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March 31, 1967 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-31

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FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1967


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Court Issues
Restraint in
NFO Strike
'Intimidation' Cited;
Milk Farmers Told
To Curtail Actions
DES MOINES, Iowa (PA)-Mem-
bers of the National Farmers Or-
ganization yesterday, were placed
by a federal judge under a 10-day
restraining order forbidding acts
of violence in their ilk-holding
Judge Roy L. Stephenson em-
phasized, in granting the order
asked by the U.S. Justice Depart-
ment that it does not bar the NFO
from continuing the milk holdout
begun March 15.
He ordered the militant farm
group to refrain from "threaten-
ing, intimidating, harrassing, or
engaging in acts of violence"
against nonmember farmers, milk
carriers 'and milk processors.
The order allowed the NFO to
engage in peaceful picketing but
limited pickets to no more than
four at any one site. i m
Yesterday's -court action :came
on the heels of a request by Ag-
riculture Secretary Orville L. Free-
man to President Johnson seeking
restrictions on dairy product Im-
ports many farmers and congress-
men blame for low prices.
Government attorneys intro-
duced at the hearing an affidavit
stating some NFO members used
threats, intimidation and violence
to prevent milk deliveries in Wis-
consin. They said some of the milk
was headed for other states, pla-
cing it under federal jurisdiction.
Lawrence Scalise, former Iowa
attorney general, argude on behalf
of the NFO that the government's
charges were vague and that the
farm group has discouraged any
violence by its members.
"If there is any evidence of vio-
lence by any individual, that in-
dividual should be restrained, not
the NFO itself," said Scalise.
But Judge Stephenson ruled the
government affidavit indicated the
iaw had been violated and since
the restraining order does not say
the violence was committed by
NFO members, the judge noted,
could do no harm.
Although the milk strike has
been riddled with truck hijacks,
trucks being shot up and milk
ruined or dumped, it has had little
visible effect over most of the
At first the NFO concentrated
on dumping milk or buying it off
store shelves, but now it is trying
to channel milk into plants which
have signed contracts. Once there,
the milk would be processed into
cheese, butter or powdered milk
and then placed in storage.
The NFO's leaders, insisted they
will 'keep up the holdout action
until they get their price raise of
two cents a quart. ~



-Associated Press
TELEVISION NEWSMEN picketed yesterday outside American Broadcasting Company studios in
New York City. A announcer's wage strike has hit four networks across the nation. Management
employes have taken the place of striking newsworkers, who are members of the American Fed-
eration of Television and Radio Artists. Pictured are (left to right) Jules Bergman, ABC science
editor; Betsy Tucker, reporter for WABC Local TV, and Bill Beutel, ABC network newscaster.
Harlem Antipoverty Agency
Charged withMismanagement,

Ship To Halt
Torrey Canyon's Oil
Washed Out to Sea;
Crisis State Eased
LAND'S END, England (/P)-
Bombing of the grounded super-
tanker Torrey Canyon indicated
yesterday that most of her 35.8
million gallons of oil have flooded
out to sea or have washed ashore
on the beaches of Britain.
Three direct hits by navy jet
bombers-Sea Vixens and Buc-
caneers-set off only small fires
that went out quickly. The Royal
Air Force planes were aiming at
the one last tank of 16 on the
61,000-ton tanker. Home Secretary
Roy Jenkins said these reports in-
dicated all oil in the Torrey Cany-
on probably was destroyed or had
floated off. Divers might be sent
down today to check the wreckage
that has been under bombardment
for three days.
"It looks as though this prob-
ably is the end of the bombing
operation," Jenkins declared.
'At Sea' Crisis
"I wish I could say the crisis
is over, but I can say a certain
phase is probably over. We still
have the crisis ofdealing with the
oil at sea and that which comes
He thought the operation so far
could have cost more than $2.8
million, but he had no accurate
For five miles around the reef
where the tanker grounded there
was little evidence of oil, but plen-
ty was still floating in the sea.
The biggest patch, 30 miles long
and five miles wide, was heading
toward the island of Guernsey in
the English Channel.
Wreckage of the tanker, owned
by the Union Oil Co. of California
and registered in Liberia, still
hung from Seven Stones reef,
where she was impaled 12 days
ago during a voyage from Kuwait
to Britain.
The battle went on today to save
the miles of beaches already pol-
luted and to keep the remaining
oil offshore. Bulldozers scraped
away oily sand along the Corn-
wall beaches.
A navy spokesman said a fleet
of 56 ships sweeping up the oil
slick and spraying it with deter-
gent "is winning the battle."
Along the 120-mile shore line
of western Cornnwall and Devon,
Britons fought the oil slick with
foam barriers, sweeping operations
and detergent.
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
also appeared optimistic. He said
he planned to take his regular
vacation in August on the Scilly
Isles, now ringed by oil.

