (R-Jackson) re- sponc ng to the questions r'tised by thE students at the press con- ference. Arrestj Gei man Chacin, one of about 130 c1rmonstrators who pickete d in front of Hill in opposition to thet war in Vietram. was arrested on chargis of P ssault. "i'ne arrest followed a pushi" n.ident botween two picketer and a Sanford Security Guard who refused to admit them to the Vichigan Lzague where Unmte x Natons See' etary General U Th nt was lLi ching following his j 4i h at the Honors convocation. According to Chacin the guard told him that he had been in- sti ucted not to admit anvor e carrying signs. "When I told him I didn't have I a sign and wanted to go in, he physically trtcd to stop me," said Gary Rothberger, '67. The guard allegedly pushed Chacin at the same time. "So I pushed him back," Chacin said. An Ann Arboi7 police officer then stepped forward and made the arrest. Chacin was taken to the Ann Arbor police station and released after an h>ur Charges are stjl1 pending. See PRESS, Page 2 -Daily-Andy S PRESIDENT-ELECT ROBBEN FLEMING, bottom center, spoke with students yesterday aft disrupted press conference in the Administration Building. CONVOCATION: Thant Opposes Politca Con--trol o Eucaiol T hant President's Suecessor Meets Press Students Interrupt Coniereuce; Demand Right To Participate By STEPHEN WILDSTROM "You cannot have a great Uni- versity without dissent," bobben Wright Fleming newly chosen suc- cessor to University President Harlan Hatcher, said yesterday. His comment came during a press conference which was interrupted several times by students who de- manded the right to question Fleming and Regent Robert Briggs (R-Jackson). "I have always protected dis- senters," Fleming added. He said that he has generally come into .acks conflict with dissenters only when they come into'conflict with other er his university functions. Fleming, who is currently Chan- -- cellor of the University of Wis- consin, also fielded questions on student- administration relations, academic and political freedom and University policy towards la- bor unions at his first Ann Arbor press conference. German Chacin, a former stu- dent, who was arrested and re- leased yesterday afternoon after an alleged shoving bout with a ' Sanford Security man in front of the Michigan League after U Thant's address, attempted to read divided a 'statement during the confer- ain for- ence. 1Voderator Chris Carey of l terror University ' News Service and ological Briggs told him that the confer- inisned ence had been called for the bene- nger of fit of the press. ring the Fleming said he wanted to an- lting in swer the reporters' questions but would be happy to speak with Chacin after the conference ended, ation of Chacin wanted to make nis state- "politi- ment to the press and a verbal hassle ensued, which lasted about metimes ten . minutes. The 45-minute con- 'suit of' ference was interrupted several use for times by demands from students between See FLEMING, Page 2 By MICHAEL DOVER racy demands more of education than any other form of state" be- Secretary General of the United ' cause the development of a demo- Nations U Thant said yesterday cra ic country is "generated large- that "An institution of higher ed- ly by the citizens themselves." ucation should be free of political Thant said one of the greatest domination in any form, either problems of mass education is "to overt or covert." tacontinue fostering and encourag- Speaking at the 44th annual ing intellectual excellence, while. Honors Convocationi in Hill Audi- at the same time providing for the torium, Thant claimed that the vast numbers and varied intellec- role of the university "should tual levels of students to be edu- never be allowed to degenerate cated." into any kind of junior partner- t t ship with government." ."'It is increasingly clear to me, Thant was the main speaker at especially from my experience in Than wa th mai spake atthe United Nations, that, in our the convocation, presided over by interdependent . . . world, toler- University P r e s i d e n t Harlan ance, understanding and fresh Hatcher and attended by presi- thinking on national and inter- detnt-elect Robben Wright Flem- national problems are the key to ing. nothing less than human sur- "Education alone can work on vival," Thant added. a broad enough scale to begin the struction. If the world, into two camps, is to rema ever deadlocked in mutua and if the present psych climate continues undim then there is the real da someone somewhere trigger thermonuclear bomb resu a holocaust." Exploitation Thant cited the exploits a vAriety of situations by cians, ideologists, and son military leaders, in pun power" as a primary ca much of "the troublex nations." ( FIRST U.S. MEETING: Orientalists To Convene at U'I By JENNY STILLER according to Prof. Russell H. Fi- An address by U Thant, secre- field of the political science de- tary-general of the United Na- partment, secretary-general of the tions will highlight the 27th ses- paressen sion of the International Congress congress. of Orientalists here this August. The largest single contingents An estimated 2,000 scholars (after the U.S.) will consist of from more than 50 countries will aproximately 90 delegates from attend the congress, making it the Japan and 60 from the Soviet Un- largest international conference ion. Fifield said the delegation ...... .1-..-frm nvn,r', nmvnjt nation. Originally concerned primarily with the humanities, the congress first added some topics in the so- cial sciences to its agenda at the 1960 meeting in Moscow. The most recent meeting, held in New Delhi in 1964, stressed such fields as an- thropology, economics, and soci- ology to a greater extent, and this year's topics will be divided evenly urgent task of transferring men'sj thoughts from their conflicts to their common interests-from the Siobsesion with sterile and outmod- ed political and military confron- tations to the far more challeng- ith numerous subsections in ing and fascinating problems of wih.The nueousestbseo s- survival, peace, justice, co-exist- each. The ten areas to be dis- ence and co-operation," Thantj cussed include the Ancient Near added. East, Near East and Islamic a ntea d ;'olSouth Asia in Ancient and Thanit said that education must World,sa TimAsa MAdentSond "look toward the future" and must Classical Tes Modern Southo ad d t t th Asia. Southeast Asia, Early China, correspond and adjust to he Modern China, Japan, Korea, and n of tim e pe."iHe em- Central Asian and Altaic Studies. phasized that the university must The fifteeen special afternoon also seek the best possible man- -; , ~ner in which "desirable changes Political Involvement Thant advocated the involve- ment of everyone, "especially the young," in the "active considera- tion of the world they live in and of the institutions and political and social benefitswhich deal, or fail to deal, with the problems of all our lives. If they are not in- volved, the effort to produce a sane and civilized international ozder will lack the support it must have if we are ever to have a s;afer and better world." Thant said that the 'moral and ethical concepts embodied in the U.N. Charter are absolutely 0 I ;. ::