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March 21, 1967 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-21

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ner, the following points must be
1. Re-establish formal ties with
2. Continue the use of S.G.C.'s
Advisory Boards.
3. Improve S.G.C.'s Student
Communications and its flow of
information: it is important that
S.G.C. realizes what the students
have to say.
4. Establishment of Project-or-
iented committees which would
supplement the study of the Presi-
dential Commission on the role of
student power within the Univer-
This candidate also feels that
the following issues are of great
concern to both S.G.C. and the
1. More coordination and com-
munication with students in the
progress and needs of S.G.C.'s
Stuudent Housing Association.
2. A serious-consideration given
on the possible restructuring of
S.G.C. so that the entire student
body will be justly represented.
3. Elimination of Sophomore
Women's Hours.

gestions and proposals, rather
than ultimatums.
3. Work closely and effectively
with the advisory boards and pres-
idential commissions.
4. Obtain the opinions of the
student organizations on issues of
major importance before coming
to a decision.

N ancy

Member of Curriculum Committee
in the School of Social Work
Colloquium Committee of Joint
Doctoral Program
Social Work Student Organization
Co-Chairman of Tri-University
Executive Committee, Michigan
Peace Corps Council
Liason with Michigan State Uni-
versity Student Legal Services
Two years Peace Corps in Nigeria
with participation on Eastern
Region Peace Corps Committee
Undergraduate participation on
Student Council
My candidacy as the only grad-
uate seeking a seat on Council
speaks to specific concerns which
are of importance to graduate and
professional students, but which
find th'eir roots in this University's
structure for hearing and meeting
the needs of its students.
Realizing that a substantial pro-
portion of this student body is
composed of graduate students, I
find it surprising -that the only
Graduate Assembly should have
no recognition by the Regents.
.1'his becomes less surprising
when one realizes that the three
Presidential Commissions estab-
lished at the height of last semes-
ter's foment-despite what they
may ,achieve-do ,not provide an
immediate answer to student prob-
lems, that the dormitory councils
have not been able to effect a
change in the food situation, that
despite a year long critical hous-
ing situation, the University has
yet to take positive steps to alle-
viate this problem, that fees may
be raised once again with no pro-
mise that increases will result in
improved health, housing, or edu-
cational services to students, or,
that students will be consulted be-
fore such action will be taken.
Because the recommendations of
the Knauss Report have not been
implemented, graduate students
need, to make a contribution on
the only recognized student body
on campus. It is for these reasons
that I now seek a seat on Council.
I support:
(1) Direct access to the Regents
for SGC and GA.
(2) An effective working rela-
tionship between SGC and GA.
(3) Student-university-city co-
peration in solving student hous-;
ing problems.

I would extend my support and
help to the new Vice-Presidential
Advisory Committees, which I be-
lieve may prove to be a positive
step in advancing better avenues
of communication and, problem-
solving between the students and
the Administration. In reference
to, the Knauss Report recommen-
dations, I would recommend close
ties between GSC and SGC, while
studying how to better represent
on the council all the student
groups on campus.
I would initiate and actively
participate in serious negotiations
with' City Council officials for
maximum enforcement of the
housing code and work for a stan-
dard eight-month lease for apart-
ments. I would also push for low-
cost, University-built, high-rise
apartments of good quality. The
Student Rental Union should be
encouraged and expanded.
In the area of parking, I would
introduce a resolution calling on
the University to use the money
collected in the past from E-stick-
ers to help defray parking costs
for students only on reserved floors
of campus parking structures while
at the same time, discontinuing
any cost for purchase of stickers.
SGC should expand its new le-
gal counsel clinic to accommodate
a greater number of students, and
should press for University legal
services to be made available for
students in civil and criminal cas-
es. In addition, several student ser-
vices should be promoted: collect,
long-distance dialing from Cen-
trex phones; and expanded com-
muter bus service to include all
dorms and strategic spots on Cen-
tral Campus; and a course evalua-
tion booklet, jointly sponsored by
the faculty and student body, to
be published each semester in-
cluding every course. Finally, I
would urge SGC to sponsor a thor-
ough evaluation of the Health
Service, its facilities and staff, and
of the I-M facilities.

