Johnson Asks Tax Boost in State-of -nion SEE PAGE3 DUNCAN SELLS GOES TO WAYNE STATE See editorial page Y L 5t 43UU AJIF :43 Zt t I CLOUDY High-26 Low-18 Possible occasional snow flurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, .ANUARY 11, 1967 -SEVEN CENTS -U'LState ight Blocks New Campus Constri EIGHT PAGES ction By ROGER RAPOPORT campus buildings as a new Archi- Daily News Analysis tecture and Design School. Key For the student sitting on the state legislators make it clear that drafty floor of his overcrowded the University will have to wait Chinese history course or the, pro- until the sun hits the earth if it fessor with a basement office in expects to get state money for the century-old Economics Build- campus buildings unless it gives ing, the University's capital out- the state the right to supervise lay construction schedule is about planning of construction. the only way out. The predicament is acute. En- But it appears that neither the rollment has jumped 20 per cent student nor the professor is going to 36,063 since the music school- to be moving anywhere in the the last academic building built foreseeable future. here-was completed in 1964. The University's dispute with The first new academic space to the Legislature has curtailed state be opened in nearly four years will appropriations for such deeded be in the present administration An Editorial... AS DISCLOSED YESTERDAY, the University administration ap- pears ready to approve a plan to dip into the General Fund and spend up to $4.3 million of the student tuition fees and from $1.2 to $1.7 million from the $55-M Fund Drive for a University theatre. This financing plan poses many serious questions for the Univer- sit, two of which demand immediate and careful attention. First, was the decision to finance the theatre in this way sound? The need. for a ney theatre is certainly evident. Lydia Mendelssohn and Trueblood Theatres have accurately been described as totally in- adequate for present-day needs. Hill Auditorium-which increasing demand has forced into service for dramatic presentations-was intend- ed to be an auditorium and has few of the necessary facilities to serve well as a theatre. But, as classes begin anew this seiester it is also evident that the University faces a host of other critical needs. In the late 1950's the University ranked among the top five schools in the country for faculty compensation in the Association of American University Professors ratings. Last fall we were 17th. Two studies of individual departments, one made in 1957 and the other released last summer, show that of 20 departments studied, the University's position relative' to other schools rose in only seven depart- ments over the period and fell in 1-3. Most important: From 1957-1966, total enrollment rose 42.5 per cent-but the General Fund in real terms (adjusted for inflation) rose only 33.7 per cent. THE OUTLOOK for a solution to these financial problems in the Legislature is dim at best. University officials confess the have no idea how the 1967 Legislature will treat their record $93 million General Fund budget request; past evidence suggests the Legislature will not be overly sympathetic. Further, the Sesquicentennial S55-M Fund Drive has been regret: tably unsuccessful in winning unrestricted donations which could ease such problems. At this point, only $1.6 million has been offered the University for general use. A graduate library addition and the theatre are already slated to get from 52.9 to $3.4 million of the total amount of uncommitted gifts eventually received. Taking $4.3 million out of the General Fund budget can deplete funds for faculty salary increases, equipment procurement and sup- porting staffs. Moreover, it all but cancels out whatever budget flex- ibility the Office of Academic Affairs has ever been able to maintain to shore up sagging programs and support promising new ventures. And taking from 51.2 to S1.7 million from the M55 Million Fund's undesignated gifts means that this money will not be able to go into such needed academic projects as endowed professorships, schol- arships and higher salaries. SINCE THE CURRENT MEANS of financing the theatre are clear- ly contestable, a second question emerges: was the process which promulgated this decision fair and structurally sound? Good faith has been abused. In formally announcing a $1.3 million k gift toward the theatre from former Regent Eugene Power, the ad- ministration gave assurances that the remainder of' the cost of the building would be paid for by gifts, but that has now changed. More- over, the cost of the building has soared from the first estimate of $2.5 million (March, 1965) to $3.5 million (August, 1966) to its present range of $4.5-5 million, THE STRUCTURAL PROCESS of decision-making on the theatre plan has also beei highly unsatisfactory. Indeed, one might even question how the decision was made within "the administration." For "the administration" seems, in this case, to mean primarily President Hatcher. At least three vice-presidents are known to have had doubts about the theatre's financial plan. Moreover, little effort has been made to consult the deans of the schools and colleges on a question of priorities obviously vital to them. While a faculty planning committee for the theatre has been at work since 1964, its efforts have largely been confined to establishing archi- tectural and stage requirements. Furthermore, although students are paying for over half its costs via tuition, there has been absolutely no formal consultation with any students-as individuals or as groups-on the theatre. Hence the way the administration plans to pay for the theatre and the way it decided on its plan are both questionable. We urge that .the current financing plan for the theatre be reevaluated and that the Uni- versity's financial decision making process be revised: - ! The administration and Regents should reconsider the plan and finance the remainder of its cost beyond Power's gift through gifts made specifically for the theatre-.