THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Salisbury: Hanoi CannotBe Forced To Ne rotiate HONG KONG (A)-Harrison E. Salisbury, an assistant managing editor of the New York Times, said yesterday he does not believe that Communist North Vietnam cas be "compelled to come to a conference table." "These people strike me as being very tough, very hardy, very in- dependent and very courageous," Salisbury said in a taped interview with Radio Hong Kong after his two-week visit to North Vietnam. "They said, and I rather believe them, that you cannot drag them to the conference table: that they can't be beaten into submission. "They would rather go back to the jungles and the mountains and fight a guerilla war for 20 years against the United States as they did against the French." Hanoi Visit Reporting his findings during two weeks of talks and observation in the Communist capital, Salis- bury said he did not believe a serious military defeat would force Hanoi into negotiations. "I think there are two circum- stances which highly color the thinking of the North Vietnam- ese," Salisbury said. "One is their defeat. of the French at Dien Bien Phu. This is their greatest achievement, to their way of thinking, and I think that they cannot help when they are considering the prospect of the further course of the war, they can't help believing that some- time there may be an opportunity for a Dien Bien Phu against the United States. "Secondly I believe that they are deeply conditioned by their experience, first with the French in the negotiations immediately after the war and then again with the results of the Geneva negoti- ations. In both cases they feel, rightly or wrongly, that they were let down, that they reached an agreement and the other side re- fused to abide by them. Need Reassurance "As a result of that they say, time and again quite openly, that they have to be doubly sure this time if they go into negotiations it's going to be one in which the agreement can be enforced. And those terms, "an agreement which can be enforced," were used spe- cifically to me by Pham Van Doag, their prime minister." Salisbury said American policy with regard to the bombing of North Vietnam "seems to me to have been a little bit unclear." "We started it with the con- tention that it was designed toI bring the North Vietnamese to the conference table. In other words, we would increase the mili- tary pressure on them and when they felt it enough, they would be willing to negotiate. "Well, we have been at it for nearly two years and, as far as I can see, .negotiations are just about as far away as ever." New Bombing Theory Salisbury said that he had heard a more recent explanation that the bombing is aimed at im- proving morale in South Vietnam "by showing them that we were really hurting the North Viet- namese regime." "Now if the second reason is the main purpose," he said, "I think we have hurt the North Vietnamese by bombing." Salisbury said that from what he observed during his visit to North Vietnam, most of the coun- try has become the target of the bombers. Evident Damage "That is to say, you could sel- dom travel a mile anywhere in the country without seeing visible evi- dence of the bombing offensive somewhere along the way," he said. He said the reason for this is that the prime military objectives of U.S. planes are North Vietnam's highways, bridges and railroads which ususally run parallel to the highways. "So, when you travel along in the country to see the bomb dam- age, you don't have to be shown the bomb damage, it's right there. "And, inevitably, when you're bombing a railroad, or a highway, and the highway or the railroad runs through villages, the villages get it along with the highway." Agrarian Land Salisbury observed that these were the main objectives, as noted in U.S. military communiques, be- cause North Vietnam is a simple agrarian land with no complex industries that he could see. Salisbury said that as far as he could see there don't seem to be many oil depots left in North Viet- nam. "They've all been knocked out by the bombing," he asserted. Salisbury was asked whether he saw any evidence of indiscrim- inate bombing of civilians and nonmilitary targets. Houses Hit' "Yes, it is bound to happen and you run into the eternal question which cannot be resolved: what the bombardier was attempting to hit when he dropped the bombs and what he actually hit," Salis- bury replied. Salisbury said he saw many in- stances where bombs had de- stroyed houses and small shops. It has happened so often, he add- ed, that the North Vietnamese are now convinced that it is U.S. pol- icy to bomb civilians. Antiaircraft Batteries Asked whether he saw evidence to support U.S. claims that the hard-hit city of Nam Dinh is ringed with antiaircraft batteries, Salisbury said it certainly had antiaircraft protection, as do all of the larger towns in North Viet- nam. "All I can say is, I didn't see any ring of antiaircraft defenses anywhere except around Hanoi,' he added. "There are plenty of them around Hanoi." Salisbury said that he got the impression that antiaircraft de- fenses in the countryside weie fairly