TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1967 THE MicuTf.A N na 1r v TUESAYMARH 28 197 Tu! 1 !N1UTE!A1 T u1ftwL PAGE FIV rg r For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12 Noon to 2 P.M. f SUMMER SUBLET FOR RENT 2-MAN APTS. FOR FALL: Air-Conditioned Close to Campus Call Bill Kotila, 7-9 p.m., 662-4936. SUMMER SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET LARGE, mod. 4-man. May-Aug. Arbor 2-MAN APT. 10 min. from campus. 731 Forest Apt. $35/man 761-4145. U21 Packard. 665-0575 after 7. U20 THE DEAL OF YOUR LIFE 3 MAN, MOD. APT. has everything. 1 block from campus. Call 761-3305 2 or 3 man modern summer sublet with Price negotiable. U8 all the conveniences. 10 min. from _ _icenegtab-e. U_- campus. 761-9877. U49 SPACE AVAILABLE for 1-4 men. Many C45 3 AMIABLE SENIOR MEN would like 4th man for their modern luxury apt. next fall. 610 S. Forest. 761-1755. CD WANTED - 5th man for remodeled house, own bedroom, now and/or summer. $10/wk. Call 665-0205. C29 S. E. X. SUBLET EXOTIC XANADU 4-Man; 3- bdrm. modern apt. 1000 Oakland, Uo. 102. 665-4966. C43 1 SINGLE APT. avail. May 1. Artist's garret. 112 blocks from Angell Hall. Priv. bath. Priv. entrance. Call 761- 8105. C33 FALL - 1967 'urnished 2-bedroom apts. $205-$210 per month modern bldg. air-conditioning. Garbage disposal. Parking. Campus area. Call 761-8822 between 5:45-7:00 p.m. C22 SEEING IS BELIEVING Patrick J Pulte 214 E. Huron 665-9405 You will believe that the apt. you want at the price you want is possible. Fall '67 Rentals. C24 NEED GIRL to complete 4-man apt, in Carriage House for Fall 1967. Call 764-0762 or 764-0756. CIO GIRLS-LARGE, mod. 4 man for fall rental, 1 block from Union, central air-cond., off street parking, sun roof and laundry facilities. NO 3,5584. Cl MAY TO MAY LEASE-Two bedroom apartment. New building, dishwasher, disposal, air conditioner, carpeting, heat paid. Call 665-4200 after 6:30 p.m. C48 1 WORKING GIRL NEEDED to share modern apartment. 4800 Washtenaw. Call Carol 764-8211 between 9 and 5. C3C 418 E. Washington Street WASH I NGTON MANOR, ON CAMPUS-NR. FRIEZE & ANGELL HALL We are now leasing for fall 1967 DELUXE & SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOMS FOR 3 STUDENTS. Fully furnishedE and modern decorator colors, bal., air-cond., disposals, soundproof, laun- dry, storage. EXTRA FEATURES - Large study hall and a very quiet building. For appt. call NO 8-6906. C3S INEXPENSIVE and modern apartments. $205-$210 per month. For Fall '67. Two bedrooms furnished, parking, air conditioning, near campus. Call 761-8822 bet. 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. C46 S2 Man Apts. Studio & 1 Bedroom Available May 1 or Aug. 22 NEW, completely furnished, close in. DAHLMAN APTS. 761-7600 Office: 545 Church St. FEMALE GRAD student seeks same or working girls plus apt. for Fall-Win- ter school-year Call Joyce, E761-0759. ONE GIRL needed to share apt. with 2 grads. Own room. $50 a month. Avail. ' May 1. Call 665-6260. C37 LESLEY DALLEY is totally unfair to her poor, downtrodden roommate! FE FALL '67-Wanted one or two men to share mod. spacious 4-man apt. % block from Union. Call John, 784-1843. 039 3 MAN APARTMENT with 2 Bedrooms Summit House Call 761-5471 Cie 1 LUCKY GUY. Own room in 3-man air-cond. mod. apt. 668-7357, 5-7 p.m. Ul 2 GIRLS to sublet an apt with swim- ming pool. MAY-AUG. 662-0888. U6 2 LARGE BDRM. 4-man across from Stockwell. $37.50/man. 410 Observa- tory, No. 1. 761-8299. U7 NEED AN APARTMENT FOR July & August? We have just the placeyou are looking fort A large, modern 2 bedroom. apt, with CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING and a SUNDECK to produce the finest AA tan! Call 761-2235. UP NEEDED-1 or 2 girls to share large, air-cond. Arbor Forest Apt. May-Aug. 1 block from S. Univ. Xtras, parking. Call 065-4648. C42 ROOM WANTED - First % summer. Young Grad desires own bdrm., access to kitchen, parking space. Call Dave, 665-4621. U4 1-2 MEN TO SHARE double in mod. 4- man, air-cond Parking. 668-7357. 5-7 p.m., U50 2 BDRM. MOD. Apt. Furnished, air- cond., liv. rm., kitchen, bath, laun- dry facilities in bldg., parking. Call 665-5992. U48 WOMAN GRAD seeks 2 to share air- cond. apt. All mod. conveniences. Nr. canpus and hosp. area. 927 E. Ann. 665-9368. U47 1 MAN TO SHARE large 2-man apt. Good lo.cation. $50. 