SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY uam eetin a evealM a jor Policy C PAGE TARES langes EDITOR'S NOTE - What is the outlook in Vietnam as President Johnson heads for the Guam con- ference with his advisers and Sai-' gon officials? This is an appraisal by an experiencedcorrespondent. By GEORGE McARTHUR SAIGON M)-There are changes in the wind in Vietnam as Presi- dent Johnson draws his war coun- sellors to his side in Guam. Thechanges go far deeper than the announced replacement of Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge by Ellsworth . Bunker and the shakeup of top embassy personnel in Saigon. There is a general feeling, which by available evidence is shared in Communist Hanoi, that 1967 is the year that will decide the war. Still there is no readily detectable evidence that negotia- tions are in the offing, or that such negotiations could bridge Johnson's requirement for "an+ honorable peace" versus Ho Chi Minh's demand for U.S. with- drawal from Vietnam. The Guam planners, including Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc- Namara, are likely to concentrate on military efforts and the vital pacification program to win over more of South Vietnam's villages. The aim seems twofold: to in- crease military pressure so much Hanoi will accept negotiations or, failing that, to obtain such sub- stantial improvements in South Vietnam by the year's end that they cannot be denied by doves or doubters. Meanwhile, it is hoped the mil- itary government of Premier Ngu- yen Cao Ky, who will be present at Guam, will move toward democ- racy of some sort. A constitution has now been completed. Schedul- ed presidential elections before the end of the year could brighten the political picture. Facing this prospect of a tough year ahead, President Johnson will be checking the balance sheet. It contains some hopeful entries, but far too much red ink to please him. The war is costing roughly $60 million daily. Each week about 175 Americans are killed and 800 or more wounded. There are now 423,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam. These figures are mounting as America's top commander, gray- ing tough Gen. William C. West- moreland, turns to larger "sus- tained operations" to sap Red strength. Recognizing their inability to, match U.S. firepower, the Com- munist leaders have shifted tac- tics and strategy-while still pay- ing lip service to the notion that their forces can be built up to meet the Americans headon. The Red's goal is to build and conserve strength in South Viet- nam while waging a war of attri- tion to raise American and South Vietnamese casualty figures. To this end they are employing more long-range mortar and rocket attacks. They jab and feint and fade away at night in classic guerrilla attacks.. Above all they concentrate po- litical activity in the nation's vil- lages and hamlets-backing these efforts with a sustained campaign of murder against South Vietna- mese officials and pacification teams. Communist strength in hard- core and guerrilla units is put at 282,000 men, including about 50,000 North Vietnamese regulars. South Vietnam has 15 million peo- ple. The Communists probably ex- ercise outright control over about five million. Two million more are in a sort of political limbo, and eight million under government control. Westmoreland estimates that on balance Hanoi is funneling down men and supplies sufficient to keep their force operating at the present level and even increase their strength. Faced with this formidable threat, U.S. policy has frequently evolved jerkily. For some months, however, a pattern has emerged, though in practice the application is frequently bumbling. In general terms, U.S. officials are determined to maintain the bombing of North Vietnam, keep as much military pressure as pos- sible on the Communists in South Vietnam, and push ahead as rap- idly as possible with a new pro- gram aimed at pacification and rural improvements. Westmoreland appears content with present plans that will bring his troop strength to some 470,000 men by year's end. With that force he plans greater offensives against previous Communist "safe hav- ens." He feels the Communists must soon stand and fight to de- fend these or lose essential bases for military and political activity. Working with pacification teams, and other South Vietnamese agencies, the United States has centralized civilian programs un- der an Office of Civillan Opera- tions. The OCO program for 1967 is concentrating on four priority a r e a s, notably large regions around Saigon and in the delta. The program aims to, win over 1,100 hamlets during the year. To back up this program, Viet- namese military forces will be turned more and more to local security while Americans take on the larger share of fighting main- force Communists units. How this will work is one of the big questions. Premier. Ky, with almost 700,000 men in military, police and paramilitary outfits, should have enough troops for the job. How they work and fight is another matter. The military and police forces contain some crack outfits and some that are adequate. The local militia forces defending isolated outposts in their home districts often fight with spirit.. But sometimes they make ar- rangements with the local Viet Cong and don't fight at all. And the Vietnamese army still fre- quently moves through the coun- tryside with the morals of a pick- pocket at a county fair. The Vietnamese military com- mand, with officers as local bosses in every district and province, is equally spotty. In outlying districts