I --mml ..,:": r , 014r Mlr4tgau BatIgy Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ROGER RAPOPORT: Summit Meeting at the Ponchartrain zI'.z Where Opinions AFe 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Wil Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 .ti.L .YY: l:.::::::{ti}R .1Y, . .1.SS : .R1L". Y.::::::. ,I Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE A Word of Thanks YEAR-LONG SEARCH for a new University president has ended with the appointment of Robben Wright Flem- ing to succeed Harlan Hatcher. The Regents, and particularly Robert Briggs, are to be commended on a fine and thorough job of selection. They work- ed closely with the faculty, student and alumni advisory committees. They com- piled extensive information on all can- didates and conducted interviews with leading prospects. In their final days of decision, they once again consulted advisory representatives and joined with them in interviewing Chancellor Flem- ing. The whole process exemplifies the smooth workings that can be realized be- tween various factions of the University community. It has demonstrated that traditional opponents can cooperate read- ily in an atmosphere of trust and re- spect. 0 THE REGENTS and Robert Briggs, chairman of the Regents' Presidential Selection Committee, to Prof. Arthur Eastman afid his Faculty Advisory Com- mittee, to Gretchen Groth and her Stu- dent Advisory Committee and to the Alumni Committee, we extend our grati- tude. And to Robben Fleming, we give our warmest welcome. The appointment proc- ess has indicated that he will have the support of all interested members of the community, and he could do no bet- ter than to further the spirit of coopera- tion with which his selection was made. -ROBERT KLIVANS Editorial Director FOR ALL PRACTICAL purposes, Robben W. Fleming became the ninth president of the University of Michigan last Friday evening over an extended dinner meeting in a private dining room at Detroit's posh Ponchartrain Hotel. The special session to consider Fleming on Fr iday was called after he notified the Regents that he had been offered the presidency of the University of Minne- sota, March 19. Because he was a prime presidential prospect all the Regents wanted to take a close look at him before it was too late. Other top contenders like Franklin Murphy, Chancellor of the University of California at Los Angeles, and U.S. Secretary of Health Education and Welfare John Gardner had already indicated they would not take the post. The only other serious contender, University of California Berkeley Chancellor Roger Heyns, lacked sufficient Regental support. Fleming and his wife (who had flown in from Madison) met with six Regents, four representatives of the various presidential advisory committees and their respective spouses. Fleming was grilled intensively in the Detroit hotel by the Regents and representatives of the three pres- idential advisory committees. Fleming fielded tough questions for three hours Fri- day night. While playing to no special audience Fleming apparently had all the right answers. "Everyone was terribly impressed," says one Regent. ON SATURDAY MORNING the four advisory com- mittee members, Gretchen Groth, Grad, Prof. Paul McCracken of the Business School, Prof. Arthur East- man of he English Department and alumnus Joseph Hooper all indicated they favored Fleming. (Meanwhile, back in Ann Arbor, the Wisconsin Chancellor took his first full tour of the campus here, accompanied by Mrs. Robert P. Briggs, wife of the chair- man of the Regents presidential selection committee.) After the advisory committee members left the De- troit meeting the Regents discussed the matter and then took up the question of making Fleming "A Harvard Offer": If we made you an offer would you be interested?' Since the Regents were aware that Fleming was very seriously interested in the job here (he was stalling Minnesota) they were essentially voting Saturday whether or not Fleming would become the next Presi- dent. At that point only one other candidate was really in the running-Heyns. For a variety of reasons Heyns was unacceptable to a majority of the Regents. (The Regents had report- edly not been in touch with him since the middle of the month.) As vice-president for academic affairs here Heyns had miffed sensitive administrators in the business school, stirred controversy in the office of business and finance with his handling of budgeting, and won a scattering of enemies. WHILE HEYNS WAS the top choice of the student and faculty advisory committee only one Regent backed him vocally (a second privately favored Heyns). How- ever, the rest of the Regents were particularly cool toward Heyns. Among other things the Regents felt it would be better to bring in someone from the outside with a clean slate. Thus the Regents knew that if they didn't pursue Fleming they would be forced to begin their search anew and quite possibly end up with a second choice. The Regents talked the matter over and agreed to make Fleming a "Harvard offer." Fleming promptly said he would take the job and the Regents decided through phone conversations over the weekend to have a meeting Tuesday to publicly decide they wanted to make Fleming an offer. The Regents kept a tight rein on their decision- on Monday only two press-release preparing University Relations officials and President Hatcher were told that Fleming was the