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March 24, 1967 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-24

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Increase In
Vietnam War
American Fatalities
Climb Past 10,000
As Fighting Continues
SAIGON (AP)-Casualty reports
showed yesterday that 1967 is well
on the way becoming the bloodiest
year of the Vietnam war. Spokes-
men announced allied forces killed
a record 2,675 Communist troops
last week while 573 of their own
men perished.
There was another weekly high
in over-all U.S. combat casualties
and American deaths from all
causes in Vietnam since 1961
passed the 10,000 mark.
The U.S. Command estimated
that, despite battle losses, the
Communist built up their troop
strength through infiltration and
recruiting during the week to
286,000 men, a net increase of
Terrorists Persist
That would match a similar rise
of 4,000 in the American rolls,
which reached 427,000 as of last
The Viet Cong lost 160 of their
men in a single sharp action Wed-
nesday. Six U.S. Air Force jets
bombed and strafed a guerilla de-
tachment they caught in a valley
300 miles northeast of Saigon. The
body count was made by a U.S.
Special Forces team that moved
in aftei the attack by jets led by
Capt. James Kittinger, 32, Owens-
boro, Ky.
Communist terrorists pressed
operations aimed at Vietnamese
civilians and the Saigon govern-
ment's program to pacify the
countryside. Officials said they
killed 83 civilians, wounded 128
and kInaped 75 last week. The
dead i nluded 11 pacification
Increase Mortar Attacks
South Vietnam bore the brunt
of allied fatalities March 12-18
with 357 dead, but over-all Amer-
ican losses set a high of 2,092-
211 killed, 1,874 wounded and 7
missing or captured.
Both this and the previous high
-1,61T in the week ending March
4-developed from an unusual
number of wounded, attributed in
part to a. sharply increased use of
mortars by the Viet Cong and the
North Vietnamese.
Communist mortars shelled a
small force of U.S. Marines moved
into the demilitarized zone be-
tween the two Vietnams yesterday
in an effort to recover two, heli-
copters shot down Wednesday. Six
Marines were wounded, then
American artillery silenced the
Leathernecks Witidraw
The Leatherneck detachment
0 withdrew without accomplishing
its mission and South Vietnamese
militiamen guarded the choppers
until a further effort could be
made to remove them. The hel-
icopter crewmen had been picked
up previously. 1
Two other mortar attacks had
been aimed at U.S. Marines guard-
ing the exposed artillery position
at Gio Linh, a mile south of the
demilitarized zone, and at U.S. in-
fantrymen in Operation Junction
Ctiy, near the Cambodian border
northwest of Saigon.
Spokesmen said mortar crews
shooting from within the demili-
tarized zone wounded 13 Marines
with a barrage of 75 shells loosed
over a 45-minute period Wednes-
day. Two Americans were killed

and 31 wounded in the other ac-
Previous Death Record
Record American combat deaths
were 240 In the week of Nov. 14-20,
1965. In that week, highlighted
by the Ia Drang Valley battle,
470 GIs were wounded.
Unofficial tabulations show U.S.
deaths from war and other causes
over the last five years totaled
10,094. Of these, 8,306 were killed
in action and 1,788 died from ac-
cidents and other nonhostile
causes. The wounded numbered

Arms Race
U.S. Hopes To Check
Soviet Anti-ballistic
Missile Construction
MOSCOW (A) - The United
States and the Soviet Union began
yesterday to arrange for negotia-
tions to limit the arms race in of-
fensive and defensive nuclear mis-
siles. 0

Unrest about Farm Incomes
Seen in Milk Strike Violence

WASHINGTON .P')-Democrats
and Republicans see milk dump-
ings and violence as signalling an
unrest among farmers that fore-
bodes a crop of trouble for the
administration in 1968.
The drive by the National
Farmers Organization in 25 states
to push up milk prices is regarded
by many farmers and their leaders
and representatives in Congress as

Assistant New Orleans District Attorney James Alocck (left) and F. Irvin Dymond (center), defense
attorney for Clay Shaw, accused of conspiracy in the assassination of President Kennedy, watch
as assistant Orleans Parish Clerk Henry Alexander draws the name of Shaw's judge.

