. "MMM9 Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHiGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Jan. 11: Why, Just 130 Years Ago... o Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER Duncan Sells Goes To Wayne State rrHE SAD, SHORT CAREER of the University's director of student or- ganizations ends Friday. After a year- and-a-half of frustration, Sells is re- signing to become dean of students at Wayne State University, a real promo- ,tion in every sense of the word. Announcing the appointment yester- day, Wayne President William R. Keast expressed his "high regard" for Sells' "maturity, candor and energy, and for his skill in communicating with stu- dents and faculty. I look forward to his vigorous and imaginative contribution to a vital part of the university's work." Had it not been for the administra- tion in Ann Arbor, Sells could have made that contribution here. Original- ly brought to the University for his lib- eral flair, the administration here found Sells far too hot to handle. ON AUGUST 4, 1966, a subpoena was served to "the director of student organizations." That was Sells. He did not want to comply with the subpoena. But he was the only administrator willing to follow through on his con- victions. His power was pre-empted and, to the detriment of the entire University community, the higher-ups had their way. In the fall, students voted overwhelm- ingly to abolish ranking for the Selec- tive Service System. Again Sells, direc- tor of the student organization that sponsored the referendum, was the her- etic. He openly agreed that the Univer- sity should honor student wishes. Need- less to say, he was again ignored. A FEW YEARS AGO, a reactionary dean of women was forced to resign in a storm of liberal protest. Follow- ing her resignation the Office of Stu- dent Affairs was created. The first vice- president was liberal but ineffectual; the second, Richard L. Cutler, was ap- pointed with an era of strong liberalism and progress in mind. Sells was ap- pointed in that same state of mind. Sells' liberalism outlived the atmos- phere's. His leaving is not the result of his stands, but he certainly had no reason to stay. -ROGER RAPOPORT By LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor (/ ILL THE REAL Sesquicenten- nial please stand up? Celebrating the University's 150th anniversary in 1967 as we're doing implies that it was founded in 1817, which doesn't quite square with the fact that the 100th an- niversary was celebrated in 1937 and the 50th in 1887. So the question: Is this thing we're celebrating the sesquicen- tennial anniversary or merely the trenticentennial? Most University histories argue for the latter. The offician one, "The Univer- sity ofrMichigan-An Encycloped- ic Survey" (University of Michi- gan Press, 1941), even does it by noting that it was compiled "As a part of the celebration of the first hundred years of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, held June 14-19, 1937. . ." The catch is that word "in." Because something was found- ed in 1817. It was founded on a shoestring in Detroit by a modest group of men who called their backwoods academy "The Catho- lepistemiad, or University, of Michigania." THAT WAS, of course, when De- troit was the only town in Michi- gan, so when the new Legislature set up the University's Regents in 1837 they had to fight out control of the state's educational system with the Detroit board of educa- tion. "The Regents vs. The Board of Education of Detroit," 1856, fin- ally "established the Regents as the lawful successors of the qrig- inal corporation" according to the Encyclopedic Survey. So was the Catholepistemiad the University? Nobody ever thought so until 1929 when on Shelby Shertz, a lawyer alumnus of the University, mounted an alumni campaign on the basis of the 1856 decision that finally pushed the Regents into changing the date on the official seal from 1837 to 1817. Not many people today think they were the same institution, despite Shelby Shertz's and the present SHAW NOTES the "precarious existence' 'of the Catholepistemiad -today we would call it a high school-and mentions that in 1837 Ann Arbor "had just been chosen as the site of the University about to be established in accordance with the provisions of the new constitution of the state" and that the institution was not actually opened until four years after that. A spokesman for the Burton His- torical Collection at the Detroit Public Library says that the Cath- olepistemiad actually fell apart in 1835, two years before the Univer- sity was established. "Despite the 1856 decision," she says, "there's no real reason to connect the two institutions. I suppose, the found- ing date's technically up for grabs; they could argue it from now to doomsday. But there was an ex- tensive difference between the