TUESDAY. MARCH 2$, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY !s A rser ON41 u TUESAY, ARC 28,196 THEMICTGAN 1AL PAGE TRR I Nationalism Blurs Bloc Lines in New Europe By ARTHUR L. GAVSHON LONDON (/P)-From the Arctic to the Aegean allied peoples and governments are loosening the American embrace, bent on pur- suing their interests in their own ways. Eastward, Hungarians, Ro- manians, Bulgarians are providing similar displays of reborn nation- alism not always to Moscow's liking. Yet neither Washington nor Moscow appears unduly perturbed -possibly because they feel the balance of international danger has moved from Europe to Asia. An Associated Press survey of trends in four key capitals of al- lied Europe suggests political as well as military support is eroding from the 15-nation North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Most of the major allies want to recast NATO's strategy and purposes before it uneasy over Communist China, enters its second 20-year term in 1969. Fresh friendships are overshad- owing old loyalties, with Paris replacing Washington as a focal point. Factors of economic nationalism are spurring the process. West Germany and Italy dislike the curbs on their industrial advance- ment they discern in the projected treaty to stop the spread of nu- clear weapons. Even stalwart- Britons have joined the European protest against what is seen as United States economic domination. Europeans, who evolved bal- ance-of-power politics, see a combination of causes behind these developments. The Americans and Russians, are moving gingerly into an era of superpower diplomacy. More important, some of the continent suspect a major political bargain between Washington and Moscow is emerging, looking like this: -The Americans would accept the status quo in Europe, mean- in, in practical terms, the inde- finite division of Germany. -The Russians in return would accept the status quo in Asia, meaning a Vietnam settlement ac- ceptable to Washington. True or false, this was how President Johnson's Oct. 7 speech in New York was interpreted when he bid publicly for a mutual U.S.-Soviet cutback in forces in Europe as a step toward per- manent peace on the continent. From that interpretation, or suspicion, various things follow: The .Vietnam war has become, to Europeans, a symbol of Wash- ington's greater interest in Asia, while the turmoil in China has dramatized Russia's need for stability on her western front to leave her free to deal 'with any emergency on the east. These two situations, as seen from Europe, could transform classical patterns of international relationships. Intense discussions are reported from Paris, Bonn and Rome, as well as London, about changing European attitudes toward the superpowers. Each country seems to feel Eur- ope can play a world role ef- fectively only if it is united. At the same time the main European allies have their own national reasons for wanting to shake loose from the Americans. De Gaulle, for instance, wants to lead a "third forceEurope." He has long foreseen others would follow, and Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger's evident conver- sion pleases him. Kiesinger's men consider that, somehow, the Amer- icans have failed them in their aim of reuniting Germany. There have been other factors influencing them-a wish to as- sert themselves more, a certain resentment against having to bow to the hard-sell of American arms salesman and a reaction to Amer- ican investment in their industries. Prime Minister Aldo More leads a coalition government in Italy with socialists in it and to some extent the concept of "a third force Europe" is traditional to European socialists. But he has to watch the influence of the Com- munists, whose vote rose in 1963 and could rise again in next year's election. Moro has been careful to con- fine himself to "understanding," not "supporting," American policy in Vietnam. After the end of last nonth's bomb-pause Moro's Cab- inet expressed regret at the Amer- ican action. Wilson has managed to remain loyal on most issues to the John- son administration, not without political risk. Recent governmental shifts in West Germany, Italy and Britain have produced another common factor: Socialist parties have been projected into positions of power of challenge. The German coalition includes' Vice-Chancellor Willy Brandt's So-j cial Democrats. Some diplomats believe the real strong man of the regime is Finance Minister' Franz-Josef Strauss-and that he is resolved eventually to oust American and British troops from his country and to come to terms with the Russians. Others see him as a forceful German patriot con- vinced the transatlantic connec- tion. with Washington is valuable to Germany. Moro's political strategy seems to be designed mainly to keep the Communists at bay. On most big issues he is expect- ed to play his cards well enough to keep the Socialists from pulling out of his coalition before the 1968 ballot. Wilson, a socialist premier, has run into a bad period of govern- mentbbut some signs suggest he may be over the worst. His austere economic recovery program ap- pears to be balancing the nation's books after years