EXTRA, ia. I1 r Sir i an ~IaiI1 FREE ISSUE Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 147A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1967 EIGHT PAGES WROTE HIRING PAPER: Appoint Greene Deputy~ Of Civil Rights Group By WALTER SHAPIRO Walter R. Greene, author of the Pentagon's studies of University hiring practices, has been appoin- ed Deputy Director of the Michi- gan Civil Rights Commission, ef- fective April 10. Since 1962, Greene has been the Michigan Director of the Defense Department's Office of Contract Compliance and is now Acting Re- gional Director of the Qffice. The Office of Contract Com- pliance has made two reports on University employment. The first study, disclosed by The Daily in November of - 1966, focused pri- marily on the racial composition of the student body and faculty. The report said that the Univer- sity is known as a school "basical- ly for rich white students" and made 25 ;recommendations "for broadening equal opportunities" here, Discuss Hiring Practices The second study, released by the University several weeks ago, made 16 recommendations on Uni- versity employment practices. The report recommended that "a crash program" be established to improve the "exceptionally bad employment practices which cur- rntl Lxist in the Sehool of En- our recommendations. I have ab- solutely no complaint against the I way the University reacted to my report. My only complaint is against The Chicago Tribune for the irresponsible way in which they blew up the entire story and got their statistics and facts com- pletely wrong." Spokesmen for The Chicago Tribune yesterday had no com- ment on Green's remarks. "Our objective is not to achieve a specific number, goal, or ratio," Green said in explaining the re- port. Indefensible' "However, when as was the case with a college in the University, there is a total absence of any members of a minority group, this is indefensiblemin this day and age.' Greene complimented the knowl- edge and understanding that both the administration and the iac-j ulty exhibited in regard to his recommendations. He contrasted the University's comprehension of the meaning of equal employment opportuity with the understanding1 shown -by most corporations. He said, "The major problem we face is a total inability to understand have been the most effective in- strument in dealing with discrim- ination in employment to date. For we are asking the employers to take definite attion, rathger than merely remedying one spe- cific complaint. Greene's new post will take ad- vantage of his experience with the Defense Department. Greene said, "My new job with the Civil Rights Commission has not been precise- ly spelled out. But it is their in- tention to use my experience in dealing with compliance and com- plaint review" Quakers Ship Viet Money To Canada By LUCY KENNEDY About $1500 collected by area Quakers to- provide medical sup- plies for North and South Viet-I namese was, transferred Sunday to the Canadian Friends Service Committee despite a U.S. Treasury Department ruling making gifts of money to the North Vietna- mese or National Liberation Front civilians illeghl. Five area Quakers who made the presentation were, Mrs. Kenneth Boulding, Grad; Prof. Robert Blood of the sociology depart- ment, Gerald Lalone, Grad; Gil-! bert Hamilton, a Dearborn highj school English teacher, and Miss? Polly Lee, a Waterford librarian. Possible Prosecution One spokesman for the five said' that they may be liable to prose-. cution under the Trading with the Enemy Act and the Export! Ninth President Starts Term in'68 By MEREDITH EIKER Managing Editor and ROGER RAPOPORT Editor Robben Wright Fleming will become the ninth president of the University of Michigan. The Regents elected Fleming, the current chancellor of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin Madison campus at a special public meeting at 10 a.m. this morning. Fleming accepted immediately in Madison. Fifty-year-old Fleming will become President designate Sept. 1 and take office officially on Jan. 1, 1968. The Regents sped up their decision to offer Fleming the post here after he was offered the presidency of the University of Minnesota March 19. Fleming was apparently waiting for the decision of the Michigan Regents before moving on the Minnesota offer. In accepting the Michigan post this morning Fleming said that he has "already been in touch with representatives"of the University of Minnesota and that he was "sure that it will shortly appoint a dis- tinguished new president " The Regents and-key faculty leaders met with Fleming informally here last weekend. He has also t talked extensively with alumni and student leaders here. Saturday several of the Regents and Fleming met here with chair- men of the faculty, student and alumni advisory committees. Fleming who holds a law degree --Daily-Andy Sacks is well known for his work in labor REGENT ROBERT BRIGGS (right) and President Harlan Hatcher at a news conference this morning, arbitration. He was chairman of the presidential board which helped settle the 1962 Atlantic and 1? 