which calls for a clear communi-
cation to the administration and
faculty that SGC and its members
-representing all students-de-
serve to have their opinions heard
and considered in the policy pro-
cess. This establishment of com-
munication should also be the es-
tablishment of mutual trust and
As a policy-making body, SGC
must, continue to serve as a sanc-
tioning board for all organizations,
and must be truly representative
of these organizations.
SGC must remain dedicated to
seeking better conditions for stu-
dents to pursue their educational
aims: such programs as voter
registration and housing (via the
SHA and Student Rental Union)
must be furthered through the use
of standing and the extensive use
of ad hoc committees. If we are
to continue m~eeting student needs
and demands; we must, as a Uni-
versity, continue to move ahead
with such academic programs as
the Residential College.
A commitment to such programs
and goals will allow us to move
FORWARD as a student body.






Journalism, Honors
UAC (University Activities Cen-
ter) Executive Council
Freshman Orientation Committee
and Academic Affairs Commit-
tee, UAC
Homecoming Co-chairman, 1966
Winter Weekend Central Commit-
tee, 1966 and Soph Show, 1965
Student Sesquicentennial Commit-
tee and Escort (Core 30)
WCBN news commentator
Editorial Staff of Michigan Daily,
Congressional Intern, Washing-
ton, D.C.
Mortar Board Senior Women's
Honor Society
Wyvern, Junior Women's Honor-
Instead of liberal or conserva-
tive, I am an activist in the sense
of getting the jobs done I've tack-
led so far. As a member of SGC,


Student Advisory Board, Residen-
tial College (1965-1967)
SGC Student Advisory Board to
Vice-President Pierpont (1967)
International President, B'nai
B'rith Youth Organization
Member, L.S.A. Pilot Project
Employment: U-M Bureau of
Industrial Relations (1966-1967),
I believe that Student Govern-
ment Council, as the policy arm
of the student body, has a respon-
sibility to represent - in its deci-
sions - all segments of our Uni-
versity community. In order to do
this, it needs individuals with
organizational ability, experience,
interest, and an open-minded per-
spective toward the problems fac-
ing students.
As a-body dedicated to further-
ing student aims, and voicing
student opinion, SGC must com-
mit itself to a program of cooper-
ation and communication with all
segments of the University. The
machinery formed as a result of
last semester's breakdown must be
used to its fullest extent.
This machinery, the Presidential
Commission and the Vice-Presi-
dential Advisory Boards must be
used under an air of cooperation

Thomas R.
1964 Conference on the Univer-
sity-Executive Committee
Michigan Daily Night Editor
Michigan Daily Photography Edi-
Secretary, Joint Committee for
the Study of the Structure and
Function of Student Govern-
ment Council {

Member of the Student Advisory
Board to Vice-President for Ac-
ademic Affairs
Michigan Daily Assistant Night
Michigan Daily Reporter - SGC




Committee Member, Public Rela-
tions Board (SGC), 1966
Member, Delta Sigma Phi Fra-
ternity, 1966
Member - at - Large, Engineering
Council (EC), 1966
President, U of M Rifle Club, 1966,
Member, National Rifle Associa-
tion, 1966
Assistant Manager, Service, of the
Michigan Daily Business Staff,
Assistant Chairman, Public Rela-
tions Committee (EC), 1966
Chairman, Committee on Student
Advisory Boards (EC), 1966
Publicity Co-Chairman, Techni-
rama Central Committee (EC),
Member, Subcommittee on Engi-
neering Curricula (Engineering
College), 1967
Member, Engineering Honor Coun-
cil, 1967
Student Chairman, Knauss Report
Review Committee (EC), 1967
Member, Society of Automotive
Engineers, 1967
Member, American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers, 1967
There has been much said pro,
and con concerning the way SGC
was run this past year. We, the
student body, witnessed a break
with the Office of Student Affairs,
the issue of ultimatums and many
other irresponsible actions in an
attempt to display Student Power.
Regretfully, all that was accom-
plished could have been obtained
equally as well, had they been
proposed to the University admin-
istration in a responsible manner.
e.g. Presidential Commission on
Student Government, Selective
Service Commission, etc.
I feel SGC could obtain much
more cooperation and support
from ,the administration if they
would approach them more tact-
fully in the form of suggestions,
rather than ultimatums. In all
the Engineering Council's dealings
with that College's Administra-
tion, it has obtained almost 100%
cooperatioin. WHY? because they,
like many other groups, presented
rational proposals for change to
the administration for their re-
view and consideration. If they
had objections, they returned the
proposal with reasons for their
rejection. If the Council felt the
reasons were valid the issue was
dropped; if not, the Council
would revaluate the proposal in
light of the objections and resub-
mit the proposal. This method has
proven effective in the Engineer-
ing Cnlee and also other col-