665-5746. U46 types of apts. available. Dishwasher, air-cond., balcony, free water. Call 761-0784 or see Apt. 207, 406 Packard. US MOD. 2 MAN, furnished, air-cond., largej kitchen, garb. dis., 3 blocks from Angell, May thru Aug. CHEAP! Phone 665-5200. U49 1-2 MEN TO SHARE air-cond. apt. 409 E. Kingsley. 668-7357. Bargain! Ull MOD. 2-MAN, furnished, air-cond., large kitchen, garbage disposal, 3 blocks from Angell, May thru Aug. CHEAP!1 Phone 665-5200. U49 ONE MALE NEEDED to share mod. 2- man apt. for summer. Air-cond. and fully furnished, great location - 543 Church, gust off S.U. Best offer. Call 761-8104. U41 LARGE EFFICIENCY, fall option for sublet May-Aug. Separate kitchen, parking, sleeps two. On campus. A Find! Please call 665-7945. U42 Summer Apartments for Sublease Student Apartment Exchange NO 5-4063, 211 S. State Street or Sublet Service 1217 S. UNIVERSITY 761-3688, NO 5-4480 FAST PROFESSIONAL SUBLEASING SERVICE REGISTER NOW & SAVE MONEY ROOM AND BOARD ROOM & BOARD. Prof. frat. house. Summer and fall. 761-5857. E32 FREE ROOM AND BOARD, private apt. in professor's home for 2 female student roommates. Exchange for child care and housekeeping-20 hrs weekly. Schedules arranged, some daytime hours. May 1 for one year. 663-8446. E43 ROOM AND BOARD available for men. 665-3719. E20 ROOM & BOARD OR BOARD 662-3159 E2f BABYSITTING - Evenings, dishes, or would consider staying with elderly lady evenings in exchange for room and board. Mon.-Fri. Centrally locat- ed. References. White Box 15. E26 1336 Geddes No. 3 Turn on, tune in to centrally located 4-man; dishwasher, air cond., wall- carpeting, parking, 663-1906. U3 OPENING for 1 girl to share modern bi- level air conditioned on campus apt. with 3 grad students $45/mo. Call 761-2654. U2 HELP WANTED PERSONAL MEET PROF. JAMES GINDIN. one of' the best men in the English Dept. He'll speak on "COLOR ME JEWISH" at this Wednesday's ATID Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Dessert refreshments. Op- tional hot supper, Call 663-4129 for reservations. F21 3 AMIABLE senior men would like 4th man for their modern luxury apt.1 next fall. 610 S. Forest. 761-1755. FD NOBLE MARTYR to exchange apathy for sympathy see Gene L (Local 310). F22 FOURTH GIRL needed for 4-man apt., two blocks from campus on TAPPAN. Entire 2nd level of large house, fully carpeted, large rooms. August to August. 764-5902. FD JAMES DEAN-Please inform me when you discover a new use for slightly used elastic. I'm curious concerning your intentions. R, or is it B? FO HEY DOC, Bring your fiddle to ther FolkloreSociety Workshop and talk with BILL MONROE. Mar. 25, Sat. 2; p.m. SAB 3rd floor. F20 WANTED-One really neat guy to take my sophomore friend to the Jazz Band concert tonight. It's only for a1 couple of hours-please? Call me at 764-5982. FE MEET THE EDITOR - ROGER RAP- OPORT - at this Sunday's Hillel Deli House at 6:00 p.m. Call 663- 4129 for reservations. F16 WHY CARRY groceries this summer? Live in the Co-op instead! Inter- Cooperative Council, 2546 SAB. 668- 6872. F19 WOMEN'S JUDO CLUB invites Univer- sity women interested in learning Judo to come to Barbour Gym Wed., 7:30-9:00. F18 HAREM WANTED! Applications accept- FOR SA E-l-ed TV, 21-inch. CoR- ed this week only. No experience nec- RE( ' l0N-62-4412. B20 essary. PERSIAN ENTERTAINMENT LTD. FOR SALE - Call 4-5677 or 4-5685 FA 1D m i Turntable FA 2D'yna Mono Amplifiers (1l mo. old) ._ALLAI1 Dyn 121 wat' Ap. Solid State ALLAN 1 650 B. S. A. Motorcycle Happy P-Bell and Recovery 2 Altcc F or Speakers (2 mo. old) Love from Jack, George, John. Bill, 1 Viking 88 !'ape Deck Bob, Larry, Joe, Pete, Jerry. Charlie 1 Scott Stereo Tuner i1 mo. old) and K. FE Call after 6:30 p.m. 761-3886 IA CHANCE FOR YOU to display your WANTED TO RENT judicial qualifications. Petition for JointJudiciary 4ouncil, March 13-21 FIVE CREATTVE juniors would like to 1011 SAB 764-.7420. Fi2irent a beautiful house or apartment - __TE - WE--- C-P js near campus. Needed next fall. 764- OSTERWEIL CO-OP has a few spaces 33 r76-!6.LD for women to room and board. Only ,63 or 764-9661.L 18 per week. Close to campuns. own- gd and run by students. Call or visit USED CARS 338 E. Jefferson. 