SAIGON (R)-Two bitter battles
and dozens of lesser engagements
last week set combat death records
in Vietnam for both the American
forces and the Communists, the
U.S. Command announced yester-
All told. 274 Americans were
killed-along with 203 South Viet-
namese and 10 of the other allies
-in action March 19-25 that cost
the Viet Cong and North Viet-
namese units 2,774 dead.
The "kill-ratio" was a near-
record 5.69 to 1 in favor of the
The figures reflect a surge in
figthing brought about by more
U.S. units. in the field-18 cam-
paigns are under way-and per-
haps the enemy's willingness to
gamble lives against U.S. fire-
power for a showpiece victory in
the hope of promoting mass dis-1
affection for the war among the
American people.
Despite record losses for two
weeks, the U.S. estimate of total
Communist troop strength in-
creased by 1,000 men last week
and 4,000 the week before, to a
total of 287,000. This indicated
continued heavy infiltration from
North Vietnam despite the U.S.
combing and successful local re-
cruiting of guerrillas.
Amesrican troop strength drop-
ped for the first time in the war,'
being reported at 425,000.
This was 2,000 less than the
total force reported the week be-'
fore, but U.S. headquarters issued
no explanation of the decline from
U.S. headquarters.
Some sources made comparisons
between these Vietnam statistics
and those from the Korean war.
In Korea's first year, before the
war settled into trenches and
truce talks, the United States suf-
fered 74,700 combat casualties-
21,000 killed and 53,700 wounded.
A projection of Vietnam losses1
under the current deadly tempo
of operations escalates U.S. battle
casualties in Southeast Asia during
1967 to 61,100-8,320 killed and
52,786 wounded.
Up Since '66
This is based on recent U.S.
combat losses which have averaged
16'0 killed and 1,015 wounded per
week in the last three months.
In 1966 weekly combat casualties
averaged 96 dead and about 575
If the recent casualty rate is
maintained, the United States
commitment in Vietnam in terms
of life and limb since 1961 would
mount by the end of the year to
104,482 battle casualties-14,964
killed and 89,518 wounded.

In Korea the United States suf-
fered 33,629 battle deaths andE
103.284 wounded. World War II
battles killed 291,557 Americans
and wounded 470,846 others. Non-
combat deaths in World War II
raised the cost in lives to 406,742
while the over-all toll of the Ko-
rean conflict was 54,246.
Meanwhile, in current Vietnam
action, South Korean troops
sweeping Viet Cong from a seg-
ment of Highway 1 on the central
coast had a sharp fight with an
enemy detachment Wednesday in
Phu Yen Province. They said they
killed 50, while their own casual-
ties were light.
Jungle Advance
U.S. operations included a drive
into jungles of the coastal foot-
hills in the central highlands. A
spokesman said 10 soldiers were
wounded. There was no report on
enemy losses.
B52 jets from Guam, flying in

with their 30-ton bomb loads,
staged three raids on Communist
troop bivouacs in South Vietnam.
Despite poor weather, U.S. pilots
flew 108 missions Wednesday
against North Vietnam. A storage
complex 27 miles northeast of
Hanoi was one of the prime tar-
Viet Cong troops promoted the
two big fights of the week in that
period, striking in human wave
assaults against dug-in GI units
north and northwest of Saigon
in War Zone C.
Over-all American casualties
last week were 1,606. In addition
to the 274 U.S. servicemen killed,
1,320 were wounded and 12 were
reported missing or captured.
The over-all record is 2,092 in
the week of March 12-18, when
211 Americans were killed, 1,874
wounded and seven missing.