'Gulf coast dock workers strike. ren iy ex. 11tu u.U1Url- "' i what we want." Discussing these reports. Greene Reviewing his experience with said, "The University is proceed- C the Office of Contract Compliance, ing very satisfactorily to meet all Green said,, "I believe that we NEW S WIE 1 exrs , r . Driggs Report, Flemings Acceptance Report to the Board of Re-I gents from Chairman Robert P. Briggs of the Regents Presiden-. tial Selection Committee:, On behalf 'of the Presidential Selection Committee, I submit to the Board of Regents the nomina- tion as the next president of the University of Michigan Robben TWENTY UNIVERS Start project at Wrand D four-month program wa the Office of Economic{ Committee for Economi 46 pre-school children fro DETROIT SCHOOL the case of Leslie Bieder week after discussing ai profanity and references Thousand Leaders Amon has been presented ats past year. According to intendent, the casting o objectionable. - - ==_ Control Act. Conviction under the J Wright Fleming, presently Chan- acts could result in 10-year prison cellor and Professor of Law at the SITY students will volunteer for a Head terms and $10,000 fines. University of Wisconsin Madison Day Care Center, Inc., in Willow Run. The The ioney was passed on to the campus. s made possible by a $14,031 grant from Canadian organization because a I Opportunity to the Washtenaw Citizens U.S. Treasury ruling prohibits Mr. Flemmg was in the original c Opportunity. The program will serve ?checks or money orders to be group of candidates recommended om Washtenaw County. processed by American banks by ytee In its evaluation of him the the Vietnamese groups,.e.I t vlaino i h Committee said "without excep- OFFICIALS planned yesterday to review Symbolic Transfer tion, the comments which have rman, a teacher who was suspended last The money was transferred in been obtained, both written and a Michigan home to representa-th hknw im play which had "numerous instances of aMcia oet ersna oral) from those who know him to sex" in his classroom. The play, "A tives of the Canadian organiza- and have seen him work have been tion before a symbolic presentation unanimous in lavish praise . . . He ig You," is about life in urban slums and of a $1 bill in a Bible wau made i u rated an outstandig scholar h of ai$tb ll i n a B blhw s ad Mr. Fleming's academic and ad-' ministrative experience has been at the Universities of Illinois and I isconsin, from which he earned his law degree. His baccalaureate degree is from Beloit College where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. His special field of interest is in labor law and industrial relations. He has published extensively in this field and has been much in, demand as an arbitrator. In 1966 he was elected president of the National Academy of Arbitrators. At Wisconsin his student-admin- istration and faculty-administra- tion relations are described as ex- cellent. I quote again from the Faculty Advisory Committee eval- uation: "When finding it necessary to decide against the wishes of some special interest groups, he has managed to do so in such a manner as to avoid offending them-and to retain their trust n,-, fit -no l +Vnir ffnnin " friendship. President Harrington is one of the most distinguished educators in the country, and Wis- consin is lucky to have him. Since it is known that another great university, the University of Minnesota, has considered my! name among others whom it thought to be qualified for its presidency, I want to make it clear that I have only the highest admiration and respect for that institution. I am sure that it will shortly appoint a distinguished new president. I already have been in touch with their representa- tives. Having made the difficult deci- sion to leave, I look forward to becoming a part of The Univer- sity of Michigan. Its distinction is too well known to require reit- eration on my part. I shall-do my best to be worthy of its traditions. Fleming says he is "strongly committed to the academic free- dom concept. You can't escape controversy and you can't escape bad publicity. Controversy is often a pretty healthy thing. I guess I believe that you can keep these things from exploding if they're handled with some care and un- derstanding." The new President' will be in Ann Arbor Friday to attend the University Honors Convocation. Dean William Haber of the lit- erary college who knows Fleming through common work in labor arbitration praised him as a "very warm, calm man with tremendous respect for students and faculty." "I get a feeling that Fleming is a mian with a great sense of jus- tice," added Regent Trudy Hueb- ner (R-Bloomfield Hills). "And his wife will