0 ror apt 4:3atI Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIYGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Unreachable Children of Dissent ere Opinions Are Fe 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Wi Preva4l NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN Romney's Fiscal Reform: The Key to 'U' Quality By ROBERT F. KENNEDY First of Two Parts The following is the first half of an address by the junior sen- ator from New York to the Americans for Democratic Ac- tion in Philadelphia, Feb. 24. It is reprinted from the New Re- public, March 11. MORE AND MORE of our chil- dren are almost unreachable by the familiar premises and ar- guments of our adult world. The first task of concerned people is not to castigateor deplore -- it is to search out the reason for dis- illusionment and alienation, the rationale of protest and dissent -perhaps, indeed, to learn from it. What are they dissenting from-- and what do they tell us about ourselves? They begin, of course, with the war in Vietnam. We are not talk- ing about all our young people; after all, Vietnam is a young man's war. The men who fight and die there, with bravery and en- durance equal to any in our his- tory, are young. There are others, as I have seen on many campuses, who are in favor of escalation - though many who favor escalation also favor continuation of the student deferment, their seeming slogan: "Escalation without Participation." But when a hundred student body presidents and editors of college newspapers; hundreds of former Peace Corps volunteers; dozens of present Rhodes scholars question the basic premises of the war, they should not and cannot be ignored. THESE STUDENTS oppose the war for the brutality and the hor- ror of all wars, and for the partic- ular terror of this one. But for our young people, I suspect, Vietnam is a shock as it cannot be to us. They did not know World War II, or even Korea, And this is a war surrounded by rhetoric they do not under- stand or accept; these are the children not of the cold war, but of the thaw. Their memories of Communism are not of Stalin's purges and death camps, not even the terrible revelations of the Twentieth Party Congress, or the streets of Hungary. They see the world as one in which Communist states can be each others' deadliest enemies or even friends of the West, in which Communism is certainly no bet- ter, but perhaps no worse, than many other evil and repressive dic- astating the land of those we call our friends. However the war may seem to us, they see it as one in which the largest and most power- ful nation on earth is killing chil- dren (they do not care if acci- dentally) in a remote and insig- nificant land. We speak of past commitments, of the burden of past mistakes; and they ask why they should now atone for mistakes made be- fore many of them were born, be- fore almost any could vote. They see us spend billions on armaments while poverty and ig- norance continue at home; they see us willing to fight a war for freedom in Vietnam, but unwill- ing to fight with one-hundredth the money or force or effort to secure freedom in Mississippi or Alabama or the ghettos of the North. And they see, perhaps most dis- turbing of all, that they are re- mote from the decisions of policy; that they themselves frequently do not, by the nature of our poli- tical system, share in the power of choice on great questions shaping their lives. IT WOULD BE tempting - but it would be wrong and self-delud- ing-to trace to the war all the problems of our dissatisfied youth. Nor can this problem be traced to any individual, or to any ad- ministration, or to a political par- ty; the challenge is deeper and broader. Nor-painful as it may be for liberals to acknowledge-are these young people enchanted with lib- eral institutions. Labor has been in the forefront of many a great battle. But youth looks with other eyes, and their view is very different: They think of labor as grown sleek and bureaucratic with power, sometimes frankly discriminatory, occasionally even corrupt and ex- ploitative; a force not for change but for the status quo, unwilling or unable to organize new groups of members, indifferent to the men who once worked the coal mines of Appalachia, a late-comer -to the struggles of the grape pickers of California or the farm laborers of the Mississippi Delta. This is a one-sided picture, without the dimensions of 50 years' struggle, and the undramat- ic yet vital work of labor in many parts of the nation today. But there is too much truth in it for us not to understand our chil- dren's view--or to ignore the need for change. pi 01 THE QUALITY of University programs for next year depends on the passage of a fiscal reform package by the Michi- gan Legislature. The state . Senate yesterday reported out of committee the amended version of Governor Romney's fiscal reform pro- posals. Altered were the personal income tax level, from two and a half 'to three per cent, and the corporate income tax, raised from five to six per cent. A refund on state sales taxes for food was eliminat- ed from the plan, while the three cent a pack rise in cigarette taxes was retained. If approved by the Legislature, this measure would provide the state over $300 million in new revenues. About $100 mil- lion of this increase would be routed to all levels of state education, upon which the University would be able to make