ROMNEY'S REFORMS: KEY TO 'U' QUALITY See editorial page 4A4 t 43ZU1~ 42i1i SUNNY High--53 Low-30 Outlook warmer and fair in afternoon Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 144 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Five Men Remain as Candidates for 'U' Presi EIGHT PAGES dency By ROGER RAPOPORT Editor Copyright, 1967, The Michigan Daily After months of searching and screening for a new University President, the Regents have nar- rowed down a list of 200 prospects to about five serious contenders. Formally, about ten men are still in. the running to replace President Harlan Hatcher, who retires in December. But top Uni- versity sources indicate only five men are now serious contenders. "We may have something definite moving within the next week," says one Regent.r Sources indicate five men now being intensively considered are: Franklin , Murphy and Roger Heyns, respective chancellors of the University of California's Los Angeles and Berkeley campuses; John Lederle, president of the University of Massachusetts; Rob- en Fleming, chancellor of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin's Madison campus, and John Gardner, U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare., Chairman of the Presidential Selection Committee Regent Rob- ert P. Briggs (R-Jackson) says that the Regents have not made their final decision and that no one has been offered the job yet. This week Fleming was offered the presidency of the University of Minnesota, and Gardner and Lederle have publicly denied any interest in taking a new job. Minnesota Regents Chairman Charles W. Mayo said Sunday that Fleming has been given two weeks to decide if he wants to take that school's top post. Most think Gardner was serious when he announced recently that he wasn't interested in becoming a college president this year. "He's committed to President Johnson for another year," says one top University official. However, many believe Lederle might take the post here if offered it despite his recent public an- nouncement that he did not want to leave Massachusetts. He is be- ing pushed hard by some faculty members here led by Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department. B o t h California Chancellors Murphy and Heyns have been con- sidered potential successors to University of California President Clark Kerr who was fired in January. After a published report in Jan- uary that Heyns was "interested" in the job here, Briggs says "the roof caved in on us." California papers played up the story which reportedly prompted some pressure on Heyns not to de- sert Berkeley. Heyns is known to be concerned about seeing through his job on the strife-ridden Cali- fornia campus. Heyns, who was vice-president for academic affairs here until September of 1965, has been per- baps the most controversial pres- idential prospect here. Heyns is the top choice of both the student and faculty advisory committees to k the Regents on presidential selection. He was also given a top ranking by the alumni advisory committee which gave group rankings. A University graduate who was at the school for 25 years prior to going to California, Heyns is enjoying wide faculty support here. However, he has been facing some stiff faculty opposition too. The Regents have been meeting regularly with a wide variety of faculty groups to discuss poten- tial presidents. At one of these meetings held last week repre- sentatives of the business admin- istration school reportedly spoke out strongly against Heyns. Some of the opposition report- edly stems from his handling of budgeting as a vice-president here. While Murphy, Heyns, Lederle. Fleming, and Gardner are top con- tenders, the Regents have recently been taken a close look at several other prime candidates. Among them are Vernon Alden, president of Ohio University; Rob- ert Goheen, president of Prince- ton University, Homer Babbidge, president of the University of Connecticutband Elvis Stahr, pres- ident of the University of. In- diana. At the moment none of these four are considered likely to be- come the new president. Some, like Goheen, are reportedly not in- terested in leaving their current posts. Also some think that 43- year-old Alden may be too young to replace the 69-year-old Hatcher. The Regents are pushing hard to pick the new man soon to ward off heavy competition from other universities seeking a new presi- dent. They have been supplementing their regularly monthly meetings with numerous conference phone call discussions. And they also have been flying around the country to interview fop candidates. Briggs was interviewing in the East last week. See 'NARROW' page 8 i NEWS WIRE SOf U Recommends Elimina tion Sophomore Women's Late World News By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Three labor unions agreed yesterday to postpone a threatened nationwide strike against all ships in U.S. ports after federal officials promised to stop use of foreign crews on American-flag vessels in the Vietnam trade. A union spokesman said the threatened strike and series of protest meetings would be called off only if the government carries out its pledge. CHARLOTTE, N.C.- The North Carolina Supreme Court has upheld the ruling of a Mecklenburg County Superior Court judge that a white woman married to a Negro man was not fit to have custody of her children by a previous marriage to a white man. STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL last night endorsed Edward Pierce, Democratic candidate for Mayor of Ann Arbor. The council also approved for City Council, A. Jerome DuPont, '67 Law, Democratic candidate in the Second Ward, and Edward Shafter, Republican candidate in the First Ward. The election will be held on Monday, April 3. CAPT. ROBERT P. FREITAG, director of. Manned Space Flight Field Center Development for NASA, will speak at Rack- ham tomorrow morning at 9:00 as part of the National Student Sesquicentennial Conference. His presentation will concern "The Importance of Space in a Society in Transition." STATE HIGHER EDUCATION Facilities Commission recent- ly said it had completed distribution of $20.2 million in federal funds for the