corruption is often the rule rather than the exception. It is a problem American ad- visers learn to live with. Their feeling seems to be: If the district or province chief is willing to get on with the essential part of his job the shortcomings can be over- looked. Nobody expects anything in Vietnam to end suddenly. Ambassador Lodge said this week: "There will be no headlines when the war is over, that an armistice has been signed, or rib- bons that pictures can be taken of. I think there will be a state of affairs where casualties will drop and certain things no longer occur." OK Vietnam Constitution; Await Johnson A pproval Claim Milk REPLACE CIA FUNDS: Drivers Are Threatened New Bills Advocate Open Aid For U.S. Overseas Activities SAIGON (R)-South Vietnam's draft constitution received final approval from the Constituent Assembly yesterday in time for Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky to carry it to Guam today and show it to President Johnson. The draft constitution, which provides for the election of a civilian government later this year, was approved by all of the assemblymen present at the final session-102 of 117 members--10 days ahead of schedule. The constitution is still subject to change. The Saigon military junta have the right to review its 117 statutes during the next 30 days and to send it back to the Constituent Assembly. Amend- ments suggested by the junta can be turner down only by a two- thirds vote of the Assembly. Presidential elections are to be held in Vietnam six months after the' constitution's promulgation. Legislative elections are promised within a year after balloting for president. The assembly had been working toward a March 27 deadline for completion of the national char- ter, a basis for conversion of this war-wracked nation from military to civilian rule. The assembly began working on the constitution last September. It provides for a blend of presidential and partiamentary forms of gov- erment, an independent judiciary and a two-house National As- sembly. A president elected by universal and direct adult suffrage will ap- point a prime minister who would choose a Cabinet. The lower house has the power SEEK 'OBJECTIVE' VIEW: Divided GOP Senators Plan No Vietnam Policy Statement to oust Cabinet members on votes of confidence. Assemblymen said Ky had asked them to vote for the final adoption of the draft constitution by last night, rather than by March 27 as scheduled, so that he could take it to his meeting with Joihnson. In lengthy sessions yesterday, the assemblymen smoothed over a conflict with the junta. The As- sembly wanted to continue func- tioning with full legislative powers until the presidential elections. The military opposed this. The compromise will give the assembly the right to draft the presidential electoral law, write statues relating to political parties and the press, and ratify treaties. The Assembly obviously yielded (.to Ky in this matter. "They sold out," one Vietnamese newsman commented after the compromise was voted in. Conflict between the assembly- men and the military may not yet be over. Within the next 30 days the junta could propose changes that might ruffle the feathers of the assemblymen. Several changes proposed by the military earlier in the week were turned down. A bizarre scene yesterday high- lighted the morning of the As- sembly. A group of deputies walk- ed into the Assembly building car- rying a white alabaster bust of the late Tran Van Van, a promi- nent politician and member of the Constituent Assembly who was murdered in the streets of Saigon early in December. One assemblyman, Capt. Nguy- en Dac Dan, representing the prov- ince of Ba Xuyen, cried out from the floor of the Assembly: "I dreamed last night that Tran Van Van gave me a pistol and 50 bul- lets and asked me to use them against people who attempted to destroy this constitution.", The captain completed his per- formance by brandishing a white plastic pistol at his fellow mem- bers. WASHINGTON (P) - Senate Republican leaders are soft-pedal- ing GOP differences over President Johnson's Vietnam policies that apparently run as deep as those Democrats air publicly almost daily. When the GOP Policy Commit- tee. directed its staff last week to draft a study of Vietnam war policies, it was with the clear un- derstanding that there would be no attempt to forge any party position on the issue. The committee expects to have in about two weeks what Chair- man Bourke B. Hickenlooper of Iowa calls a "completely objec- tive analysis." Avoid Advertising The problem of Hickenlooper and Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois at this point is to avoid advertising the same kind of party split that Sen. Rob- ert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.) and Chairman J. 'W. Fulbright (D- Ark.) have made it clear exists among the Democrats. Although they can't prevent their colleagues' from embarking on individual excursions, Dirksen and Hickenlooper are classified as "hawks," as are a majority of the Senate's 36 Republicans. Sen. Jacob K. Javits of New York lately has swung away from this group to the stop-the-bomb- ing side but Sen. Clifford P. Case of New Jersey said he doubts this is the time to halt air strikes. 