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March 19, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-19

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See editorial page

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Increasing cloudiness;
warming trend

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Approval of
New Leases
In Question
'U' May Withdraw
Certification from
Apartments Limited
The University's Off - Campus
Housing Bureau has raised objec-
tions to a new lease form used by
Apartments Limited that would
eliminate the lessor's liability in
cases of personal injury occuring
on the premises.
Problems arose initially when
the Off-Campus Housing Bureau
returned Apartments Limited's
original lease without approval.
,The bureau suggested that several
changes had to be made in the
lease before it could receive Uni-
versity approval. A revised lease
was submitted with.the provision
concerning personal liability in-
William Stuede, director of Stu-
dent - Community Relations, will
examine the lease tomorrow and
is expected to make a decision
then concerning its acceptability.
If the Off-Campus Housing Bu-
reau does not approve the lease
and Apartments Limited refuses
to nake the requested changes in
the agreement, Apartments Limit-
ed would lose its University ap-
proval. This would mean that jun-:
ior women would not be able to
move into any of the company's
apartments covered by the lease.
All other students are not covered
by University regulations regard-
ing approved housing.
Commenting on the legality of
the clause, Thomas Browng assist-
ant to the director of Student-
Community Relations, who holds a
law degree said that he considered
the portion dealing with personal
injury as questionable. The key to
the matter appears to hinge on the
phrase "provided lessor maintains
premises," which Brown termed
"extremely vague."
Brown pointed out that a clause
releiving lessors of' liability con-
cerning damage caused by wind
storms and things of this nature
is often included in a lease since
insurance against damage from.
such causes is almost impossible
to obtain. He also explained that
lessors are not usually held liable
for personal property damage
since lessees can insure this them-
In reference to personal injury,
however, Brown said that Apart-
ment Limited's policy was not us-
ual. The vagueness of the main-
tenance clause made the position
of the renter very unclear.
The Student Housing Associa-
tion plans to ask Stuede not toI
approve the lease and to request
further changes. George Steeh, a
spokesman for SHA, urged stu-
dents not to sign the lease as it
stands until the bureau has made
a declison on the matter. Steeh
also suggested that, "All students
who have already signed a lease
with Apartments Limited for next
year or who are considering sign-
ing a lease should request that the
clause be changed or deleted."
The clause in question reads,
"The lessor shall not be liableafor
any injuries to personal property,
to said premises, or said lessee or
other persons arising from the
building or appurtance thereof be-
coming out of repair, oi resulting
from accident; fire, windstorm,
theft, mysterious disappearance,
explosion, freezing, bursting, leak-
ing or backing up or overflowing
of water, gas, sewer, steam pipes,
or any plumbing connected there-;

with, or from damage caused by
defective wiring, provided lessor
reasonably maintains premises;
nor shall lessor be responsible for
any loss of personal property aris-
ing from the above causes."

- =


3IUJaU~"~O Neil Requests



Turns Down


T11Wv"rL Wn1



HalItin Biding IlttCobsBru
By WALLACE IMMEN plan calls for a one-year halt in
A proposal to halt construction n leges and universities in the state,
newe constuciti n esat eccl