Vietnam Casualties Hit Record
Proportions as Action Flares

New York Papers A vert
Strike by Printers Union

NEW YORK (AP-The antipover-
ty agency generally credited with
keeping Harlem cool in 1965 poured
hundreds of thousands of dollars
into unauthorized or unidentified
programs and rolled up nearly a
million dollars in unpaid debts,
the city said yesterday.
In a report that confirmed de-
tails first mentioned 10 months ago
the city reported the program-
HARYOU-ACT -'- received $13.4
million from July 1, 1964, through
June 30, 1966. It finished the per-
iod with $800,000 in debts and less
than $39,000 in unspent cash.
The name "HARYOU-ACT" is
a combination of initials that re-
present the two experimental
workshops that combined in 1964
to form the agency - Harlem
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
and Associated Community Teams.
Charges Verified
The first report to be officially
made public out of numerous
investigations, it' substantiated
charges of sloppy and improper
operations that brought a tem-
porary halt in the flow of federal
funds in late 1965 and sparked
half a dozeninvestigations by fed-
eral, congressional and municipal

A report on the federal govern-,
ment's investigation, made by the
Office of Economic Opportunity, is
expected to be released within a
few days.
Some highlights of the city re-
" More than $700,000 went for
expenses, much of this difficult
to trace.
0 A private accounting firm
auditing HARYOU-ACT's books
was unable to trace $569,066 in
payments, and had to "allocate
the unidentified expenses on a
formula rather than an exact
Back Taxes

was not listed in any of the books
or records.
*Equipment bought for the
Black Arts Theater, whose hate-
white plays and poetry were fund-
ed despite federal disapproval,
never ha$ been recovered.
The report did not determine its
cash value, but the earlier AP in-
vestigation indicated that at least
$95,000 had been spent on all
phases of the Black Arts program.
Board Ignored Finances
The report said auditors' studies
of executive board minutes in-
dicated that board members did
not look into fiscal matters, al-
though these were referred to
them by the board of directors.

NEW YORK 'P-Negotiators
worked successfully against a mid-
night strike deadline last night to
avert a walkout of 17,000 employes
7f five major New York daily
The powerful printers union
scheduled slowdowns against the
Daily News but announced it was
withholding strike action. The
union called the News an obstacle
to any over-all settlement, and
said it planned to hold meetings
during which News printers would
leave their jobs.
Others among the 10 industry
unions, however, could wreck the
armistice and spearhead a walk-
out that would cut off a combined
circulation of nearly four million
Neverthless, an expression of
cautious optimisn came from
John J. Gaherin, president of the
Publishers Association of New
York City, which bargains for the
five newspapers.
"I'm confident nobody wants a
strike. I sincerely hope that we'll
be able to find an accommodation
to the situation by the midnight
deadline," he said..
.Wages are the chief issue in the
Four times in as many past
years some or all of New York's
major dailies have been shut down
by union walkouts. In that period
also, the number of major news-
papers, has shrunk from nine to

six, a decline publishers attributed
to rising labor costs and recurrent
Involved in the current contract
crisis were the morning Daily
News and the Times, and the af-
ternoon World Journal Tribune,
the Long Island Star-Journal and
the Long Island Press.
The afternoon New York Post is
not a member of the publishers
association and does its contract
bargaining separately.
The 10 unions involved were the
International Typographical Un-
ion of printers, newspaper de-
liverers, electricians, machinists,
photoengravers, mailers, stereo-
typers, pressmen, paper handlers
and the New York Newspaper
Leaders of the deliverers, elec-
tricians and machinists have
strike authorization already in
hand. The professional Guild an-
nounced in advance that it would
honor any picket line of another
The ITU sought wage increases
ranging up to 20 per cent. The
publishers' initial offer to the
printers provided a four per cent
increase in each year of a three-
year contract.
Based on the $151.85 weekly
pay of day-shift printers this
would be $6.07 a week each year,
or a three-year total of $18.21.
The printers called the offer

