PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN D A'ILY U EDNESDAY. MARCH 22_ t gfi7 PAGJJ TEN THE MICHIGAN DAiLY WF~flNTF'~trIAV MARE'U 99 1Oj~'? rre+tillliaililn i iritiiLl II ti,. 1 U 1 E 'BAY OF PIGLETS': Miami's Cuban Refugees Plot Mini-Invasions of Homeland Wilson Continues Support of War Despite Growing Political Resistance, Ii -u Studeuts-Plan on EASTER DINNER at the Comnmons EDITOR'S NOTE: Plotting against Castro is the biggest business in Niami's "Little Havana." But bick- ering, Inept plannings, shortage of nmoney and five U.S. agencieskeep most of the plots in the talk stage. MIAMI (P) - This sub-tropical metropolis, a favorite refuge of winter sun-worshippers and Cuban exiles, has conspirators the way an old barn has mice. In 1963-65 alone, U.S. authori- ties shortstopped no fewer than 23 expeditions bent on mini-inva- sions of Fidel Castro land. No- body knows how many others got+ through the net. - One of the most ambitious plots involved 80 anti-Castroites who planned to take over Haiti last November and go on from there. A top man split with the leader and talked. The enterprise had, to be postponed and gagsters began calling it the "Bay of Piglets." Undaunted, the ploters bided their time until January 2, when the helter-skelter invasion force began marshaling in the Florida Keys. At this point U.S. customs agents moved in and arrested everybody in sight: Earlier, an anti-Castro dream- er assembled a $25,000 invasion . arsenal in a truck and left it in a downtown parking lot. Curses. a downtown parking lot. Truck and cargo were grabbed by , the gendarmes. Inept planning and shortage of funds are not the only roadblocks for the busy conspirators. They also have to contend with five federal agencies, including Cus- toms, Coast Guard, Immigration, Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency. For a plotter, it's something like a bullfight supervised by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Still Castro's Cuba liest here, only 150 miles from Miami and only 90 from Key West, as a con- stant temptation to the revolu- tionaries. Exiles claim that in 1966 they staged six aerial harass- ments from "bases somewhere in the Caribbean"-generally trans- lated as "the Florida Keys." Biggest of these, they claim, were bombings of the Cuban north coast chemical and sugar instal- activist factions at the moment' is MIRR, for Insurrectional Move-1 ment of Revolutionary Recupera- tion. The others are Commandos L, Brigade 2506, Les Pinos Nue- vos rnd 30th of November, all oper- ating under RECE, or Cuban'Rep- resentation in Exile; and the 2nd; Front of Escambray, Alpha 66,, CORE, or Committee of Revolu- tionary Orientation in Exile and the Cuban Nationalist Association. The purely propaganda groups are Revolutionary Unity and FORDC for Cuban Revolutionary CWorkers Front. Bosssof the MIRR is a short, intense medical doctor, Orlando Bosch, 40, who has been picked up twice while apparently preparing anti-Castro maneuvers. He was convicted last year and is awaiting sentence, on a charge' of transporting bombs. Bosch was arrested again January 15 and charged with loading an airplane with bombs and explosives. He wasa, cleared of extortion charges last December after be- ing accused of telephoning threats to four wealthy Cuban refugees in alleged attempts to obtain $20,- 000 for anti-Castro war chest. Of his clashes with the law, Dr.1 Bosch says: "The persecution con- tinues. Those who call themselves allies are not our friends and those who call themselves friends are not our allies." Another exle leader, Armando., Fleites, said after his arrest inl a Cuban raid attempt: "Another victory for Castro." Keeping tabs on people like Bosch and Fleites is a' big job for the U.S. agen- cies responsible for enforcement of the neutrality act. The plot to strike at Haiti, top- ple dictator Francois (Papa Doc) Duvalier and use the island re- public as a base against Cuba had its genesis in Miami more than a year ago. Its architect was Rolando Masferrer,' 47, law- yer, honor graduate of Havana University and a terror to Cas- tro's followers in the final years of. dictator Fulgencio Batista's rule. The Rev. Jean Baptiste Georges, an exiled Haitian priest in his early 40's, was a key figure in the Vixamar, a 24-year-old Haitian teacher, who readily claimed the weapons. He said he planned to invade Cuba, explaining he was not vio- lating the law since the material, would be used from a point out- side the United States. Vixamar eventually was released for lack of evidence.. Vixamar was booted out of Hai- ti in 1962, Haitian sources here said, for organizing a pro-Com- munist student union. One report said he called on U.S. State De- partment officials in April 1964, and. told them he had been "di- vinely commissioned" to overthrow Papa Doc., Vixamar's links with Masferrer -if any-are vague. But last No- vember Masferrer, too, had Haiti on his mind as a way station for an attack on Cuba. The Haitian invasion froce un- der Masferrer counted about 80 men and, according to its leader, was equipped with some $100,000 worth of weapons and ammuni- tion. U.S. customs agents placed its actual value and battle worth at far less. "With that equipment," said one, "they could not suc- cessfully have invaded Burdine's." Burdine's is a large Miami depart- ment store.