Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ROGER RAPOPORT: A Hotbed of Moderato0n In * Where Opinions Are Free' 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 "":1Y::,V""..4.......d".V.',.:Y::M ":ti: :...t...1.,...,119:. Y: :h.t. . }'."1'i: s ' .S....'. Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE Cinema Guild and Faculty Support: Relativism and Rationality YESTERDAY'S ACTION by the Faculty Senate's Civil Liberties Board asking for -the "dismissal of the prosecution" against four Cinema Guild leaders stands out as the most intelligent move made on campus since the beginning of the "Flaming Creatures" affair. The Re- gents, the administration and the stu- dents all committed themselves in a per- fectly predictable manner to a cause about which they knew next to nothing. The board, however, went to the trou- ble of determining what the real nature and motives of the Cinema Guild were. Immediately after the incident, Hubert Cohen and Ellen Frank, two of the de- fendants, appeared before the board and were questioned thoroughly. The board wanted to know whether Cinema Guild was "just a group of students trying to cause trouble or an organization with ser- ious educational and cultural goals in mind." They found out, and they acted. AT THE SAME TIME, however, two members of the Civil Liberties Board, acting as individuals, suggested that the group not show an Andy Warhol film, "Blow-Job," inoffensive in itself but with a most provoking title. Student journal- ists and activists raised the cry of "sell- out" and "fink" against the faculty mem- bers who made the suggestion, Profs. Abraham Kaplan and Bradford Perkins. What was obscured was the practical nature of the suggestion, based on the realities of working in a social-political situation such as ours. Prof. Kaplan's intention in asking that the film not be shown was to avoid an- tagonizing other community members in- volved in the situation. "There was to some degree a compromise of principle," he pointed out, "but it is the nature of democracy that principles sometimes be compromised." It is the authoritarian person who will demand that the prin- ciple be followed to the letter in face of all opposition. According to Kaplan, this attitude is not justified in a democracy no matter what the nature of the principle in- volved. He pointed to the University of California as an example of what hap- pens when either side fails to consider the other's point of view. The person most responsible for the election of Ronald Reagan as governor -was Mario Savio, his opposite on the political spectrum. Kaplan justifies this view on the grounds of relativism and realism. Free- doms are not absolutes, and to win them requires that the students mature and learn how to use their power and influ- ence wisely. The existence of the power of any group is a nebulous matter; the power is there to be had by the students if they act in accord with the conven- tions of our campus society. THIS VIEW is most reasonable. There is very strong support to be had from many quarters of campus if only the stu- dents use the appropriate means. They must not be carried away in the great radical tradition of turmoil and unrest, unless that unrest is necessary. The goal is not to protest, the goal is to achieve certain ends. To forget this is to desert our cause. On the question of relativism, however, one point remains to be made. The stu- dent movement must not be absolute in any of its judgments, not even in the decision not to be absolute. A time comes when there is no recourse but violent pro- test, and to fail to act at that time is a far more serious crime than to act too soon. Civil disobedience has played and should continue to play a most important role In our society. The Cinema Guild case is not serious enough, yet, to warrant the creation of chaos on campus, but there are causes on the international scene that are. Will we act in time, or is it too late already? Each person must decide for himself and act accordingly. -RONALD LANDSMAN AFTER DEVOTING a weekend to interviewing Student Government Council candidates it appears clear that the outcome of today's election will make little sub- stantive difference. The militants want more action and less talk. The moderates think more talk will bring more action. Both it seems are fighting for similar ends-the right for students here to rule their own lives. But neither side is able to cope with the essential problem which extends far beyond the rights of sopho- more women to stay out all night or South Quad residents to dress as they please at dinner. FOR IT'S PRETTY hard to radicalize a campus of sheep. As a reporter for the New York Times told his editors when they rushed him to Ann Arbor to cover a potential revolt here not long ago, "Don't worry, the University of Michigan is a conservative place. The stu- dents aren't going to do anything." Despite its revolu- tionary pretension, the University is plugged into the status quo on all circuits. I am not really talking about the administration, which has a vested interest in the status quo. After all, one can hardly expect a University that gets over $50 million a year for government research to fight very hard over turning in student class rankings to the Selective Service. Even when they do rebel, administrators are hardly in a position to take action. Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont is privately opposed to current U.S. military policy in Vietnam. He has even written Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara to that effect. But one could hardly expect Mr. Pierpont to sac- rifice personal dignity and register his protest by sitting in at the Ann Arbor draft board. NOR AM I REALLY talking about the faculty. After all, they know where the salary for a good suburban life and travel grants for conferences in Puerto Rico comes from. "I wrote a letter to one of the reactionary Regents and told him to stop intimidating the students over free speech and press," one faculty member said the other day. "Then I tore it up and threw it away." Even when the faculty does stand up for the stu- dents little usually happens. Witness the 35 faculty members who weren't going to turn in grades last semes- ter because they opposed ranking. They changed their minds after the administration explained that it would flunk the students who were ungraded. The basic responsibility for the status quo orienta- tion of the campus lies with the students. To begin with, the vast majority aren't willing to do much more than sign a petition for a bookstore. Most are unwilling to buy books from a discount bookstore because it's too far to walk. Rich (average parental income is over $13,000) and blessed with plenty of Lovin' Spoonful concerts, few stu- dents are willing to get fired up about anyone beyond themselves. The students play academic ball with the University, and stay out of trouble, knowing that they will have plenty of good offers waiting for them at the placement office. Little of the academic message seems to come across. Thoreau is something you talk about in history seminar. All but a hard-core hundred shun effective civil disobed- ience. And few are as radical as their counterparts of the 1930's who were willing to join the Spanish loyalists and fight against Franco. About the best today's radicals can do is run to Canada. Of course there is a reason behind much of this apathy. Many radicals here have fought the good fight and lost. They have been jailed by local authorities and harassed by the Selective Service. The University's con- tribution has been to turn their names into the House Un-American Activities Committee. OBVIOUSLY THIS discourages potentital radicals from joining the fight. One top Student Government Council leader has given up politics for film-making. Another leading activist has quit protesting in favor of the bass guitar and a rock and roll band. Others have given up the fight for marijuana and LSD. The fact that the new left is getting old reflects a general campus alienation from the political process. Students don't have the time or the desire to get out on the line for what they think is right. They have most of what they want and if they're too young for an 'M' parking sticker they can always sneak around that someway. The fact is that the student body is generally smug and satisfied. All those cover stories about the genera- tion-gap are a mirage, Like their elders most students seem caught up in the materialistic whirlwind on their way to the good life. THE TRAGEDY IS not that students aren't angry enough to try to stage a park-in protest on the Diag. After all, college is only four years. Rather this conservative campus is turniig out po- litically apathetic, status-quo oriented graduates who don't care about changing the world. They just want to fit in. Like the University, most students don't want to change the world, they just want to perpetuate it. Letters: The Morning After the Banana To the Editor: I AM WRITING in regard to ba- nanas. First let me state that I have nothing against people us- ing chemicals to effect changes in their consciousness. In this res- pect, the discovery of a material that is legal, inexpensive, mild, psychedelic, and sold in supermar- kets is welcome. I would point out, however, that reflective people ask something more of a thing they put into their bodies, namely that it be safe. Un- fortunately, many of the most in- teresting chemicals mankind has found on the planet have disagree- able side effects ranging from the extremes of physical addiction or destruction of the nervous system to annoyances like hangovers and dizziness. Cocaine is particularly instruc- tive in this respect. Physicians and thrill-seekers alike considered it a god-send when it first appeared; now only a fool would use it regu- larly. OF COURSE, there are other chemicals, marijuana among them, that have been used for hundreds of yiears without noticeably hor- rible side effects. We can only hope that bananas prove to be as benign. The fact that the Daily article mentions morning-after sickness indicates that they may not be. I don't mean to be a drag, but anyone who smokes bananas now is experimenting with his health. -Steve Arnold, Grad. Correlation To the Editor: WE ARE CONCERNED over Daily endorsement policies. We do not feel all candidates were judged on relevant criteria. We are referring specifically to the Daily's comments on Kay Stanbury, a freshman candidate for SGC. There is no absolute correlation between being a freshman and be- ing inexperienced. Kay has worked closely with council all year, gain- ing experience and ability. The Daily commented, "We encourage her to certainly seek election next year." Why wait? We hope she is elected NOW. We feel that actions are better indicators of experience than class standing. -Merry Beth Clarke Mary Lutskus Ronna Smith Guna Spacs Misinterpretation To the Editor: THE DAILY has an unfortunate habit of pulling quotes out of context, and using them for the editors' selvtive purposes. The assertion of The Daily that I view SGC in merely an advisory role is inaccurate and superficial. I had indicated that "SGC will be effec- tive in an advisory role in some areas, but that in other areas. such as housing, sophomore hours and the student bookstore, SGC will have to take a strong, inde- pendent stand." The implication is that the new President and vice-president of academic affairs next year will be receptive to well supported SGC proposals. Other policies will be rejected by the Regents, and here SGC will have to act. I realize that The Daily editors were tired by the time of my interview, and I hope their judgment will be sharper next year. -Mark Schreiber, '69 SGC Candidate Draft Reform To the Editor: J AM WRITING in regard to the recently proposed Selective Service changes. In general, I feel President Johnson's sugestions are much better than the old system. However, I would also like to make the following suggestions: 1.) That women should also be subject to the draft on an equal basis with men and utilized for the many noncombatant jobs in the armed services. There is no reason that half the population of the United States should be au- tomatically exempt from an obli- gation to serve their country. 