Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ...v .... r.," . ."r..... ......................... ..........h ..5 ..."r..,.rCf..., ...... ...... .{....... ..'..,. .....t ......... ;,.. . . . . . . . ...f::::.. ........ . ...... ..1. V: w a .. thelilettanite Test Tubes and Social nvolvement . by sic phet fir~sheini .....:.:::s......................l:.................{i....,....,.t".:":;::.......... }}.':.::}:!{:.......::'::',.:ML}}:>ti!:: ..::l~fS:M':f"}:ir..,.A:: Y.".' '.N::: X.S:V:,....f: :::r.....::.A:..:.r;:r':'.':;f:ft.}}:.{{:!}::{:V::";Vy:{{{':n'd:"""4';r"'h::}':{%i:}::::,:4":':....,M1...,.Y} .. ' Are r" 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM An Endorsement For SGC President... IN ONE OF the more pleasant developments in a dull week, a physics major and a mathematical biology ma- jor in the University were awarded Woodrow Wilson Fel- lowships. Immersed in a sea of philosophers, historians, and other social science-humanitarians, were two fellows who could-God forbid!-solve Schrodinger Equations, perform Laplace transformations, and hook up electronic circuits. This is not to say that there is no available funds for bright graduates in science. The National Science Foundation, and individual universities in fact allocate huge funds for education and research in the physical and biological disciplines. Yet the awarding of Wilsons-normally viewed as vehicles to promote nonscientific education--to scientists somehow seems incongruous. And this is due to the wide- spread feeling among liberals that science has "sold out" and divorced itself from the stream of social porgress. THE NEW LEFT, in particular, has an inherent dis- taste for science and engineering. It is not unusual for a student to start out in science, then get fed up and switch into humanities. In fact, Mario Savio, the leader of the Berkeley revolution, tried college physics, but then changed to philosophy because the former was-of all things-too easy. Among the many factors militating against an under- graduate education in science is the excessive time that must be devoted to course work-in the form of either study or lab work. For example, at the University, a chemistry major is expected to carry at least 15 credits which entail considerably more time in class than 15 hours. Usually the figure is something in the neighbor- hood of 25 to 30 hours-consisting in good part of experi- mental technique development useful in later profes- sional work. Engineering course loads are comparable. Moreover, a chemistry major during his four year stay must take 45 credits in chem, 13 in physics, 16 in math, etc. WHAT DOES THIS mean for the potential scient- ist? Very simply, it becomes a big sacrifice for him to take part in student government, publications, and even teach-ins. Without denying the value of scientific expertise, one may very well question the increasing sense of isola- tion this breeds. Quite disturbing is the widespread feel- ing of social unconcern-whether by choice, or because of homework-among science and engineering majors. After the courses go beyond the 100 level, and all the distribution people are "rooted out," the science major enters a strange twilight zone where organic reactions dwarf in importance the military action in Vietnam, where angular momentum becomes more vital than stu- dent power in the University. AND SADLY, many professors, while relating their fields to the physical earth, ignore the social-political -world completely. But even if one accepts the necessity for a rather cruel rigor in the sciences; many professors fail to instill enthusiasm in their subject to compensate for this scien- tific bondage. So both the engineer and science student have a stereotyped image-the former as a slide-rule lugging, unimaginative technician; the latter as a nose-in-the- book, theoretician. As evidenced by the recent volley of letters on the action of the Engineering Faculty on the Cinema Guild case, many engineering students feel themselves unfairly pigeonholed. WHAT IT BOILS down to is that individual depart- ments should relax their excessive requirements and permit the science student and engineer greater leeway in selecting courses beyond the insipid distribution requirements. To complement this gesture the science and engi- neering students will have to display a certain amount of courage-by signing up for 400 level courses in political science and philosophy, and by taking their chances with humanities majors. *1 THEDAILY SENIOR EDITORS en- dorse Bruce Kahn, '68, for Student Government Council president and Ruth Baumann, '68, for executive vice- president. However, we do so with sev- eral reservations. Although both Kahn-Baumann and their opponents, Thomas R. Copi, '69E, and Regina Rogoff, '70, have called for a greater student voice in the Uni- versity affairs, their respective ap- proaches differ considerably. With an attentive eye to Uni- versity events in the future, we have decided that Kahn and Baumann will be more successful in obtaining this mutually desired goal. Kahn-Baumann - have advanced a reasonable, if naive, set of structural changes for SGC, contending that structure and power are intimately linked. On the other hand, Copi-Rogoff have (subordinated all issues-including a new SGC blueprint-to the fundamen- tal