de- mands. Eight professors from the economics departments of this University, Michi- gan State and Wayne State Universities are holding a news conference this morn- ing to endorse Gov. Romney's fiscal re- form program, which should come to a vote in the Senate on Monday. IF FISCAL REFORM measures are de- feated, the state will be unable to pro- vide the Uniyersity with any more than the $62.2 million, it is allotted on the pres- ent Higher Education Bill before the Sen- ate Appropriations Committee. The rea- son for this is purely economic, as pro- gram costs are rising faster than state revenues in the face of a 20 per cent slump in the auto industry. Without fiscal reform, the University would be faced with a $2.5 million deficit to meet its minimum program require- ments. Even a $50 tuition increase would still necessitate program cuts in the fall. As Allan F. Smith, vice-president for academic affairs, told members of the appropriations subcommittee visiting the University irecently, "we know that fiscal reform of some sort is apparently requir- ed to financ9 even the level of spending the governor suggests. President Hatcher has already indicated, and I repeat, that we believe such reform is needed if Mich- igan is to supply the services required in this state." The $62.2 million appropriation will not be enough to maintain the existing teach- er-student ratio for next year's enroll- ment. It will not provide supporting staff for planned new enrollment (2,244 next year). It will not provide supplies and equipment at price levels which are likely to increase about 10 per cent. The proposed minimum state budget to- tal this year is $127.5 million higher than last year, but this exceeds expected reve- nues by $220.3 million. Even by using all of the projected $38 million state-accum- ulated surplus from this year, some type of fiscal reform measure is mandatory for basic operation of the state (and avoid- ance of a $180 million deficit). BUT THE BILL faces opposition. Demo- crats in the Legislature had contend- ed that Romney's package as it origin- ally stood placed too great a tax burden on individuals and not enough on cor- porations and financial institutions. They are now less likely to support the amend- ed version, which calls for an even high- er personal income tax rate. Republicans, prodded by Romney, hope to speed the bill through the Senate and have placed it on the top of the Senate calendar. They have asked that all pro- posed amendments be submitted today so that the bill can be debated and voted on next Monday. The motion will most like- ly have enough support to pass, although several Republicans may dissent along with the Democrats. Opposition will be more intense in the House, and the bill will probably be stall- ed in committee there for several weeks. Republican discontent with the plan has taken the form of two alternative pro- posals introduced to the taxation commit- tee recently. These plans feature even higher income tax rates than Romney's proposal. Romney has charged that these pro- posals are ploys to hurt him politically. More than 40 representatives of both par- ties are currently backing one of the two proposals and may be unlikely to sup- port Romney's bill if it comes to the Sen- ate floor. But it is actually unlikely that the al- ternative bills will be reported out of the Senate committee before Romney's plan comes to a vote in the House. The bill must be approved and pass the appropria- tions committee by June 1 if it is to take effect before the new fiscal year begins. THEREFORE, speed is important. A great deal of maneuvering may spoil the chances of fiscal reform this year, with drastic effects on the state in the com- ing year. Romney must have success in rallying the state's Republicans to his necessary program and it is hoped that the Legis- lature will see the value of this speed in acting on the measure. -WALLACE IMMEN SEN. ROBERT KENNEDY tatorships all around the world- with which we 'conclude alliances when that is felt to be in our in- terest. EVEN AS the declared foreign policy of our government is to "build bridges" to this new Com- munist world, they see us, in the name of anti-Communism, dev- 4 Letters: An' Incident at the unionWall To the Editor: AM the individual who paint- ed an anti-war slogan on the blue wall in front of the Union last weekend. Because of incidents concerning the act, I feel called upon to clarify my motives and then to make known what in fact did happen that night. My motives are simple: I see my country getting more and more deeply involved in a war which is not only immoral and unjust, but is also not in the best interests of our country. What President John- son and his advisors fail to un- derstand is that the age of the nation state and power politics is ending, and the age of social rev- olution is beginning. A policy of opposition to these social revolu- tions can only hurt the United States in the long run by alien- ating the populace of those coun- tries where we oppose social re- form. Prof. Max Mark, of the poli- tical science department of Wayne State University, in his book, "Be- yond Sovereignty," points out that if the United States continues in its present policy it will leave it- self "in the backwaters of his- tory." This self-interest is not the only factor involved. The United States is carrying on this war in viola- tion of previous international agreements. The M-16 rifle, with a light bullet that "tumbles," was outlawed at an international con- ,vention at the Hague in 1899. The United States is also guilty of using chemical warfare in Viet- nam. The outright bombing of ci- vilin areas by U.S. bombing mis- sions need not be elaborated here. LASTLY, there is the obvious contradiction in the United States' position as a defender of the Viet- namese people. Field commanders have pointed out that it takes a ratio of 10-1 in manpower to in- sure a victory for the U.S.