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March 23, 1967 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-23

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Summer Term
Rooms are available for less
than $50.00 per month. Jun-
iors-Seniors-Graduates, eligible
for assionment to Baits Houses
should apply now. Oxford, East
Quadrangle, Stockwell, Couz-
ens and Barbour will also be
open. Apply now at 3011 Stu-
dent Activities Building. For
further information call 764-

Senate Group Approves Bill
Ttn fOi R cinc nrnis

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South Vietnamese Leaders Optimistic
About New Constitution's Effectiveness


-Zg ity ArEAvy uEUq~'t Y . .'.

WASHINGTON (P)-A bill re-
storing major business tax incen-
tives has won Senate Finance
Committee aproval after being re-E
molded to conform to administra-
tion wishes.
But the legislation-scheduled
for Senate debate starting April 3,
after the E a st e r recess-could
face stiff opposition on the floor
because amendments by the com-
mittee to the House version would
nearly halve benefits to business.
And Sen. Albert Gore, (D-
Tenn), says he'll attempt to
amend the measure to include re-
peal of the controversial presiden-
tial election campaign financing

plan Congress enacted at the end
of the 196 session.
The administration amendments
to the tax bill, sponsored. by Sen.
George A. Smathers. (D-Fla), act-
ing finance committee chairman,
would reduce the revenue loss
under the measure by $775 mil-
As the bill cleared the House,
this loss was estimated at $1.86
billion. It would be $1.085 billion
under the Senate committee's ver-
The Senate bill would.,restore
the 7 per cent tax credit incentive
for machinery or equipment pur-
chases only to that ordered March
10 or later. It would restore ac-
celerated, depreciation rates.only
for those profit-making buildings
started after that date.
The House version provides the
benefits would go to equipment
ordered before March 10 and de-
livered after that date; and to the
portion of buildings completed
March 10 or later even though
they were started before'then.
Limit Credit
Another change in the Senate
measure would limit the. invest-
ment credit on machinery and
equipment to 25 per cent of a com-

pany's tax liability through: next
Dec. 31. After that, a more liberal
ceiling of 50 per cent of taxes
owed would apply.
The House had voted to put the
50 per cent ceiling. in effect at
Smathers said passage of the in-
centives bill would make it much
less likely for Congress to accept
the 6 per cent income tax sur-
charge President Johnson has pro-
posed for consideration later this
The proposed surtax would ap-
ply to' corporate as well as in-
dividual income taxes.

EDITOR'S NOTE: President John-
son hailed the presentation of South
Vietnam's new constitution as "the
outstanding fact" of the Guam
conference. What does the consti-
tution do? Here is an analysis by
a Pulitzer Prize correspondent with
five years' experience in Vietnam.
Associated Press News Analyst
SAIGON (JP-South Vietnam is
"entering its constitutional era,"
one Saigon politician exclaimed
enthusiastically. Another com-
mented "we have marked a turn-
ing point in our history. A new


-" " "


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Jacqueline Du Pre, the 'cele-
brated British cellist, was joined
by Stephen Bishop in a consist-
ently fine performance Monday at
Rackham. The program included
sonatas by Beethoven, Debussy,
and Brahms.
It was not a night of spectacular
effects, nor of wild show. Both
musicians emphasized great con-
trol over their instruments. Miss
Du Pre produced a'marvelously'
full tone, as she rocked back and
forth with her cello. Her strong
mellow sound was punctuated by
Mr. Bishop's insistent piano, most.
notably in the scherzo of Beet-
hoven's A major sonata.
Miss Dii Pre, however, was most
impressive in the slow lyrical
movements. She:, seemed much
more comfortable during these soft
slow sections, as..f the adagio of
the Brahms F major sonata. Her
precision and grace ' emphasized
the prevailing, harmonies and ex-
ploited them fully.

There was a real communication
between the two artists as they
performed .Each was able to anti-
cipate the other, as if they had
played together for a great
amount of time. There was a joy
and excitement which they brought
to their music. The ease with
which they played helped create
a great amount of verve. They
were two people inspired by what
they were doing and happy to
share their gift with an audience.
Their music, if in part not per-
fectly studied or phrased, was al-
ways stated quite clearly. Each of
the compositions they chose to
play was animated and given a
personal touch.
Neither of the performers let up.
Both were always attentive to the
flow of the piece. Miss Du Pre's
concentration in the Prologue of
the Debussy sonata was charac-
teristic of the serious, but never
humorless, way she played the
concert. It was work, but a very
rewarding night.

era of democracy, social justice
and progress is emerging."
With Vietnam's recent history
of chronic political instability, ab-
solute military junta command,
lassitude in the civil service, and
the ever-present war, the current
joyous optimism of many Saigon'
politicians seems foolhardy.
Yet that is how they feel about
the new constitution hammered
out by a 117-member Constituent
Assembly and approved by the all-
powerful military junta.
How far does the document go
toward lessening junta control and
bringing real civilian government
to Vietnam?
Considering the dominance of
the war on all political affairs and
the need for a dominant role by
the military in any important
decision-making at this stage of
Vietnamese history, the new con-
stitution is likely the most realistic
that could be drawn up.
It provides for the election of a
president, a vice president and a
two-house assembly by universal
adult suffrage. It sets up a mix-
ture of presidential and parlia-
mentary forms of government.
The Vietnamese constitution is
more like the American Constitu-
tion than any other, but it lessens
presidential power and emphasizes
the power of the two houses of
Vietnamese politicians see in the
power of the Parliament the real
strength of the new constitution.
The late Ngo Dinh Diem's consti-
tution gave him near full power
under a presidential system. Un-
der "emergency powers" granted
by his assembly Diem became a
Civilian framers of the new con-
stitution knew the first Vietnam-
ese president could be a military