662-4440. F44 - '63 TRIUMPH, Excel. Condit., Hard-top, LOOK for-NO, listen TO the Amazing Softtop, MUST SELL, going abroad. Adventures of CHICKENMAN!! 650 663-5296. N9 Radio; WCBN-coming March 27. FI® '59 KARMAN GHIA, red, needsumner MUSICAL MDSE, transportation, this is the answer? RADIOS, REPAIRS 668-8404. N7 '63 VOLVO 122 S 4-door 24,000 mi. Ex- KENT BASS GUITAR. with or without cellent. Going abroad. $1300 or best Magnatone Bass Amp. Almost new offer. Call NO 5-5917. N4 cond. Call Andy, 665-7121. X27 -- - '63 VW-Body in very good cond. Good HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO tires, radio, heater, engine needs 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Electrical-acoustical in- work. $350. Call 665-8351 bet. 5-8 p.m. struments. repairs, lessons. 209 S. N3 State. X65-8001. X16- 63 VW-BODY in very good cond. Good CONCERT QUALITY classical guitar by tires, radio, heater. Engine needs Velasquez. Spanish made. Superb work. $350, Call 665-8351 bet. 5-8 p.m. tone, perf. cond. Cost $600. Sell $400. N3 Case ext. Call 873-0585 or write H. 1961 FIAT Abarth Zagato. Aluminum D Stallworth, 64 W. Baltimore, De- body. Nichelin tires, $22,000 mi. A real troit 2. 'YX25 collector's item. Asking $950. 668-9829. FOR SALE-SPINET PIANO N2 Warted-Responsible party to take over '63 VW good cond., good tires, radio low monthly payments on a spinet instructor. Day 665-9897, eve, 479- piano. Can be seen locally. Write 4481y,47 Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby- -__4 ville, Indiana. X26 MGB '64 - wire wheels, radio, heater, - Detroit. TR3-0549.N4 BASS TROMBONE - King Symphony _ __. model in excellent cond. $175. Tom '56 CADILLAC Hearse, Call 761-2729, Bloomer, 662-4093. X23 H46 COLUMBIA Stereo-Hi-Fi consolette. $60. SAAB, 1962, excellent cond. New engine NO 5-0003. X24 year old, owned by instructor. 517- 629-9554. N41 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS 1962 VW Sunroof. Good mechanical and PAULS MSICL RPAI clean condition. Lots mileage. Best offer over $650. Call Henry Kerr at 119 W. Washington 663-2108, 701 S. Forert. N37 WOULD YOU BELIEVE? BUSINESS SERVICES On March 23, 1967, in an all night game ofdhearts that took place in ATTENTION GREEKS the Student Publications Building. Hank PFEFFER ammassed a total of Our Phone Number 304 points before any of the other Is Your Key to players -- TOM COPE, HAROLD OS- EFF, and DREW BOGEMA** hit 100. FINE PRINTING ROOM FOR RENT-428 Cross St. Sum- mer and fall. Apply 1-4 daily. C35 Need a nice unfurnished unit suited to your budget? Beautiful modern build- ing with all the luxury features. Call 761-8055; evenings 665-8330. C3 _I 3 MEN Need 4th Fall Term. Modern Apartment; Furnished, Air Condit- toning, Bi-level, etc. Call 764-4614 or 764-4614. L32 NEED a luxury 3-man? ON CAMPUS Thomas Plaza Apts. 761-8055 665-8330 Evenings. C14 t 3 MAN, 2 BDRM. top floor apt. Air- cond., dishwasher, balcony, bar. 662- 6063. U45 WE WILL GIVE you a tremendous dis- count on rent if you sublet our brand new, beauteous, bi-level, air-condi- tioned apt. Close to campus, dish- washer, disposal maid service, butler, built in bar. Available for 2 or 4 peo- ple. Call 761-4807. UD EFFICIENCY, furnished, dishes, large kitchen, $95/mo. Also available fall. 618 Packard, No. 3. 662-1185. U29 4 FLAMING CREATURES I Wish to sublet their beautiful spacious 4 creature apt. 2-bdrms., extremeley# lareg living room. Full kitchen, air- cond. Dishwasher. 1 blk. from Com- muter Bus. Call 761-8336. UE 2 BEDROOM APT. Cheap. 662-5148. U2 MAY-AUG.-2 bedroom, 2 or 3 man. HUGE, modern, air-conditioned, close to campus. Gas, water and heat paid. FREE GARAGE! CHEAP. Call 663- 3538 anytime. U LARGE, MODERN 2 bedroom apt. for 3 or 4, close to hospitals and campus. Parking, laundry facilities, garbage disposal. Avail. May-Aug. Call 761- 6789. U7 1 MALE NEEDED for summer sublet to complete 3-man apt in University Towers. 761-6776. U SPACE AVAILABLE for 1-4 men. Many types of apts. available. Dishwasher, air-cond., balcony, free water. Call 761-0784 or see Apt. 207, 406 Packard. 118 1 BEDROOM, very good location. On campus, near hospital and tennis courts. Off street parking. Call John Nichol. Days: 764-8592, evenings: 761- 5693. Ul1 2-4 ,MAN APARTMENT. Two bedroom, air conditioned, balcony, carport. Reasonable rent. CALML 662-9673. U12 MODERN SUMMER Apt. for 2 or 3. Air cond., disposal, parking. ..8-8542., U15 GREAT BI-LEVEL 3-man apt. for in- spection 665-6870. 