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March 31, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-31

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01k ia

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Partly cloudy, with a
20 per cent chance of rain.

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXVII, No. 150




Candidates for City Council Emphasize U


The Ann Arbor City Council
election of April 3 pits two incum-
bent Republican councilmen from
the fourth and fifth w.ards against
two Democratic challengers, with-
out previous political experience.
In the fourth ward, Republican.
Councilman John Hathaway, a
local attorney and University
graduate, faces Miss Gail Green,
a University student, who also
holds a position with a local busi-
ness concern.
In the fifth ward incumbent
Republican Richard Balzhiser, an
assistant professor of chemical
engineering at the University, is
opposed by Robert Greathouse,
Democrat, a chemist with the Na-
tional Sanitation Foundation.
Though few students either live
or vote in the fourth and fifth

wards, many of the campaign
issues concern the city's relation-
ship with students and the Uni-
versity. Democratic victories in
both of these wards could alter
the majority on council.
In the fourth ward race, Miss
Green has come up with some of
the more novel approaches to the
problems of transportation during
the campaign. Stating that, "By
the time public transportation gets
started with adequate service, we
will have outgrown that concept."
Miss Green advocates a speed
transit system in cooperation with
Detroit and Ypsilanti, and event-
ually other major urban centers
on the Great Lakes.
Hathaway has come out in
favor of either abolishing the
present system or instituting a
comprehensive and effective bus
transportation, saying that there

is no need for the city to be sub-
sidizing the present limited one.
He would coordinate both the
school bus system and the Univer-
sity shuttle buses into what he
calls a truly effective'mass transit
The interrelated problems of a
lack of housing, a scarcity of
parking spaces and the traffic
congestion could be alleviated by
aggressive University action, as-
serts Miss Green. She proposes
that no students living within a
reasonable distance from campus
should own a car.;
Hathaway states that he feels
that there is a need for providing
more low-cost public housing than
the original 20 units which have
been scheduled thus far. He would
insure that the community in
which the housing was to be

placed would retain its original I personally "could do much morej Greathouse has criticized Balzhis-

character by attempting to "in-
tegrate the housing within exist-
ing community patterns."
He has come out in favor of a
police - community advisory com-
mittee, such as the one that was
in operation last summer, but
feels that a city ombudsman, a
professional trouble-shooter might
ultimately be more effective in
providing understanding between
the city and the community at,
Saying that information has
been withheld from the public
regarding last summer's advisory
committee, Miss Green feels that
there is probably no need for it.
She says that the police them-
selves are willing to discuss the
Miss Green has said that she

with council's money." She cites
inefficiency in purchasing, con-
tracting and 'building as respon-
sible for any deficit.
Councilman Hathaway has in-
sisted that the University has notI
lived up to its obligations. He
states that University payments
for city services "are not com-
mensurate with their use."
He claims that the University
in the Cinema Guild controversy
"passed the ball to the city in
the case and brought them in a
bad light," and called for "admire-
istrative fortitude" on the part of
the University in such cases. Miss
Green. on the other hind, states
the relations between the city and
the University are."quite good."
The fifth ward race is perhaps
the most bitter in the campaign.

er for not being a representative
of the people in what he calls the
"ghetto" area of the ward, the
second precinct. Balzhiser, stating
that he has serious objections to
his opponent, mentioned that he
would not like to see them Ln
On housing, Balzhiser claims
that before providing moro low-
rent housing financed by the city.
he would wait to see how effec-
tively the need is lnet by the pend-
ing 200 units. Greathouse, how-
ever, states that the proposed
units don't begin to meet the need
and that he would push for more.
Both candidates favor a co-
ordinated effort with school, pri-
vate and University transporta-
tion systems as the answer to the
problem but would also favor a

municipally owned system if the
former were not sufficient.
The candidates claim that rela-
tions with the University, while
es3cnwial)y good, are in need of
evalui tion. Balzhiser states that
while the direct financial contri-
bution from the University is
probably not sufficient, the in-i
direct benefit from Ann Arbor be-
ing its home. Similarly, Great-
house says that "the city could not
exist without the University."
Last summer's police-commun-
ity advisory committee is the
source of much contention be-
tween the candidates. Balzhiser,
acknowledging the "significant
contribution" of the committee,
has criticized several of the Negro
leaders on the board for disband-
ing it because they were thwarted
in their efforts to institute a civil-