'Doves' Sens. George D. Aiken of Ver- mont, dean of Republicans in the Senate, Thomas H. Kuchel of Cali- fornia, the assistant leader, John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky, Mark 0. Hatfield of Oregon and Charles H. Percy of Illinois all are listed as "doves." are likely to have places. on the Join The Daily, Sports Staff Veteran Senate Republicans who foreign policy drafting panel of the 1968 convention Platform Committee are at sea about the position their party's presidential candidate will take on Vietnam. They know, of course, that for- mer Vice President Richard M. Nixon is taking a generally hawk- ish stand on the war while criti- cizing Presiden~t Johnson's conduct of it. They have no clear idea where Gov. George Romney of Michigan finally will land. Standing Ovation It was not lost on the Republi- can leaders that Hatfield got a standing ovation from a largely student audience at Harvard Uni- versity last week when he accused President Johnson of being a "very sincerely wrong man" be- cause he treats the Vietnam con- flict not as a civil war but as a clash between democracy and communism. The Harvards seemed to agree with Hatfield's description of re-' signing Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, the 1960 GOP vice-presi- dential nominee, as a "puppet of the Johnson administration" in Saigon. The Republicans are desperate- ly trying to woo youthful voters in 1968. Their young stars, like Hat- field, Percy and Sen. Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts are re- jecting any hard line of military victory in Vietnam. Bombing Policy Brooke, just ending a Far East- ern tour that took him to South Vietnam and adjacent countries, called during his trip for re-ex- amining the policy of bombing North Vietnam. All of this adds up to a differ- ence of opinion among Republi- cans that could make it difficult for them to agree on any Vietnam position in 1968. The leaders hope for a judicious dose of silence while events unfold which could change the p r e s e n t Vietnam picture. DETROIT 1P) - Charges that Ws some of its milk drivers have been WASHINGTON (IP) a- Both to ask creation of a publicly con- intimidated were leveled Friday branches of Congress are to re- trolled corporation to finance vari- by the Michigan Milk Producers ceive bills tomorrow to provide ous activities, outside the Intel- Association against the National for open, congressional super- ligence-gathering field, which have Farmers Organization which is en- vised financing of certain Amer- been covertly supported by the gaged In a milk holdout. ican activities overseas, displacing CIA in the past. the clandestine support hitherto In the Senate, Sen. Eugene J. The association said some of its provided by the Central Intel- McCarthy, (D-Minn), establish a 8,539 members and drivers of milk lignce Agency. fund to be financed by private tank trucks have been threatened- A bipartisan House group plans foundations which would lose The NFO strike, called Wednes- ____-______________________________ day night in 25 states, is aimed at boosting milk prices. The NFO is seeking an additional dollar for v' each 100 pounds of -milk, or two vrnmentPlans cents per quart. Farmers now re- ceive $5.50 per 100 pounds. New Tactics id for Economy It "doesn't seem to be working and new tactics are being employ- ed," said an association spokes- WASHINGTON (A) -The ad- investment tax credit suspended man. ministration plans to pour more last October as an antiinflationary Association members are sending than $1 billion into a sluggish na- tool. This came only one day after their milk to market, the spokes- tional economy but officials deny a government report projected the man said, saying, "We are worried a pump-priming operation is un- first drop in business spending that things could get out of hand." derway. for plants and equipment in four Meanwhile in Lansing, Lt. Gov. "To say this is pump-priming years. William Milliken, acting in place would present an alarmist image," The investment tax credit was of Gov. George Romney who was one key government analyst said adopted in 1962 to stimulate the in Washington, issued this state- yesterday. economy but officials say its re- ment: He and other government econ- instatement is merely a return to "I have been advised by the omists said the economy now is normal business. director of the Michigan State able to absorb the added federal Police that there have been scat- spending. Later in the year, such tered incidents of violence and spending might contribute to an harrassment in connection with anticipated buildup of inflationary transportation of milk. These in- pressure, they added. cidents appear to have resulted Economy Report from the recent action of the Na- Control tional Farmers' Organization in President Johnson's economic calling upon farmers to withhold report to Congress in January en- milk from market visioned some federal stimulation TOKYO W-Communist China's "Under Michigan law, it is a of the economy during the first army, which supports Chairman criminal offense for any person, half of this year, the source said. Mao Tse-tung, has extended its by force, to stop or hinder the op- Some members of Congress con- control of Peking by seizing the eration of any vehicle transporting tend the administration's January capital's schools, factories and mu- farm or commercial products projections of the economy should nicipal agencies, Japanese dis- within the state." be revised. But government experts patches reported yesterday. Milliken urged that all involved are sticking by their forecast of a The reports from Peking by cor- in the dispute use "restraint, and sluggish first half with a later respondents of the Japan Broad- obey the law." upswing. casting Corp. and the newspaper One tanker truck reportedly was Despite denials of pump-prim- Yomiuri coincided with mainland hijacked southwest of Flint