E. Knowles
President of Toledo Area Student
Council (consisting of thirty
schools with over forty-thousand
Youth delegate of Lucas County
Safety Council
Delegate to local and state lead-
ership conventions, conferences
One of UAC's (e-Handred at-
standing Freshmen
IFC's Interfraternity Relations
Committee, campus service proj-
Member of Delta Upsilon Frater-
In order to effectively carry out
its functions, a student govern-
ment must assume a responsible
attitude towards its constituents
and its relations with the admin-
By a responsible attitude, it is
meant that after setting up the
organization to handle delegated
powers, the student government
would then deal with the specific
issues of most importance to the
student body and then approach
the administration with specific
proposals for action. Reasonable
attitudes on one side bring about
the cooperation necessary for
achievement of effective student
voice in university affairs.
The use of Ghandian tech-
niques should come only as a last
resort, and then to call attention
to specific issues, not as an at-
tempt to coerce or intimidate.
Some specific proposals which
the present student government
should focus attention on are ob-
taining power to directly formu-
late rules governing student beha-
vior, a realignment in the counsel-
ing procedure to allow an oppor-
tunity for a student to talk with
a counselor when - he needs one
without having to wait several
weeks when the need may have
passed, measures to alleviate the
present parking problem by ex-
tending the university bus service,
and continued implementation of
the suggestions made in the recent
Knauss Report.
These steps would help make
definite progress towards a re-
sponsible and effective student.
government in the university com-

There has been much talk recently of students taking part in
decision-making at the University. The Knauss report, accepted by
the faculty senate last fall, called for greater student participation at
all levels in the University. We substantially accept this concept. How-
ever, there is a serious issue which must be raised before we can dis-
cuss implementation of such plans.
The collection of rules and regulations compiled by the Uni-
versity Administration in a booklet entitled Standards for Students
institutionalizes the policy of in loco parentis. What these rules imply,
is that University students are not mature enough to be trusted with
the responsibility of running their own personal lives.
It seems somewhat inconsistent to think that the University
will ever give students meaningful responsibility in decision-making
at the University level if it will not allow them to take the respon-
sibility for decision-making on a personal level.
IN LOCO PARENTIS must be eliminated, then, before students
will be able to play a meaningful role in decision-making at the Uni-
versity level.
How can this be accomplished?
The Regents have placed authority over student conduct in
the Office of Student Affairs. Since the Student Government Coun-
cil has no authority to change rules governing student conduct, such
action would necessarily have to be taken outside the current struc-
ture, simply using SGC as a convenient organizing apparatus.
It is our view that something must be done by the University
to show that it is willing to accept students as responsible members
of the academic community. Only then can students help to decide
such important specific University policies as those relating to:
* Housing. The University must build more housing and a wider
variety of housing, and it must make University housing competitive
with other Ann Arbor housing. University activity in this-area
would aid groups like the SGC Student Housing Association, which is
working to pressure Ann Arbor landlords into being more responsive
to student demands.
9 Membership. Since the HUAC subpoenas of last summer, there
has been serious question as to whether membership lists for student
organizations must be compiled. The essential requirements for recog-
nition as a student organization should be the submission to SGC of
a confidential slate of the group's leaders, as well as a public state-
ment telling the general policy of the group-whether it is a political
party, a service organization, a photography club, or whatever. These
same membership requirements should apply to all student organiza-
tions. This includes such presently existing organizations as Voice
political party, fraternities and sororities, the Daily, and the College
Republicans, for example. There would then be no need for member-
ship review by SGC, which would grant such things as office space
in the Student Activities Building to groups on the basis of need
0 Course Evaluation. A student group should be chosen to work
with members of the faculty senate toward the publication of a com-
prehensive and accurate course explanation and evaluation booklet,
to be published by the University, possibly in the same format as the
course catalogues of the various schools and colleges. Another student
group would work toward publication of a related faculty evaluation
booklet, making use of relevant University facilities, such as the In-
stitute for Social Research, in their preparation of such a booklet.
Guild and is supposed to approve
the . elected board. Because SOC
failed to review the Board, it was
not approved.
2. SGC has control of student
activities in the Fishbowl and on
the Diag, and enforcement of its
regulations. Yet, Mr. Fitzpatrick
of the OSA has said his office
.must employ a student to check
for violations of SGC rules.
Both examples may be "details"
which were overlooked, but they
provide the Administration with
reason to question the responsi-
bilities of student control of stu-
dent activities
Despite some administrators'
and alumni's contentions about
student power, there are many
desirable advantages to be had in
expansion of student control of
University activities; as was aptly
pointed out in the Knauss report.
10 ..-+a ....Tnrnnne Aapni 'the nnwprm ian