-South Vietnamese forces. Desertions are high in the South Vietnamese army, and the Americans are hated by all except those who profit from their presence. Until we relinquish our position we are doomed to along, frustrating. and inhuman war, for them as well as for us. I am a citizen of a country which has placed itself on a path leading directly to the "backwaters of history." Even if the govern- ment were not acting against the will of the majority, I would feel called upon to act. I have a mor- al obligation as outlined at the Nuremberg trials both to the Unit- ed States and the world to bring this war to an end, and if possi- ble, a "peace without victory" for the U.S. WHAT PROMPTS me to write is what happened to me that night. A man drove up and asked if I wanted to "go to the station." He proceeded to call me a "punk," charged me with the destruction of private property, and said that I had "desecrated" the wall. He then hit me in the face twice. His action was disgustingly typical of the conservative element in our so- ciety, his obvious consideration of property rights before personal rights. He and many others will have to learn that we are no long- er living in the age of British mercantilism, that human values come before the values of mater- ialism. WE MUST MATURE, politically, or perish. -J. Smith Historical Angle To the Editor: ERALD H. FORD made the following statement, according to your reporter, at the "heckled" session' 'durig. the University's Sesquicentennial Alumni Celebra- tion: "From 1931-35 I was a stu- dent here. It was a period of very deep controversy. But even though we had differences of opinion and they were very strong differences -at least everyone had enough decency to respect the rights of other people." Lest the younger generation get the impression that all was sweet- ness and light in those days let me recall a bit of history that Mr. Ford may have been unaware of while he was on campus. In March, 1935, the National Student League invited John Stra- chey, British author and lecturer, to speak at Michigan. The Uni- versity, labeling the NSL "irre- sponsible," refused Strachey per- mission to speak on the Univer- sity grounds. The "respect for rights of people" on the part of University authorities was so great that John Strachey did finally speak to an overflow crowd - at Granger Hall-off campus. MR. FORD had left Michigan by the spring of 1936 so he cannot be expected to know of another in- stance of "respect for rights of other people." At the spring parley held in the Michigan Union a group of stu- dents was severely reprimanded and shamed before the forum .au- dience by one of the University's most brilliant and popular profes- sors for exhibiting "bad taste," "discourtesy," and for "undermin- ing good relations between our country and a friendly nation." Their offense-handing out leaf- lets protesting against holding the 1936 Olympic Games in Nazi Ger- many! -Hilia Laine Elan, '36 New York City ame .Wanted To the Editor: WE HAVE RECEIVED a letter from a student at the Uni- versity of Michigan which was unsigned and without a return address requesting an extension in the filing of a Parents' Confiden- tial Statement which is required by the state of Michigan competi- tive scholarship and the General Undergraduate Scholarship pro- gram of our office. His or her parents were injured in an automobile accident in Ken- tucky. It is our hope that the stu- dent concerned may see this let- ter or that some friend may iden- tify him or, her because of the accident and supply us with his or her name. Under the circumstances we will be very glad to grant an extension as requested, but cannot do so unless the student is identified. -Ivan W. Parker Associate Director Office of StudentrFinancial Aids Madison Ave. To the Editor: A QUESTION? After the 1964 national show- ing of such sayings as "In Your Heart You Know He's Right," per- haps one could foresee some of the SGC candidates' recent political slogans. However, are such things as, "No, I Won't Get Dumped on Anymore!" (Marty Lieberman) or "park-ins.. ..underwear sit-down dinners . . . all-night campouts" and "Mother Hubbard" (Thomas Copi) really the most attractive or intelligent appeals one can make to our student body? -Judy Southern, '69 Seniority To the Editor: I THINK it is shortsighted that the administration has failed to give graduating seniors pref- erence in course elections. Under the present system, if a graduat- ing senior doesn't happen to pre- register early, he often will be excluded from taking his preferred courses because they have been closed. This is unreasonable since graduating seniors will not have the opportunity to elect the cours- es in later years as will other un- dergraduates. As a consequence, if a graduat- ing senior wants to take a course which has been closed (even if he has previously obtained permission from