and ing Lhe timing of the administra- radio broadcasts saying the army its 5,000 gallons of milk dumped. tion's announcements has coin- had taken over farms and factor- In Livingston County, a group cided closely with reports con- Kies in the provinces of Anhwei, of : striking farmers reportedly firming economic sluggishness. Kiangsi and Hupeh. stopped a milk tank truck in Iosco Pressure Subsided The reports reinforced the con- Township. Sheriff's deputies were sd J sviction amongobservers of China's called to the scene. President Johnson announced'bitter internal struggle that the "There was no trouble," said Friday, for instance, that because 2.5 million-man army had become Sheriff LawrenceGehringer. "The inflationary pressue had subsided the principal instrument of Coin- farmers said they were just check- the government would make avail- munist party Chairman Mao's ing and the driver said he wasn't able another $791 million in de- "Great Proletarian Cultural Rev- threatened. ferred funds, including $350 mil- olution," a purge of so-called re- "Everyone agreed that those lion for highways and $250 mil- actionary elements in Chinese life. who don't want to sell their milk lion for mortgage aid. It meant, too, that the army don't have to but those who do This followed by just one day was achieving at least some suc- have the right to sell it." a Federal Reserve Board report of cess through force where Mao's Ray Nielsen, state NFO repre- the second substantial drop militant civilian Red Guards and sentative, claimed the withholding dustrial output in as many revolutionary rebels had failed, of milk from producers is 80 per months. through political agitation, propa- cent effective and contends that Johnson asked Congress last gandizing and appeals for faith- some counties are 100 per cent dry I week to reinstate the 7 per cent ful adherence to Mao's thought, their tax exemptions if they re- fused to assist in the financing. Both measures would be aimed at assisting openly the overseas undertakings of student groups, educational and trade union or- ganizations such as have been re- vealed recently as secret recipients of CIA funds. Speaking for the House group, all members of the House Foreign Affairs Committe, Rep. Dante B. Fascell (D-Fla), said in a state- ment Saturday night that the pro- posed plan should go a long way toward meeting the legitimate needs of private groups operating overseas while eliminating the CIA secrecy which many feel has jeopardized such activities. Under the House proposal, the various activities would be en- trusted to an institute on interna- tional affairs. It would be man- aged by a nine-member board of directors composed of private cit- izens and government officials. The nine board members would be appointed by the President and would be subject to Senate con- firmation. The majority would come from the private sector. l~ Increases kling Sections to win popular support for the purge. Troops were reported Friday to have taken overin Chekiang Prov- ince on the coast south of Shang- hai. Earlier in the week they were said to be in control in Kwang- tung Province after a series of bloody clashes in the provincial capital, Canton, and in rural com- munities. The use of the army is a recent development in the purge, which began last August. Mao original- ly had counted on the teen-aged Red Guards and older supporters to carry it out, but they encount- ered widespread opposition. Further evidence of Mao's turn to the military was, the call Thursday for the 200-million-man militia to become more deeply in- volved in the purge. A Peking broadcast reporting the appeal said thecultural revolution was in a "critical stage." World News Roundup 1 i .11 By The Associated Press MADRID, Spain - The Spanish cabinet sent to the Spanish leg- islature for approval yesterday a new law reforming the National Movement-Spain's only legal po- litical organization. % Among provisions of the new law, officials said, was one pro- viding for election to the move- ment's National Council of Repre- sentatives from each of Spain's 52 provinces. Election will be by town councils and local councils of the movement rather than by popular election. Previously all members have been named by Franco as national head of the government. WASHINGTON -- About one- third of the membership of the House of Representatives urged the Justice Department' this week to act with "due diligence and dis- patch"on findings of wrongdoing by Adam Clayton Powell.' A letter dated March 14 and signed by some 150 members re- minded Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark that the House committee investi- gating Powell's affairs forwarded copies of its report and findings to the Justice Department for "ap- propriate action." There was no immediate com- ment from the attorney general. s . * MOSCOW - The Soviet govern- ment expelled two Chinese diplo- mats from Moscow yesterday, charging them with carrying on anti-Soviet activity. The Foreign Ministry ordered immediate departure for First Secretary Miaho Chiung and Third Secretary Sun Lin. The expulsion was in apparent retaliation for the recent expul- sion of two Soviet diplomats from Peking. GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe MONDAY, MARCH 20th Noon Luncheon-25c Sue Klara, Student: "Why I Am a Conservative" Series: "STUDENT POWER" TON IGHT SHOT, THE PIANO PLAYER dir. Francois Truffaut 1960. with Charles Aznavour. n Su NDAY, MARCH 19 7 P.M. PARABLE, (or "The Man Who Dared to be Different") The University of Michigan Gilbert & Sullivan Society presents I ! :