new man. To their chagrin the vice-presidents were kept in suspense. One even found himself contacting reporters to get the scoop. Tuesday morning the Regents voted to offer Fleming the job. Regents Briggs, who has worked tirelessly on the selection, left the room to make the last of hundreds of Presidential phone calls. After several minutes of ad-libbing by Regent Cudlip on the Honors Convocation Briggs returned with the news that Fleming accepted. Moment later the news service handed out mimeo- graphed copies of Fleming's 300 word statement of ac- ceptance which was released simultaneously in Wis consin. * LOOKING UNDERNEATH the press release gloss, it appears-that the Regents picked Fleming for a host of right reasons: " Formost they wanted a-man with proven ability to work with faculty and students. Fleming had per- formed well in Wisconsin and was fully supported by faculty and student advisory groups here. (The Regents made it clear that they would not pick a president opposed by the faculty and student advisory committees.) While the faculty and student advisors favored Heyns, they were glowingly optimistic about Fleming. "He's just like Heyns except that he doesn't have any enemies," said one advisor who backed Heyns but has no regrets about Fleming. The Regents thought that a lack of initial opposition would be an asset to a new president. "It's usually best to clean a place out with a new broom," says one Regent. * They also wanted a man eager to plunge into the perpetual controversy here. "He recognizes that em- barassment comes with the job. He's not afraid of con- flict, he realizes diversity is what makes a university great," said a Regent. " A host of smaller, yet relevant considerations also crystallized in the appointment of Fleming. Obviously he timing was significant. Fleming had been contacted originally by he Michigan Regents long before his initial discussions with the Minnesota Regents. Thus he felt obligated to wait out the Michigan decision before taking the Minnesota offer. Fleming's wife (a far more imporant factor than many may realize or admit) is considered perfect for her vast social duties. And at 50, Fleming is "exactly the right age for the post," explains a Regent. STILL, IF FLEMING was the right choice a host of questions remain. The former law school professor has been a college administrator at Wisconsin for only three years. As he candidly confessed Friday night he has not yet developed and "overall perspective" of exactly where the University is going. Explains one member of the student advisory com- mittee: "He hasn't really formulated a specific overall philosophy of the university. He's been doing a lot of reading and thinking about the matter recently." Still, Fleming will be actively searching for new ways of making sense out of the university. The result could be a badly-needed shake-up here. "He'll want to take a close look at many of the sacred cows here. and many may fall by the wayside," predicts one top official. In short, Fleming may turn his handicap into an asset. Because his philosophy of the university is open not ossified, he may infuse this school with a badly- needed dose of re-examination. A4 I 4 Ghetto Immorality Play LESLIE BIEDERMAN, 24, the Detroit school teacher who was barred from the classroom because he encouraged his students to produce a play about life in the big city ghettos, is one of the few individuals who has a real grasp of the meaning of education. Obviously 'the school officials don't. Despite the fact that Jefferson Junior High School is itself located in the heart of Detroit's inner city at the Lodge Free- way and Selden, regional school super- intendent Arnold Meier thought that the "numerous instances of profanity and references to sex" in the play "A Thou- sand Leaders Among You"-written by a Wayne State instructor-were "objection- able." His reasoning sounds hollow against the background of protests of parents of the Jefferson students who said that the realistic portrayal was certainly not of- fensive. This does not speak well for Meier's educational philosophy which would advocate escape from, rather than confrontation with, reality. THE CASTING of a 15-year-old girl as a prostitute in the play-one of its "ob- jeactionable" facets-comes as no great shock to children raised in an environ-, ment like the Jefferson inner city area. Described in the newspapers as a "de- teriorated area," the neighborhood is the backdrop of rapes and back alley fights, and is frequented by alcoholics and street walkers. At Franklin Elementary School, in a similar area near Briggs Stadium, the principal is concerned with prostitu- tion among the students themselves. As Mrs. Mildred Matthews, Baptist youth di- rector, said, the play is 'no worse than what the children see personally and in the movies all the time." According to Biederman, the students in his civics class were familiar with ghetto living and urban renewal and were interested in learning how to cope with it. He had the sense to realize that by allowing the student to discuss the play they would be analyzing not only a piece of literature, but their own lives as well. STUDENTS,FORCED to submit to the edicts of blundering "educators" who strive to protect them from the harshness of life, will grow to mistrust those who speak of the good life that can't be had in the ghetto. If Biederman's suspension is not revok- ed, the