two and I don't see any reason to call them the same institution just be- cause the names were similar." AND, if one can believe signs, the Michigan Hisotrical Society doesn't think there's any reason to do so either. "By legislative act in 1837 Ann Arbor was select- ed as the site for the University of Michigan." says the society's sign in front of the Graduate Li- brary. "Near this point . . class- es were held in the fall of 1841 " Against all this, Vice-President for University Relations Michael Raddock's claim that "1817 is the accepted date of the founding of the University" rings rather hol- low, But if he wants to accept it, that's all right with me. I just hope he realizes what he and Shelby Shertz are getting future administrators into. Can't you see the president in 1987 trying to explain how we should celebrate the University's 170th . . . er 150th . . . or some- thing . . . anniversary with maize and blue license plates and fund drives and everything? I wonder what the colors of the Catholepistemiad were? * HOO--HAH administration's attempts to fudge history. EVEN the Encyclopedic Survey, that kept publication, occasionally breaks character: "In the 20 years that intervened between the first organization of a university in De- troit and the establishment of the present University in Ann Arbor ." (Page 31.) President James Angell didn't think they were the same when he celebrated the University's 50th anniversary in June, 1887. An- gell even noted that "We might in a very just sense celebrate this year the centennial of the life of the University," because the North- west Ordinance of 1787 proclaim-. ed that "schools and the means of education shall forever be encour- aged." Evidently recent admin- istrations are not the first to stretch the institution's lineage a little. Other historians have also re- corded that the University has us- ually held to the 1837 founding date. Kent. Sagendorph's "Michi- gan-The Story of the University" (E. P. Dutton, 1948), notes that "In June, 1937, the University of Michigan observed its 100th birth- day." Sagendorph also mentions President Alexander Ruthven's opinion that "The 100th anniver- sary is a good time to find out... what special characteristics Mich- igan might have ..," Just because Sagendorph is also the author of such classics as "Ra- dium Island" and "Beyond the Amazon" one is tempted to dis- count his observations, Wilfred Shaw's "Short History of the Uni- versity of Michigan" (George Wahr, 1934) backs him up, how- ever. $ Teaching Fellows Unite! THE EVENTS of this past semester indi- cate that the role and status of the University's teaching fellows need to be carefully re-evaluated by both the fac- ulty and administration, and perhaps ul- timately by the Regents. In recent weeks the teaching fellows have been barred from discussion and de- cision-making with the faculty (profes- sors, assistant professors and associate professors by Regental definition) on is- sues which are of major concern to the health and welfare of the University com- munity. The number and academic responsibili- ties of the teaching fellows have been expanding rapidly. Currently the teach- ing fellows participate in the grading process in many of the undergraduate courses. IN TE CONTINUING controversy over ranking and whether or not students' grades should be used for that purpose, the teaching fellows should surely have a say. The teaching fellows cannot possibly assume added grading and instructing re- sponsibilities without being included in the policy-making bodies which debate and communicate formally with the stu- dents and administration. The teaching fellows maintain that aca- demic decisions would be better made if they had a voice and a vote along with the rest of the faculty: But at the moment they have no voice. PART OF THEIR SILENCE is the result of a Regental bylaw which ascribes a non-faculty status to the teaching fel- lows. The time has come for the Regents to look closely at the role the teaching fellows play in instructing undergraduates and to give them status and power com- mensurate with their new responsibili- ties. But the time has also come for the teaching fellows to again organize--more thoroughly and more permanently than they have in the past-and begin push- ing for the means to accept their re- sponsibilities responsibly. Writing letters to The Daily and grumbling in depart- ment coffee lounges does not constitute organization. If the teaching fellows want to help lead the University in the future and are the leaders they claim to be, some of this leadership should be apparent in self- organization. At the moment it isn't. -MEREDITH EIKER The Wise Men Last Year THE CHRISTMAS SEASON a year ago was marked by just about the largest and most elabor- ate diplomatic campaign known to history. The President halted the