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March 18, 1967 - Image 1

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,4 t tgan


Warmer hopes for

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXVII, No. 139




Revamped Student Government Plan Draft
Ignores Administration at Duke Card Burning Adminion,
Rally in N.Y.
By JIM HECK ed the constitution, even though "This is not a delaying venture"
administrators refuse to approve Knight said. "It may be hard" he



Duke University students over-
whelmingly accepted a referendum
yesterday that established a new
student government which has
been declared "illegitimate" by the
Durham, N.C., college's President
Douglas Knight.
Tt e election came one week
after, 70 student leaders signed a
letter sent to Knight saying "rule
by fiat of the deans is illegitimate
and need not be accepted by the
student body."
The letter explained, "We can
no longer tolerate a situation in
which our authority and dignity
are denied."
The letter was accompanied by
the resignation of Joe Schwab,
Men's Student Government Asso-
ciation president, who claims that
"students are capable of a great-
er level of maturity than is the
entire academic administration."

the action.
"We didn't expect any approval,"
Modlin said. "The referendum
gives us the power. Elections will
be held as soon as possible."
Administration Opposition
Dean James Price of the Trin-
ity Men's College told The Daily
that the referendum and elections
"are out of order."
Knight issued a statement last
night saying that he will "look
forward to, an official word about
the recent referendum." He an-
nounced "it will receive my most
serious consideration as one as-
pect of a detailed review."
Students last night charged
Knight with stalling, but Knight
contended, "I'm not playing games.
You don't play games with these

said for students to hold an elec-
tion. No administrators would elab-
orate, however, on what moves
would be employed to negate the
upcoming elections.
Price said "they can do any-!
+hinrr t ocr -mo + +n Ar" a +

Cornell SDS Chapter
Defies Administration
By Collecting Names

Review Ii' Hiri-ng

Schwab continued, "I no longer
respect enough administrators as 'en
people, as individuals, to fulfill N
my official responsibilities. I can
no longer play a game that has F orrS
no meaning for me."
Unifies Colleges
The new constitution will set up By ELLE
a government which is composed'
of both the men's and women's Reports that1
colleges. sal of 13 studen
Presently, Duke is on a "coord- Island School
inate college system" which separ- prompted by th
ates the two colleges, called "purely f
Petitioning for offices in the new ald Lay, the sch
government is already under way, The students
according to Jon Medlin, chair- a sophomore, we
man of the committee that draft- ter from the col

the recent dismis-
ats from the Rhode
of Design was
e use of drugs were
allacious" by Don-
hool's dean of men.
>12 freshmen and
ere notified by let-
llege's president of,

thing they want to do andcthat
"i1~ Uis th riht o) any group t Students for a Democratic So-
"it is the right of any group to ciety at' Cornell University in
organize." He explained, though, Ithaca, New York, have collected a ou
that it will be an illegitimate over 60 signatures for a draft-card
election and will not be consid- burning rally in New York City on
ered "official." April 15.t
Modlin's committee has wvorked The students manned tables in~W t i o r
on the constitution since October, the Cornell student union yester-
1965. The new government will day for the second day in a row - (f-t
divide power equally among the in defiance of university admin-J u1il1Ed n
men's and women's colleges. Mod- istration and student government
lin said the administration doesn't orders against use of university
want to part with the coordinate property for the solicitations. Hatcher Urges Quick
system. "They like to identify with 1 The controversy continued fol- Decision on.'U' Case
the Ivy League schools," he said. lowing a five-hour sit-in of 200
persons in the Cornell administra- Challenging PA 379
tion building on Thursday. SDS
Use Reasor members had attempted to man a By MARK LEVIN
table i the student union for the University President Harlan
purpose of collecting names when Hatcher yesterday informed the
the student manager asked the Regents that the University's suit
group to leave, challenging the constitutionality
Lowell George, Cornell proctor, of Michigan Public Act 379, con-
their dismissal last week. They 'then arrived and cited seven per- cerning labor unions, has been
were told they had "developed sons, asking them to give their ruled within the jurisdiction of the
patterns of behavior which are , names and come to his office Washtenaw County Circuit Court.
not consistent with the standards where they would be arraigned A decision on the constitution-
and regulations of the college." before the student judiciary board ality of the law has been held upj
No specific reason has yet been for refusal to obey the student since June, 1966, when the state
given by the administration, but manager's orders. Attorney General's office raised a
it was suggested that use of mari- Refused Identification procedural question on the juris-
juana and other drugs was re- The seven refused to identify diction of the court in the case.
sponsible for the dismissals. themselves and the gathering Circuit Court Judge William Ager