construction of college and university buildings in the 1966-67 fiscal year. The University received $1 million for the modern language building. TRIBUTE: Hiours, Action Goes ti To* OSAFo Deliberation Pass Motion To Keep Organization Leaders Names Confidential Awards Given To Hatcher, City President Harlan Hatcher and' the city of Ann Arbor shared the limelight at a testimonial dinner in the League Ballroom last night. The Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- merce paid tribute to Hatcher for his work during his 15-year term here. The city was given All-America City status by the National Mu- nicipal League and Look magazine. The twin tributes were made be- fore a packed house of top civic leaders. The Chamber of Com- merce lauded Hatcher as a 'scho- lar, writer, educator, administra- tor, citizen of Ann Arbor." Eleven cities across the coun- try were given the All-Americaj title. The city received the award for "action in human relations,j beautification and park land ac- quisition programs." In its tribute to Hatcher the chamber said "His dreams have come true. The University has grown in every measure of great- ness according to his plan. Its stature is renowned around the world, and the pattern for a con- tinuing rise to new heights of eminence is well drawn because of his vision. "In the 150 years we celebrate, he can account for only one-tenth of the time. Yet in the University's claim to fame as one of the world's great institutions we look not to Age, nor size, nor wealth but to the quality of growth, the excel- lence of achievement. It is with this yardstick that we measure, him and find his contribution enormous. "Excellence has always been hisI objective, andhe has pursued it with style, dignity, and a calcu-! lated plan. He believes in the op- timistic approach he absorbed from Robert Browning." "The forward thrust found in the great philosophies of mankind have shaped his outlook. His con-. fident serenity in the face of ob- stacles has inspired the more timid Assigning Incoming Students To Vacancies at Bursley Hall -Daily-Thomas R. Gopi President Harlan Hatcher receives a scroll from J. Lynn Helms, director of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce honoring his 15 years of service to the University and the community. At the tribute for Hatcher Ann Arbor was also awarded All-America city honors from the National Municipal League and Look magazine. Ceremonies were at a testimonial dinner in the League last night. CLEARS COMMITTEE: iscaleorm Package Appro"0'aches Senate Vote By RICHARD MYNICK Fox conceeded that South's change ed with regard to adjusting visit- to follow his cue. Like an actor, Incoming freshmen and transfer would force 300 freshmen to go ing hour privileges to reflect the he has anticipated departures students will be used as a "crutch" to North Campus, and that it increased upperclass population at from the script as written, then next year to insure the filling of therefore aids in the filling of South. "The safest guess" accord- blended the unexpected to sup- 12000 new residence hall spaces at Bursley. However, Fox denied that ing to Fox "is that the present port the drama. Bursley Hall, presently under con- filling Bursley was a consideration standards will be in effect nextTy struction on North Campus. ac- in the changes made at South. fall. It depends partly on how the peThe All-America city award was cording to a high University hous- residents involved fell, this spring., presented by Mayor Wendell Hul- in fiilFox said South's change was a Sot udCucl tteedIcher by Frederick Cody, vice pres- ing official.Ireuto'y South Quad Council, at the end ieto okadRbr .Rw Nealy 00frehme, ncldin "result of my own philosophy of of the yrmks po1ydeiin ident of Look and Robert H. Raw- Nearly 600 freshmen, includingyow phlshyf residence halls." He added: "Sen- ftheai, maes poicy decisions son of the National Municipal a number from the literary col- iority should mean something. League. 4 lege, will be assigned to the new South is a popular residence hall, Other alterations for South Look magazine said "Ann Arbor dormatory. and if a returning students wants Quad include a number of special wins for a beautification program The official expressed doubtwisfrabuticiopogm that "more than 20 per cent of a space at South, why should that programs. Already having an Hon- that extends from the store-fronts Burnley's spas2ouldbe requet-fspace be given to a new student?" ors men's (Frederick) house and I and store signs to the purchase of Bursley's spaces would be request- More than 80 per cent of an Honors women's (Hunt) house, 525 acres for new park land. Ma- ed by sophomores and upperclass- South's spaces are already filled next year South will have a pre- jor groups and organizations in pon,'' retrnd igtdets av thsby next year's upperclassmen. This dominantly grad (Kelsey) house, the area banded together in plan- point returning students have yer, only 35 per cent of the spaces and a program whereby junior and ning to preserve Ann Arbor's filed applications for only 10 per are filled by upperclassmen. senior Education students may live beauty, a natural resource for both eplinedothauncetaintysasHo No decision has yet been reach- together in one house (Hunt). the present and the future." explained that uncertainty as to _____________ date of completion, "lack of tradi-: tion," and Bursley's distance from " Sp/aks central campus were factors ac- Coin unist Paty ieer Speaks counting for the poor response.Tnd The official commented thatee "several hundred unfilled spaces at Ik OSD ~ ieS b esv sL w Bursley would not be good busi- ness" for the residence hall system. an'd that the University must By NEAL BRUSS or a political subdivision by force ucational administrator i of the strive for full occupancy of its Despite an Illinois law prohibit- or violence. university. Dousing units. The official said i ing the University of Illinois from The speaker, Louis Diskin, Chi- While the Student Senate offi- that "breaking the ice" at Bursley extending its facilities to "sub- cago bookstore owner, was barred cially sponsored Diskin's appear- with new