116 MAY-AUGUST Sublet-1-2 man mod- ern air-conditioned apartment, 5 m. from campus. 663-3530. 608 Monroe, No. 3. U11 ALL PRICESj ALL TYPES, ALL LOCATIONS, 100's to chose from 211 S. State or 1217 S. Univ. NO 5-4063 161-3688, NO 5-4480 PAC-KAD)AVENUE 11 MEAL JOBS for next year. Chi Psi. 761- 6281 H10 KEY PUNCHERS for part time work Mer. 27-Apr. 7. Must have experience in punching FORTRAN or MAD pro- grams. Prof. Carnahan at 764-3378. Hi1 MALE SCANNERS needed, 20 hrs./wk. 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. Mon.-Fri. and mid- night to 4 a.m. Mon -Fri. Call 764-4446 or apply at 2065 Randall Lab. H8 WANTED - Experienced COBOL pro- grammer, scientific programmer, numerical control part programmer. Minimum half-time. Excellent wages, Flexible, unlimited opportunity 761- 1600. H7 NEW ENGLAND Brother and Sister Camps in the heart of the beautiful Berkshires at Kent, Connecicut. Re- quire 60 men and women counselors for full program of land and water sports. Excellent facilities for tennis, golf, skiing, dance, outdoor crafts, nature, music, sailing, Upper class- men and teachers preferred. Good salaries. Write: Camp Leonard, Leon- ore, Box 186, Lawrence, New York . H44 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 for Ph positive. $10, $12 for Rh negatived Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center, 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti, Mich. 483-1894. H SEE EUROPE AND THE ORIENT Tours any time, any place all summer. Excellent accomodations - sight see- tours. Free time. No worry -about bag- gage and reservations. STUDENT TRAVEL OVERSEAS PROGRAM. For more information call Nancy W. 662- 3225 8-9 p.m. F37 SUMMER SUBLET WE need one girl to share modern 3-t man for sunmer. Five minutes from campus, air-conditioned,rbalcony, good landlord. Call Ruth or Sue at 665-0898. FB ANIMAL CRACKERS are coming backl That is, they're here . . . Listen to the Jim Coyle Show!! WCBN 650. FB COED NEEDS RIDE to Chicago-Down- town or Northside-on Friday, March 25. Leave anytime after 2 p.m. Will share expenses and driving. Call Merle: 761-6872. FE STROBE LIGHT For Rent Ca li 662-2769 Presistently. F7 I {t I VPk_ r\ LJ V VIN U CMODERN, bi-level, 3-4 man apt. Very APARTMENTS quiet, air-cond., dishwasher. Balcony, covered parking, close to campus. 736 Packard Reasonable. 761-6397. Us NOW RENTING FOR FALL TAPPAN APTS. Two bedroom, furnish- 2 or 3 man bi-level for efficiency. ed, three or four person apt. Near Bus. Furnished, air-conditioned, parking. Ad., Law Quad, and A & D school. Close to campus. Summer sublets Call Oakland Apts. for appt., 761- available. Manager on premises. 9388 or 761-2657. U17 Phone NO 3-5584 or NO 3-8866 2 BDRMS., lvg. rm., kitchen. $100. 665- before 6 p.m. 2275 evenings. U8 C36 __ - WANTED-2 girls to share modern 4- man apt, for whole summer. Fully carpeted, 2 LARGE bedrooms, air- conditioned, balcony. Close to cam- North campus Area pus. Cheap. Call Chris or Sue at ?nn F, d. r PA 665-9872. UF AVAILABLE for summer-1 and room apts. Air-conditioned, washers, bi-level. Reduced Call 665-4200 after 6:30 p.m. 2 bed- dish- prices. U43 -L.Z u IuinerK a. Studio, 1, 2, 3 bdrm., furnished and unfurnished. Rentals from $135. Free bus transportation to hospital, cam- pus and downtown. Air-cond., garage space available, alsooutside parking. Ann Arbor's finest modern high-rise apartments. Rental agent on premises daily. Call 663-0800. C FALL APARTMENTS modern air-conditioned close to campus 3 man, 1 bedroom, $180/mo. 1 or 2 man efficiencies, $130-136/mo. Call Bill Kotila evenings, 7-9, 662-4936 C21 SEX DOES NOT matter when leasing our apartment in the FORVM. It includes dishwasher, air-conditioner, 2 bathrooms, free parking, and every necessity of a 4-man. CALL 662-4917 or 761-8344, anytime. CB ROOMS AVAILABTJE for summer and fall. Call 761-0053 or 761-9207 after 5 p.m. 015 SIX GIRLS HUGE, three bedroom apt. with fire- place in living room, newly equipped kitchen, dining room, double bath, carpeted throughout. Lots of stor- age space. Near hospitals and cam- gusFall occupancy. For appt. call Oakland Apts., 761-9388 or 761-2657. 