- The equipment included 140 ri- fles, about a dozen machine guns, two rocket launchers and about 72,000 rounds of assorted ammu- nition. There also were two small vessels. LONDON (R) - Harold Wilson - The administration seems to than any other member of the is finding it increasingly difficult some authorities here to be mov- North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- to go on staunchly supporting ing near to demanding total North tion. President Johnson's Vietnam poli- Vietnamese surrender. The British This attitude has added to the cies. doubt whether North Vietnam will difficulties of the Wilson govern- Despite some evident embarass- surrender and Wilson has said ment on certain levels. ments, the British prime minister. publicly he is sure neither side It proved an embarrassment shows no signs of abandoning his can win the war. for instance, when lie sought to pro-American stance. . All this can be seen as inevit- assure Charles de Gaulle of Bri- His problems over Vietnam are able differences of emphasis be- tain's European outlook and loyal- nearly as old as his 2%/2-year-old tween two partners, one of them ties. The French president want Labor government. Lately they losing lives and treasurers daily British bonds with America loos- hav become more acute with the on the battlefield. ened before this country qualifies intensification of American mili- That is why the British govern- to join the European Common tary pressures against the North. Market. On the military and troop-mor-tn n ard bfe, ubd Wilson's support for Johnson ale level the statements by the think long an; hard before pub- has been a source of dispute inside Johnson administration are un- licly voicing doubts or criticism, the ruling Labor party, with mid- derstood by authorities here, who It also is why, formally and of- die-leaders as well as leftwingers are not greenhorns in the arts of ficially, the Wilson government questioning the wisdom and So- campaigning. intends to go on proclaiming its cialist morality of his policy. On the political level it's anoth- backing for the broad objectives In Parilament, Labor misgiv- er story. which the Americans have defined ings over Vietnam have helped The private conversations of in the Vietnam context, generate resentments over other some senior government men sug- The British point out that they political issues to a point that gest disenchantment with official have been more explicit in making Wilson today leads a dangerously Washington's aims and methods their pro-American position known disunited party. in Vietnam. Among their arguments: American officials have insisted repeatedly they have had no seri- ous proposals for peace talks from Hanoi. Soviet officials including Premier Alexei N. Kosygin seemed'I to satisfy Wilson last month that 4ELP FIGHT serious peace talks were possible if Johnson ordered a military pause.WA G IN r Johnson in early February said publicly, "just almost any step" by Hanoi would be enough to bring about an American standoff against the North. Some British officials think he shifted his posi- tion by demanding later a reci- procal move by Hanoi such as halting shipments of arms and men southward.' Studer - Gi -i $ Bus sers nt price: $1.50 Tossed Salad i-i/ Choice of r1)tessing rilled Center Cut Ham Steak with Pineapple Crescent Buttered Peas 1Fluff)y Whipped Potatoes Roll and Bgtter Baked Cherry Crisp Choice of Be eiage vice from main campus to the Commons every 20 minutes. Serving from 12:00 Noon until 2:00 P.M. C1 e E sl ds r t Y - ~~**~****~g o t questions Isn't that why you're here? But when the questions are about life and its pure pose, the answers aren't always easy. We'd like to tell you about a book that has helped many students on our campus.;It will challenge you to give up limited ideas about yourself and about God .. to wake up to the real meaning of life. It's SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES by Mary Baker Eddy. If you'd like to know more about this book, talk to the Christian Science Organization. Anyone there will show you how to get the most out of it. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION Place_3545 SAB Time_ Thursdays 7:30 P.M. Science and Health is available free on loan at our meeting place or at $2.25 from the college bookstore. Or you can send for a free pamphlet "The Time for Thinkers" which is based on this book. write c/o P.O. Box 660, Astor Station, Boston, Massachusetts 02123. ow Soc iety of Automotive Engineers presents: Mr. Edward Rishavy Mr. Floyd Wyczalek GM's ELECTRIC CAR "Electrovair and Electrovan" Technical presentation with Movies Start your own war on Poverty... sit-in at Ann Arbor Bank (fbur comfortable campus offices and start a Savings or Checking Account. ANN ARBOR BANK 4 CAMPUS OFFICES " East Liberty Street Near Maynard " South University at East University A Medical Center (Forest at Ann) *"Plymo"th Road at Huron Parkway And 6 More Offices Serving ANN ARBOR/DEXTER WHITMORE LAKE MEMBER " FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION " FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM I 4 lations. One of their raiding planes; they say, was shot down over Cuba in mid-November and three of their men were captured after landing on the eastern tip of the island. The anti-Castro exile factions in Miami are divided into "activ- ist" and "propaganda" groups. The most noisily busy of the 1 1 operation. He was to be president of the country if the invasion suc-I ceeded. Federal officials got their first signs of anti-Castro activity in- volving Haiti in December 1965, when a truck loaded with rifles, rocket launchers and other arma- ment was found in a parking lot. It was registered to a Henry 1 042 E E 7:30 P.M. -WED., MARCH 22- EVERYONE WELCOME h. r IV 40 SGC LECTIO S - ED ESDAY, C 22 o President and Executive Vice-President Torn Copi-Regina Rogoff Bruce Kahn-Ruth Baumann " Five Open Council Seats Mike Anderson Dave Bullard Gene DeFouw Blanche Gemrose Judy Greenberg Richard Heideman Jeff Howard E. o. Knowles Steve Lester Marty Lieberman Mike McDermott Also elect " Three members to Board in Control of Student Publications " One member to Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics * Executive Officers of LSA * Executive Officers of Engineering School " Four Delegates to National Student Association Conference II I