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LS.."t.".."...4^.J.'..V:".^. ..S . . . .*1"V.**. " .l...t**..*.,. h... 1. ...*"*...* . . ..,...h.. ....L'M* I... ...L.. ... V", 1 5 1 "..* .r1.. . ..1 ...51141N..VV.% V. .XtV.AV h~.... .. ...v. .. 55.4.....:. .. ""..:. :.. . . ....,.......... ...S::.' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM i 'A Mandate for Change' And The Intra-University Device "WHEREAS COLLEGE STUDENTS are adults and they themselves are re- sponsible for their own actions, and "WHEREAS by the time a girl reaches college she has set most of her stand- ards, and such a time limit will not af-- fect her actions, and "WHEREAS the fear of being penaliz- ed for three .or more late minutes may cause many women students to illegal- ly remain out of the residence hall over- night, and. "WHEREAS there is increased possibil- ity of accidents in the rush to return to the residence hall before closing and "WHEREAS it is assumed that a col- lege studept is mature and capable of de- termining her own course of action in the attainment of her goals without unnec- essary rules which undoubtedly hinder personal discipline and "WHEREAS university administrators should accept the fact that college wom- en carry with them responsibilities inher- ent with maturity, "THEREFORE be it resolved that clos- ing hours in the women residence halls be eliminated for all women residents of sophomore, junior or senior standing." -From "Honor Code Proposal concern- ing Hours in Women's Residence Halls at Eastern Michigan University." THERE IS NO CLEARER statement to support the case against sophomore women's hours. Student Government Council's recommendation calling for the abolition of these arbitrary, and wholly unjustified curfew rules must be ap- proved and implemented by the Office of Student Affairs, which has "jurisdic, tion over individual student conduct." It is unfortunate that the administra- tion views women's hours as a type of intra-University-device to safeguard the morals of its coeds. What is more unfor- tunate, however, is that the administra- tion even has this control over the con- duct of students. The. new SGC officers have claimed that their election has given them a "mandate for change." The immediate change should be the repeal of sopho- more curfew; the ultimate change must be the transfer of jurisdiction over per- sonal conduct from the OSA to the stu- dents themselves. -LISSA MATROSS -STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ALL OF ANN ARBOR'S elite turned out Thursday night to laud President Harlan Hatcher at a Cham- ber of Commerce Testimonial dinner in the league. Simultaneously the city received the "All America" award and outgoing Chamber President Robert L. Johnson was honored. So many awards were changing hands that new Chamber President Prof. George S. Odiorne of the Busi- ness School accidentally picked up the "All-America" city plaque to give to Mr. Johnson for his year of civic service. But the mistake was- promptly corrected and Mayor Hulcher ultimately took the "All-America" plaque home. The Chamber pointed out in its lavish banquet program that one of Ann Arbor's "three claims" to "All- America" recognition "was its achievement in the field of civil rights through the adoption of a strong fair housing law, the appointment of a public housing com- mission, the development of a human relations program, and the activities of the School Board.' However, the Chamber did not mention that it for- mally opposed he original foundation of the city's human relations commission, housing ordinance, and housing commission. In fact when the housing commission debate was hot, Odiorne, now Chamber president, and several others took out an ad in the Ann Arbor News opposing for- mation of the housing commission. After the city voted to form a housing commission, Mayor Wendell Hulcher appointed Joseph Edwards and William J. Conlin, then both members of the Chamber board that had opposed the new unit, to the five man housing commission board of directors. THE CHAMBER is one of those unheralded organ- fzations working behind the scenes to preserve the quality of Ann Arbor life. For example its 1966 Annual Report, made public at the banquet noted that "The Chamber joined with . . . the Ann Arbor Board of Realtois in creating Ann Arbor Independent Housing Inc. This resulted in the acquisition of 5 low rent properties for low income families in critical financial condition." Dr. Albert Wheeler, of Ann Arbor, who is president of the Michigan NAACP and was not at the banquet, says that his group's studies show there are "at least 1,000 low-income Ann Arbor families (less than $3,000 annual income). About 900 of the low-income families are white." Wheeler adds that "When the Housing Commission was formed a year and a half ago there were 70 to 75 families living in low-income dwellings who needed emergency housing. Today there are still 70-75." The Chamber points out in its report that it has taken an active interest in University affairs: "The Chamber published a definitive report on book stores operated throughout the midwest by colleges and universities which clearly indicated that there was no need for an additional book store in Ann Arbor to be operated by the University of