Studs Terkel's "Amazing Grace" as the original play to premiere
at the University next fall under a $25,000 grant from the National
Council on the Arts. It was chosent from more than 100 scripts,
said Robert C. Schnitzer, executive director of the PTP.
Terkel's play deals with what has been termed "the troubled
lives of those trapped in the urban pressure cooker." It will re-
quire two leading players and will be staged with a Broadway
cast and designers under the direction of Marcella Cisney,
associate director of the PTP.
of class rankings sent to draft boards was averted last week when
the administration agreed to "meet students half-way" in their
demands to an end to class rankings. Columbia President Gray-
son Kirk said grade policy would be reviewed by special meeting
of the university council, the highest faculty policy-making
body. Student leaders had been planning a class boycott to begin
today but agreed to wait for the faculty action.
BOSTON UNIVERSITY NEWS, the student paper, has begun
a campaign for the impeachment of President Lyndon Johnson
with an editorial signed by eight of the nine editors of the paper.
The editorial was sent as a letter to House, Speaker John Mc-
Cormack (D-Mass.), according tot Raymond Mungo, News editor,
calling for an "investigation of the merit of the argument" that
lists why the President should be impeached.
Boston President Harold Case sent a telegram to McCormack
apologizing for the editorial which 'he said did not represent
the opinions of the university; no further action against the
.: paper has been taken.
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY students received a bill of
rights yesterday, guaranteeing their right to disagree with an
instructor's views, to "good faith" grading and to privacy of
records, according to the Associated Press,
The rights document, besides spelling out rights and responsi-
bilities for students, provides for a university ombudsman to help
students cut through red tape and settle their complaints quickly.
The proposal is the result of more than one year's work by the
Faculty Committee on 'Student Affairs and the Academic Council
at MSU.

Bust Rumored
According to one Rhode Island,
student, "There have been rumors
of a bust for months. It has long
been felt that a list, now amount-'
ing to 400 students, has been kept
of those associated in any way
with drugs. The choice of the 131
dismissed appears quite arbitrary,
based mainly on the fact that they
were living in dormitories."
Another student charged, "The
reason couldn't have been aca-
demics. One boy had all A's and
one C and swore he never had and
never would use drugs. All of thet
students were in very good aca-
demic standing."
One professor said, "I don't thinkf
anyone is in the dark as to why
the students were kicked out. Com-
plaints from the dormitories hadt
led to the action taken by the
administration. Discretion h a d
definitely been lacking by the stu-

crowd demanded that their names ruled earlier this week.
be taken as well. The group then Hatcher expressed hope that the
entered Day Hall, the administra- decision on the substantive matter
tion building, demanding "equit- of the law could be reached as
able treatment" for the seven ac- soon as possible.
cused persons. Reach Decision Soon
According to Ron Thwaites, "Now that jurisdiction has been
editor of the Cornell Daily Sun, established," Hatcher said, "the
the student newspaper, an "un- next step is to get a court decision
usual number" of faculty mem- on the main question of the Act
bers," between a dozen and 18" as it applies to the University. We
spoke at the sit-in and a half- hope this opinion will be reached
dozen expressed a desire to man soon."
the table. Hatcher also said that he regret-
The student Scheduling Com- ted the delay that had been en-
mittee and Review Board (SCARB) countered in the hearings before
had previously passed a motion the State Labor Mediation Board#
forbidding the solicitation of on the drawing up of bargaining1
names for the draftcard' b'uriing 'uits and the designation of rep-
in Straight Hall. the student un- resentatives for collective bargain-

-University News Service
NEWLY APPOINTED Regent Otis Smith {D-Lansing) takes his
seat at yesterday's Regents meeting.
Regents Commend
Grad Board Action

ion. SDS voted Tuesday night to
defy the order and continue the
solicitation which had begun last
Thursday and Friday.
The university took the names