013 FOR AUGUST Occupancy-Modern two to six person apts. Campus and hos- pital locations. For appt. call Oak- land Apts., 761-9388 or 761-2657. C12 FEMALE GRAD wanted to share mod- ern, air-conditioned, 2 bedroom apt. Very close to campus. Fall occupancy. Call8dinner-time or after 10:30 p.m. 761-8352, C36 WANTED! Male professional or mature grad. stu- dent to share modern, spacious, 2- man, 2-bedroom apt. Now. 2240 Dex- ter apt. 201 across Veteran's Park, $82.50/mo./man. Furniture available. Call 761-0737. C6 MAY and AUGUST RENTALS HARITON HOUSE 721 E. KINGSLEY Two-bedroom Apartments That Are Loaded with Goodies Sound conditioned, desk and book-' shelves, air conditioning,recreation room, all formica kitchen, private entrance, laundry room, large stor- age bins, and many others. Cal NO 3-9373; evening. NO 5-0063. C32 WANTED Z to 2 GIRLS to share River- house Apt. May - Aug. Air Cond., pool, at Island Park. Call Dolly 764- 4355. C33 GRAD. AND DROP OUT looking for a roommate. Modern 3 man, close to campus. Call 663-7991. 038 FIRE UP FOR A HOUSE! 4-or-5-man, 4 bedrooms, and lots more. CHEAP! Call 761-8032. U9 4-MAN, air-cond., mod., close to cam- pus. Will negotiate price. 761-8237. U14 CHEAP, convenient, and close. 4-man. Call now. 761-9363. U13 SUMMER SUBLET-Modern 2 bdrm,, 3-man-with living room, air condi- tioning, parking lot, laundry room, garbage disposal, 3 desks, modern elec- tric kitchen, 1 block from SOUTH QUAD. Call 668-8543. U10 MAY DAY Near Law Quad, Bus. Ad., and A & D, 'May 1-Aug. 19"ublet for 1 to 6 per- sons. Call Oakland Apts., 761-9388 or 761-2657. U16 RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP! 2-man, 2- bdrm. apt. Close to campus. Call 761- 0502, 10-12 p.m. 112 LARGE-4 rms. and bath, furn. apt.; suitable for 2-3 students or family. $140/mo., utils. incl. 663-7816. U111 MODERN 2-Man Apt. on campus._Very cheap. Call 761-9470. UF BI-LEVEL Beautiful roomy apt, for six girls. Living-room with fireplace, second floor; 31%z bedrooms,ddouble bath; carpeted and furnished thruout, full basement for storage. Excellent for nurses or students. For appt. call Oakland Apts., 761-9388 or 761-2657. U18 1 LUCKY GUY. Own room in 3-man, air-cond. mod, apt. 668-7357, 5-7 p.m. 1336 GEDDES. No. 3-Turn on, tune in to centrally located 4-man; dishwash- er, air-cond., wall-carpeting, parking. 663-1906. U3 THERE IS NO BETTER LOCATION for the SUMMER than the WASHING- TON MANOR, 418 E. Washington St. DELUXE 1 BEDROOMS at a discount. NO 8-6906 for information. U33 FOR SUMMER SUBLE T-4-man plush air - conditioned, g a r b a g e disposal, porch, bar-b-que, etc. On campus. Reasonable. 610 8. Forest. Call 761- 1755. UD MAY FIRST: 1, 2, and 3 bedroom mod- ern furnished apts. available for sub- let through August 20th. Near Bus-! iness Ad. building and Hospitals. Call Oakland Apts. 761-9388 or 761-2657. U17 TWO MEN NEEDED to fill 3-man apt. Individual bedrooms, pool, color TV, etc. Phone 761-6776. UU THREE MEN needed to share clean, spacious house with two law students for summer at $40/mo. Remodeled kitchen and bath-and-a-halfmdld,2 blocks from Union. Off-street park- ing, four cars. For inspection call 662-6969. U9 MAY TO AUG. sublet. 1 or 2-man, 21, rooms. Low rent. Low utilities. 761- 0858 after 6. U19 SUMMER SUBLET - 4-man, spacious bi-level. Bathroom, bdrm. and air- cond. on each floor. Sun porch, park- ing, laundry facilities. Washtenaw-So. Univ. vicinity. 515 Walnut, Apt. 8. 761-8122. UF REVEL in a large house this summer, 8 rooms, air-conditioner, close to IM building and State-Hill. Inexpensive. Presently holds four. Call 668-7564. UD 3-4 MAN MOD. APT., May-Aug. 100 yards from Bus. Ad., laundry, air- cond. 839 Tappan. 662-0898. U23 SWIMMING POOL, air-cond., covered parking, party room. 1 girl wanted to# share this mod. 3-man apt. for sum-" mer. 663-0055. U36 SUBLET - Second semester summer. Furnished 3 bedroom house near campus. Will negotiate. 663-3209. U37 SEPARATE BEDROOMS-3 man, 3 bed- room, whole summer. 508 Lawrence, No. 1. 663-6227. U28 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, living room, din- ing room, tuberoom, kitchen, 21, baths, rec. room, 2 min. to Arch. 4 min. to Hospital, only $225, 665-9804, U14 NEED 1 OR 2 GIRLS to share 3 bed- room house near campus, May-Aug. Call 665-2170. U38 3-MAN, 2-BEDROOM APT. Air-cond., dishwasher, disposal, 1 block from campus, parking. Cheap. 