Michigan. This report was backed up by a strong policy statement transmitted to the executive officers and regents of the University." IN ITS LAVISH tribute presented to President Hatcher, the Chamber pointed up the fine University cooperation the city has received in this and other areas: "He (Hatcher) has linked with quiet confidence an institution with a city, knowing that the fortunes of both work for the good of all ... And the city is proud." The Chamber also pointed out that: "He has condemned intimidation, of any-man, of any color, demanding open expression in the forum that is. "He has spoken with clarity and hope when the mocking jugle of dissent between city and school would thrust them apart . . . And the city is proud." The Chamber concluded: "Hail to the victors, valiant! "Hail to Harlan Hatcher!" INCIDENTALLY it turns out that Hatcher has been con- cerned with freedom of artistic expression long before "Flaming Creatures" came to town. In "William Faulk- ner: Three Decades of Criticism," editors Hoffman and Vickery point to Hatcher as one of several critics who "regret that a great talent (Faulkner) had not as yet found its direction or purpose, was too self-indulgent, lacked self-discipline and seemed determined to stay in the blind alley of naturalism." The authors say, "Harlan Hatcher (creating the Modern American Novel, 1935), commenting upon the 'monstrous beings' who inhabited the novels had regret- fully to admit that Faulkner 'defines the farthest limits to which the innovations and revolt's that were at one time necessary to the continued well-being of our liter- ature can be carried without final self-defeat.'" IT LOOKS LIKE the radical right is making a serious effort to woo liberal college students into their ranks. Following the lead of former Daily editorial director Harvey Wasserman, the California Young Americans for Reagan recently issued a position paper backing the legalization of marijuana. The group also backed the legalization of heroin, too, which is something most pot devotees would be reluctant to fight for. "Marijuana is not a narcotic," says the YAR. "It is not addictive. It is not linked to the two worst diseases know to mankind, lung cancer and heart disease, as is tobacco, nor is it linked to any other disease. By any objective standard, it is far less debilitating-if at all- than either tobacco or alcohol." Who knows what heights Reagan may reach? 4 our city ... And the city is proud. "He has respected the rights of others, be he or citizen, dedicating himself to no narrow scan but willing for an interplay of ideas . . . And1 is proud. I' student, of man, the city Youth Must Be Heard Letters to the Editor I Sneak Attack on Reapportionment IN A SUBTLE whispering campaign, 32 states have called for a constitutional convention aimed at nullifying the three- year-old one - man - one - vote Supreme Court decision. Led by patriarchal Sen- ate Minority Leader E'erett McKinley Dirksen, conservative politicians, with American Farm Bureau Federation sup- port, are proposing a constitutional amendment that would quash any hopes for equitable representation by allowing one house of each state legislature to be apportioned on "factors other than popu- lation." Defeated when they tried to ini- tiate a similar proposal in the Senate, Dirksen and his cohorts have chosen the alternate back-door method. The practice of convening an assem- blage of. state legislatures to alter the Constitution--something that has never been done previously-must be pursued with the utmost regard for constitutional principle and legality. The majority of states, however, have not yet reapportion- ed themselves in conjunction with the Warren Court guidelines. By demanding a convention they are apparently attempt- ing to amend th6 Constitution in grantly unconstitutional manner; case is fraudulent. a fla- their CAUGHT BY SURPRISE, Congress has reacted sharply., Sen. William Prox- mire (D-Wis) and Sen. Joseph D. Tydings (D-Md) have urged the Congress to re- ject 26 of the 32 petitions on the grounds that they were submitted by mal- apportioned state legislatures. Remaining state houses have exhibited much more 'caution in their approach to the propos- al. Senate liberals are preparing to fili- buster if the demand for a constitutional convention is made. And the Supreme Court is poised to reaffirm its ruling on the one-man-one-vote issue. In short, Dirksen and his followers are faced with almost certain defeat. To alter the existing legal structure the states must begin by conforming to the Supreme Court decision. Ironically, the state legislatures cannot legally seek to nullify the decision without first obeying it. -JOHN LOTTIER Hecklers I AND SO IT came to pass that the Board of Regents decided to discipline students responsible for causing disturbances at public meetings by ignoring the rights of others. I marvel at the order- liness and efficiency with which this decision was made. I remem- ber the time of the first teach-in, back' in the days when Alan Sea- ger was loose on campus, when disturbances were a relatively new thing at the U. New, and trivial enough not to merit Regental at- tention. Disturbances like the bomb scare that night; like the neo-S.S. guards who marched by with drum, bugle