cause of education will have re- ceived a setback. But because he is one of the few who has dared to challenge the system, he doesn't seem in a position to win the favor of the school board. As Mrs. Matthews explained so clearly, "They are out to get him." -ANNE BUESSER Aid Art, MORTON FELDMAN, one of America's most distinguished young composers, will perform and discuss his original works today in a benefit for the Artistic Grants Fund of the Dramatic Arts Cen- ter. The concert will be given at 8:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church of Ann Arbor, 1917 Washtenaw. General ad- mission is $2, with special student price of $1. All proceeds from this affair will go to the Grants Fund which provides support for young filmmakers, artists and sculp- tors. -ANDREW LUGG .4 Eyeball to Eyeball, wi th a Recession? By PAUL W. McCRACKEN Professor of Business Admin. IS THE AMERICAN economy in an eyeball-to-eyeball confron- tation with another recession? This question has been asked with increasing frequency in recent weeks-and with some reason. The evidence that the boom was faltering began to emerge around the turn of the year. The pace of the advance in production and sales was decelerating as we moved into 1967. Industrial. pro- duction showed declines in Janu- ary, after good though decreasing gains through most of 1966, and there was a sharp further reduc- tion in February. And retail sales slumped badly in February. Much of this sales weakness, unfortunately for Michigan, cen- tered in autos. Indeed, auto sales (including imports) sagged in Feb- ruary to not over a 7% million an- nual rate, down 8-9 per cent from January. This was a shortfall of about 25 per cent from the year- ago pace, but that comparison is made unduly horrendous by spe- cial factors making sales abnor- mally high early in 1966. With the resumption of General Mo- tors production, and slightly less bilious treatment from the weath- erman, auto sales seem to have come up to roughly a 7% million rate in March. While employment and incomes. have continued to perform well, these are slow-moving indicators whose viscosity makes them insen- sitive to early changes in eco- nomic canditions. Moreover, the length of the w'ork week has de- clined. ARE THESE weaknesses mere- ly an airpocket in the economy's inevitably uneven pace of ad- vance? Or is this advance, which began in 1963, now in its latter days? These have now become the key questions. What we are now seeing is quite clearly a bona fide deterioration of business conditions. For one thing consumers as long as a year ago began to show emergent uneasiness. The Survey Research Center's work here picked up a discernible decline in consumer sentiment early in 1966, and it be- came more marked through the year. And th4 Bureau of the Cen- sus survey of buying plans show a significant reduction in plans to buy new cars and household durables in the first half of 1967.d The boom in business expendi- tures for new facilities has also found the wind going out of its sails. The new survey of busi- ness plans for outlays on new fa- cilities was unexpectedly bearish, and its results were undoubtedly a major factor in the administra- tion's precipitate recommendation for a resumption of the investment credit and accelerated deprecia- tion. The survey made in Novem- ber and released in December in- dicated that these outlays would rise to the horizon of the survey (mid-1967). The survey whose re- sults became available this month shows outright declines during the first half of 1967, with only a sluggish and uncertain recovery later in the year. The most ominous development The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail, $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor Mich., 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 423 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. in the current economic scene is the large build-up in inventories. In the fourth quarter of 1966 business inventories were rising at the rate of $17.6 billion per year. Not over half that rate (perhaps $7-8 billions is consistent with, the on-going pace of the econo- my. Early evidence suggests that since the turn of the year the rate of inventory accumulation has dropped to perhaps a $10 bil- lion rate, but this is stilltoo high. Production schedules are, there- fore, being cut back to moderate this inventory build-up, and new orders are falling. THE SOURCE of the problem is to be found in the go-stop course of economic policy. After the well- timed and well-executed tax re- duction of 1964 (actually propos- ed by President Kennedy E in Au gust, 1962), the economy moved into the zone of full employment in the second half of 1955, with unemployment at 4.0 per cent by year end. Unfortunately both mon- etary and fiscal policy at that point took a perverse turn. They should have become less expansive as the economy eased into the full- employment growth path. Instead they went the other way. The money supply, a useful cali- bration of Federal Reserve or monetary policy, accelerated from an 8 per cent annual rate of in- crease in the first half of 1965 to a 10.6 per cent pace in the second half. This was desirable only if the economy should have been on a 10-11 per cent per year growth trend-obviously undesirable since its capacity for further real growth was not over 4-41/2 per cent an- nually. And the budget took a perverse . .6 