dents dismissed." of more persons yesterday but did
Another professor said, "As a not attempt to oust them from
private institution, Rhode Island the union. Hearings are scheduled
has the right to expel anyone, at, for next week, but the students
any time, for any reason." whose names have been taken have
Cutler Contrasts threatened not to show up. Sus-
Contrasting the difference be- pension may follow their action.
Conrasingthediferece e- Faculty members are meeting
tween state-supported and private Faus e e rs ay meng
schools, University Vice President this weekend and may consider
for Student Affairs Richard Cut-leaving any move against the
er said "t the Universit wedraft-cardburning solicitations up
have no history of such summarytohecvlahries
dismissals, and in any case, we Several members of Si S said
would feel obligated to provide for that the SCARB was stifling free
a due process hearing under our speech by restricting their actions.
established s t u d e n t judiciary The draft-card burning move-
system." ment began earlier this
The question of a "due process" tea ersied yhismonth
hearing, however, is dismissed by when a letter signed by five stu-
a clause in Rhode Island's cat- dents was sent to peace groups
alogue and regulations which and to individuals around the
states: *The college may at any county.
time and without formal hearing The letter asks for the destruc-
withdraw the privilege of enroll- " ihon of draft cards on April 15,
ment from a student whose atti- "with the understanding that this
tude and behavior indicates that ! pledge becomes binding only when
his continued residence would not 500 people have made it."
be in the best interest of the! Current selective service laws
colege" stmake draft-card burners liable for
Most of the student body dis- a $10,000 fine and up to five years
agreed strongly with the dismis- in jail.I
sals. "We felt angry, but there
seemed no way to organize ouryU io L e d
I resentments and help the 13 stu-

ing. A number of unions are pres-
ently seeking the right to repre- The Regents commended the
sent University employes. graduate school executive board
Hatcher said, while the Univer- action regarding disturbances dur-
sity has contested the constitution- ing a recent panel discussion on
ality of the law, it has cooperated the Vietnam war in a resolution
fully with the SLMB. Hatcher passed at their regular monthly
added that the University has meeting yesterday.
continued its "traditional prac- The resolution read: "Resolved,
tices of working with represent-, that the Regents support and
atives of employes who are mem- commend the statement issued
bers of unions." by the Executive Board of the
Predicts Cutback Graduate School, and endorsed
In addition, Hatcher predicted by Graduate Student Council, in
that the proposed ten per cent connection with the disruption of
salary increases scheduled for the meeting in Rackham Lecture
non-academictUniversity employes Hall March 2.
would have to be cut back if the "We particularly note and corn-
present level of University ap- mend the intention to apply ap-
propriations in the Governor's propriate academic discipline in,
budget was not changed. the event of any such conduct byI
"We are seriously concerned any student in the future, and we
here both about equity for the assume similar intention with!
University's non-teaching staff reference to like conduct by un-
whose salary and wage schedules dergraduate students."
are already below present civil 'Deplores Action'
service schedules, and about our 1 The executive council statement
ability to keep and attract per- j "deplored" the action of the stu-
sonnel," he said. I dents in disrupting the meeting,
Hatcher reaffirmed the Univer- which featured Sen. Philip A. Hart
sity's justification for challenging (D-Mich.) and Rep. Gerald Ford
the constitutionality of the stat- (R-Mich.), and said that "This
ute, which grants the right of col- type of interference with orderly
lective bargaining to public em- and peaceable discussion is inex-
ployes as a threat to University cusable and will not be tolerated
autonomy. in a University community."

The executive board also sent
information to the chairmen of
departments whose students were
involved in the incident asking
them to "discuss with these stu-
dents the gravity of their conduct"
and tell them that "appropriate
action" will be taken in the event
of any further such incidents.
In other action, the Regents also
appointed Prof. Robert L. Hess
of the engineering mechanics de-
partment as director of the High-
way Safety Research Institute.
The Institute was established in
December, 1965, by a $10 million
gift from the automobile industry
to develop a comprehensive attack
on the problems of traffic safety.
Towsley Director
Dr. Harry A. Towsley of the
Medical School was named direc-
tor of the University's statewide
program in postgraduate medical
education. Towsley has been asso-
ciate director of the program since
1955 and has been active in it
since 1948. Last month, the Re-
gents accepted a gift from the
Towsley and Dow Foundations for
construction of a Center for Con-
tinuing Medical Education. The
facility will house the department
of postgraduate medicine and will
serve 2500 physicians yearly.
The Regents appointed Prof.
George Grassmuck of the political
science department as assistant
vice-president to coordinate in-
ternational programs. He is the
only assistant vice-president in
the University at the present time.
In this position, Grassmuck will
direct the inter-university council
on international, which supervises