of chronic over- spending abroad. Russia's preoccupation with the Chinese peril has fed the con- viction - or hope - among the European allies that there is little or no chance of a Soviet march against the. West in the foresee- able future. Consequently certain peoples -including the French, West Ger- mans, Italians and British-see little need for maintaining back- breaking military barricades acreas the continent. I 'Court Asks I the continent. South Viet Constitution To. Take Effect Saturday I Presidential Elections Set For Sept. I Council Chooses Dates For Voting on Senate, Assembly Seats SAIGON (R)-South Vietnam's new constitution will go into ef- fect Saturday and presidential elections will be held Sept. 1 the Armed Forces Council announced here yesterday. Premier Nguyen Cao Kay, the real power in the council, is expected to be a' can- didate. The decision came on a day that saw warfare ebb after a Sunday of vigorous fighting stretching from the mountains along the demilitarized zone to the Mekong River delta. After a day-long meeting, the council announced that elections to the Senate also will be held Sept. 1. Voting for the lower house of the National Assembly was set for Oct. 1. Civilian Rule The constitution, written by the 117-rmember Constituent Assembly, will restore true civilian rule for the first time since the military overthrow of President Ngo Dinh Diem Nov. 1, 1963. There have been brief periods of civilian government since then, but the military was the actual power. The last civilian govern- ment was kicked out by the mili- tary Jan. 27, 1965, after three months in office. The president military regime has been in office since June 20, 1965, with Premier Ky, an air force marshal, as head of the gov- ernment, and Maj. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu as head of state. Thieu and Ky are considered leading possibilities for the presi- dency. In order to run, they .would have to shed their military rank because the constitution requires that the president be a civilian. Presidential Form The new constitution provides for a presidential form of govern- ment much like South Korea and France. The president will be both head of state and government and will appoint a premier as chief of cabinet. A communique said the military council would "accept in full the draft constitution of the Consti- tuent Assembly voted on March 18, 1967, and will promulgate this said constitution on April 1, 1967." This was a month earlier than expected. Also yesterday, Radio Hanoi said a foreign ministry spokesman had in effect rejected U.N. Secre- tary-General U Thant's peace plan. It said his views as released by the United Nations "do not tally with the reality in Vietnam and are contrary to the views" of North Vietnam. 'No Distinction' The North Vietnamese spokes- man particularly objected to Thant's proposal for a cease-fire and unconditional negotiations, saying it made "no distinction between the aggressors and the victim." On the war front, fighting in the Mekong River delta centered around Can Tho, 50 miles south- west of Saigon. This is essentially a battle for the rice paddies that the 'Viet Cn needs for food sunlies and -Associated Press .S. ANKER SPLITS IN TWO The American tanker Torray Canyon which split in two off the southwest coast of England Sunday continued to spill its oil cargo yesterday, further polluting British beaches and waters. The vessel, written off as the most costly loss in merchant marine history, ran aground ten days ago and spilt during the failure of Dutch salvage tugs to free her from the rocks. RESPONSE TO STORY: Pentagon Admits U.S. Planes Attacked b Communist Ships Court Asks ICC Study On Merger Pa.--N.Y. Railroad Union May Adversely Effect Other Lines WASHINGTON (AP) - The Su- preme Court sidetracked the Pennsylvania-New York Central railroad merger yesterday until its effect on the fate of three smaller eastern roads is determined. This can be done quickly by the Interstate Commerce Commission, possibly by June, Justice Tom C. Clark said in the 5-4 decision. "We do not believe it is too high a price to pay" for a just settle- ment, he added. The $6-billion merger, studied for more than 10 years and in the works more than five, represents the biggest corporate union in the history of American business. Disappointed Wayne M. Hoffman, executive vice president of New York Cen- tral, commented "Needles to say, we are disappointed." He added "even a temporary delay will have adverse effects on the health of the entire eastern railroad pic- ture." Penn's spokesman said his line is "disappointed but not disheart- ened." The Pennsylvania, the nation's largest railroad, and the Central, the third largest, had a net in- come in 1965 of more than $75 million and operating revenue in excess of $1.5 billion. Later Consideration Their merger was approved last April by the ICC, which left for later consideration the future of the Erie-Lackawanna, the Dela- ware & Hudson and the Boston & Maine. The three claimed they could not survive as independent car- riers. U.S. Solictor General Thur- good Marshall referred to them as "little orphans" in asking the court for a delay until