do a marvelous job of filling the shoes of Mrs. Hatcher." University President H a r 1 a n Hatcher convened the historic meeting this morning with a gavel' made from the wood of one of the school's original buildings, Uni- versity hall. R. Fleming': By STEPHEN WILDSTROM The newly selected University president, Robben Wright Flem- ing, recently received a standing movation from students sitting in at Bascomb Hall, the University of Wisconsin Administration Build- ing. The 300 students were protest- ing the arrest of 16 students in two days of demonstrating against the presence of Dow Chemical Co. recruiters on the Madison campus. The students had barricated Flem- ing and the Dean of Student Af- fairs into Flemings office, but rose to cheer when it was announced that Fleming had sent a personal check to post bond for eleven of the arrested students. Prof. Charles C. Killingsworth of the Michigan State University economics department who has known Fleming for 15 years, said, "I admire very much the equani- mity with which he handled him- self in the situation. He did not favor calling the police but also did not think that any small group should be able to bar anyone from the campus. He dealt well with a difficult and explosive situation." Fleming has been active in edu- cation for 20 of his 50 years. After receiving his B.A. from Beloit Col- lege in Wisconsin in 1938 and~an Ll.B. from the University of Wis- consin in 1941, he went to work as an attorney for the Securities and Exchange Commission. In 1947, he went to the Uni- versity of Wisconsin as the direc- tor of. their Industrial Relatioins Center and in 1952 went to the University of Illinois to become president of their larger Institute for Labor and Industrial Relation. In 1964, he was called back to Madison to become chancellor of the University of Wisconsin.dy Fleming is a man admired by his colleagues. Killingsworth said, "He is one of the men I admire most, not so much for his scholar- ship, which is not negligible, but for the kind of man he Is. He is warm and outgoing, but without any evidence of backslapping." Fleming has gone through i previous test by student demon- strators. Last spring, Wisconsin students protested the compilation of class rank for the Selective Service System. seven Detroit area c urcnes wimn i Arnold A. Meier, regional school super- f a 15-year-old girl as a prostitute was at the Canadian end of the Atm- bassador Bridge. At least 30 persons crossed the bridge while 20 kept a silent vigil on the American side. I and excellent teacher." and tit seems) their azfection. A sense of Mr. Fleming's atti- The Student Advisory Commit- tudes may be evident from a re- tee min a recent report rated Mr. mark he made in a Chancellor's Fleming favorably, Report last September. He said, "It will always be a black mark against large universities when we have to admit that there are stu- dents who graduate without know- ( ing a single professor well enough t lip to ask him for a personal recom- mendation."~ 'STUDENTS CA PAsLE:' OSA Plans No- Action on Jolt By MIKE THORYN hate to have this effectiveness destroyed." "We are operating on the Cutler said that joint judic de- assumption that a student Judi- cisions of "guilty" in the field of ciary is capable of handling non- non-academic conduct can be academic discipline," David Baad, appealed to him. However. "I have assistant to the vice president of never had an appeal." student affairs said yesterday. Last October, the Regents per- Tentative Joint Judic appoin- mitted the vice president for stu-I tees said over the weekend that dent affairs to delegate his judi- they would give aquittal to all cial authority to "academic au- students charged with violating I thorities. student groups, and hc so ba m be lo ov sa lil all staff, professional colleagues, itiated a committee to look into phomore girls, and he is doing . the Health Service as part of a ackground reading in order to "normal periodic policy of review- ake an informed decision. ing a staff agency." "In making the decision, I will "In this area, we need to an-j trying to implement the phi- ticipate where we need to be years sophy my office has followed ahead of time," Cutler said. ver the past two years," Cutler Letters have been sent to the .ys. deans of health-related schools "The University experience is and the University offices of ke the rest of one's life," he says. Housing and Student-Community College should be a continuing Relations asking them to desig- Mr. Fleming is a proven admin- istrator, teacher, scholar and hu- manitarian. Mr. President, I move the elec- tion of Robben Wright-Fleming as President of The University of Michigan effective January 1, 1968 and as President-designate effec- tive September 1, 1967. Statement from Robben W. Fleming, Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Madi- v-::-l..i - - _ __ __ __ __ m