662-9159. U39 SUN ROOF-4-6 people, bi-level, 3 bedrooms, air-cond. 911 Oakland, No. 6. 761-8479. U40 ONE OF Ann Arbor's truly great 2-man apartments. Located on campus in the State Street shopping area. For sublet-May thru Aug. Call 761-9541. U1 SUMMER SUBLET - We need 3 girls to fill our 5-man. Great location: S. Univ. and Church (across the street from East Engin). Air-cond.. bi-level. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT JUNIOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ENGINEER Sr. or Masters EE student or equivalent, capable of understand- ing scientific world and how comput- ers are applied. After training in digital logic and computer inter- faith, this position would lead to engineering backup and support for field sales of digital logic and com- puters, DIGITAL LOGIC LABORATORY SALESMAN Senior or masters EE Student cap- able of understanding digital logic and its application after a two week training period, Transportation and expenses for the summer would be furnished for an unmarried student to travel through- out Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, con- tacting colleges and universities. JUNIOR SYSTEMS ANALYST Senior or Masters EE, Math, or phy- sics student with some experience in programming of real-time scientific computers. Would assist sales sup- port, communications with customers and programming of scientific prob- lems for universities and industry. Call for Interviews Wednesday, March 15, 1967 Morning Thursday, March 16, 1967 Morning Monday, March 20, 1967 All Day Other spical appointment times may be arranged - including evenings. DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 3853 Research Park Drive ! Ann Arbor, Mich. 761-1150 H46 PERSONAL J.R. & M.F. - Raise your tankards high, but be careful. HA! FF THE STUDENT APARTMENT EXCHANGE Introducing a new organization, owned and operated by students and grad- uates, recognizing student housing problems. VOLUNTEER TRAINING PROGRAM for students interested in REAL ES- TATE as a profession, FULL OR PART TIME. Male and female. SUM- MER POSITIONS. Available with ex- cellent remunerations. NO 5-4063. F LIMITED SUMMER POSITIONS OPEN Sales and supervisory opportunity where- the successful write their own pay- check! Michigan State student earned OVER $2500.00 IN TEN WEEKS!! If you will be 20 by June, have a car, and are eager to earn big money with a national corporation this might be for YOU. To see if you can qualify, call Mr. Jaffa at 764-5633. The District Recruiter will be in Ann Arbor this weekend -and will be looking for four ambitious, personable young men. Can YOU qualify??? F NEED one, two, or three girls for sum-1 mer sublet. Great location: Across from the East Engin and the Brown Jug. Mod. Bilevel, air cond. balcony, spiral staircase, 3 bd. rms., 2 baths. Disposal, TV, everything you could want!! Inquire individually or in a group, we want you! 761-6872. FD BRAND NEW 4-man, fantastic location 2 bedrooms, modern decor. Utensils and dishes included, air-conditioned. For information call 668-9045 or stop in at 520 Packard No. 13. FC, CHICKENMAN - He's everywhere, he's everywhere. And he'll be here on Monday. Listen to the Bruce Rogers Show at 4:00-WCBN 650, and don't forget Animal Crackers with Jim1 Coyle at 5:00. FE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT WHO??? ... M ay want a high pay opportunity? O offers self-confidence and an p open-mind? N eeds a $1000 CASH SCHOLARSHIP? E stablishes a high caliber of initiative? Y OUDO!!! If you will be at east 20 by June and have a car, call Jo~n at 764-5633 Recruiter for National Firm. In town' soon for limited time, Opportunity knocks, just open the door. FB Rent Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portables ,for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN! TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. 