billion swing to a deficit in the second half of 1965. Now there is nothing Mephist- ophelian about deficits, but a large budgetary swing to a deficit is not in order when the economy is on the verge of over-heating. At the point where the economy needed a mild sedation, in short, it got a couple of pep pills. Then entered the January, 1966 Budget Message with its large un- derestimate of defense spending for fiscal year 1967. (In the final quarter of fiscal year 1967, these outlays will actually be at the rate of $10-12 billion per year beyond that implied in the Janu- ary, 1966 Budget Message.) This made for a tax increase a year ago that was also too small, and the budget again shifted into a deficit position in the second half of 1966. Thus the whole burden for re- straining the accelerating economy fell on monetary policy. The Fed- eral Reserve tightened up sharply, so severely that by October and November there was outright mon- etary contraction. Thus we shift- ed from an excessively expansion- ist policy in 1965 to an excessive- ly restrictive policy by mid-1966. The economy cannot adjust smoothly to these sharp swings in fiscal and monetary policy, as we are once again finding. FORTUNATELY monetary and fiscal policies are now laying the basis for a renewed expansion. Federal Reserve policy, after near- ly locking its brakes, resumed an orderly rate of expansion in De- cember. Easier credit and mone- tary policies in key European countries (Germany, Britain, Bel- gium, the Netherlands) are now also giving us more scope for monetary expansion here - with- out courting the risk of an out- flow of funds that would further disequilibrate our balance of pay- ments. And the actual rate of monetary expansion since Decem- ber has been in the 10 per cent per year zone. The federal budget will also be highly expansionist, more than the figures might seem to imply. While the President's Budget Mes- sage projected a sharp reduction in the cash deficit next year (FY 1968), several adjustments must be made to get at the "economic deficit." Sales of government fi- nancial assets, though treated as a "negative expenditure" that re- duces the stated deficit, are real- ly a means of financing. Seignior- age profits (coinage profits) are treated as a "receipt," but they withdraw no purchasing power as do taxes. The 6 per cent surtax is also excluded, and the restoration of accelerated depreciation and the investment credit is assumed for FY 1968. On this basis the federal budget is moving to an "economic" deficit of at least $16 billion, and it could well be even somewhat larger. This is a potent fiscal stim- ulant. WE THUS shall probably wob- ble through the next few months with a minor recedence in produc- tion and sales. The present de- terioration-Is sufficiently well-de- fined so that we must expect a few more months of bad news about business conditions. We should, however, emerge in the latter part of the year with a renewed expansion. If so the fore- cast of the Council of Economic Advisers (ably chaired by Michi- gan's Gardner Ackley) of a rise in GNP from $740 billion in 1966 to $787 billion in 1967 may yet turn out to be only slightly high. The author is Edmund Ezra Day professor of business admin- istration at the University. Re- cently appointed to a special presidential commission to re- view the federal budget, Prof. McCracken testified before the Joint Economic Committee of Congress in February. He serv- ed as a member of President Ei- senhower's Council of Economic Advisers from 1956 to 1959, and has written, numerous journal articles, and several books. His latest, "Consumer Installment Credit and Public Policy," was published in 1965. A vi s {I Annual Rate of Increase in Production and Sales Period 1966 - First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Indust. Production 13.2% 7.5 3.1 3.1 Retail Sales 12.1% -2.2 5.0 -5.7 16.0 -21.0 1967 - January -7.8 February (1) -17.2 Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. (1) Preliminary 3 :: tr:" :{:'::::4} " ; ri. p YP-{. ;rS."".}"r:.* ~. .r. The Federal Budget Surplus and the Annual Rate of Increase in the Money Supply Increase in Period Budget Surplus (1) Money Supply 1965- First half $ 4.5 8.0% Second half -1.4 10.6 1966 - First half 3.0 7.4 Third quarter -0.5 3.4 Fourth quarter -3.5 0.9 1967 - First quarter (2 -6.0 11.0 Source: Business Cycle Developments, February, 1967, pp. 31-2. Time deposits are included in the money supply. The budget is on a national income basis. (1) Seasonally adjusted annual rate, natioial income basis (preliminary estimate) (2) My own estimates. 4 Plant and Equipment Expenditures (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate in Billions) 'I Year - Quarter 1966 - Third Fourth 1967 - First Survey 11/65 $61.25 62.60 63.45 Conducted In: 2/67 $61.25 62.80 62.60 62.25 63.25(1) 64.00(1) Federal Cash Surplus (in Billions) Second 64.05 Third - Fourth Source: S.E.C. & Department of Commerce. (1) Quarterly phasing of second-half estimate. Fiscal Year Stated Deficit 1966 $ -3.3 1967 -6.2 1968 -4.3 Source: Basic data from Budget Message, "Economic Deficit" $ -7.0 -11.2 -16.0 January 1967. A ,... . .. ",".r."... r. ."...". ."." .". " "". . .. .".". . .. : .. : NVY.. I 'M1.V'NV :r,::r5:t'.Yr''.'lp J..:"W W..:.. V"r . y r. ,r.. .i*.... ... .,. .r... . .M. . .... ..... .r . ...r ..r. . . .. . . ... .. "" .{n . . .Y .rr 5' S1 " ............... .. -