2.) That all deferments be eli- minated including ones for under- graduates and those studying for the ministry but with the possible exception of ones for those study- ing to be doctors of medicine. The feasibility of offering those select- ed the option of serving immedi- ately or after finishing their edu- cation s h o u l d be considered (though I think this would create certain obvious unfairnesses, too). I AGREE that younger persons should be drafted first and should be selected by a national lottery system. Of course the preceding suggestions assume that some sort of compulsory service is necessary (which is also debatable). -Lester L. Sackett, Grad. Middle-of-Road To the Editor: OThe responsible middle finds Thomas Copi irresponsible and unacceptable for the Presidency of SGC. Therefore the Daily Sen- iors ask us not to vote for Copi. Wow. -Robert Farrell, Grad. Robert Carney, '67 Open Debate? To the Editor: IN THE interest of adding to the current discussion of the Hart- Ford incident in Rackham, I would like to say that the action of the chairman of the meeting seems to bear out the students' ap- praisal of the situation. I do not believe that the spon- sors of the event wanted open discussion and that, in fact, the OPINION The Daily has begun accept- ing articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on subjects of their choice. They are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. chairman was censoring the ques- tions. I was sitting up front during the question - answer period and, while Senator aHrt was attempt- ing to answer a question, the chairman, who had been going through the questions reading them to himself, leaned over to Congressman Ford to show him one, whispering that it was on Vietnam. Apparently Ford approv- ed it, because the next question was about Vietnam. WAS THE chairman 'pre-censor- ing the questions instead of ask- ing them at random as ought to happen in an open discussion? My impression is that he was, and having spent thought and time in composing my own question for Sen. Hart, I was upset at this cav- alier treatment of audience ques- tions. I hope that in the future either discussion will be open or the chairman will be more discreet in his censorship. D. Gardner, '59 Vote, C ount AT 21 voting booths across the campus, YOU should be vot- ing today for the candidates of your choice. A significant voter turn-out is fundamental to the success of any election. And after the election, students are needed to help count ballots. Tabulation begins at 7 p.m. in the Student Government Council office on the first floor of the Stu- dent Activities Building. For the taste of a campus election night and to lend some much needed help, YOU areu rged to come to the SAB at 7. -The Editorial Staff i 4 3~ An Unwarranted Decision IT WAS A BLACK Monday for civil liber- ties as the Supreme Court raised the spectre of a reign of unreasonable search- es, seizures and arrests based upon un- challengeable hearsay evidence. In the McCray case, the court held that the po- lice could make an arrest based on a tip from an unidentified source, search the arrested person without a warrant and use the evidence thus obtained to con- vict him-all without disclosing the iden- tity of the tipster who initiated the proc- ess. The McCray decision is ominous for it appears to seriously undermine the land- mark Mapp decision of 1961 which ap- plied the provisions of the Fourth Amend- ment to state courts. Thus searches can only be made with a search warrant, "particularly describing the place to be searched" or incident to an arrest based upon "probable cause." By broadening the definition of "probable cause" to in- clude tips from unidentified informants and thus giving the police much greater latitude in making arrests and obtain- Ing evidence, Monday's decision emascu- lates the intent of the Fourth Amend- ment guarantees. The dangers to personal liberty by in- creasing police ,power in these areas are acute. Police can now justify an arrest based upon a tipster by indicating that the tipster has been reliable in the past. After McCray the courts are obligated to accept only the word of the police that there ever was an informant. There would be no legal check to pre- vent the police from conducting a search which they otherwise could not have made, by merely conjuring up an inform- ant and haking the search "incident to arrest." There would also be no legal check to prevent police from practicing such harrassing tactics as making an ar- rest, conducting a search "incident to ar- rent," and if no evidence indicating the commission of a crime turns up, then releasing the arrested person, mixing apology with imprecations against an imaginary tipster. IN A DEMOCRATIC society there are few events more horrifying than false ar- rest. The costs of such an arrest trans- cend the temporal problems of legal fees, psychological shock, financial loss and in- jury to reputation. For in our centraliz- ed society a false arrest must be explain- ed away for the rest of one's life. For example, the standard Civil Serv- ice form for federal employment, Form 57, asks, "Have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted?" Furthermore, it appears that the possibility of suing for false arrest, rarely a satisfactory antidote to police abuse, would be absent in cases falling under the McCray doctrine. For hereafter the police could always justify