Vietnam bombing and sent am- bassadors in all directions to pro- mote the idea of peace by negotia- tion. The gigantic hullabaloo came to nothing. Ever since, the President, has been saying that the sole fault lay in the aggressive stubborness of the other side and that his actions were asgenuine as his motives were pure. Since that fiasco there has been no sign that the President or Dean Rusk have ever pondered seriously the question of whether the diplo- matic campaign last year was not based on illusions-first, that the other side would agree to nego- tiation before we offered convin- cing proof that in the end the American military presence on the mainland of Asia could be with- drawn; second, the illusion that the decision to negotiate lay in Hanoi rather than with the pri- mary adversary, the Viet Cong; third, that the Viet Cong would lay down their arms in order to obtain a cease fire. A YEAR HAS PASSED since the great diplomatic offensive, and the war, which has been much en- larged, is at least as far as ever from an acceptable solution. The real change between 1965 and 1966 is that the illusions of 1965 have been shattered by events. The country is muchhsadder than it was a year ago. The most recent Gallup Poll shows that a sizeable majority of our people does not think the South Vietnam- ese war can be won or that South Vietnam would remain non-Comn-, munist long after our troops de- part. Our people do not think that, Today flH(1 Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN measured by our official object- ives, we can win the war. Are we any the wiser for this disillusionment? There have been some faint signs that some of the President's advisers have realized that if there is to be a conference we shall have to arrange it Iirst of all with the main adversary in the field. According to the State Department legend, the real ad- versary is Hanoi or Peking or "world comunism." As a matter of fact he is in South Vietnam. THERE HAVE also been muffled and hesitating noises from the ad- ministration saying that they would not propose a cease fire to the Viet Cong, but that they would not now oppose it if someone else arranged it. There are also certain signs that some of the President's advisers- apparently those who in the end do not prevail-nowhsee that the essential base of a negotiated truce is a convincing and credible understanding that on not im- possible terms we are willing to withdraw from our enormous mili- tary installations in South Viet- nam and Thailand. There is no prospect, it seems to me, of de-escalation or nego- tiation or conference so long as we do not make firm decisions and commitments about the fu- ture of our military presence in Southeast Asia. We shall have to teach ourselves that at bottom this is not an ideo- logical war. It is not a religious war. It is not a war of Chinese territorial expansion. IT IS A CHAPTER in the war of Asians to get rid of the dom- ination of the Western white man. We shall have to realize that good intentions do not make the West- ern white man's domination pala- table. (The foregoing was 'written be- fore Ambassador Arthur Goldberg requested U.N. Secretary General U Thant to "take whatever steps p IF are necessary in trying to arrange talks on a Vietnam cease fire." If the request for talks is, in fact, unconditional, this marks a radical new departure in U.S. policy.) The incapacity of the, Presi- dent's chief advisers to under- stand the reality of things in the world today was allustrated strik- ingly w~ring Secretary of State Rusk's visit to Paris last week. He reminded our Allies in NATO that they are as much committed do defend the United States as we are committed to defend them. He then pointed out that the Western frontier of the United States now lies in the 50th Amer- ican state, Hawaii, out in the mid- Pacific, and that soon Hawaii will be within reach of Chinese nuclear missiles. SECRETARY RUSK could have done nothing to make the Euro- peans realize more vividly the point of Gen. Charles de Gaulle's case against NATO. For what the general has been telling the Euro- peans is that if they do not break with the integrated command structure, and renounce the auto- matic character of the commit- ment they run a grave risk of being drawn into nuclear war by the United States in its quarrel with China. Nothing Rusk could have done could have been a greater clincher on the determination of the Euro- peans, including our British allies, to stay clear of the Vietnamese war and the whole American pol- icy in Asia. Rusk's trip to Paris has done more than anything else in recent times to make certain that what is called Gaullism will, in fact, become postwar Europeanism. (c), 1967, The Washington Post Co. * We Need a Booklet THIS YEAR there will be no subjective evaluation of teachers based on large- ly