-and not through the allocation of General Fund money or unrestricted $55-M fund drive donations. * The administration and the Regents should carefully scrutinize the design of the theatre. Both the administration and the Regents ap- proved'the residential college only after some $1.5 million was cut from its plan. Similarly, they should certainly check every detail of the building, which is being willed to cause sufficient anticipated gifts State legislators expect the year. (The $5 million was spent "hopeful we can settle this (dis- Science I building, a $6.2 million the literary college when top offi- have not yet materialized. r, University to continue to refuse largely on medical and dental pute) by the end of the year." Architecture and Design building, cials move into a new administra- The heart of the problem is tied to accept the terms of P.A. 124. school projects that were approved But, as Vice-President and Chief a $4.9 million Math and Com- tion building late this year. up in the fact that the University As a result they are planning not before P.A. 124 went into effect). Financial Officer Wilbur K., Pier- puter building, $5.2 million in But the net space gain will to give the University any funds But top legislators balked at the pont has said, "We have no idea Residential College library and traditionallynbuilds classrooms for planning the $28 milliond g hs when this matter will be resolved." science facilities and $2.7 million barel replace what was, as lost with state money.wotofpjesia of giving the University any, this summer when the old West The state has agreed to begin t o funds for new construction until Pierpont thinks one way out of for General Library renovations. Physics building was torn down. panning on $28 million worth ofkn the school complies with P.A. 124. the dilemma might be through a In the meantime, the school Is Despite pressing space needs in University construction projects. ed sources, Governor Romney "The University may get nothing legislative vote not to remove the going ahead as planned on pro- the architecture and design school, But the administration has re- consulted with legislative leaders (for capital outlay) for the next s jects like the administration teucartieturend design school,andlo fud to acptrlaning fs about proposed capital outlay ten years," one ranking memberclause i P.A. 124. But Lansing building and the library' addition, lege, no new classroom buildings because they t would have to con- appropriations for the University of the State Senate's appropria- sources indicate renewal of this These projects are being built are expected to be ready until the ply with a clause in a state law- in fiscal 1967-68. tions committee told Governor clause is a virtual certainty. With non-state sources, primarily $11.8 million Residential College Public Act 124 - which deprives His plan called for a $8 million -Romney. The projects tied up in the dis- student fees and gifts, and thus is finished in the fall of 1968. But the school of the right to design capital outlay appropriation for Vice-President Marvin Niehuss pute include a $4.3 million Modern are not affected by the University- even that project is in doubt be- and plan its own buildings. the school, up from $5 million this said last September that he wasPLanguage building, a $5.1 million Legislature dispute No Plans Set For Student Power Action Voice Delays Further Discussion of Protest, Speakers Bureau By SUSAN ELAN The student power movement which produced three sit-ins and two teach-ins at the University last semester is now stagnant. No student organization has of yet..:::.:.....:. formulated any concrete clans for action this semester. Voice political party, which met last nght, postponed discussion of tactics to be used in reactivating; the student movement until its meeting next Tuesday night. At that meeting participation in the Speaker's Bureau, protest ac- tivities during the Sesquicenten- nial celebration, the Student Un- ion and the three commissions outlined by President Harlan Hatcher last November will be Speaker's Bureau VIET NAI The Speaker's Bureau will send speakers to all campus housing Prof. M. M. Thomas, Indian visiting units to discuss complaints about living conditions. in Aud. A on the "War in VisctNami The Student Union was organ- lida, Grad. In the panel discussio ized to present student grievances for the American policy in Vietnam to the administration and to pro- Vietnam would not cause a "failure vide services to the student body. . national peace-keeping force, such Members of Voice disagreed ____..