PAGE SIX THE. MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, x.967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY :WEDNESDAYr~w. M eswARCHt 22. 19~ i;" Miss J's a swinger > in the floppy brim, S complement to her Easter ensembles. Black, navy, red, yellow, mint, white, hot pink, beige, blue, pink. 10.00 'Jacobson's { S "# ' i 1 ; I ,, rte I' 1 1 1j /u / i I I r 1 r A - 1 H 1 i " "' '. : t.; # t: k {, { : u + r f s s F F { ' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an pani Ensemble, Maynard Klein, conduc- graduates should go directly there ant official publication of the Univer- tor: Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. be seated by marshals, sity of Michigan for which The Spectators: Michigan Daily assumes no editor- Stadium: Enter by Main St. gate ial responsibility. Notices should be G eneral N otices only. All should be seated by 10 a.m sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to when procession enters field. Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- Zoology Seminar: Dr. William R. Wil- Yost Field House: Owing to lack o fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding ey, senior research scientist, Battelle space only those holding tickets can b publication and by 2 p.m. Friday Memorial Institute, Richland, Wash., admitted. Enter on State St., opposite for Saturday and Sunday. General "The Mechanism of Amino Acid Pool McKinley Ave. Notices may be published a maxi- Formation in Neurospora": Thurs., Graduation Announcements, Invita mum of two times on request; Day March 23, 2042 Natural Science Bldg., tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Stu Calendar items appear once only. 4 p.m. dent Affairs. Student organization notices are not Commencement Programs: To be dis. accepted for publication. For more Test: For freshmen-Mon., March 27, tributed at Stadium or Yost Field information call 764-9270. Rm. 5330 Medical Science Bldg., 4-5:30 House. p.m. For sophomores, juniors and sen- Distribution of Diplomas: Diplomas WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 iors-Tues., March 28, Rm. 4118 SNB, conferred as of April 29, 1967, may be 3:30-5:30 p.m. called for at the Student Activities Read Test: For freshmen-Wed., Bldg. May 15 through May 24, 1967. Day Calendar March 28, M4118 SNB, 4-5:30 p.m. For Medical School diplomas will be dis- sophomores, juniors and seniors - tributed at Class Day exercises June Phurs. March 30, M4118 SNB, 3:30-5:30 1; Flint College diplomas at the Flint Conference on the Physical Processes p.m. College Convocation June 2; Dearborn in the Lower Atmosphere-Rackham Oampus diplomas at the graduation ex- Bldg., 9 a.m. Regents' Meeting: Communications for ercises June 11; Law School diplomas consideration at this meeting must be nay be called for after May 29 at Symposium on Astrogeology-Rack- in the President's hands not later than Room 555 Administration Bldg. ham Bldg., 9 a.m. April 6: Fri., April 21. Doctoral degree candidates who qual-. ify for the PhD degree or a simila' School of Music Departmental Voice SPRING COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES degree from the Graduate School and Recital-Recital Hall, School of Music, April 29, 1967 WHO ATTEND THE COMMENCEMENT 12:30Graduates Assemble at 9:30 a.m. EXERCISES will be given a hood b GradatesAssmbleat :30 ~m. the University. Dept. of Zoology Seminar-Brian A. Procession Enters Field at 10 a.m. -_ Hazlett( assistant professor of zoology, Program Begins at 10:30 a.m. Doctoral Examination for Jean Caro- 'Social Behavior of Hermit Crabs": 1400 Exercises to be held at 10:30 a.m .yn Glidden Henderson, Education: thes- Chemistry Bldg., 4 p.m. either in the Stadium or Yost Field a: "Women as College Teachers," Thurs., House, depending on the weather. Ex- March 23, East Council Room, Rack- Annual Phi Beta Kappa Meeting - ercises will conclude about 12:30. ham Graduate School, at 8 a.m. Chair- Election of new members and officers: All graduates as of April 1967 are eli- man, J. I. Doi. 443 Mason Hall, 4 p.m. gible to participate. Tickets: Doctoral Examination for Charles Botany-Genetics Seminar: Dr. Drew For Yost Field House: Two to each Edward Barnes, Nuclear Engineering; Schwartz, Indiana University, "Genetic prospective graduate, to be distributed thesis: "Thermal-Neutron-Induced-De- Control of Esterases in Maize": Wed., from Mon., April 17, to 5 p.m., Fri., fects in Cadmium Telluride and Cad- March 22, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., April 28, at Diploma Office, 555 Ad- mium Sulfide," Thurs., March 23, Room 4:15 p.m. ministration Bldg. Office will be closed 304 Auto Lab., North Campus, at 1:30 Sat., April 22. p.m. Chairman, Chihiro Kikuchi. 1967 May Festival Ushers Urgently For Stadium: No tickets necessary Needed-Please see Mr. Warner, Box Children not admitted unless accom- Office of Hill Aud., tonight, 7 to 9 panied by adults. Placem ent p.m. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University ANNOUNCEMENTS: Symposium in Chemical Physics - Ave., Ann Arbor. Orders should be Publishing Procedures, 20th Summer Erwin Hahn, University of California, placed immediately. Course, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Berkeley, "Coherence Techniques and Assembly for Graduates: At 9:30 a.m Mass.-June 21-Aug. 1. Men and women the Physics of Spin Ensembles": 296 in area east of Stadium. Marshals interested in careers in book and maga- Physics-Astronomy, 8 p.m. will direct graduates to proper sta- sine publishing, introduction to re- tions. If siren indicates (at intervals tuirements and practical training. De- School of Music Concert-University from 8:50 to 9 a.m.) that exercises tails for application at the Bureau, Choir with Orchestra, Brass and Tym- are to be held in Yost Field House, deadline April 30. County of Westchester Personnel Of- fice, White Plains, N.Y.-Public Admin- istration internships, for particular phases, budgeting, finance, data proc- IN CONCERT ass, etc., and a generalist program, :ompletion of course work for MPA or government MA required. Esso Standard Eastern, Inc., Eastern B~~OI L LMN Oenings for citizens o:Mly Hemisphere Affiliate of Standard Oil- Openings for citizens of: Malaya (3), Pakistan (20) South Vietnam (4), In- :ionesa (6) and Australia (13), upon AND HIS BLUEGRASS BOYS return to native country. Grad and undergrad degrees in Lib. Arts, Busi- MARCH 25, TRUEBLOOD AUDITORIUM 8:00 P.M. ness and Engrg. Further information at Bureau. Tickets:-$2.00 & $1 .50 Southern Connecticut State College, -ce -Graduate Fellowships in Educational at Herb David Guitar Studio and at Door Research. Leads to MA in Ed. Res. De- Agn and statistics, work with local edu- cational agencies & systems. Any de-, TON IGHT!Y University Charter-Caledonian Airways European Charter Flight Meeting Sign-up and Travel Information ROOM 100-HUTCHINS HALL (Law School) ANYTIME BETWEEN 7 and 9 P.M. ;ree. in-service teachers or no teaching exper. For further information please call 764-7460, Mrs. Davis, General Division. Bureau of Appointmnents. ADDITIONAL INTERVIEW: At Engi- neering Placement, 128-H W. Engrg. THURS., MARCH 23- Babcock, Wilcox, N.Y.C.-Wishes to in- terview Math majors for a recently- :pened statistical position. Math ma- jors are requested to call 764-8483. or ;o to 128-i W. Engrg. Bldg. to ar- range for interview. PLACEMFNT INTERVIEWS: Gradu- ates and seniors make appointments by 4 p.m. of the day preceding the visits by the following companies. All em- ployers expect to see your file before the interview Please return fortrms and update your files as soon as possihe. Call 764-7460. General Division jiesk MON., MARCH 27- U.S. Navy, Detroit-Male & female. Seeking men and women interested in Officer Training. TUES., MARCH 28-- U.S. Navy, Detroit--See Monday list- ing. Michigan Civil Service Commission, Lansing, Mich.-Male & female. BA/ adv. degrees all fields for trainee pro- ;rams in Admin. Anal., Buyer, Econ. Res., Highway Plan., Inst. Mkmt., Insur. Exam., Personnel Tech., Corrections Psych. and others. WED., MARCH 29- U.S. Navy, Detroit-See Monday list- ing. U.S. Marines, Detroit-Men interest- ed in Officer Training. National Institutes of Health, Beth- esda, Md.-Male & female. Any de- gree and major, for positions in Biol., Zoo., Mgmt. Trng.,. Personnel, Public Admin., Stat., Writing (Tech.), Science. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Chicago, III.-BA/adv. degrees Anthro., Biechem., Chem., Econ., Engl.. Fine Arts, For. Lang.. Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., :eol., Hist., Journ., Math, Microbiol.. Music, Philo., Phys., Poli. Sci., Psych., Speech, Soc. and Social Work for Terr- torial Sales (campus reps, to cal.' on professors). THURS., MARCH 30- U.S. Navy, Detroit--See Monday list- ing.- U.S. Marines, Detroit-See Wednes- day listing. Internal Revenue Service, Detroit - Male & female. BA Gen. Lib. Arts, no acctg. required at GS-5 level. Tax rechnician, consultation with taxpay- rs of all kinds and Revenue Officer. call on delinquent payers. FRI., MARCH 31- U.S. Navy, Detroit-See Monday Mst- Ing. U.S, Marines, Detroit-See Wednes- day listing. MON., APRIL 3- Peace Corps Team--8:30-4:30 p.m., Mon.-Wed. No appointments necessary. Need for volunteers is only one of the functions of these reps, to help you know and decide whether or not you are qualified for volunteer duty is the purpose of these people also. TUES., APRIL 4- Peace Corps-See Monday liswting. United Airlines, Corapolis, Pa. - Women with any degree training for, stewardess trng. programs. Req. 5'2"- V'9", weight 140 or less in proportion to height, vision correctable to 20/30, contacts or glasses permitted. WED., APRIL 5- Peace Corps-See Monday listing. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB-- INTERVIEWS:, MARCH 23- Boyne Mountain and Boyne High- lands, Mich:-Resorts, 9-5 p.m., open- ings for waiters, waitresses, bus boys, ,lerks, cocktail waitresses and hostess- as. Room and boardfurnished, excel- lent earning potential. Camp Sequoia, Mich.-Coed. 10-5. General counselors, specialists in wa- terfront, riding, nature, pioneer and a cook. Details and applications at Summer Placement Service, 212 SAB, lower level. Across Campus" WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 12:30p.m.-The School of Music will present a departmental voice recital in the School of Music recital hall. 8:30 p.m.-The School of Music will present the University Choir with Orchestra, Brass, and Tym- pani Ensemble, conducted by May- nard Klein, in Hill Aud. THURSDAY, MARCH 23 4:30 p.m. - The International Center will hold a tea at 603 E. Madison. 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. - Cinema Guild will present Alain Resnais' "Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog)" and John Huston's "Let There Be Light" in the Architec- ture Aud. FRIDAY, MARCH 24 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. - Cinema Guild will present Alain Resnais' "Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog)" and John Huston's "Let There Be Light" in the Architec- ture Aud. ORGANIZATION NOTICDES, USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. "* * I* University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, Ash Wednesday, March 22, 10 p.m.. The Tenebrae, Holy Commun- ion (Pastor Scheips). Engineering Council, Meeting, Thurs., March 23, 7:30 p.m., 3529 SAB. * * * Christian Science Organization, Tes- timony meeting, Thurs., March 23, 7:30- 8:30 p.m., 3545 SAB. * * * Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin--enjoy a French atmosphere, Thurs., March 23, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. * ' * Crop and Saddle Coed Riding Club, Riding on Thurs., March 23, meet at 6:30 p.m. at Women's Athletic Bldg. * * * U. of M. Rifle Club, Open shooting- 22 caliber rifle and pistol, Wed., March 22, 7-9 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range. All rifles and pistols furnished; ammuni- tion available at a reduced rate, * * * Baha'i Student Group, Religious dis- :ussion, March 24,.8 p.m., 335 E. Huron, Apt. 5. * ** Scottish Country Folk Dance Clul. Dancing, Wed., March 22, 8-10 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. Step instruction and practice, 8-8:30 p.m. only Alpha Phi Omega, Meeting and elec- tions, Wed., March 22. 7 p.m., 3532 SAB. Most important meeting of the semes- ter-election of next year's officers. Refreshments. Student Zionist Organization, Lecture -Naftali Golomb: "The Kibbutz Society as an Untraditional Approach to the Problems of Modern Society," Thurs., March 23, 8 p.m., 1429 Hill. 1 iF'Sh :r7B .3 "- 'I 5'.. 1~5 .~ ..~ /5 1 S. ., fresh on the fashion scene, go-go casual gloves by Crescendoe The new square fingered look, a short-short mini glove, and even pockets for mad money.. .all in cotton with handsewn trim. Sizes 6'/2-7/. A . Mini.. .navy/white, white/black. 5.00 B. Squared-off... .camel/tan or oyster/tan. 4.00 C. Mad-money...oyster/tan, white. 5.00 r;- Y. So that's all'there is to the facts of life, Mom? ______________________________________________________________________________________I'm Yes. That, plus the quality discounts available at FOLLETT'S on adult remainders. Well, that's something to look forward to. i COAT COSTUMES EXPLODE WITH COLORFUL DESIGNS FOR PETITE MISS J... Looking simply sensational...Act I plays the role of spring fashion with a coat popped over a dress that T copycats its color.. .bursting forth with floral brilliance or sunny-bright checks. Sizes 3-13 Petite. A. Navy with white houndstooth check 3/4 length coat and sleeveless skimmer of cotton knit. 30.00 B. Rayon collarless cut-away coat and patterned cowl-neck skimmer. Bright green or orange. 25.00 C. Frog-closed floral print coat and sleeveless skimmer of rayon/cotton/flax. Gold, lilac. 25.00 Follett's for the best buys =N in quaty adult remainders There was a time when you had to pay a good buck to get a good book. But not any more. Follett's has changed all that. i V r- - ..>;; ii Liz Taylor isn't the only one who's overstocked. You can now afford to stock a complete library of exciting, thought-provoking, enriching reading for very little. Here is just a partial list of some of the beautiful, full color, adult, publishers' overstocks which are available at Follett's this week: i 1 1 REDUCED! Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History Forward by Trevor-Roper..........9.95 Egyptian Mythology ............... 2.98 Runes Political History of Philosophy .. 3.95 I 1 1 1 1 ,