665-8871 (24 hours). F, HEY, HANDSOME! How'd YOU like to make $40 an hour in New York this summer (or any season) as a male fashion model? Find out what it takes; send photo with all sies to: LEW WILLIAMS, 240 East St.,I New York, New York 10017. F47I STROBE LIGHTS FOR RENT CALL 662-2769 PERSISTENTLY. P26 LAST CHANCE TO SUBLET 511 E. Hoover No. 10 for this summer Twin air-conditioners, two floors, spi- ral staircase, dishwashesr,garbage disposal, and other conveniences of home. Call 665-5980. FF BABY DOLL: Be it hereby recognized that there is some wholesome humanity in Letcher House. See you tonite in the red car. I'll call about 4:00. ACE FF In the next game, at one time he had -1, but went on to gather 169 pts. He Subsequently became violently paranoid. PP BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1966 BULTACO MERCURIO 175cc street bike. Conpetition goodies. Fast! 761- 4235. Z5 HONDA Super 90, Helmet, and Cover,' excellent condit., 1966. 761-3180, Z6 '65 HONDA 50 - Excel. Condit. Just overhauled. $150. 665-2722.. After 5 p.m. Z7 INTERESTED in cycling to Expo and N. Eng.? Lv. Detroit. Mid Aug. Return for classes. 663-5832 (Rich or Den). Z15 1965 SUZUKI Sport 80--Excel, cond. Must sell. 663-7181. Z8 YAMAHA 60-300 miles. Perfect cond. and helmet. $190. 764-4714. Z9 hARLEY DAVIS Motorscooter. 1962, Excel. cond. $230. NO 2-9361. Z10 1952 BMW 600cc, 35 h.p.'Just out of winter storage. Joe Kowalis, 761-8299. MUST SELL-'65 Super Hawk; street and scrambling pipes; great shape. Best offer. 761-9752. Rick. Z12 '63 HONDA Super Hawk, 305cc. Good condition, best offer. Call Andy, 665- 7121. Z4 '65 HONDA TRAIL 90. Reliable. Must Sell. $195. 668-8542. Z3 MUST SELL 1966 HONDA, 65cc. Like new. Only 1450 miles. Best offer. Call 665-2313. Z2 '66 HONDA 160-Blue. Very good cond. Only 750 miles. Must sell. $475. Call 761-9498. Z50 HONDA 50-Cheap, must sell. Call Lee, 665-2750. Zl GREAT FOR Spring Time-Honda 90, perfect condition, Low mileage with helmet and extras. Call Don, 662-8555. $225. ZB HONDA 50 Sport, helmet. windshield. extra parts. $110. 761-8482. Z46 BLACK HAT SPECIAL: NEW 1967 HONDAS ! CA 100 253.84 CA 102 267.85 C 110 266.07 CS 65 303.90 CM 91 328.48 CT 200 325.73 CT 90 349.30 CS 90 351.38 CA 160 525.14 CB 160 614.13 CL 160 614.13 CA 77 652-27 CB 77 726.10 CL 77 721.80 CB 450-992.70 Complete with free 500 and 1000 mile service. SEE THE BAD GUYS .,r HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 PACKARD AT PLATT 665-9281 Z3C Social Notes-Programs Wedding Invitations Duplicating Services The M B L PRESS 665-4024 J26 TAILORED SUITS FOR YOUR MEAS- UREMENTS - Fine quality fabrics from $99.50 up; also alterations. 225 E. Liberty St. 665-8195. J45 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; lithog- raphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. 334 Catherine ATTENTION GREEKC Fine Printing Costs No More Our Phone Number is 665-4024 THE M B L PRESS J27 SAVE THIS AD, you'll need it someday. Dressmaking, ladies' tailoring, altera- tions. Reasonable prices. Day or even- ing. *All work guaranteed. 662-3481. J49 SAVE THIS AD-you'll need it someday. Dressmaking, ladies' tailoring, altera- tions. Reasonable prices. Day or eve- ning. All work guaranteed. 662-3481. J6 CUSTOM SANDALS March and April only. Custom fitted to the concept and contour of the individual with 15 styles to choose from. Any Style ($15.00) one price Week Days: 4:30-9:30 p.m. Sat. & ,Sun.: 10:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Call 662- 8447 for appointment and/or infor- mation. J25 HAVE PROBLEMS getting your typing done? One day service - Technical Service Associates, 665-4658, 9-4:30. J50 TAILORED SUITS FOR YOUR MEA- SEJREMENTS. Pine quality fabrics from $99 50 up; also alterations. 225 E. Liberty St. 665-8195. J45 LOST AND FOUND LOST - Pair of glasses on Saturday. Large black frames, safety lenses. 764-5638. A3 REWARD for return of wallet lost Mar. 18 on campus. Contact Library Sicence Office or return to L.S. Li- brary. A4 REMEMBER nationally advertised fran- chised rings such as Artcarved, Keep- sake, Columbia and Orange Blossom cost you 20-40 per cent more. Don't be misled by a name! Austin Dia- mond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. Fl LOST ON CAMPUS-Gold bracelet with ivory charms. Sentimental value. Re- ward. NC 5-9815. Al GOLD MESH BRACELET LOST. Liberal Reward. Call Mrs. Eiferle, Lamp Post Motel, NO 5-6123. A2 LOST - GLASSES, Law Quad to U. Towers. Case says Schilling 375,1st Ave. N.Y. Call 665-0241. A49 LOST - Brown, full length suede coat at Psychedelic Dance Fri. nite. Need badly, its cold. Reward. Call 764-5902. BARGAIN CORNER "White" and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing--$7 STA-PREST Slim Fits $650 SANS SOUCI Beautiful spacious apartments for 2-6 persons. Size of our apartments and their features make this an outstand- ing building: " Balconies. p!Air Conditioning * Private Parking " Beautifully furnished thruout " Dishwashers " Free sublet assistance Close to stadium and right next door to campus via continual free service by UM commuter bus. Call 665-2689, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. C13 INTASTRANT BARGAIN Will deal huge 2 bedroom, modern apt. to sublet-Disposal unit, double sinks in bathroom and kitchen, central air conditioning. Large closet and cubbard space. Call 761-8292. UD SUMMER SUBLET - Girl needed to share beautifully furn. 7 room apt, with 3 others. $55/month. Call Bar- bara Laughlin, 764-3469, between 7- 10 p.m. -.U44 ROCKY did quit. HA! HA! MODERN 3-man apt. 1 blk. from cam- pus, air-cond., patio, parking no problem. Call 665-4797. 715 Church St., Apt. 5 U3 HUGE 4-MAN, 3 bdrm. house near campus and hospital. 414 E. Kingsley. 7§1-9251.U35 3 GIRLS needed to share mod., air- cond., 2 bedroom apt. with 4th. For more information Call 665-7285 or stop in. at 919 S. Division Apt. 204. U23 4-MAN, 6 ROOM, furnished, air-cond. apt. with 2 balconies, good view, close to campus. Park Plaza. 761-2559. U37 Tues., March 28 All-Campus P-Bell for Val Cavin. FB I certainly would like to see that hat of yours today. Pick you up at 3:00 in the fire chief's car. BABY DOLL: -ACE FB M.D.F. and J.A.R. - Hope the Floria1 Sun shines in Ann Arbor anyway! Really glad you didn't go away. Happy Spring Vacation! MUCH OLVE, A.B. & L.J. FF LEVI JACKETS "White" or Denim-$7.50 FA MOD, 3-MAN. Pool, air-cond., covered parking, furnished, party room. 662- 6872. U33 SUMMER SUBLET-Spacious 3-man, 2 bdrm., one block from Union. $45/mo. Will bargain. 665-2312 persistently. U34 ON-CAMPUS - 3-Man apartment with basement for summer. $40/man. 665- 2589. 131 1 MAN NEEDED to share mod., air- cond apt, with dishwasher, disposal and TV. May-Aug. Call 662-6482. U30 DON'T TELL the FBI or UAC about the Gargoyle mass meeting this Wed, at 7:00 in the Student Pub. Just come. FC COMPLAINTS ABOUT APARTMENTS?! (service, rents, etc.) Write 1528 SAB Student Rental Union Helps You. P17 MISCELLANEOUS GETTING MARRIED SOON? Call Planned Parenthood for appoint- ment. Call 663-3306. M40 1958 FORD, Convert, retractable hard- top, 352, unique. 761-8842. N8 FLIGHT '67-To and from Europe Mod, 3bdrm., 2 bath rms., balcony, VISIT OUR WESTERN SHOP. Sale on study room, everything you could Jo-O-Kay leather jackets, Justin, want! Inquire individually or as a Tony Loma and Acme Boots. Sch- group. Call76 r-6872.aUB neider Western Supply, 2635 Saline Rd. Phone 663-0111. 1 mile south of ONE GIRL TO SHARE new furnished UM Stadium. FZ apt. with 2 others. Air cond., carpet- LADIES & GENTLEMEN of the PRES ed,LE eroatom.TLEMMNayf-heMaysPR 761-2810 after 5. 11ro.My -u.2 13 The Matrix Table luncheon is April 1 MOTORCYCLE SALE New bikes, 50cc step-through $275; 50 cc sport, $300; 60 cc sport, $335; 90 cc trail, oil injection, $385; 90 cc sport 9 hp, oil injection, $395. Used Bikes - 90 cc scrambler, 12 hp, extra sprockets, complete racing equipment, $365; 90 cc trail, new engine, $275; 50 cc Honda Sport 50, $110; Honda parts and accessories, custom paint- ing, and customizing. University Motorcycle Sales 211 E. Ann NO 2-3979. FOR SALE FOR SALE-1966 305 Honda Scrambler. Good shape. 3700 miles. Call Tom, 663-7419. - B39 PSYCHEDELIC POSTERS, $1 each or any 3 for $2.50. Uncle Ruff's Love Agency, 7729 Kentucky Ave., Dearborn, Mich. B37 WILL WHOEVER picked up my tan suede jacket during the Sesquidelic Dance at the League Fri. night please call 764-5743. A45 LOST IN UGLI OR UNION-A RING. Gold ban with large, diamond-shaped greenish-white stone (Peridot). Any information, cali. 662-4895. AB LOST, Feb 13. Mason Hall-Union- Gold Jules Jurgenson watch. Ample reiward, 761-6544. AB LEVI'S Supersllms-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$5.25 ATTRACTIVE mod. apts. with air-cond., I parking, laundry facilities and resi- IIdent manager. Efficiencies, 1 and 2 FOR SALE-1 set of Great Books. In- cludes Bookcase and other extras. Call 663-7391. B36 FOR SALE-HONDA 90 Trail Bi.ke. I