inequities of paternalistic Univer- sity regulation of students. While we heartily agree with Copi's desire for "action," we don't feel he is equipped to carry out his program. BOTH SETS of candidates are seek- ing election at a crucial time in SGC's history. The withdrawal last se- mester from the Office of Student Af- fairs had little effect in improving the operations of Council. Neither has it served to kindle a sense of excite- ment among its student constituents. The present nature of the University is hardly conducive to students play- ing any role in the governing of their own lives. Despite many well-mean- ing administrators;, and faculty, the basic truth remains that the student is told what he will do, and consult- ed at administrative whim. Simply stated, the natural mechanics of a democratic order are not working here. The question is whether the Uni- versity is truly a democratic arena or whether it is the feudal barony of un- 'responsive administrators. It is our belief that indeed the University must be democratic, that the students must be held responsible for their own lives. Until this occurs, no amount of well- intended administrative decisions will have any effect on lessening the vast sense of political impotence on the campus. In short, the situation is rapidly be- coming intolerable. Time after time student demands, presented and sought within the recognized system, have been ignored. The momentum of last semester's student movement has now been transferred to the Presidential Commission on Decision-Making. If the recommendations of this body also go unheeded, then students must recog- nize that working within the system is impossible. And Kahn, himself, a member of that commission, will have to adopt a more radical plan of action if the report is rejected. THE PROPOSALS Kahn-Baumann have set forward revolve around an undergraduate-graduate assembly of perhaps 100 members elected from wards of. common interest. They con- tend that student government will have more legitimacy if it is actually repre- sentative and has closer ties with its constituency. While the plan is novel and has political merit, SGC must not become preoccupied with structural trivialities at a time when it should be using its energy to confront major is- sues. (After all, SGC has even had trouble attracting candidates for the very few positions up for this election.) Other aspects of Kahn's platform would prove beneficial to the student body. His outline for a course-evalua- tion booklet is commendable, and should be rapidly implemented. A cur- riculum action program, whereby stu- dents could obtain class credit for com- munity social projects, could also prove worthwhile. And the recruitment of voters for city election would be a valu- able lever for improving the housing situation. COPIIS NOT willing to wait for the report of the presidential commis- sion. He advocates the abolition of all rules governing "personal" conduct at the University. He wants immediate and extreme action. We do not feel that it is the proper time for such ac- tion, and that any such moves now could seriously impair the work of the presidential commission. There is also reason to believe that Copi will have much difficulty obtaining support and cooperation for many of his proposals from Council members and students. THUS, A COPI-ROGOFF adminis- tration would be unable to inspire enthusiasm and a following, neces- sary ingredients for the achievement of its aims. Kahn and Baumann are more likely to arouse faculty and student support through their programs, and thereby provide a better chance to effectively meet the challenges of the coming year. -THE ACTING SENIOR EDITORS Letters: Regents eMisread GSC Stand To the Editor: IN YESTERDAY'S front page ar- ticle regarding the Regents' commendation of the action of the Executive Board of the Grad- uate School concerning the Hart- Ford disruption, I would like to point out, particularly for the in- formation of the Regents, that the Graduate Student Council at its last regular meeting did not endorse the Executive Board state- ment, but rather voted to "accept" it. Although some confusion ap- parently has arisen as to the meaning of "endorse" and "ac- cept," and rightly so since "Rob- ert's Rules of Order" virtually equates the two actions, it was nevertheless the sole intention of the GSC not to endorse this state- ment. The meaning of "accept" was interpreted by the Council to be a neutral act whereby the board statement was merely to be rec- ognized and placed in GSC files. Speaking strictly as an individ- ual, I must further add that I found the board statement utter- ly distasteful since it has clearly attempted to cover up (1) the is- sue of whether or not questions at the panel were, in fact, censored, thus preventing meaningful dia- logue, and (2) the fact that both the alumni present and the panel moderator acted in a far more im- mature fashion than any of the students, the moderator being re- duced to name-calling. It is clear that the Executive Board of the Graduate School is not interested in academic free- dom, freedom of discussion, or anything of the sort, but rather in maintaining peace and order, which is, by the way, a most im- portant ingredient for the contin- ued existence of totalitarianism. -Stuart Katz, Member