the ICC finds them a home. The three have asked that they be included in the present Nor- folk & Western railway system. However, the Norfolk & Western has said it doesn't want them un- less they are part of the package deal that would also include a merger with the Chesapeake & Ohio railway. The ICC is now studying these two approaches. It expects to have a decision on the three smaller roads' request sometime this sum- mer. But it may not decide the N&W-C&O case for years. Clark emphasized the court was not passing on the merits of the Penn-Central merger. But he said the ICC's order approving imme- diate consummation while the fate of the three roads is still up in the air is "unsurportable." Chief Justice Earl Warren and Justices Hugo L. Black, William 0. Douglas and William J. Bren- nan Jr. voted with Clark to form a majority. Justices John M. Harlan, Potter Stewart and Byron R. White join- ed Abe Fortas in dissenting. "The courts may be the prin- cipal guardians of the liberties of the people," Fortas wrote. "They are not the chief administrators of its economic destiny." WASHINGTON (IP)-Sen. Rob- ert F. Kennedy (D-NY) acted yes- terday to avoid a contest with President Johnson by announcing through an aide'he will take steps to keep his name off 1968 presi- dential primary ballots in Oregon and Nebraska. Kennedy has been saying for more than a year that he will not bid for the Demrocratic nomina- tion and will support a Johnson- Humphrey ticket. In what seemed an obvious ef- fort to tone down the friction that exists between him and Johnson, the New York senator let it be known that he will submit a sworn statement that he is not a candidate for president if that be- comes necessary to bar his name from free-for-all primaries. Clay Myers, the Oregon secre- tary of state, said yesterday he doesn't know whether he will put Kennedy's name on the ballot 11 months from now and won't say whether he will until then. Myers said last week that if Kennedy continues to run strongly in the political spotlight' and in polls he will consider placing his name on the state's primary bal- lot. Meyers has until March 19, 1968, to decide. Under Oregon law, withdrawal can be accomplished only by a sworn statement of the individual involved that he does not intend to become a candidate for the presidential nomination. The same conditions apply in the Nebraska primary. Kennedy's press secretary, Frank Mankie- wicz, said the senator will take withdrawal action in both states if his name is listed. Kennedy apparently is being embarrassed by his name as a pos- sible candidate against Johnson. He recognizes the political futility of challenging an incumbent pres- ident for the nomination and has indicated clearly he wants to.avoid any party split. The New York's senator's an- nouncement may dampen but is n'ot likely to snuff out independent efforts to Democrats opposed to Johnson's Vietnam war policies to offer Kennedy as an alternative. The Kennedy for President or- ganization in New York already SUPPORTS JOHNSON: Robert Kennedy Not Bidding For Presidential Primary of Soviet Officials Expelled By Greece .in Spy Hunt, ATHENS, Greece (A)-Two So- viet diplomats were ordered last night to leave Greece within 48 hours, accused of activities incom- patible with their status. They are believed to have been accused of espionage. A Greek Foreign Ministry an- nouncement said simply that the two had been expelled because in- criminating evidence had been compiled against them. They were identified as Albert Zaharov, sec- ond secretary in the Soviet Em- bassy, and Igor Ochurkov, a mem- ber of the Soviet commercial delegation. Unofficial quarters expressed belief the two were considered members of a large Soviet spy net- work exposed with the recent arrest of three Italians in Turin, Italy. Police have arrested civilians in Athens and in Cyprus in connec- tion with the espionage investiga- tions. Two Russians, one a diplo- mat, were expelled from Nicosia last Friday, and police in Cyprus disclosed Monday the arrest of a third Cypriot. The newly arrested man was identiifed by Cyprus police as Yannakis Pelekanos, who was taken into custody in Nicosia last Saturday when he stepped off a plane from Athens. Police sources said Pelekanos' arrest followed a visit to Athens by 'a senior Cypriot police officer, J. Rigas, who flew to the Greek capital as soon as Italian police informed both Greek and Cypriot governments that a Soviet espion- age net uncovered in Italy extend- ed also to their countries. The sources said Rigas is work- ing with Greek security in an ef- fort to establish whether the spy- ing activities encompassed the Greek forces in Cyprus. Police sources had said earlier spying activities in Cyprus were mainly directed against British air bases and American installations. is making preparations for a write- in campaign for the senator in the nation's earliest primary in New Hampshire. After a stormy Feb. 8 White House session with Johnson, Ken- nedy has been at pains lately to play down his difference with the President. He has called Johnson "an out- standing President" and added: "I, tthink we agree on most major issues. It is one of