N ew Study
Ordered by
Regent Board
Report Will Cover
Defense Department
At the request of the University
Regents the administration agreed
yesterday to review 16. U.S. De-
fense Department recommenda-
tions to improve University em-
ployment practices.
At their Friday morning meet-
ing the Regents instructed "the
administration to report at the
next Regents' meeting (fn April)
on the various recommendations
proposed by the Defense Depart-
ment and on the efforts the Uni-
versity is making to increase the
employment opportunities for mi-
nority groups," explained Execu-
tive Vice President Marvin L. Nie-
Discuss Recommendations
The report will deal with recom-
mendatbns presented March 9 to
the University in a report by Wal-
ter Greene of the Defense Depart-
ment's Contract Compliance Of-
fice in Detroit.
Among other things Greene re-
ommended that "a crash program"
,be immediately established to im-
Iprove "exceptionally bad employ-
ment practices which currently
exist in the School of Engineer-
The report on discrimination was
discussed by the Regents and the
administrative officers forabout
an hour Friday morning,
Regents Question
According to Vice-President Nie-
huss, the "Regents raised ques-
tions on what we had done and
are doing in this area. The qes-
tion was could we do more." And
we said 'possibly we could.'
"While I assume there has been
a great deal of discussion of Mr.
Greene's recommendations in the
individual college'units," said Nie-
huss, "the administrative officers
have held no organized discussions
or meetings to talk about the rec-
ommendations individually or as
a whole,
"This has been a busy week.
"There has been a general In-
terest in this area (fair employ-
ment)," said Niehuss. "The.Re-
gents wanted the University 'o
make every reasonable effort,
The administrative officers agreed.
We expressed our interest and they
expressed theirs."
Review Emplkyment
The administration will deal
largely with university recruitment
procedures and employment. It is
expected to cover current univer-
sity programs designed to increase
economic opportunity such as the
school's Opportunity Awards Pro-
gram which provides scholarships
for students from low-income
families. Niehuss said he did not
know yet if the April report to
the Regents will be nade pubic.
At the public Regents meeting
Friday afternoon President Hat-
cher said that the administrative
officers "appreciate the suggest-
ions made to us -for improvement.
And these suggestions are being
referred to administrative officers
and the appropriate University
units for study. At a future meet-
ing we shall report to the Regents
on implementation anyd any ad-
ditional support which may be
needed to carryrout recommenda-
Hatcher emphasized "that the
University is not acting because of

any threat of cancellation of fed-
eral contracts, but because it is
right to act in this area. What we
want to do is to improve our situ-
ation wherever possible."
Hatcher said that "the head of.
the reviewing team which made
the survey commented they were
particularly impressed by the
knowledable posture of most de-
partment heads and were pleased
to find~ them ve~ry amenable to i-

dents," one student said.

Study Wide II

"s Receive U' Tour of Duty;
Lange of Academic Fields

By CAROLYN TOLL program is coordinated by the In- United States, but sometimes staff the University's Ford Foundation
Would you believe you have to stitute for Industrial and Labor representatives are sent to South Grant for foreign programs. He is
go to college to be a labor leader? Relations. America where the union has been also responsible for searching with-
You do if you are in the Com- For most of these men, who are organizing. "We're trying to pro- in the University for any interna-
munications Workers of America primarily from the South, this is mote a free trade labor movement tional projects which might be
(AFL-CIO), and want to become their first experience in college. to prevent a communist take-over financed by federal funds under
a staff representative of their in- "When we are staff representatives of labor down there," they said. the International Education Act.
ternational union (which, by the we'll have to deal with college edu- The group admitted they were Approval was given to a joint
way, really is international). First cated people in collective bargain- fairly conservative on politics. project with the City of Ann Arbor
you have to be an officer of your j ing, and in community activities," "The majority of us think we to build a large recreational facil-
local, then you must be selected they said. "This program is sup- should be in Vietnam," they de- ity on Fuller Rd. in the North
for the almost five-month train- posed to broaden us, make us clared. "But then, we're mostly Campus area. The University will
ing program. Finally, you must aware of larger issues." veterans. We just can't pull out pay up to $212,000 for its share in
spend 10 weeks studying at the They are also eager to learn and leave Vietnam to the Com- construction of the project, which
University. public relations techniques, since munists." will -include an Olympic-sized
There are 19 men living dormi- one of their major grievances is swimming pool and a convertible
tory-style in the Michigan Union their image in the press. "It al- WhaeIaTheUD iy t- area to be used for tennis in sum-
who have been doing just that. ways puts us in the role of the group has read The Daily and at- aer and skating in the winter.
Since Jan. 10 they have been pur- bad guys," they complain. "One of tended Voice meetings. They find In other recreational improve-
suing a rigorous class schedule of I the public's misconceptions is that the University a pretty youthful ments, Wines Field will be expand-
environment." Their impressionsmeuWisFelwllbexad
over 20 hours a week - "with j unions are always fighting man- of the student movement: "irre- ed and lighted for nighttime use,
plenty of outside preparation, agement. That's just not true. bl anda zed. natural ice rinks will be added to
. ,plenty-- -i__of_ o.utside._t., 3sonll a d un ra izd -A'---m-M rl ns

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