PAGE -EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1967 PAGE .EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1967 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from page 2) felt 50 per cent of the assessed fee, POSITION OPENINGS: Feb. 9, 1967, Further information and whichever is larger. The withdrawal Local Hospital-Woman Rec. Therap., applications available at Summer Place- Grants: Faculty members who wish form, No, 615, must be dated not later Psychiat, Children Dept. Full-time, days ment Service. to apply for grants from faculty re- than Feb. 17 to qualify for the refund. plus some evenings & trips. No degree Camp Chi, Wis.-Coed camp will inter- search funds to support projects should Students having a notice dated after or degree pins 6 mos. some psych. work, view here Jan. 16 from 1 to 5 and on file their applications in Room 1014 Feb. 17 will be assessed the full term music, sport, life-saving/WSI, mature, the 17th 9 to 12 and 1-5. Looking for Rackham Bldg. not later than Jan. 30, fee. good leadership. Also Clerk-Typist for counselors M or F, also unit heads. 1967. Instructions and format may be If you attempt to "drop" all courses Occ.-Rec. Therapy Dept., man/woman, The Appel Farm, N.J.-Coed camp will obtained in Room 1014 Rackham, or without selecting new ones, you are typing only prerequisite. Interview Sat., Jan. 14, from 9 to 12 at you may +call 764-4405 to have them deemed to be in a withdrawal status. University of Wisconsin Medical Cen- Summer Placement Service, 2 12 SAB. mailed. Apply for withdrawal through your ter, Madison, Wis.-Research vac. Bach. Looking for counselors and waterfront. school office; the change of elections required in: Clin. Oncol., Fd. Res., Retail Credit Co.-National firm can Attention Students: Those who with- card is not required. Physiol. Chem., Preven. Med., Path., use men in 300 branch offices through- draw from Ann Arbor schools and col- Source: Registrar's Office. Primate Res., Pediat., Radiol., Pharm. & out the U.S. Must be 21, having typing leges of the University between Jan. Plant aPth. Pre-BS positions in Gene. ability and automobile for local travel. 20 and Feb. 17, 1967, will be assessed History Lecture: Prof. Robert Lee & Obs., & Med. Contact N. R. Bates, 662-2517, Ann Ar- a disenrollment fee of $30 or shall for- Wolff of Harvard University will speak bor on: "The Ark of the Covenant and D'Arcy Advertising Co., Chicago, Ill. Camp Arbutus, Mich.-Girls camp will the Hand of God on the Upper Loire." -Sr. Res. Project Dir. 3-5 yrs. in con- interview here Jan. 16 for counselors, Slides will be shown. Jan. 12, 4:10 p.m., sumer mktg./ad. research, 25-35 yrs. 10 to 12 and 1 to 5. Aud. D, Angell Hall. For further in- with BA or above. Crestwood Camp, Conn.-Coed. Will formation contact Mrs. Eggert, 764-6305, Philco Corp., Newport Beach, Calif. interview here Jan. 12, from 2:30 to 5. History Office. -Engineer in Guid. & Fuzing Tech., Looking for head counselor, specialists Air Def. Oper. in swimming, music, general athletics KEEP FREEDOM Zoology Seminar: Dr. Marcus Jacob- Xerox Corp.,-Detroit, Mich.-Customer and horseback riding, son, Department of Biological Sciences, Instructor, woman, pref. unmarried, * * * Purdue University, will speak on: "How no spec. bkgd., initiative, work with For further information stop in at Are Nervous Connections Formed be- people instr. maintenance & operation. 212 SAB, Lower Level, Summer Place- tween the Eye and the Brain?" Jan. 12, Traveling, with salesman often. Car ment Service. Hours 8:30-12 and 1:30- R- G 4 p.m., 2203 Angell Hall. necessary. Company pays expenses. 4:30. Wilson Co., Inc., Chicago, 1I1-Stat. Admission Test for Graduate Study Anal,-Econ. Res., BS in stat/math/coi- EDUCATION DIVISION: .... .. Business: Application blanks are puter exper. pref. Tax Acctg.-major Saline, Mich.-6th grade position open available in Room 122 Rackham Bldg. acctg., mn. 4 yrs. tax work with large for second semester. Apply to Marion for the Admission Test for Graduate corp., 26-45 age. Cost Acetg. Clerk-2-3 Barclay, principal, Houghton Elemen- Study in Business. The next adminis- yrs. college plus 2-3 yrs. cost acctg. tary School, Saline, Mich., 48176. Stration of the test will be on Sat, Shift Sup.-some chem., any major, re- Feb. 4, and applications must be re- cent grad. Asst. Res. Pharmacologist - For additional information contact ceived in Princeton, N.J., by Jan. 21, Biol. sci. degree, exper. with animals, Miss Collins, Education Division, 3200 avaluate drugs, some biochem. work. SAB, 764-7459. Law School Admission Test: Applica- City of Saginaw. Mich.-Assistant City tion blanks are available in Room 122 Attorney. Grad, adm. bar of Michigan, ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- Rackham Bldg. for the Law School Ad- city res. after 90 days. VIEWS: Make interview appointments mission Test. The next administration Local Office-Secretary for music de- at Room 128-H, West Engineering Bldg. of the test will be on Sat., Feb. 11, partment. Dictaphone, mature, busy of- JAN. 18- and applications must be received in fice, Jan. 27 starting. JE. du Pont de Nemours & Co BUY U.S. Princeton, N.J., by Jan. 28. * * sArorne Insruments ab. For further information please call United Aircraft Corp. - Hamilton -Placem ent764-7460, General Division Desk, Bureau Standard. of Appointments, 3200 SAB. Atomic Energy Commission. ANNOUNCEMENT: Ohio Edison Co. Harris Trust adn Savings Bank - SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: fcarpenter Steel Co. Interviews next Thurs., Jan. 19, for 212 SAB- Wite Motor Co.-White Trucks Div. summer banking program. Any field re- Summer Jobs with Post Office-Some Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. lated to bus. grad. in 68. Work and driving vehicles. Seasonal assistants for Trane Co. seminars from June 14-Aug. 25, 1967. offices throughout U.S. Applications for Bell Aerosystems Co. Call 764-7460,for appointment. examination must be received before Vickers, Inc. UNION-LEAGUE r Heritage Boo in NowOpen Have coffee with your professor. MUG, 9-12 A.M., 2-5 P.M., 7-12 P.M. Any day of the week. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 411i111n1sInui" I. e Make YOUR Voice Cow~nt in the student movement- PETITION for seats on The Presidential Commission To Study University Decision-Making and The Draft Committee To Study University Relations with I A 4 A V 4 Selecive Service Petitions Available at the SGC Offices First Floor, SAB PETITIONING CLOSES FRIDAY I ' f 4 Jon the I I I 4 4 Business, Editorial, Photo, Sports Staffs oaa at :1 *o 0 January 11 This one move could change your entire college life! 4' id ... fir ar .r1 AF 11 I - qd 1d dl M-irm- -l- All