Graduate Student Council Banana' Music To the Editor: RE E: YOUR ARTICLE on banan- as, the "electric banana" ref er- red to is a person, the electric guitar and organ player of the Youngbloods who goes by the name of "Banana." Among the select of today's Avant-Rock stars, he has become somewhat of a leg- end in his own time-hence Dono- ven's pointed "in"-tribute to him. (Just as Mama Cass is referred to in a recent Beatle tune.) -Hugh Holland, '66 Manager, The Rationals Voice Statement To the Editor: VOICE-SDS feels that certain points about the events in Rackham Aud. last Thursday aft- ernoon should be clarified. Voice-SDS had previously pass- ed a motion that it would try to make sure that open discussions would take place during the con- ference such that various points of view, including students, would be presented and that: -We would take action if nec- essary to insure that such an open discussion occurred. -Thus, Voice is fully responsi- ble for the protesters' actions in Rackham. -It should also be made clear that there were non-Voice people participating. Not only do we ac- cept non-Voice participation but we heartily support and encourage it as consistent with the purposes and policies of Voice. We support and defend the actions of non- Voice participants. -We wish to make it clear that the specific actions were decided upon Thursday at Rackham in re- sponse to the specific situation, i.e., it was in no way in accordance with a prior plan. However, it was in accord with the Voice motion concerning toe weekend and none of the above is intended to, nor should it, dilute Voice responsibil- ity for the event. -Gary Rothberger, '67 Chairman, Voice-SDS Engineering To the Editor: R ECENTLY, much criticism has been directed at both engineer- ing students and the engineering curriculum. Many of the charges were grossly exaggerated or sim- ply based on misinformation, as replies at the time indicated. Some, on the other hand, were both valid and reasonably stated, and remain unanswered. Similarly, sev- eral relevant points supporting the engineer's position have not been mentioned. In the last decade or so, the accumulated knowledge of the world is said to have doubled, with the majority of the increase com- ing in technical fields. The re- sponsibility for making use of this new information has inevitably fallen to the engineer. This knowl- edge explosion is reflected In to- day's engineering education. In order to be useful in society, pres- ent engineering students must master more subjects, in greater depth, than ever before. Hence, the resulting curriculum is longer (138 credit hours required for graduation), more complex, and more time-consuming (an average of 17 credit hours per semester) than either previous engineering programs or most alternative courses of study. IN SPITE of this heavy academ- ic load and restricted course ma- terial, engineering students are surprisingly knowledgeable in areas not related to their studies. Still, most liberal arts students cling to the "white socks-sliderule hitched to the belt" image of en- gineers (andthere are a num- ber), much as many people in the non - academic community equate college students wiht strag- gly beards, dirty words and has- tily-painted protest signs. It is simply a case of the minority taken as representative of the majority. At the same time, it is a propos to note that the bulk of an engi- neer's knowledge of drama, his- tory, current events, or what have you, is gained on his own time. He does not have a two-year background of extensive course work in humanities or social stud- ies: his curriculum will not al- low it. Consequently, his general knowledge is not a product of the bludgeon known as "distribution requirements," but of genuine cur- iosity. PERHAPS the greatest miscon- ception the layman holds toward engineering is that it is "narrow- ing." In his mind, engineering is nothing more than a body of spe- cific facts and formulae to be plugged into at the appropriate time. This is hardly the case. To date, I have forgotten well over half the specific information I have learned, and I intend to lose another quarter immediately upon graduation. But what I, and every other engineer, will retain is a logical, rigorous and general meth- od of thinking and problem-solv- ing. That the engineering ap- proach is applicable to an infinite range of problems is verified by the great percentage of engineers who end updin non-engineering fields. Indeed, the specific field of study and technical jargon in- volved in an engineering educa- tion serve primarily as the me- dium used to convey this thought process. Engineering is logic first, and applied logic only second. As such, it has no limitations. This is not an "angry" letter. Nor is it a denial of all charges leveled at engineers, for many areas still need improvement. It is simply a glance at "the other side of the coin": points which must be considered in any real- istic appraisal of the engineering student, or his curriculum. -Dave S. Miller, '67E Pollyanna-ism' To the Editor: AFTER JOYCE WINSLOW'S re- view of Jose Greco (Mar. 9) I am no longer able to convince my- self that The Daily's consistent lack of critical acumen results from an unfortunate but relative- ly harmless devotion to the adage "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." It now seems clear that Daily reviewers suffer from a pernicious Polly- anna-ism. Aside from the positively un- believable immaturity of her lead paragraph, such gems of syntax as "Resplendent in purple velvet, she was beautiful," and the usual Daily travelogue summary, Miss Winslow somehow finds purple velvet praises for some of the most abysmal prostitutions of art since Mona Lisa Spaghetti Sauce. Despite the vast array of folk and classical music that Mr. Greco and his musical director, Roger Machado, had to choose from, they treated us instead to a pro- gram consisting mostly of their own banal compositions, each well salted with phrases lifted piece- meal from "Malaguena" and sun- dry other old chestnuts of Hispa- no-American folk-pop. The spor- adic attempts at song made one wish for Mrs. Miller, and siblings Carmen and Justo Quintero dis- tinguished themselves by proving beyond a doubt that vocal ability is genetic. THErCOSTUMES, "made in Spain from native materials, au- thentic as to period and charac- ter," were with few exceptions the most sickening garish and cheap collection of egregious Goodwill gowns to be seen since Vaudeville. I must admit, however, that plas- tic flowers and fluorescent frills are indeed authentic as to the per- iod and character of the Machado- Greco compositions. Finally, I fail to conceive of the Steinway Grand as "an eighty- eight string guitar," Tom Lehrer notwithstanding. Flamenco dance to a tinkling piano accompani- ment? Incredible. Folk dance is a wild animal. Greco's company made of it a bored andsboring beast of the zoo. -Robert Colwell, Grad. All letter- must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. No unsign- ed letters will be printed. V +i The High Cost of Serving THE SENATE Select Committee on Standards and Conduct has conclud- ed five days of public hearings on the financial affairs of Senator Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn) and will present its report and recommendations to the Senate with- in the next few weeks. Reaching a decision will be by no means an easy job for the committee, for there are several knotty problems involved. For example, Dodd has admitted spending funds received from campaign testimon- ial dinners to repay personal debts, but denies charges that his acts constituted a breach of ethics. His friends, he claims, knew he was deeply in debt and bought tickets to the dinners as gifts to him. Whatever the committee finally de- cides, the outcome of the Dodd affair has implications reaching beyond the politi- cal fate of Senator Dodd. The larger question arising out of the committee hearings is whetherua citizen of only aver- age means can hold political office with- out financial ruin. ALTHOUGH THE SITUATION is not as imbalanced now as it was in the late 19th century, when 27 millionaires sat in the United States Senate, it is true even today that very wealthy people hold a greater proportion of high political offices than their percentage of the population justifies. The Dodd hearings reveal why this is so with painful clarity. In the first place, political campaigns in the era of mass communication can be staggeringly expensive. And once elect- ed, officeholders who do not have outside sources of funds often find the expenses >f maintaining their office exceeding their provided income. Dodd told the commit- tee: ". . . Everything I've done from 1956 to this hour is political . . . I've bought more flowers for funerals of people I hardly knew than I can remember..." THE FACT that many otherwise qualified people are discouraged from running for office by financial obstacles repre- sents a serious defect in our political system. The only justification for such a system is that the wealthy do a better job of governing-a dubious assumption. It is not necessarily true that the quali- ties which make a person proficient at accumulating wealth are the same quali- ties that make a good political leader or legislator. 11 / .Jeep ° ENEHOWL CAMFRAN ANN& ~.ADI/N. J / f. t 01 ~ f I 00 W& T.Xon.aN Dallas Rerun . .. .... : ..TODAY AND TOMORROW ... by WALTER LIPPMANN.. =====. The Challenge to Democratic Government ]w"HE FRENCH election brings into sharp focus one of the crucial problems of our time: whether effective governments can be achieved with the consent of the governed, whether govern- ments that are able to govern can placing the executive and of gov- erning the country. Thus, Gen. Charles de Gaulle's constitutional experiment has not worked well, though there is no evidence that any other system would have worked better. We had to deal with the unsolved problem by bringing the opposi- tion into the government - that is to say by forming coalition gov- ernments. There is very consider- able constitutional struggle both in Belgium and in the Nether- war which was expressly and ex- plicitly rejected by the electorate. In our internal affairs there is the greatest uncertainty whether Congress and the state govern- ments can make themselves com- petent to cope with the population revolution which has transformed not only our ways of living, but in its ramifications dealing with the structure and chemistry of the hu- man personality is remaking man himself. Democratic institutions are de- rived from a radically different N