0 HARYOU-ACT at one time Forty-four suggested reforms in
used $445,390 in federal and state administrative and accounting de-
tax funds for operational expenses, tails were listed in the city report,
still owes $200,000 in unpaid with- most dealing with detailed proce-
holding taxes and $600,000 to dures for hiring, operating, ac-
commercial creditors. counting and recovering some of
" A revolving fund of $550,000 1 the misspent money.'
AFTRA Strike Continues;
Talks Set .for Tomorrow

World News Roundup


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The Teamsters
Union ordered a nationwide strike
vote yesterday in deadlocked con-
tract talks for some 500,000 work-
ers in the nation's trucking in-
The action, for a strike vote to
be. taken over the weekend, came
after union negotiators spurned a
ieported three-year, 37-cent-an-
hour wage hike offer from in-
dustry negotiators representing
some 12,000 trucking firms.
The industry offer is less than
half the union's original 75-cent-
per-hour demand for a new three-
year national trucking contract.
WASHINGTON - The federal
government told auto manufac-
turers yesterday they must meet
new safety standards by next Jan.
1, but left the door ajar for pos-
sible modification of the regula-
tion for softening and padding in-
The agency did, however, make
some minor, technical modifica-
tions on three of the 20 standards.

Lurleen Wallace yesterday asked
the Alabama Legislature to give
her authority to take over all pub-
lic schools in the state if the
federal courts insist on enforce-
ment of a sweeping statewide in-
tegration order.
She urged the House and Sen-
ate also to issue "as an exercise
of the police power of this state,
a cease-and-desist order" direct-
ed to the three-judge federal pan-
el which last week ordered all
schools in the state desegregated
by next September.
And she requested the legisla-
tors to "consider whether addi-
tional state troopers may be re-
quired in order that the children
of our state be protected."
Mrs. Wallace told the jointly
assembled House and Senate that
the court order-which she said
would force the closing of all Ne-
gro colleges as well as compel fac-
ulty as well as pupil integration
of public schools-"is calculated
to destroy the school system of

NEW YORK (M)-The unprece-
dented two-day old strike of four
broadcasting networks by the
American Federation of Television
and Radio Artists (AFTRA) may
last a week or more, network and
union spokesmen said yesterday.
"I'm afraid this could be a long
one," one Nationad Broadcasting
Co. management official said, and
an AFTRA spokesman echoed: "I
would certainly hope that isn't the
case, but it's entirely possible."
The walkout was in a dispute
involving 300 of AFTRA's 18,000
The on-the-air newscasters who
triggered the strike seek a revision
of their income formula, which
comibnes base salary and a per-
centage of commercial fees.
It appeared there was no chance
for settlement at least until to-
morrow when both sides were
ssheduled to meet in Washington
with a federal mediator.
In the meantime, network
supervisory personnel continued to
substitute for striking broadcasters
and announcers and filmed reruns
were substituted for programs
usually shown live or on video-
Feeling on the picket lines, es-
pecially at NBC, ran high over the
decision by Chet Huntley to go

on the air despite the strike.
He said he went on because he
did not feel that AFTRA was the
right group to represent him.
Some of the strikers, at a mid-
town bar frequented by NBC per-
sonnel, took down an autographed
photograph of Huntley, draped it
in black crepe paper and placed
it in the window.
Triple picketing of the NBC
Rockefeller Center headquarters
was planned during Huntley's
news program, shown in New York
at 7 p.m., to protest his appear-
ance. The NBC pickets were to be
joined by pickets from ABC and
Normally they picket only their
own networks.



Billy Wilder's


March 31 9-12 P.M.

Irma La Douce
(CinemaScope and Color)
6:30and 9:15 PM.
SUNDAY at 7 P.M. only


dir. Luis Bunvel,
1953. Spanish,
subtitles. An indictment
of bourgeois repression
& orthodox Christianity
The "what thev're



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An Evening of

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FRIDAY, March 31


8:30 P.M.

$1.00 per person


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* Dancing

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