sparse. "If there were 500 antiaircraft batteries in the whole Hanoi- Haiphong complex, I would be quite astonished," he said. Freedom to Write The newsman, a former cor- respondent for the Times in Mos- sow, said he was able to do his job "remarkably well" during his stay because he could write "quite freely" and the Communist au- thorities let his dispatches go through uncensored. Salisbury said restrictions placed on him during his two-week stay in Hanoi were "mild considering the fact that this is a country engaged in a very tough war." I Peking Calls For Assault ICAPITAL REACTIONS: Congress Wary of Tax Rise; Social Security Has Priority On Anti=-Maoist Elements son start a new assault on the order to destroy the cultural rev( coounterrevolutionary line," the lution" i 0' TOKYO (P)-The Chinese Com- munist party Central Committee called on the army and "all revo- lutionary forces" yesterday to "start a new assault" on the foes of Mao Tse-tung, Radio Peking announced. So far as is known, the army has taken but little part in the purge sweeping China. As the call went out,.wall post- ers in Peking said strikes and sabotage by workers and others opposing the purge had spread from Canton in the south to the Taching oil fields in the extreme north. Canton radio broadcast re- peated alerts to electrical workers to prevent sabotage in the city's power plants. Japanese press reports from Pe- king said rail traffic was virtually paralyzed on the mainland be- cause many railway workers had flocked to Peking to take part in the purge, as has been the fash- ion of Mao's militant young Red Guards. Wall posters quoted Pre- mier Chou En-lai as urging the workers to return to their jobs. A Chinese language broadcast said the Central Committee's statement was issued jointly with the ruling State Council, the par- ty's military committe and cul- tural revolutionary workers. Shanghai Example "We call on all parties, govern- ments, military, people, workers, farmers, revolutionary students, intellectuals and leaders to learn the experience of the Shanghai revolutionary workers and in uni- MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH: Successful Heart Transplants:. Dogs Survive After Surgery statement said.I The statement was referring to pro-Mao forces in Shanghai, where strikes and violence earlier had been reported by the People's Daily. This call was coupled with an editorial appearing in the People's Daily and the theoretical journal Red Flag calling on all pro-Mao forces to "stand up and take emergency action" to crush the counterrevolutionary forces. "We warn a handful o fthose stubbornly clinging to the bour- geois reactionary line to make a last-minute reconsideration and surrender to the revolutionary people," said the editorial broad- cast by Peking. "Otherwise, they will bring upon themselves evil results." The handful were not named but they apparently referred to backers of President Liu Shao- chi, an object of Mao's purge. Refer to Strikes Referring to the strikes report- ed spreading across the country, the editorial said Mao's foes "also incited the masses to walk off their jobs in an attempt to take over factories, causing production of some factories to halt. They also paralyzed transportation in world NeU Thus it appeared that some rail- way workers had joined the Liu faction, in addition to those pro- Mao railwaymen flocking to Pe- king. "Yours is a false revolution," posters quoted Chou as telling the railway workers. "Peking's call was for each worker to carry out revo- lution in his own workshop. Chou also complained that the railway workers had forcibly taken the railway minister, Lu Cheng- tsao, to a place about 12 miles southwest of Peking wherehe was denounced and "dragged about four or five days." Chou disclosed the strike at the Taching oil field, Red China's largest which produces about three million tons of oil annually. He said leaders treading a bougeois line had "inspired some workers ' to abandon their posts" causing "a tremendous loss in production." In addition to the oil fields, wall posters and the official New China News Agency have reported strikes, sabotage and resistance to the purge in Canton, in the south- east port of Foochow, in Shanghai and Hangchow farther north, in the tri-city complex of Wuhan in central China, in the old Nation- alist capital of Nanking, in Pe- king and in Mudken in Manchuria. SRoundup WASHINGTON () - Congress took a "let's not be hasty" attitude yesterday toward President John- son's proposal for a 6 per cent income tax surcharge to continue while Vietnam war costs remain high. Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, (D- Ark), said at the moment the House Ways and Means Commit- tee has not changed its plan to give first priority to proposals for Social Security benefit increases. Majority Leader Carl Albert, (D-Okla.), said he expects the first piece of major legislation actually to reach the House floor will be a catchall appropriation bill to cover government expend- itures until July 1. Swollen mainly by war costs, the bill has been projected at $10 billion up. From the comments, it was ap- parent Congress will want to know, more about several factors before deciding whether to tap Individual and corporate incomes for an es- timated $4.5 billion more in the first year of a tax increase. Three Questions The questions to be examined are: -Just how much Johnson pro- poses to spend on various domestic programs and whether the law- makers are in a mood to hold the' lie or cut back in these. Johnson in his State of the Union mes- sage gave only an over-all total, -$135 billion spending in the year beginning July 1. Republicans said the figure was unrealistic, consid- ering what he proposed. -What course the U.S. econo- my takes during the nmxt few months - specifically, whether. there are any signs of a down- turn that might be critically ag- gravated by a big tax increase. -Whether the Federal Reserve Board displays willingness, in con- sideration of the anti- inflatiouary effect of a tax raise, to move in the direction of cheaper and more abundant money for borrowing. The building industry, especially, could be helped out of a current slump by an easier money policy. Not Urgent Rep. John W. Byrnes of Wis- consin, senior Republican mem- ber of the Ways and Means Com- mittee, remarked, "The President certainly didn't present the tax increase with any urgency behind it. He evidently doesn't expect Congress to consider it on a crash basis." Byrnes said he thinks the great Business Reactions Mixed On Johnson Tax Proposals, majority of Congress feel as he does-that a tax increase should not even be considered until after a close study of the full budget proposals. The Ways and Means Commit- tee plans extensive early hearings on the proposed 20 per cent aver- age increase in Social Security benefits. This could mean hearings on a tax increase might not even begin before April. RICHMOND, Va. OP) - Two surgeons at the Medical College of Virginia have successfully transplanted hearts from dog cadavers to dogs, the surgeons said yesterday. And one of them, Dr. Richard J. Cleveland, predicted -:the first human heart transplant "within five years." He ,added, however, that he was reluctant to boost re- covery hopes of persons with chronic or terminal heart disease. Dr. Cleveland, 34, a native of Foxboro, Mass., and Dr. Richard R. Lower, 37, of Detroit, said eight of 10 dogs with cadaver hearts have lived more than 48 hours without additional treatment. Others, with hearts transplanted from living donors, have survived for more than a year. The startling transplant experi- ments were disclosed in a paper the surgeons prepared for a trans- plantation conference, sponsored by the University of California, at Santa Barbara. Dr. Cleveland, who explained the paper in an interview, said that of the first 10 dogs receiving GOP, Dixiecrat Coalition Threat to LBJ's Legislation WASHIINGTON (W) - The old Four Republicans voted solidly coalition of Republicans and against Powell. Democrats were Southern Democrats appears back split with Northerners generally in business in the House after de- supporting the Harlem congress- feating the Democratic leadership man and Southerners opposing in test votes. him. The result of balloting Tuesday The House then turned to adop- on efforts to seat Rep. Adam Clay= tion of rules, and the leadership ton Powell and on. adoption of promptly got licked again. House rules bodes ill for the John- Lose Liberal Rules son administration. A move by Majority Leader Carl For it showed strong discipline B. Albert to keep last session's among Republicans and also that liberal rules, adopted when Demo- the November election defeated crats enjoyed a 295-140 majority, enough Democrats to take away was blocked 224 to 196. the working majority the admin- Tuesday's actions, coming on top istration enjoyed the past session. of twin rebuffs administered Mc- After winning re-election as Cormack Monday by the Demo- speaker by a party-line vote of cratic caucus voting to oust Pow- 246 to 186, John W. McCormack ell as chairman of the House Edu- scarcely won anything else. cation and Labor Committee and A leadership move to seat Pow- on election of the House clerk, un- ell pending an investigation of his doubtedly will have a psychologi- activities was defeated 305 to 126 cal effect. Republicans lost prac- and a Republican motion to keep tically every House vote the past him out pending an investigation two years. Their appetites were was then adopted, 364 to 64. whetted by Tuesday's victories. cadaver hearts, nine survived sur- gery. Of these, one died 24 hours after the operation, and the re- maining eight lived more than 48 hours before the hearts stop- ped. In another experiment, one dog lived five weeks and another three months when given drugs to com- bat the natural rejection reaction. The experiments have proved initially, Dr. Cleveland said, that a cadaver heart can be cooled four hours and. have enough func- tional reserve left to support the new host completely." The natural reaction of a humani or animal receiving a transplant- ed organ is to reject it, he said. The' rejection rate among kidney transplants has been high with death often resulting from anti- rejection drugs. "It's quite possible that the' heart may be