and flag while speeches were in progress; like the snowballs thrown at Drs. Berg- man and Boulding as they spoke on the library steps. Like Seager himself whose ugly manners that night embarrassed everyone so. Did the Regents act then? No, they did not, and it was well. For these incidents were freaks, a new experience, and the Regents wait- ed to gather more evidence. In like manner Mr. Aptheker survived hecklers in Rackham last year. The War Crimes sign in the fishbowl survived its hecklers. The Vietnam float, on the other hand, did not survive. It was, in fact, shredded by over-zealous students. And the Regents gathered this evidence, too. But owing to the inherently volatile nature of these events it was not clear that there was a continuing problem serious enough to demand action. Hence, the Regents wisely continued their vigil. AND NOW the evidence is suf- ficient-last week some SDS mem- bers fell ill to the contagion, and they heckled. The Board saw its way clearly: for if a liberal group such as SDS so forgets itself as to ignore the rights of others at a public meeting, the disease must indeed be profound and surgery is necessary. What previously was only a minor discomfort is now an acute hernia. SDS has hurled the final straw, and they must not be allowed to do so again. For those who missed it, it is necessary to quote their essential position, stated first by GSC and unanimously endorsed by the Re- gents: "This tye of interference with orderly and peaceful discus- sion is inexcusable and will not be tolerated in a University com- munity." I like this statement; it is clear and unequivocal. It is pointed. It is also very funny. -David Goldberg Hecklers II I FIND that it is time to question the validity of all this concern about the so-called "heckling" in- cident. And I have to wonder why The Daily has never publish- ed a two-sided exposition of the matter. As far as the suppression of free speech is concerned, the guilty parties do not appear to have been the "hecklesm" Rather, the suppressors seem to have arisen from a coalition of congressmen, University administrators, and alumni. For the sake of preserving ivy - covered memories, Senator Hart and Congressman Ford were sheltered from the napalm of hot debate. FOR WHAT glorious reason, I ask, must one buffer discussion be- tween voting "hecklers" and their elected representatives in Con- gress? We who do not take our politics lightly cannot expect these meetings to be conducted with the daintiness and expertise of a Hatcher tea-party. -Henry Rothberger, '69M City Election J UST TWO YEARS ago Coun- cilman Richard Balzhiser (R- Fifth Ward) said "I am seeking public office not as a politician but as a citizen sincere in his ef- forts to contribute to our com- munity." Now, this same candidate is ask- ing the voters to cast ballots for his name and party without the assurance that he would serve if elected. Now, the Fifth Ward may, have a councilman appointed by others rather than one selected by the voters on the basis of is- sues. What a difference two years can make! -Elizabeth H. Clark Champion of the Poor O N MARCH 23, SGC endorsed the Republican candidate for the City Council from the First Ward. My heart is sick-not be- cause I am a partisan Democrat, but because I believe in the dig- nity of man and his liberation from oppression by the exploiting few. Mr. H. C. Curry, the Demo- cratic incumbent, is a humble, uneducated, Negro working man with a gift of eloquence. Prof. Shafter, his opponent, is a bland, conservative intellectual whose record mixes open and subtle sup- port of the principles and desires of the exploiting few. In the school board election last June, Prof. Shafter was not the darling of the racists that Mr. Lewis and Mr. Godfrey were, but he nestled close to their position. He said in public meeting that he did not support the measures pro- posed to eliminate discrimination and racial imbalance in our school system. On the City Council he would vote with his party to con- tinue the gratification to special, interests Ann Arbor Republican councilmen have always supported. Mr. Curry, on the other hand, has been a champion of the poor. I grant that he has voted for the building industry's rapes of Ann Arbor's charm, but this is consist- ent with his desire to create jobs for Negroes. I urge students, professors and staff of the northside University community to scorn one of our own sweet middle-class own and to vote for a true representative of the poor and down-trodden, H. C. Curry, on April 3 even though you do not share all of his beliefs. -Nicholas D. Kazarinoff Professor of Mathematics By ROBERT F. KENNEDY The following is the second half of an address by the junior senator fromrNew York to the Americans for Democratic Ac- tion in Philadelphia, Pa., on Feb. 24.It is reprinted from the New Republic, March 11. WE ARE FRIENDS of education, especially of universities; our friends and allies teach there, they are a major force in the liberal' community.. But listen: "Education [is] by its very nature an individual mat- ter ... not geared to mass! produc- tion. It does not produce people who instinctively go the same way ... [Yet] our millions learn the- same lessons and spend hours be- fore television sets looking at ex- actly