U.S. Seizes Russian No enToIjr
No eenTIjr

second time this month, the U.S.
Coast Guard has seized a Soviet
trawler fishing off Alaska. But
American officials discounted yes-
terday the possibility that the in-
cident would put any severe strain
on Washington-Moscow relations.
The 781-foot trawler SRTM 8-
457 was boarded by Coast Guards-
men from the cutter Storis Wed-
nesday 15 miles off the Shumagin
Coast Guard officials said the
boat was spotted by a Coast Guard
plane while the trawler was fish-
ing 5.5 miles offshore, in vio-
lation of the 12-mile exclusive
U.S. fisheries zone which was es-
tablished officially March 17.
Capt. Robert Emerson, com-
mander of the Coast Guard sta-
tion at Kodiak, said. the Soviet
craft ignored a command from the
airplane to heave-to and instead
hauled in its gear and fled toward
the open sea where it was over-
taken by the Storis after 10 miles
of "hot pursuit."
Trawler Under Tow
Emerson said the Russian skip-
per refused to follow the cutter
to port so the trawler was boarded
and taken under tow for Kodiak.
If it remains undertow, the trip
could take two days but if the
Russians cooperated and sailed in
voluntarily, the vessel could have
reached Kodiak last night, Coast
Guard officials said.
Yesterday's " incident occurred
about 100 miles southwest of the
spot where the trawler SRTM 8-
41 was seized March 2 on a charge
of violating territorial waters by
fishing within the three-mile
A U.S. District Court levied a
'$5,000 fine against the Soviet
skiper in this case and the penalty
was paid without protest by the
Soviet Embassy.
Alaska's Gov. Walter J. Hickel

described that penalty as "maes-
Of the latest incident, Hickel
said: "I would hope that the fed-
eral government 'will impose the
maximum penalty allowable be-;
cause obviously a fine of only
$5,000 isn't going to deter the Rus-
sians from future violations."
The maximum penalty would be
a $10,000 fine and one year in
prison for each of the 25 to 30
crewmen such trawlers usually
carry. In addition the ship itself
W-orld - ew

could be seized along with its il-
legally caught fish.
In addition to urging strong
action, Hickel told newsmen "I
think a statement from the Rus-
sian ambassador on whether the
Soviets are going to observe the
12-mile exclusive fisheries zone
would be apropos."
There has been U.S.-Soviet fric-
tion over Russian fishing opera-
tions off Alaska before but this
month brought the first seizures
and criminal proceedings.
s Roundup

Washington is seeking to check headline demonstration of deep
the Soviet construction of anti- dissatisfaction over declining farm
ballistic mir'ile defenses, which prices and rising costs,
threatens to force the United "Sure it means trouble for
States into a massively expensive Johnson in 1968," said Chairman
program of its own. W. R. Poage of the House Agricul-
Kremlin leaders are not com- ture Committee, a Democrat
mitted yet to slow down their from President Johnson's home
ABM effort, but are interested in state of Texas.
a deal to reduce the present Amer- "Any Democrat who runs is in
ican advantage in offensive inter- trouble in the farm areas in 1968
continental ballistic missiles. with the farmers feeling the way
Main Obstacles they do," he added. "But I don't
Two main obstacles are ,visible know that the Republicans can
to diplomats here. do much talking."
One is that traditional Soviet Freeman in Middle
military thinking places great em- Secretary of Agriculture Orville
phasis on defense. The powerful L. Freeman-the man in the
armed forces interests in the middle between disgruntled farm-
Kremlin might refuse to be over- ers and administration anti-in-
ruled if Soviet civilian economic flation efforts-insists the situ-
reasoning favors arms limitations. ation will improve and that farm-
SThe other is Soviet refusal to ers won't turn their back on Dem-
allow foreign military inspectors ocratsI
"tocom hee ad hec upon ny But at an Ithaca, N.Y., news
to come here and check up on any conference Thursday he deplored
disarmament agreement, low farm prices and cautioned
Talks With Gromyko that the "production marvel" of
After a delay while Washington American farming "could te
sent instructions to the U.S. Em- wrecked by the continued under
bassy here on what negotiation prosperity of the farmer."
arrangements to propose, Ambas- Freeman, like Poage and many
sador Llewellyn E. Thompson call- others, feels that "perhaps con-
ed yesterday on Foreign Minister sumesrs should be prepared to
Andrei A. Gromyko. pay a little more"-a solution al-
The embassy announced that most sure to bring down the wrath
for 30 minutes they "continued of housewives like those who boy-
preliminary discussions." No de- cotted chain supermarkets prior to
tails were given. - last November's elections.
The Russians said nothing. The Farming Short-changed
Soviet press has never reported With farm prices sliding for,
Johnson's statement on agree- six straight months to 6.6 per cent
below what they were a year ago,
men.farmers contend they are being
Johnson opened discussions withr short-changed in a prospering
a letter Jan. 27 to Premier Alexei economy to the benefit of vote-
N. Kosygin. It proposed talks on rich consumers.
limiting ABM systems. There is no agreement on the
Kosygin replied at the end of depth or scope of the farm problem
February that the Soviet Union or the unrest. Some suspect the
would talk about ABM systems farmers are grabbing for the cry-
and offensive weapons, too. John- ing' towel. Some feel it is another
son accepted Kosygin's linking of case of overproduction.
the two subjects. And some feel it is a crisis fore-