ian review board. He states that,
such a relationship must be a
"two-way street" and claims that
the city police are both "under-
staffed and sensitive."
Greathouse calls the policeman
"a most powerful official with the
power of life or death over the
citizenry" and claims that they
must be kept under restraint. He
says that the police must have
power but that it should not "be
used to terrorize people."
He said that the problem of ten-
sions between the community and
tae police would be reduced if
more Negroes were on the police
Greathouse calls this area a
"ghetto, a non-white unit." He
says that "money and ingenuity
are urgently needed to eradicate
poverty and miserable living crm'-t












Vote Review
Of Conduct'
New JJC Members
Plan To Enforce Only
Student Made Rules
Nine new members of Joint Ju-
diciary Council were appointed by;
Student Government Council last
night despite a recommendation by
present members of JJC that SGC
"reject the entire slate of pro-
posed members to JJC and recon-
sider existing petitioners to fill
the vacancies.'
SGC added an amendment to
their approval of the JJC stating,
"It is the intention of Student
Government Council to review all!
rules of individual student con-
duct and formulate a code of rules
and regulations governing individ-
ual students before Sept. 15, 1967."j
The new members of JJC take of-
fice then.
The nine new JJC members had
been recommended for appoint-:
ment by a JJC-SGC committee.
However, after the present JJC
learned of the plans of several of
the recommended students, it met
and* voted unanimously to urge
rejection of the candidates.
Neill Hollenshead, '67 in com-
menting on the effects of the
amendment stated, "This will have
major ramifications concerning
regulations governing student con-
duct. Council has decided that stu-
dents can accept full responsibil-
ity for their decisions . in this
The present JJC members ob-
jected to the plans of new JJC
members not to uphold any rule
which had been passed by an ad-
ministrator or a student body act-
ing under administrative veto.
The two JJC members on the:
selection committee were Ken,
Krone, '66, and Seleha Schwalm,
Grad. Krone said at the SGC
meeting last night that if there
was any mistake involved in the'
recommendations the committee
made, it was because they did not
understand fully the action sev-
eral of the appointees anticipated
He said the JJC motion would
have thrown the decision on rec-
ommendations back to the selec-
tionvcommittee.CKrone, who has
no vote on JJC 'said "anything
JJC passes is not necessarily sup-
ported by me. In fact,.it porabably

U- M A41gan Batty
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL last night appointed{
Tom Darton, '69, and Steven Schneider, '68, to the Health Service
Investigating Committee.
They also recognized Cinema II and the Organization for
Students Aid to Ypsilanti State Hospital as student organizations
The approved constitution of Cinema II gives the organization
the right to use any profit for paying salaries to student members.
RAMPARTS MAGAZINE charged yesterday that the CIA is
bribing and blackmailing foreign students in the United States
to carry on intelligence activities in their home countries, offering
them a permanent visa and in some cases up to $10,000 a year to
become traitors."
It further charged that the Immigration Service has in one
case cooperated with the CIA by attempting to deport for several
years a student from Afghanistan who had refused to accept
offers of money and scholarship aid osi several occasions, even
though he is married to an American citizen and has children.j
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY has agreed to meet with leaders of
Michigan's migrant workers to discuss their grievances. A spokes-
man for the governor's office said the meeting has been tent-
atively set for Tuesday at 10:00, the Associate press reported
Romney first announced that the matter would be turned
over to an advisory council on farm labor. A handful of demon-
strators had marched from Saginaw to Lansing last week to
present a petition of grievances from the 800 Mexican-American
workers in the state.
panel discussion on "American-German Educational Systems-A {
Comparison" with Professor Stanley E. Limond, Alice Ptrumm,
and Valentine Rust at 8:00 tonight in the International Center.
All intersted persons are welcome and refreshments will be served.
MAO TSE-TUNG is either dead or incapacitated and a
double appears fors him at public functions, an expert on Red
China said yesterday. Miss Maria Yen, Peking-born director of
the. Union Research Institute in Hong Kong, said she realizes
many observers of the power struggle in China would disagree
with her, but she believes Mao may have died in January or
February 1966.
She told a reporter she bases her opinion.on reports drifting
out of Red' China, on the rise to prominence of Mao's wife,
Chiang Ching, and on the cultural revolution purge, the Asso-
ciated Press reported.