the instructor) he is required to present a note from his counse- lor to the effect that the course is required for his graduation, and present the note; further to the dean of the LS&A school. Even with this required action, there is no assurance that the student will be permitted to enroll in the course. This process is roughly equiv- alent to pole vaulting Mount Ever- est with a pencil and equally as effective. -Karen Knowles, '67 OPINION The Daily has begun accept- ing articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on subjects of their choice. They' are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. "4 I I ' ir ' Y I 1 POMISED CB~I i DTUDY IT COVER TO COVER'" The Insensitive Peace Feeler EPORTS THIS WEEK have revealed a rebuff by North Vietnamese Pre- mier Ho Chi Minh to peace feelers ex- tended by President Johnson both direct- ly to Ho and through intermediaries in Moscow. American newspapers Have rep- resented this as a sincere effort towards peace (and eventually withdrawal) on the part of the United States. All indications, however, point out that the Guam conference has more firmly en- trenched the U.S. involvement in Viet- nam. For the mid-Pacific meeting must be seen as a struggle between the mili- tary and the politician, with the omin- ous shadow of business interests taintaing the whole procedure. Attending the conference with such top officials as Dean Rusk and Robert McNamara was a representative of a management consultant firm planning long-range investments in Vietnam. The step-up of Viet Cong activities dur- ing the conference period must also have been received ominously. The Viet Cong action in the South can be interpreted as an attempt to demonstrate that the war cannot be won on military terms by the U.S. The attempt failed miserably, as Viet Cong forces were held back along on a wide front. This failure could only further she stand of the military representatives in Guam, who feel that the war can be won by superior manpower and weaponry. However, it seems inconceivable that the predictions that a military victory cannot be won in less than two or throe years are being discounted by Johnson; perhaps he plans to escalate and reduce this period; perhaps he is willing to wait it out until elections next year. wards n gotiations reaffirs t hi p praisal, for he is now unwilling to stop the bombing until after Hanoi stops infil- trating troops and supplies to the South. Johnson's letter of' February 2' to Ho Chi Minh, released Monday along with a rejection of the U.S. proposals from Ho, said that the President was "prepared to order a cessation of bombing against your country and the stopping of further aug- mentation of United States troops in South Vietnam" as soon as the was assur- ed that infiltration by land and by sea had stopped. Ho's reply said, "The Vietnamese peo- ple will never submit to force, they will never accept talks under the threat of bombs." Thus, it seems likely that Hanoi will never accept a "reciprocity" which asks him to stop supplying troops in the South with much needed ammunition and food (assuming Johnson's "infiltration" means supplies as well as men). To do so would be to extend tacit ap- proval to the continued U.S. presence in South Vietnam, with American troops 04 .. .............................."...... . *.a........* ......... ..:. :.... .:rM4: ":. .r .. . r... v;..n.... ... y.. ., .. A . .... . ...... .... n ... ... . . . .................. ..5................,.......... .....4 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................ .M. ..... ..:":":rr "4rx"4 .:xl. 45!% ".. .(qni The Charred Remains of acial Violence By CAROLE KAPLAN Associate Magazine Editor FOR A NATION that tries hard to forget about racial hatred and that wants to ignore the de- moralizing events which can drive Negroes to demonstrations of viol- ence, there were two tragic re- minders in the Deep South last week. In Lowndes County, Alabama, an abandoned church that was the home of the Lowndes County Christian Movement was burned to the ground. And the next day, in Liberty, Miss., the headquar- ters of the Southwest Mississippi Child Development Council, part of a Mississippi Head Start pro- gram, was seriously damaged.by a bomb. The Alabama project, operating under a federal grant, is designed to teach migrant farmers new job skills. (Lowndes was in the path of the Selma-Montgomery civil rights march in 1964, and it was here that marcher Viola Liuzzo president, said that there are "still no white children in the Head Start centers," and that the plan- ned entrance of white children, or the well-integrated staff of the project, may have prompted the bombing. No one seemed to know just what caused the explosion. RESIDENTS like these rarely receive much publicity outside of their immediate areas,, and even when they are known, are easily forgotten. They are sometimes the result of well-organized hate, sometimes merely causal, socially accepted forms of vandalism. Such acts of destruction will never be forgotten, however, by the men who are working to teach illiterate farmers useful skills, and by the people trying to prepare five-year-old children who have never seen a book to enter public schools. Nor will they be forgot- ten by the farmers and the chil- dren themselves. The education of the illiterate, which is absolutely necessary if 01 r rv A T c c / lrly r " - Ti77 T s_ 7"t 1 61 h 9 I