Botha Premier Nguyen Cao Ky
and Chief of State Nguyen Van"
Thieu, no longer hide their pres-
idential ambitions from their+
The constitution' provides thats
the president selects the premier,
who in turns picks a cabinet.
The two assemblies are to be
elected within a year after the+
presidential voting. They can re-+
move a cabinet member by a two-.
thirds majority vote in both
houses. A premier can be ousted
by a two-thirds vote, providing
the president agrees.
If he doesn't, then both houses
need a three-fourths vote of mem-
bership to oust him. A premier
must be given one year in office
before a vote of confidence can
be taken. It is not necessary to
choose a new premier before the
old is ousted.
The membership of the lower
house, the mort important of the
two, is to be'between 100 and 200,
the upper house between 30 and,


Communists Call Guam
Meeting A War Council'

One clause requires military per-
sonnel to resign prior to standing
for election. To stand for presi-
dent, Ky would have to quit as
commander of the Vietnamese air
force, a job which has given him
a pivotal position in the junta. As
some here see it, his resignation
could mean one of two things-
that he has decided that the days
of military power plays are over,
or that his prestige still can com-
mand the air force.
Rural police, revolutionary de-
velopment cadres and government
officials in the provinces will be
powerful influences on the popu-
lation at election time, both for
the presidency and Parliament.
They can be expected to back a
military machine; a military pres-
ident can expect to have consid-
erable support in the Parliament.
Civilian politicians and U.S. of-
ficials hopeful of democratic gov-
ernment feel that even if the
military continue to dominate the
scene politically the actions will
at least be channeled through le-
gal corridors.

Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
a leading publisher of textbooks,
will be on campus to inteview
candidates for positions as
Publisher's College Representatives
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, one of the oldest and
most successful publishers in America, is seeki
field representatives for its expanding college pro-
grams. The positions demand men with high moti-
vation, outstanding human skills, and genuine,
interest in education.
As a field representative you will represent the
company on college and university campuses, in.
forming teachers of new materials and publishing
programs, interviewing them to ascertain their needs
in educational materials, working with them in the
development of these materials. You will be the
bridge between the publishing business and the
world/of learning and research.
The work is enormously stimulating. It will keep
you in daily touch with the newest developments
in academic activity and in personal contact with
the scholars and professors who are leaders in these
vital fields.
Beginning salaries are exceptionally high; company
benefits are broad and generous; opportunities to
advance are outstanding as the publishing industry
participates directly in the "education boom" of
the next decade.
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TOKYO (A)-The Communists
in Peking, Moscow and Hanoi yes-
terday branded President John-
son's meeting with South Viet-
namese leaders on Guam a "war,
council" and declared that any
escalation of the conflict will be
met with matching. force.
The Communist interpretation of
the meeting came after North
Vietnam disclosed' an exchange of
letters last month between John-
son and North Vietnamese Presi-
dent Ho Chi Minh, in which, John-
son proposed a mutual de-escala-
tion of the war and peace talks.
Hanoi rejected the offer.
North Vietnam's military news-
paper, Quan Doi Nhan Dan, ac-
cused Johnson of paying only "lip
service" to peace possibilities for
two years and described the. Guam
meeting as a "war council."
U.S. Imperialists
"Since the U.S. imperialists re-
sort to force in an attempt to sub-
due our people, we are determined
to defeat them by force,' it said.
"Our entire army is resolved to
stand shoulder to shoulder with
the entire people to rush forward
and fight more vigorously. And
totally smash the U.S. aggressive
The Soviet Communist party
paper Pravda asserted the Guam

meeting as "a new stage of the
escalation of the American aggre,%
sion" and that plans were; laid
there "for further expansion" of
the war.
Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosy-
gin said earlier that any escala-
tion of the war would be extremely
reckless and implied that if it oc-.
curred North Vietnam would re-
ceive additional Soviet aid.~
War Conference
The Peking-oreinted Asian Paci-
fic Region Peace Liaison Commit-
tee referred to the Guam meeting
as "a war conference pure and
simple," Communist China's of-
ficial New China News Agency
In a cable sent to Vietnamese,
Communists: "After each confer-
ence, the war of aggression against
Vietnam was considerably es-
calated?" The committee said any
new war ventures would "inevi-
tably end up in complete defeat
and destruction."
North Vietnam's official news-
paper, Nhan Dan, said U.S. war
and peace strategy in Vietnam
was a "very cruel and perfidious
double-dealing policy.
It said Johnson's letter was
"couched in seemingly sorrowful
and pathetic words" but. "reeks of
colonialism and is full of ill will."





Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy
Thursday, March 23 at 4:00 P.M.


Center for Chinese Studies

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