irrelevant criteria taken from an un- representative sample of students. The course evaluation booklet appears to have died a quiet death. Long live the course evaluation booklet. THE WORD of the floundering-from- conception publication's death was carried with news from the offices of SGC that there was no news on the booklet. Nobody seems very interested in taking the vast amount of time to get .it out. In the past there had been a few, but their work was met with evaluations like the one paraphrased above. The problem of course, is that a useful and comprehensive evaluation booklet is not created from a volunteer staff de- pendent on the scattered response of students. We need a permanent staff - either professional or on the scale of a The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mal). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Bond or Stockholders-None. Average press runr-8100. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. new student publication - to undertake the task. THE IDEA is not new. Several schools already have successfully functioning evaluation staffs of either of the two types above. Berkeley utilizes the serv- ices of a professional staff; Western Re- serve has the permanent student publica- tion type. One SGC candidate in the November election vowed to support the latter type of evaluation booklet. Unfortunately he was defeated. And it is too late now to at- tempt any kind of comprehensive evalua- tion. It is not too late, however, for SGC to examine the possibilities of either hiring a professional group like the one used at Berkeley, or to approach the Board in Control of Student Publications in hopes of setting up a student evaluation with a permanent staff, initial University in- vestment and office staff. THE NEED IS GREAT, and unless the booklet is of the high quality which the two above types could furnish, it might as well be given a quiet burial. -ROBERT CARNEY Associate Editorial Director Correction AN EDITORIAL in yesterday's Daily mistakenly stated that a resolution A "Don't bother me with YOUR 'credibility gap' problems ... !" '4W7M 'm P, 77 ... .w --,. .,,.. _ ...., .. ..n .. :....:.... . .. ,w.. :: .a ,c «... ,v .. :... . .....,., .2~ .w. E. , .., .. ..k , Kec. .. ? . $ ..... xawal MD He 's Free Aga in *i By NEAL BRUSS IN 1955 Milovan Djilas was re- moved from power in the Yu- goslav Politburo for remark5s he made to an American newspaper reporter concerning political free- dom. A year later, he was sen- tenced toya three-year prison term for publishing an article on the Hungarian Revolution in an Amer- ican magazine. While serving this sentence, his book, "The New Class," was pub- lished in the United States, and for this he was sentenced at a new trial to nine more years of imprisonment for hostile propa- ganda. He was freed after serving half of this sentence, but 15 months la- ter he was sentenced to nine years constitutional preamble-and the first to break it in writing hos- tile propaganda. He is criticized for writing long wandering ar- ticles and for failing to keep up with the ideological readings of Communism. As one critic attempted to put it, Djilas embodied the romantic characteristics of his Montenegran forefathers: bravery, individual- ity, and independence, laziness, lack of discipline, and overbear- ing prudentialism. But the force and perception of Djilas' words mark him as more than a mere romantic. While in prison, Djilas wrote "The true Communist is a mixture of a fanatic and an unrestrained pow- er holder. Only this type makes a "Conversations with Stalin," Djil- as said: "Every crime was possi- ble to Stalin, for there was not one he had not committed. What- ever standards we use to take his measure, in any event-let us hope for all time to come-to him will fall the glory of being the great- est criminal in history. For in him was joined the criminal sense- lessness of a Caligula with the refinement of a Borgia and the brutality of a Tsar Ivan the Ter- rible." "Viewed from the standpoint of success and political adroitness," Djilas cautioned, "Stalin is hardly surpassed by any statesman of his time. "Unfortunately, even now, after the so-called de-Stalinization. the orite, attempted "to present the facts as exactly as possible." "IF THIS BOOK is still not ex- empt from my views of today," he said, "this should be attributed neither to ill will nor to partisan- ship of a protagonist, but rather to the nature of a memory itself and to ny effort to elucidate past encounters and events on the basis of my present insights." A countryman once accused him of sneaking up on his opponents, beginning "with considerable cir- ,umspection," and then "as he pro- ceeded to write his articles, sprin- kling them with more and more venom." Any comments on Djilas' lack of inhihiinn ar e inhemistic it is .