students, who are re- versive, seditious and un-Amer- from speaking at the university's ance, "the real sponsor was Stu- quired to live in dormitories, is ican organizations or their rep- Chicago campus almost a year ago dents for Free Speech, an ad hoc much easier than trying to fill the resentatives," a member of the because he refused to pledge that student group unofficially organ- hall with sophomores and upper- U.S. communist party formally no violation of the law would ized this month to fight the Cla- class students, who have the op- spoke to 2,000 students yesterday occur. bagh Act," according to Bob tion to take apartments closer to on the university's Champaign No pledge was asked of Diskin Goldstein, a Champaign junior. campus. campus. for his appearance yesterday. Diskin, an admitted communist s ', 3 l r By WALLACE IMMEN Gov. George Romney's fiscal re- form package emerged from both the Senate Taxation Committee and a House Republican caucus yesterday, bringing the proposal an important step closer to ap- proval. The House-revised version in- creases the proposed personal in- come tax to three per cent and the corporate income tax to level to six per cent. The House amend- ments also eliminated a clause giving a $10 refund on state sales tax, but retained a three cent a pack increase in the cigarette tax. The bill remained virtually un- changed in the Senate. Romney yesterday urged that all amendments to the bill be sub- mitted today so that the bill can be brought to floor' debate and a vote next Monday. Professors from the departments of economics of the University, ministrators about possible revi- sions of the budget figures. They fouhd that failure of fiscal re- form would result in slashes in the quality of state's higher edu- cation. Allan F. Smith, vice president for academic affairs, told mem- bers of the Appropriations Com- mittee on their visit to the Uni- versity: "We are fully aware that the budget recommended by Gov. Romney calls for expenditures which require new levels of rev- enue beyond those Michigan's tax structure can produce." But he noted that the level of appropria- tions recommended simply "will not do the job." The University is scheduled for $52.2 million, the largest portion of Romney's $545 million Higher Education Bill. This represents- a $4.3 million increase over last year's operating budge,t but is $12 million below what the Uni- versity had requested, based on projected requirements. It is estimated, however, that to maintain the minimum pro- gram which includes a 2,244 en- rollment increase and cover the cost of inflation that the Univer- sity will need $6.5 million over last year's $57.9 million. Michigan State University will fall three million dollars short of its minimum commitment if the budget remains at its present al- lotment of $59.3 million, according to Philip May, MSU vice president for business and finance. See OFFICIALS, Page 8 By ROB BEATTIE Student Government Council last night ,recommended that sophomore women's hours be elim- inated effective as of this fall. SGC based its recommendation on the assumption that "sophomore wom- en, in general, are capable of reg- ulating their own hours." The-Council also consideredtwo measures concerning regulation of student organizations. It passed a motion which changed the regis- tration procedures for student groups. Under the new regulation organizations would be required to submit two names .of officers, as in the past, but the names would be held confidential by SGC. Themove is designed -to pro- research by members of Council, unauthorized use of their names by outside groups. Other provi- sions of the change would require that members be notified bySGC if their names were subpoenaed by a government agency or used by Joint Judiciary Council for dis- ciplinary action. Motion Postponed After originally passing a mo- tion which would permit non-stu-a dents to be voting members of student organizations, the Council reconsidered the move and post- poned action on the matter for a week. In further action, SGC approved the establishment of the Student Legal Service on a permanent bas- is. The Council felt that the.ini- tial response to the service war- ranted extension of the program. A motion for the establishment of the legal service during the spring and summer half terms was intro. duced. The actions were taken at the final meeting of the Council under the administration of outgoing President Edward Robinson, '67. Approval of the change in wom- en's hours will have to be made by Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard L. Cutler. Passage of the measure followed extensive tect organization members from which included a number of in, terviews with administrators, fac- ulty and counselors in the areas of housing, psychology and religion The Council passed a resolution recommending that individual housing units be permitted to have final authority over the hours of visitation by members of the op- posite sex. Under the proposal the housing units could establish any policy which the members agreed upon. In a campaign address to the Council, Mayor Wendell Hulcher proposed that a formal communi- cations s stm-, be estabished b e- U. of Windsor Mat Give Aid r- d . -r 0 "1 Wayne State and Michigan State A Universities will hold a press con- A ference, endorsing the fiscal re- form package at 11:00 this morn- ing in the Business Administration The University of Windsor will sor graduate student council, but Building. hold an all-campus referendum were turned down by the under- Administrators at the state's next Wednesday to decide whether graduate council. They then asked, five largest universities claimed or not to allot $200 to three stu- through petioning, for an all-cam- recently that without fiscal reform dents wishing to aid American pus referendum which was accept- this year they will find it impos- draft dodgers. ed by the council. sible to operate effectively with The three students, Rick Strac- Immigration into Canada to the allocations they would receive kie, John Goyeau, and Jerry Goy- dodge the draft has become more PA-- --~ IL r,1s, n o thlnP adrisemei~nfts -3 _.. . t i