ord last year, taking almost three- But Republican congressman
fourths of farmers' gross receipts Rep. Robert J. Do.le of Kansas
and are expected to climb again finds nothing new in the price-
this year. cost squeeze: "The farmers are
1 Although net farm income tired of the way Johnson and
last year was the second highest Freeman have tinkered with the
market using surpluses to keep
on record, the average farmer's farm prices down and makekthe
income was one-third less than the consumers and the housewives
nonfarmer's. happy."
Italian Is Key in Spy Ring;
Soviet Leaves for MOSCOW
TURIN, Italy (2)-An Italian Some of those names, both real
held as the key man in a reported names and cover names, been
Soviet espionage network concen- furnished by Rinaldi to his ques-
trating on U.S. bases around West- tioners. sources said.
ern Europe was said yesterday to: There was no confirmation of
be in fear of his life. these reports from any govern-
Informants said that Giorgio ment office. A Foreign Ministry
Rinaldi, being held in tight cus- spokesman expressed doubt about
tody here under continual obser- the figure of 300.
vation by Italian counterintelli- In Paris, a NATO headquarters
gence agents, was convinced he spokesman said he had no com-
would be killed to seal his lips. ment. "Italian authorities are
t Rinaldi, 59, his wife, Angela dealing with the case and are in
Maria, 52, and his chauffeur, Ar- close touch with NATO," the
mando Giard, 40, were seized spokesman said.
March 15. They were charged The charges filed against the
Wednesday with spying for the Rinaldi's and . Girard accused
Soviet Union. them of gathering information on;
Diplomat Leaves U.S. air and naval bases in Italy
A Soviet diplomat allegedly in- and in Spain and selling it to
volved in the case, Yuri Pavlenko, Soviet agents.
left Rome for Moscow abruptly Italian newspapers said that
Wednesday with his wife and Rinaldi, in the course of four trips
young son. Unconfirmed reports to the Soviet Union between 1958
said the Italian government or- and last year, was rewarded by
dered him to leave. being made a colonel in the Soviet
Rinaldi, a stocky man who was intelligence service.
a stunt parachutist and jumping One newspaper said Rinaldi was
instructor, was said to have told involved in an operation so skilled
his interrogators Wednesday that and well set up that it represented
300 persons with various jobs in at least seven years of organizing
the North Atlanitic Treaty Organ- at a cost of $16 million.
ization were involved in the es- Meanwhile, the Defense Min-
pionage ring. istry of Italy denied last night that
The NATO personnel were de- officials of NATO were involved
scribed as both military and civil- in any other Soviet spy networks
ian and of several nationalities, in- supposedly concentrating on U.S.
cluding Americans. bases in Western Europe.