the prices of democrapy that there is sometimes a difference of viewpoint. But sometimes we benefit by these dif- ferences." Humphrey Opens European Tour Defending Viet War WASHINGTON (M)-Communist ships delivering war supplies to North Vietnam's major port, Hai- phong, have fired at American planes on at least two occasions, the Pentagon acknowledged last night. The U.S. planes were not hit, nor did they return the fire, the Defense Department said. The ac- tion occurred last year. Earlier the Pentagon had de- clined to discuss the incidents, saying it could not go beyond con- gressional testimony given by Gen. John P. McConnell, Air Force chief of staff. A short time after the appear- ance of an Associated Press story, reporting the hostile fire from Haiphong, the Defense Depart- ment said it had continued to check reports and come up with "two reported instances." , Disclosure of the apparently onesided attacks on U.S. airplanes in the Haiphong area came amid these other developments: -A Senate preparedness sub- committee called for a lifting of bombing restrictions in North Viet- nam. It said: "The most pressing need is an affirmative response to some of the recommendations of responsible commanders to strike more meaningful targets in North Vietnam." -A Defense Department state- ment taking exception to some of the subcommittee's findings of- fered no denial of the statement that "selection of targets to be struck in North Vietnam is still controlled in large measure from Washington," and that "the strik- ing forces must operate outside of certain prohibited areas and to the exclusion of specific targets." --Sen. Stuart Symington (D- Mo), a subcommittee member who visited the war theater in Decem- ber said in a separate statement that U.S. pilots want to be freed from restrictions against hitting Communist airfields in North Viet- nam. -White House sources affirmed that President Johnson is holding his plan to meet about twice a year with Vietnam commanders and strategy directors. Johnson has had three such meetings in the past 11 months, at Honolulu, Manila and Guam. Almost from the outset of the Vietnam war the Joint Chiefs of Staff have recommended closing Haiphong harbor through bomb- ing or mining operations. The administration, however, fears this might bring on direct Soviet or Communist Chinese participation in the conflict. There is some apprehension, too, that ending or crippling Soviet aid would force Hanoi deeper under the influence of Peking. The ban on hitting Haiphong was lifted only once, last sum- mer, when Navy planes smashed pumps and piping used to transfer fuel from tankers to storage areas. GENEVA () - Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey opened his two-week European swing yester- day with a defense of U.S. Viet- nam policy -and a counterattack against crriticism from both sides of the Atlantic. "We have nothing to apologize for," the vice president told mem- bers of the American mission here in a 45-minute pep talk before being briefed on negotiations to curb the spread of nuclear wea- pons and lower trade barriers. Humphrey likened the Amer- ican effort in Asia to the U.S. stand against Communist aggres- sion in Europe and in Korea. Humphrey, who takes off for The Hague Tuesday on the second leg of his six-nation swing, told newsman "I carry no special mes- sages nor am.attempting to act as a negotiator. I come to learn on the spot from our negotiators and from our friends in Europe." Humphreysaid he wanted first- hand experience to "update" him- self on the European situation, particularly nuclear limitation and trade talks. His mission, he said, was "to come as a friend, to come as a student, to come as a partner not seeking to tell anyone what to do but hopefully to learn what we can do better." World News Roundup CAR IN EUROPE SAVE $ AND SEE MORE BUY, RENT or LEASE Through CAR TOURS IN EUROPE, INC. -May and June Travelers-ORDER NOW-No Obligation CALL CAMPUS REP.-665-4229 Eves. for travel info., estimates, etc. By The Associated Press NEW YORK - Seven big New York banks joined yesterday in the parade to lower prime interest rates. The move sparked other re- ductions across the country. The trend to a lower interest rate began Jan.'26 when Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, the nation's second largest, cut to 51 per cent from 6 per cent. Chase's action followed a call by President Johnson in his State of the Union message for lower in- terest rates as a means of stimu- lating the economy. *1 * * FREETOWN, Sierra Leone - Without explanation, the military bosses of Sierra Leone yesterday removed their leader, chosen Sat- urday, who had not yet taken office, and named another army man in his place. Military leaders assumed power in this West Afri- can country Thursday after a deadlocked election. .' * "* LA PAZ, Bolivia - President Rene Barrientos decreed a state of emergency yesterday in the Bolivian southeast and and an- nounced the government's deter- mination to crush a Communist- inspired guerrilla movement. He announced the air force was using napalm in attacks on the guer- rillas. -M w .1 UN ON-LPAGUE v Euonean i ry >'2 myap tf ' . v 11 11 In !I