Late World News
LANSING W)-State Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-Detroit),
the House Democratic Leader, died yesterday of the massive
brain hemorrhage he suffered Thursday.
The 56-year-old Kowalski, who was Speaker of the House
in 1965-66, and minority floor leader from 1959 to 1964, had been
unconscious and in extreme critical condition since collapsing
during a Democratic leadership meeting in his office,
Kowalski, who represented the northwest Detroit 19th Dis-
trict, had been a member of the House since 1948.
An attorney and graduate of Valpariso University, Kowalski
was a former international representative and assistant education
director of the United Auto Workers Union. He had been an ad-
visor on worker education to the U.S Department of Labor.
'S " <
THE APA-PHOENIX REPERTORY Company has been given
a $17,000 grant by the United States Information Agency making
it possible for the company to perform at Expo 67 in Montreal.
The company will be the only American drama troupe at the
fair. It will do two plays at the Maisonneuve Theatre Oct. 9 to
14, but the plays have not been selected yet.
According to T. Edward Hambleton, managing director of the
company, the group wll have to raise another $17,000 from pri-
vate sources in order to make the trip.
The troupe will add three plays to its repertory for the next
season: Michel de Ghelderode's "Pantagleiz," Eugene Ionesco's
"Exist ihe King" and, possibly, George Kelly's "The Show-Off."
Helen Hayes has been mentioned for the cast of the Kelly play.
The APA-Phoenix will be at the University from Sept. 18
to Nov. 4.
announced to the MSU Board 'of Trustees approval of a new
policy which would allow for the dismissal of tenured faculty
members. Under the procedure, the faculty member would be in-
formed df the charges against him and granted a hearing.
The policy calls for the dismissal only on the grounds of gross
violation of professional ethics or incompetence. Hannah added
that during his 26 years at the University he could not recall a
single case where the policy might have been employed.
A STUDENT PRANK has made over a thousand students in
residence halls unwitting subscribers to Life magazine. Pre-paid
reply envelopes containing addressed order cards for the magazine
were collected by pranksters'during a subscription campaign in
January, and returned as regular orders. The processing was
done in Chicago and students are receiving the first issue of a
23-week subscription this week, along with a bill for $1.97.
The cards were available because Life failed to include room
numbers on the addresses. Mail handlers in at least three dormi-
tories placed the third class letters on tables and instructed resi-
dents to find their own to avoid looking up individual numbers.
A student or group of students apparently detached the reply
cards and mailed them.
Students who do not notify Life that they wish to cancel
their subscriptions will be liable for the subscription price, a Life
spokesman said yesterday. One quadrangle director has already
sent an explanation to the magazine asking that all the subscrip-
tions be cancelled. But students who have received the bills and
do not desire to retain the subscription are advised to bring their
bills to their quadrangle mail rooms or to send in an individual
cancellation notice immediately.
A $1.000 PRIZE awaits the U.S. composer who can produce
the best new march for the University of Michigan Sesquicenten-
The Clarence Agnew competition, announced by U-M Bands,
calls for an original quickstep march suitable for gridiron and
concert performance. It should be in the normal vocal range and
have appropriate Michigan lyrics.
The work must not have been previously published or
awarded a prize. It must not have been previously broadcast or
performed in public, and it must not have been taped or recorded
for sale. Manuscripts must include a piano score and a full
band score.
Any composer who is a resident of the United States may
enter. The winning composition will become the property of the
University of Michigan Bands.
All entries, scores and parts, must be postmarked not later
than July 1.
A MONTREAL PROFESSOR with controversial political
beliefs has been prevented from attending a Washington confer-
ence because the State Department has not acted on his visa
application, which they have had for over two months.
The economist, Prof. Andre Gunder Frank, a specialist in
Latin-American affairs, is a Marxist and has written articles
highly critical of American policy in Latin America.


of new facilities at state-support-
* o ne xauius a stte-upprt-which would include several proj -
ed schools in order to make more ects at the University.
money available for operation and "he ncers y p ,,
equipment was presented recently The essence of my proposal,
to the State Board of Education. O'Neil explained, "is that since 85
James O'Neil, a Republican per cent of school costs is in sal-
member of the eight man board, aries which we can't cut, the
mproposed that construction in only large amounts on the budget
progress be completed, while no from which e can cut is mnnewu
new projects be started until a ilding costs."
complete study of current state "This is not an alternative to a
education programs is made. The state income tax," O'Neil empha-
-- -- sized, "but it would certainly re-
duce the current burden on the
'U 'G lee Club "The state is faced with a cris-

To Leave on
W1orld Tour

is," he continued. "The need is
urgent not only for fiscal, but al-
so for spending reform. We must
stop and find means to make the
most efficient use of our existing

A study by a legislative commit-
tee is now under way to determine
By DEBORAH REAVEN how to improve utilization of state
Fifty-six members of the Uni- funds for education. The commit-
versity's Men's Glee Club will leave tee visited the University last Mon-
on the club's first world tour May day to see where problems will be......
15. The tour will be highlighted encountered next year.
by participation in the male choir However. O'Neil's plan was cirti-
competition at the International cized by another Republican board
Eisteddfod in Llangollen, Wales. member, Leroy Augenstein, a
The Glee Club has participated Michigan State University profes-
in this contest during both of its sor, who claimed that "we can't
last two tours, 1959 and 1963, win- shortchangecomnmunity college
ning firsts and the international and university building programs PETE ELLIOTT'S last hope t
trophy both times. It is the only without someone paying a big at the University of Illinois
Glee Club in the country to have price in lost job opportunities a Big Ten Faculty Representa
done this and will attempt a third few years hence. other coaches be dismissed .
victory under the direction of Dr. He noted that building costs--~--~~~~
Philip A. Duey July 8. Dr. Duey went up 12 per cent last year, and t T)m i~
has been director of the Glee woulduprobably inflate that much KEEPUP TIES:
Club since 1947. again this year. If the $285 mil-
Nine Week Tour lion of proposed construction were
The world tour will last nine halted, it would mean taxpayers!
I/weeks and will include stops in would have to pay $50 million
twenty-.nine major cities in seven- more for the same amount of
teen foreign countries. Previous buildings next year. he said.
club trips have included three "The state's education system S ta rt N e
European tours and many through- can be made to work much more