By The Associated Press


LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney yesterday announced the ap-
pointment of Dr. John T. Demp-
sey, 42, of Dearborn, to the Mich-
igan Civil Rights Commission, suc-
ceeding John Feikens, who re-
Dempsey is chairman of the
literary college at the University's
Dearborn campus. His term, if
confirmed by the Senate, would
expire Dec. 31, 1967.
* * *
SALEM, Ore.-The name of
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY),
may appear, on the Oregon presi-
dential primary election ballot
next year.
Secretary of State Clay Meyers
said yesterday-he will give strong
consideration to putting Kennedy's
name on the ballot next year if
things stay as they now are.
Under Oregon's all-comers law,
the secretary of state is required
to put on the primary election bal-
lot the names of all generally
recognized candidates.
If Kennedy's name were put on
the, ballot, it could be taken off
only by an affidavit from Kennedy
saying he was not a candidate and

did not intend to become one.
a' * *
HOUSTON-Two Apollo astron-
auts are continuing their training
on an individual basis in class-
rooms at the Manned Spacecraft
Center and at various industry
plants where space hardware is
manufactured and designed.
The question now is whether to
make the next flight a carbon copy
of ill-fated Apollo 1's flight plan,
or to move directely into bold
rendezvous activity.
ATLANTA-Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., leader of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference,
said yesterday that he will assume
an active role in opposition to the
Vietnam war. He described the
war as the major obstacle to the
civil rights movement.

U.S. Advantage
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara says the United States
has a 3 to 1 advantage over the'
Soviet Union in offensive missiles,
1.446to470 ICBMs. He has con-
tended that no ABM system can
be effective, that some attacking
missiles will always be able to
get through.
Therefore, McNamara argues, it
is a waste of money-up to 40
billion for the United States-to
build ABM defenses.j

shadowing trouble for the admin-
istrration, a congressional battle
and a fertile field for dispute in
the 1968 election campaign.
Cite Statistics
These are some of the statistics
the farmers cite in their argument:
9 Farm prices are 7.4 per cent
below last summer's peak, reflect-
ing only 74 per cent of the parity
price goals of federal farm pro-
grams, compared with 82 per cent
a year ago.
9 Farm costs soared to a rec-


-Judith Crist, World-Journal Tribune
"BEAUTIFULLY MADE AND ACTED ... strikingly realistic and
emotionally taut."-Bosley Crowther, N.Y.,Times
"A WORK OF ART ... a great statement for our times."
-Archer Winsten, N.Y. Post


The University of Michigan
Gilbert & Sullivan Societya
March 23, 24, 25
Wed., Thurs. Performances ....... ... $1.50
Fri., Sat. Performances .. ............$2.50a
Sat. Matinee.... ................. ..$1.50
r Tickets on sale 9:00 to 5:00 Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office
ea ea e es e



ELLIS RABB, Artistic Director










sM. 19-24, sf. 2OCT. 1
'Tye brilliant Belgian dramatist
Michel de Ghelderode'a
-x mace- a

OCT. 10-15, 17-22

OCT. 24-29, OCT 31-NOV. s
One of the classic Ameaicmn cedrhdes
of the Twenties.
Pulitzer Prize-Playwright
George Kelly

Asuperb, harro*ing,
nostalgic drama of
the death of Everyman.
Distinguished success
of the 1967 Paris Season.
Translated by Donald Watson

AWARDS: Shown outside the Festival at Cannes (approved as the
official French entry to the Cannes Festival last May, it was withdrawn
under pressure from the Franco regime). At the end of the-Cannes
Festival, a group of Spanish film critics awarded LGEF its newly-inaugu-
rated Prix Luis Bunuel. It also received the International Film Critics'
Prize (Federation Internationale de Ia Presse Cinematographic) at
Cannes. The "French Oscars" of the French Academy (L'Academie du
Cinema) were awarded to Resnais for "the best film of the.year" and
to Yves Montand for "the best performance."
Shown at the non-competitive 4th New York Film Festival, 1966.
and introducing GENEVIEVE BUJOLD
FRIDAY: 7-9-11
SATURDAY: 5-7-9-11


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