State Senate
Rejects Tax
Reform Bill
Package Referred to
Taxation Committee;
Romney Sees Support
The state S e n a t e yesterday
defeated Gov. George Romney's.
fiscal reform package by a 14-23
rollcall vote.
Fourteen Republicans voted for
the bill while six other GOP sen-
ators and 17 Democrats opposed
the measure, which would levy the
state's first income tax.
The defeat did not come as a
surprise, as most senators had pre-
dicted the bill would be defeated
in its initial vote. Indications,
however, were that fiscal reform
in some form will be approved
this year, and Romney remained
confident he can gain support in
the Legislature.
The bill was referred to the
Senate Taxation C o m m i t t e e,
which will have only two weeks
to work out compromise wording.
The haggling will most likely cen-
ter on the tax percentages, which
must be acceptable to at least 20
of the senators, the number nec-
Iessary to. pass a bill.
Allan F. Smith, vice-president
for academic affairs said yester-
day that the administration is
watching the tax reform efforts1
closely. "We are concerned that
the educational program of the
University would be adversely af-
fected by a failure to secure addi-
tional revenue through fiscal re-
form," he said. The current budget
recommendation allows the Uni-
versity $62.2 million.
Romney reacted to the news of
the bill's defeat by issuing a state-
ment saying the "vote in the Sen-
ate simply serves as an impetus
for the effort necessary to achieve
sound tax and budget action in
this legislative s e s s i o n." He
pledged to "continue to work to
See REJECT, Page 2

-Daily-Bernie Baker
IN GO THE ANSWER SHEETS and out come the exam scores as Mrs. Velma Knapp operates the
Bureau of Psychological Service's automatic test sco'ring machine. The exams are placed in a tray at
the right, run through the machine where a photocell scans the markings and prints the scores
at the top and are stacked in a tray on the left. The $35,000 machine can process 1,200 exams an hour
at top speed.
iNew Machine Grading:

Of Parents
One-tear Trial Based
On Recommendation
Submitted by SGC
Vice-President for Student Af-
.fairs Richard L. Cutler has ellmn-''
inated sophomore women's hours
on an experimental basis for one
year, effective for the fall term,
1967. Final authority rests with the
Regents, but a veto is not ex-
Sophomore women under 21 will
need parental permission to be
without hours -
During the experimental period,
OSA will consult counseling of-
fices, the Mental Health Clinic,
and residence halls staff in order
to weigh the merits of the move.
Before junior hours were elim-
inated there was a similar ex-
perimental period.
Last Thursday, Student Govern-
ment Council voted to recommend
that sophomore hours be elim-
inated. They talked to many ad-
ministrators, faculty members, and
counseling personnel~ before mak-
ing their recommendation. Cutler
considered the SGC information
and gathered his own information
before making his decision.
Present SGC members applaud-
ed the decision.
Bruce Kahn, '68, president of
SGC said, "I am , happy Vice-
President Cutler decided to go
along with the decision of council.
I. still feel that SGC should be the
body with the final authority in
the area of individual conduct
rules, -subject only to regentalr
Cutler said that apartment per-
mission for sophomore women is
not being considered at this time.

Students vs.


A technician places a pile of
papers in a tray on the boxy, gray
and blue machine and pushes a
couple of buttons. The machine
comes to life and, at a rate of one
every five seconds, the IBM 1230'
Optical Mark Scoring Reader
quietly reads and scores University'
students' exams.
Last year, the versatile $35,000'
reader processed 23,018 exams for
54 instructors teaching 195 courses
in 27 departments. The scoring of
28,496 elementary high school
aptitude tests for the University
Bureau of School Services, nearly
6,000 orientation tests and over
3,000 others brought the total to
over 76,000.x
Examinations which took hours
to be graded by hand can be pro-
cessed in minutes by Mrs. Velma
Knapp, assistant in the research,
evaluation and examination divi-
sion of the Bureau of Psychologi-
cal Counseling. Essentially the
only requirement for machine
grading is that the test be mul-
tiple choice and use the familiar
IBM answer sheet.
The m a c h i n e automatically
prints the number right and
wrong on the side of the answer
sheet, using a pattern set by a
"key." The key, an answer sheet
marked with all the correct an-
swers is fed through first and the
reader stores the correct answers
and compares each student's an-
erarvinst the kev.