-Associated Press
o keep his job as head football coach
was extinguished yesterday as the
tives ordered that Elliott and two

FS Students
!w 'Chapter

out the United States.
Before ginoer eas. the Club

will perform in several cities in
the United States including Den-
ver, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
and Honolulu. They will then
travel to Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul,
Okinawa, Formosa, Manila, Bom-
bay, New Delhi, Agra, Moscow.
Leningrad, Helsinki, Stockholm,
Oslo, Copenhagen, Amsterdam,
Paris, London, and will conclude
I the tour with the competition in
In addition receptions have
Llangollen and a stop in Glasgow.
been planned including one by the,
President of the Republic of the;
Philippines in Manila and by both
the Lord Mayor of Helsinki and
Copenhagen. Tours of Versailles,
the Louvre, and the National Gal-
lery in London have also been
scheduled as well as special events
such as an appearance on the
Japanese version of the "Today
Various Sponsors
The Glee Club will be sponsored
by University Alumni Clubs while
in the United States and by a
variety of organizations while
abroad. For instance, the Sputnik
Youth Group-Chorus will host the
club during its Russian stay. The
Kwansei Gakuin University will
house them with families in Osa-
ka. The club will also stay with
families in Hong Kong and Bang-
Besides the 56 singers and Dr.
Duey, the tour will also include
faculty advisor Dr. James Shortt,
accompanist Frank Kuntz, and a,
All funds required for the tour
have been earned by the Glee;
Club through various concerts and
Fund Raising activities.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

efficiently. O'Neil claimed. "But1
we can't do it overnight." He in- By AVIVA KEMPNER students, Robert Anderson, '70,
troduced several measures to ease A University chapter of the ' and Anne Frederichs, '70, decided
the burden on existing facilities, American Field Service, a nation- to take the initiative and organ-
and noted that emphasis should wide organization promoting sec- ize a local chapter. They procured
be placed on elementary and sec- ondary school international ex- a list of former high school mem-
ondary levels, change programs, has recently bers attending the University from
Last year the average student- been formed on campus. the AFS central office in New
teacher ratio was a "disgraceful" In an effort to keep up personal York and proceded to contact stu-
27 to one, O'Neil said, ranking the i ties obtained during their over- dents on campus.
state 47th in the nation. seas experiences, two former AFS The first organizational meeting
was held last Sunday with 27 of
e the 45 AFS students present on
campus attending. Those attending
discussed the possible goals of
such an organization and decided
" "IJTiet am_ that they could best be of service
oby aiding high school organiza-
or Lii m ions in the Ann Arbor and De-
troit areas and by working with
By RON LANDSMAN were divided equally between the the International Center.
Despite the efforts of the Red Cross societies of North Viet- Possible plans include bringing
Treasury Department, both the nam, South Vietnam, and the Na- foreign students from the local
Canadian Friends Service Com- areas to the University to experi-
mittee and the Committee to Aid tional Liberation Front. ence American college life, is only
the Vietnamese are continuing to According to David Newlands, for a weekend. There is no AFS
supply medical supplies to North General Secretary of the CFSC, college exchange program, but
and South Vietnam and the Na- the Treasury Department's actions there are AFS returnee clubs on
tional Liberation Front. have helped his organization's ef- a number of Big Ten campuses.
In late February, the Treasury forts in Vietnam. There has been Within the University com-
Department denied permission to no affect on their sources of funds, munity, the members hope to aid
Americans wishing to send money and public feeling has increased the International Center and
to relief agencies providing medi- as a result of U.S. treatment of other foreign students studying in
cal supplies in North Vietnam and Canadian banks. Ann Arbor. They plan to bring
to Viet Cong controlled areas in The American Friends Service together former AFS students with
South Vietnam. Committee is still ' supplying foreign students from the country
According to the Treasury De- money to the CFSC. The Peace in which they studied.
partment, the move was made at Vietnam Committee of the New The members also want to help
the request of the State Depart- York Yearly Meeting, a related the national chapter by providing
ment after North Vietnam refused Quaker organization, r e c e n t1y information and financial assist-
to admit impartial observers from sponsored a march into Canada ance and possibly serving as chap-
either the CFSC or the Interna- with $3,000 for the CFSC. The erones for the summer bus tour of
tional Committee of the Red Cross. New Haven Young Friends Com- America taken by the exchange
The Treasury Department also mittee plans to follow their ex- students at the completion of their
asked Canadian banks to cooper- ample in the near future. studies.
ate in cutting off funds from the Both the CFSC and the Inter- Although the chapter was or-
CFSC and the Red Cross. The national Committee of the Red ganized to "bring the AFS kids to-
largest Canadian bank, the Royal Cross, which were most directly gether," according to Miss Fred-
Bank of Canada, refused to com- affected by the Treasury's action, erichs, who visited Turkey, the
ply with the Treasury Depart-: send medical supplies in equal chapter is open to anyone. The
ment's request, as did all other amounts to the Red Cross Socie- group is now in the process of
Canadian banks. ties in North and South Vietnam becoming a recognized club. The
Canadian Prime Minister Lester and the NLF. next meeting is on April 7.

Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-In their final ruling
on the Illinois slush fund case,
the Big Ten Faculty Representa-
tives yesterday told University of
Illinois President David D. Henry
that if Coaches Pete Elliott, Har-
ry Combes and Howard Braun are
still retained on ,the Illinois ath-
letic staff by March 21, Illinois
would be indefinitely suspended
from the conference.
Michigan law Prof. Marcus
Plant, secretary of the Big Ten
Faculty Representatives, stated in
a press conference that "there is
no more possible appeal" available
to Illinois to protest the decision.
The faculty group handed down
the decision after a special eight-
hour meeting which included a
four-hour presentation by Henry.
Henry's speech was an appeal
against a ruling made by the fac-
ulty group on March 3 which
told Illinois to "show just cause"
why its membership in the con-
ference should not be suspended
or terminated if they chose to re-
tain the three coaches on their
athletic staff.
Plant stated that the faculty
vote was eight for and one against
the ruling, with Illinois abstain-
ing. He did not elaborate on which
was the lone dissenting school,
saying, "I am not authorized to
reveal that school."
The faculty representatives came
out with a definite statement on
what the suspension of Illinois
from the conference would entail.
The statement was:
"During the period of suspen-
sion, should it exist, the status of
the University of Illinois would be
the same as that of any other
non-conference institution."
Plant went on to say, "The Uni-
versity of Illinois would be sus-
pended from any privileges of a
conference member as well as ab-
solved from any conference obli-
Henry did not make any official
comment, but indicated through
Plant that he had to consult with
the Faculty Senate Committee on
Athletics and the Board of Di-
rectors of the Illinois Athletic
Association before making a reply.
Plant emphasized that the fac-
ulty representatives chose to de-
mand the suspension of Illinois
(providing it retains the three
coaches) as opposed to the term-
ination of its membership in the
conference because "suspension
carries with it the 'possibility of
future reinstatement."
The faculty group did not spe-
cify how long the possible sus-
pension- could or would last, nor
did they make a ruling on the
conditions ofnreinstatement after
the suspension.
"It would be possible for Illinois
to reapply for conference mem-
bership after a suspension though
if it still kept Elliott, Combes and
Braun on its athletic staff," Plant
pointed out. "I wouldn't know what
would happen if they did reapply."
For the University of Illinois
to escape the suspension, football
Coach Elliott, basketball Coach
Combes and basketball assistant
Braun have to be removed from
their coaching positions. The rul-
ing also prevents them from coach-
ing other intercollegiate sports or
being in any way connected with
"the direction or administration of
intercollegiate athletics at the Uni-
versity of Illinois."
Another stipulation given by
Plant was that Elliott, Combes and
Braun could not be hired by any
other Big Ten university after
their dismissal from Illinois.
The only alternatives averting a
suspension that Dr. Henry has are:
" The resignations of all three
" The outright firing of them
by the Illinois athletic commit-
n htees.
-* Retention of the coaches by

Illinois in non-collegiate athletic
Henry was the only person who
went before the Faculty Repre-
sentatives to plead the Illinois
case. Although Plant would not
comment on the contents of the
presentation, Henry stated last
week that he was going to repeat
the appeal of the March 2 meeting

-4- v-

Pierson, last week in a speech be- - --- -
fore Parliament, declared that the
Canadian government would ptL
no obstacle in the way of humani- Lon on choo spen s
tarian efforts in North or South
Vietnam meic. ans ndDemonstrating Students
Hioweer, American banks and
the U.S. Post Office will not han-'
dle any materials for the CFSC.{
The Committee to Aid the Viet- The London School of Econ- actively oppose Rhodesia's white
namese, which has sponsored omics has suspended over 100 stu. supremacy policies.
fund-raising drives in the Fish- dents for three months following Last week's demonstrations in-
bowl recently, will be unaffected an invasion of the administration cluded a boycott of classes which
by the Treasury Department's building. The student's entered the protestors claimed to be 50 to 75
move. The committee uses Cana- building in central London in percent effective. Faculty mem-
dian banks only to transfer funds protest over the recent suspen- bers, however, have contended
from cash into international sion of two student activists. that the boycott was only 10
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