Anne Patton
Past member of the Michigan
Daily Business Staff
Executive Vice-President of Kappa
Alpha Theta
Congressional Intern for Martha
W. Griffiths, M.C.
Jeff Howard, Anne Patton, and
David Bullard firmly believe that
student interest in University af-
fairs can only be attained when
these students are assured their
participation will be effective. This
particularly entails the right to
vote on a policy level concerning
those areas which immediately ef-
fect the student. Therefore, SGC
should be integrated into a policy-
making body with the faculty and
However, the three realize that
before one can say that students
have a right to participate in the
decisions which most affect them,
they must become educated toward
the University as a whole rather
than toward the 'regular area of
academic affairs.
The initial exposure to partici-
pation on a broad base should be
given during freshman orientation.
Instead of spending hours on dull
building tours, the freshman must
be encouraged to extend his en-
thusiasm into extra-curricula af-
f^- - - cr 7 -s ntwo-r in ..m.at ..f

Rush Chairman of Alpha Tau
English Honors Major
Pledge Trainer of Alpha Tau
didates and incumbents to deal
with the specific interests of their
constituents as well as to legiti-
mize the use of legislative power.
One often hears the question,
"SOGC, so what?" However, SGC
has evidenced its ability to serve
the students' interests. The three
strongly endorse the Student
Housing Association's model lease
which provided that a.) damage
deposits and prepaid rent be -held
in escrow by a bank, b.) students
be offered an eight-month option
lease, c) the landlord provide a
standard sub-let lease.
The newly formed Student Ren-
tal Union handles student griev-
ances against landlords. It will
provide a lawyer to represent stu-
dent interests. This union signed
seventy members within its first
hour of existence. Finally, SGC it-
self is financing a long-awaited le-
gal service to handle various stu-
dent problems.
In the immediate future, How-
ard, Patton, and Bullard would
like to see SGC act according to
the fnllowing nronosals:


Central Committee Chairman


open and efficient. SGC should
provide constructive feed-back in
relation to the discussions of the
Commission. Such communication
will minimize the possibility of fu-
ture crisis.
2. SGC should recommend the
abolition of sophomore hours.
However, the three do not current-
ly feel that sophomores be given
apartment privileges due to real
estate market conditions and the
lack of a comprehensive report of
the subject.
3. SGC should undertake to pub-
lish a. Course Evaluation Booklet.
The Institute of Social Research
would assist in this project by es-
tablishing the criteria for the stu-
dy. Such a booklet would enable:
a.) the students to more objec-
tively evaluate their curriculum;
b.) the students to understand
the orientations and approaches of
the various departments;
c.) the department to more ob-
jectively evaluate their faculty;
d.) the faculty to more objec-
tivelv determine the value of the

House Judiciary Committee
House Executive Board Member
Mtrmaha.. ri4' T'kn ,aTT,-.cn._rw r



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