mark more than one answer for
each question, they had better be-
lieve it. The "cheat button" on
the machine automatically rejects
any answer sheet on which there
is more than one mark for each
question on single-response tests.
The answer sheet is then turned
over to the instructor who ad-
ministered the test for hand pro-
cessing. Students who attempt to
beat the system by marking all
the answers may find themselves
in deep trouble.
The scoring machine is linked
to an automatic card punch which
transfers the answers and the

total scores to punch cards. The
punch cards can then be run
through a card sorter to deter-
mine the frequency distribution of
scores to compute grading curves.
The cards can also be run through
a computer for further analysis.
According to Mrs. Knapp, the
machine very rarely makes mis-
takes. When it does, she said, it is
usually on smudgy answer sheets.
Students are warned to use only
Number 2 pencils with good rea-
son. The machine, which optically
scans the answer sheets with a
photocell, cannot read marks
made with ink.

Cutler's Statement on Women's Hours

Student Voting Rights at Is sue

Second of Two Parts

Ann Arbor City Council and

The newly appointed members mayoral candidates strongly agree
are Joan Berger, Grad; Ben that the present state law govern-
Brody, '69; Susan Elan, '68;.Ken- ing voting residency requirements
neth Mogill, '69; Sandra Morter, discriminates against students.
'69; Michael Myers, '68: Ed Rob- Democratic candidate for mayor,
bins, Grad; Peter Steinberger, Dr. Edward Pierce urges- the im-
Grad; and Margaret Talburtt, '69. mediate elimination of the clause
Marlene Klein, '69, the tenth JJC in the state voting law, which
c'rn.4e~,,-,. , +hCamp ra r

: Hulcher says he "would not be
unfavorable to a declaration of
intent by students stating Ann
Arbor is their residence." He says
S t u d e n t Government Council
should work with City Council to'
make a revision of the present;
Democratic candidate in the
second ward, Jerome Du Pont, '67
Law, calls the present provision a
"bad law which ultimately must

idence in Ann Arbor in order to
John Feldkamp, Republican can-!
didate in the third ward, supports
abolition of the arbitrary distinc-
tion between students and other
citizens in voter registration.
Gene Wilson, third war Dem-
ocratic candidate, maintains that
"every student who is a resident
of Ann Arbor and considers Ann
Arbor his home has a "right and
an nhlfntainn f n piestpr" without

the text of the letter from
Richard L. Cutler, vice-presi-,
dent for student affairs, to
Bruce Kahn, president of the
Student Government Council
regarding the elimination of
sophomore women's hours.
I appreciate very much hav-'
ing received Student Govern-
ment Council's recommenda-
tions concerning the elimina-
tion of hours for sophomore
women, effective the fall term,
1967. I am grateful for the dili-
gence with which Student Gov-
ernment Council has approach-
Yd this question and also for the

inform myself of all aspects
of this question, using every
source available to me. I have
also considered the question
in the light of the expressed
philosophy of our office, which
takes as a major premise the
notion that the development
of responsible self-directed and
mature behavior goes forward
best in an atmosphere of grad-
ually increasing freedom to
make one's own decisions, and
to stand the consequences of
those decisions.
Based upon the above fac-
tors, I have concluded that it
is desirable to remove the cur-
few requirement for sophomore

amine the new policy in the
context of the doubts expressed
by certain of the persons from
whom . Student Government
Council sought advice. During
the year, I will call upon the
Counseling Division, 'the Men-
tal Hygiene Clinic, the Resi-
dence Halls staff, and other
persons close to the student
body to conduct a careful ap-
praisal of the effects of this
policy, and will ask them for
periodic reports. I am also
asking that Student Govern-
ment Council keep in touch
with student reaction in order
to help ascertain how the pol-
icy is affecting the lives of
+I- n+.A r+c -myr a

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