their actions by pointing to the past re- liability of the unseen and unchallenged informant. Monday's decision has implications for the future of the Supreme Court that go far beyond the bounds of the McCray decision. The decision reflected a recent conservative tone in the court's rulings on criminal law which are in response to the continual outcry that the court's deci- sions have unduly handcuffed the po- lice. This is evident in the court's decision, written by Justice Potter -Stewart, which reasoned that a contrary opinion would "severely hamper the government" in en- forcing the narcotics laws, by forcing the police to reveal the name of an informer each time they justified an arrest in, court. FOCUSING ON LIBERAL court decisions as the cause of the crime problem is a facile way for the public to avoid paying the financial price for first-rate law enforcement. The greatest antidote to crime is larger and more efficiently trained, mobilized and equipped police. Adam Clayton Dodd The Uncertain Outlook for the A merican Economy By WARREN L. SMITH In yesterday's article, the author began his assessment of the U.S. economy by reviewing selected economic developments over the past six years. He con- cluded with the Economic Re- port of the President for 1967, which was the basis for the President's request for a 6 per cent surcharge on personal and corporate income tax liabilities. Last of a Two-part Series SINCE the publication of the Economic Report, further in- dications of weakness in the econ- omy have made their appearance. Perhaps the most ominous sign is the high rate of inventory accu- mulation. The increase in non- farm inventories amounted to $17.5 billion in the fourth quarter -nearly $2 billion above the pre- liminary figure given in the Econ- omic Report. With inventory stocks rising more rapidly than sales. some reduction in produc- tion relative to sales 'can be ex- pected as a means of bringing in- ventories back into line. This is the kind of process that decline. At the very least, however, some decline in the rate of- inventory investment below recent levels can be expected, and this will slow down the expansion. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION as measured by the Federal Reserve index did decline noticeably in January after having leveled off in October. But while the index is adjusted for normal seasonal vari- ation, its behavior in January may have been influenced by exception- ally severe winter weather. Automobile sales have fallen quite sharply in recent weeks, but the effect of this on general econ- omic activity depends upon wheth- er it constitutes a decline in total consumer spending or merely a shift in the pattern of spending away from automobiles and to- ward other goods or services. New factory orders have been declining, particularly for durable goods, and backlogs of unfilled signs. Personal income registered an unusually large increase in January, which should serve to sustain consumer demand and re- tail sales. The easing of credit that has occurred since last fall seems already to have had a strong stimulative effect on housing con- struction. Housing starts have been rising steadily and in Janu- ary were 47 per cent above the low of last October. In the last couple of weeks, several measures have been taken to stimulate the economy. The most dramatic is the President's request to Congress last week for immediate restoration of the 7 per cent tax credit for business ex- penditures for machinery and equipment. The legislation which suspended the credit last fall pro- vided for its restoration on Janu- ary 1, 1968. But a government survey of busines investment plans for 1967, released last week, indicates a more marked slowdown in business ment securities in the open mark- et, thereby giving a further down- ward thrust to interest rates. The Administration has taken further steps to spur homebuilding through increased government- agency purchases of mortgages and has rescinded a portion of the cutback in Federal highway spend- ing that was put into effect as an anti-inflationary measure last November. Clearly the balance of forces is such that the immediate outlook is quite uncertain. My own guess is the expansionary forces will be strong enough to enable downturn into recession. It is apparent, however, that the rate of expansion has already slowed down substantially. Since GNP, valued at constant prices, must rise at a rate of about 4 per cent per year to hold the unem- ployment rate constant, it seems certain that this rate will rise above the January level of 3.7 per cent in the coming months. about the outlook, it would be un- wise at this time for Congress to pass a tax increase effective July 1, as proposed by the President. Indeed, if my somewhat shaky op- timism should prove to be un- warranted and the economy should head into a recession, a tax cut rather than a tax increase would be appropriate. If a recession should occur, it would be impracticable for the Federal Reserve to adopt a truly vigorous easy monetary policy as it did in the recessions of the 1950's. The reason is that the sharp decline in interest rates that would result from such a policy would lead to an outflow of capital from the country thereby severely worsening our still precarious bal- ance-of-payments position. Thus, tax reduction is the only effective and quick-acting weapon available to deal with a recession under present conditions. Indeed our present uncertain economic situation points up the vital im- portance of measures to increase the flexibility of personal income tax rates. .... .. . ........... .... . .511...1 ..................... .." .......:.r; ... ........,.. ..1 A A 1...1 .".I..A.Y.. ........................:"A"........A1........Vr.....................r......................... # ,. .. ..,.. .. i1 - v.z.....a.fra0s.far '"Lehmrf #Ir," rsYrffr r In if si r Tr n Is"'Bat7CA0 !!t th;e