the same thing at exactly the same time. For one reason and another we are more and more ig- noring differences, if not trying to obliterate them. We seem head- ed toward a standardization of the mind, what Goethe called 'The deadly commonplace that fetters us all'." That might well have been, but it was not, a speaker at a Berkeley rally; it was Edith Hamilton, one of our greatest classicists. AND NOW LISTEN to a student representative, speaking to a meet- ing of the Board of Regents of the University of California: "We have asked to be heard. You have re- fused. We have asked for justice. You have called it anarchy. We have asked for freedom. You have called it license. Rather than face the fear and hopelessness you have created, you have called it communistic. You have accused us of failing to use legitimate chan- nels. But you have closed those channels to us. You, and not us, have built a university based on distrust and dishonesty." It is impossible to mistake the anguish of that voice. There may be many things in that cry, but one of them is surely a protest of individuality-against the univer- sity as a corporate bureaucracy, against the dull sameness Miss Hamilton saw 'also-for in bu- reaucracy and sameness is the de- nial of individuality, and the de- nial that human beings matter; if all are the same, why listen to what anyone says? THE NONRECOGNITION of in- dividuality-the sense that no one is listening - is even more pro- nonced in our politics. Television, newspapers, magazines, are a cas- cade of words, official statements, policies, explanations and declar- ations; all flow from theheight of government, down to the pas- sive citizen; the young must feel, in their efforts to speak back, like solitary salmon trying to breast Grand Coulee Dam. The words which submerge us, all too often, speak the language of a day irrelevant to our young. And the language of politics is too often insincerity. AndĀ°if we add to the insincerity, and .the ab- sence of dialogue, the absurdity of a politics in which a Byron de la Beckwith can declare as a candidate for lieutenant governor of Mississippi, we can understand why so many of our young peo- ple have turned from engagement to disengagement. IT IS NOT enough to under- stand, or to see clearly. What- ever their differences with us, whatever the depth of their dis- sent, it is vital-for us as much as for them-that our young feel that change is possible; that they will be heard; that the cruelties and follies and injustices of the world will yield, however grudgingly, to the sweat and sacrifice they are so ready to give. And more than disillusionment, danger; for we rely on these young people more than we know: not just in the Peace .Corps, though the Peace Corps has done more for our position around the world than all our armed forces and foreign aid; not just in civil rights, though our youth have done more toward a solution of that problem than all the power and panoply of government; we rely on our youth for all our hopes of a better future - and thus, in a real and direct sense, for the very meaning of our own lives. -1 4 I. A Paean to Ann Arbor I TO..... ...... UTDAY AND TOMORROW... by WALTER LIPPMANN== Johnson's Letters Reveal Tougher U.S. Stand THE EXCHANGE of letters be- tween President Johnson and Ho Chi Minh does not clear up the confusion and contradictions in the public mind about what happened at the time of the Tet truce in early February. The let- ters merely confirm what every- one already knows. The United States is prepared to suspend the bombing of North Vietnam if the President is "assur- ed that infiltration into South Vietnam by land and sea has stopped." The President, which was not known before, offered also to stop "further augmentation of U.S. forces in South Vietnam." But, of course, he did not propose to he was asking for in 1965 and early 1966. IT IS CLEAR, I think, that the President's former position was that he would suspend the bomb- ing in return for an uncondition- al parley. Thus, on Jan. 31, 1966, at the end of the 37-day bombing pause, Secretary of State Dean Rusk said that bombing would not have been resumed "if Ha- noi would reciprocate by making a serious contribution toward peace." He said nothing about re- ciprocating with a military con- cession. Two weeks later, at Las Vegas, Secretary Rusk said more plainly that "some governments said Ha- also, is that in 1967 the President has stiffened his terms and is no longer willing to accept his 1966 terms. "As recently as the 37-day bombing pause in 1966 the ad- ministration was offering to end the air war for nothing more than an agreement to begin negotia- tions ... Since then the adminis- tration has been demanding a quid pro quo before it will agree to call off the bombing raids against the North." HERE LIES the explanation of Prime Minister Kosygin and U Thant's statements and of the President's strange behavior in ig- noring them both. no'in and TT Thant hrnuht "What A Serve! What A Return!" 7f R NN ARBOR was an- nounced winner of an All-American City award sponsored by Look magazine and the National Municipal League. The municipal newspaper, the Ann Ar- bor News, said the city was, given the award "for action in human relations, beautification and park land acquisition