as antigenic-in- compatible-as the kidney," Dr. Cleveland said. "This is just an impression. I wouldn't want to say* this is based on scientific fact." The two surgeons, consequently, are channeling their efforts in two areas: development of new drugs to combat rejection, and experi- ments to "preserve the heart so it can be without oxygen or circula- tion for what we consider to be a prolonged period of time," "Our data indicate," Dr. Cleve- land said, "that cooling the heart to 5 degrees centigrade affords ample protection for the heart for a period of four hours and that it allows us to transplant a heart which is capable of imme- diately supporting the new host." Cleveland said transplant ex- perimenters face three problems: how to obtain the organ, how to transplant it, and how to combat the natural rejection. NEW YORK (5-Many of the nation's business leaders found little to cheer about in President+ Johnson's proposals for a 6 per+ cent surcharge on personal and corporate income taxes. A few ap- proved. Some of those interviewed in an Associated Press survey saw the surcharge as a mistake and a dis- appointment. Others approve Viet- nam war expenditures but wanted Great Society programs trimmed. Another called for the restora- tion of the 7 per cent investment tax credit removed last year. "It is a great mistake," said Cris Dobbins, president of a Den- ver cement company. "Our econo- my, except in the government sec-7 tor, is declining and a tax increase, would have a further deteriorat- ing affect." "I think it's the wrong thing to do," said Carl Grove, president of the retail trade bureau in Port- land, Ore., where a 15 per cent; state tax boost also is proposed. "If we kill the goose, there aren't going to be many golden aggs." But the President's proposal drew support from First National City Bank of New York, the na- tion's third largest. "We believe ,that .a temporary surtax geared to Vietnam war re- quirements would be justified to keep the budget deficit from get- ting out of hand," the bank said. Thomas S. Gates, board chair- man of Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. in New' York City and secre- tary of defense under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, wired con- gratulations to Johnson on his "courageous" message. In San Francisco, Rudolph Pe- terson, president of the Bank of America, the nation's largest, said he was concerned with Johnson's economic decisions although "it is difficult to disagree with any of his objectives." In Chicago, Chairman Joseph L. Block of Inland Steel Co. said, "A tax increase would appear neces- sary to avoid a greater budget deficit and to stabilize the econ- LONDON-U.S. and Soviet ne- gotiators have agreed on a treaty to halt the spread of nuclear weapons, but their governments must still approve it, qualified diplomats said Tuesday night. The sources said the break- through in the disarmamentstale- mate was achieved last month briefing officers said the four-day toll of enemy dead climbed to 165. South Vietnamese government forces were in five scattered en- gagements elsewhere A spokes- man said the troops, with aerial suport, killed 172 Viet Cong and captured 26. Subscribe To THE MICHIGAN DAILY, following a series of secret ex- .lm..mmmm. m m.mmm.m.. ... .. .mmmmmm --m-=i m-m-im -mmmminmmmm-mmmmm-mm wmm changes in New York and Geneva. NEW YORK-The stock market ;. M 'experienced a dizzying plunge, SAIGON-Peasants took to the then moved up for a healthy gain roads with their lovestock, chick- and its third heaviest trading ini es and householdgoods inexodushistory yestedyithwaeoPrsenJohlnson's Statewokethe M USK ET- Don't M ss t from the Iron Triangle yesterday " rsdn ono' tt fteyetra ntewk f while U.S. fighting men pressed Union request for a 6 per cent sur- I a hunt for the Viet Cong in that charge on income taxes. bms long-time iCommunist stamping , At the market closing, the DowI' One of the biggest complaints of last year's show was that there ground. Jones industrial average of 30,I were not enough tickets available. In an attempt to solve this problem American armored columns and stocks recorded a gain of 8.35UT infantrymen skirmished frequent- points to 822.49-a long climb MUSKET will perform eleven shows of OUT OF OUR MINDS with two ly with small enemy groups in this from the 11.47-point drop to shows on Friday and Saturday nights each, for two successive weekends. biggest offensive of the war, 20 802.67 that 'was recorded early in Hrs to 30 miles north of Saigon, and the morning. However, the enthusiastic response to the new show indicates that you i shouldn't wait to buy your tickets. This looks like a production which really should not be missed, as it will be an exciting and memorable night ; in the theater. r II LI. E I.awDELIom 0m amSEam m' m m'ht tm mm mm m n-m a===mm umm mm ----------m mam mm mmm~mi iI UAC MUSKET '67 p r es e t sTICKETS:, B * Block Sales LUC) January 13 LKSNGERSIndividualSales Susan Haycock and Bill Weiske start rJanuary 16 This Sunday, January 15 at 5:30 Lydia Mendelssohn CALLiBox Office 663-4129 the new mAusical ll Seats $2.50 For reservations Performances: ~&i rw Jf-~~kDate: I I