~__~- about the potential of a continu- ing student movement at the Uni- S TILL EXPANDING: versity this semester. Michael Zweig, Grad, chairman of Voice said, "I think that there is a lot of potential for the move- ment, but the membership of Voice has not yet decided how to act." ""'"Da11y-.ThOmnas R. Copi I FROM AN ASIAN PERSPECTIVE professor of World Christianity at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, spoke last night from the Asian Perspective." Also speaking from the Asian perspective was Japanese student Yoshio n following Thomas' lecture, Prof. Inis Claude of the Political Science Dept. acted as an apologist which both Thomas and Ilida attacked. Thomas maintained that American withdrawal from of confidence in the U.S. by its Asian allies, as long as the U.S. force was replaced by an inter- as the United Nations. Faculty Quiet On Financing For Theatre Raise Few Objections Against Proposed-Use Of Student Funds By CAROLYN MIEGEL Initial faculty reaction to the pronosed financing of a Univer- sity theatre indicated little con- cern yesterday to the use of stu- dent fee in the project. Calling the theatre a "real, vital thing for students," Prof. Joseph Wehrer of the architecture school said he was not sure that the theatre would serve student needs as sufficiently as other projects, but that it would provide needed cultui'al expansion. Several faculty members refused to comment on the financial ass pects of the theatre because of lack of information on the money policies of the University admin- istration. They tool the view that if needed monies can legitimately be taken from the General Fund, the University should not be faulted for doing so. They said, however, that the theatre would be a welcome ad- dition to the University ,com- munity for the cultural opportuni- ties it would give the student. Ed Robinson, '67, President of Student Government Council call- ed the theatre proposal "unwise" in that the administration did not consult students and faculty mem- bers before making a decision that affected both groups. "Since the theatre project will include non-gift money, spent on a year to year basis, it will effect students and therefore the stu- dents should have a part in the final decision-making," said Rob- inson. Dick Wingfield, '67,, commented that the proposed "theatre is just as worthwhile a purpose as things that are drawing student fees." Wingfield stressed that while some of the students that are now pay- ing the funds for the theatre will not be able to enjoy the benefits, the theatre will initiate a "de- formalization of education that is useful to all students." The administration has pro- posed pledging annual payments of $175,000 in student fees out of the University's general fund over the next 25 years to repay a $2 million loan (at five per cent in- t'erest) on the theatre. This would be added to a gift of $1.3 million from Regent-emer- itus Eugene B. Power and from $1.2 to $1.7 million worth of un- .designated funds from the Uni- versity's $55M drive. ors Third Decade at 'U'; forInnovative Approach Starting from Scratch Voice member William Sachs disagreed. "I think what's going to happen is we're going to have to start from scratch again. We're; not going to be able to call a mass meeting or a sit-in and get large numbers of people." Other student organizations in- volved in the student power move- Famous, By DAVID KNOKE One might think that architects Second World War, Likert, a psy- First of two parts could have planned ahead for an chologist by training, headed a The Institute for Social Research expected growth-especially since division of program surveys that has a way of thumbing its nose ISR scientists make prediction somehow outgrew its original at traditional ideas and methods their speciality-but such is the function in the Department of r4' ,,,,,, n or n. -.1 f phenomena of ISR that the Agriculture of serving many fed- ment are Student Government search programs. sprawling complex finds itself go- I eral agencies. Council and a Speaker's Bureau Institutions often follow a pat- ing in many unpredictable, and After the war, about a dozen committee, which presently con- tern of growing spectacularly on fruitful, directions at once. members began looking around sists of about 50 people. -ter inital etuathn In Unique Position for a more congenial location SGC. which will meet Thursday reaching a peak after which they ISR is in the unique position of from which to study man in his night, has taken some steps in the live on their prior reputation while being the largest university-based social setting. The academic en- direction of cooperating with the younger centeirs, sometimes found- social research institute in the vironment of Ann Arbor enticed commissions outlinedby Hatcher. ed by their own alumni surpass world. Its reputation grows as fast them from the East. With the help SGC is in the process of select- them The ISR is a exception if not faster than its physical of University faculty and admin- ing people to serveon thesecom- that breaks the rule, size. Not a week goes by without istrators, the Social Science Sur- missions which are still largely The ISR, now entering its third the results of some important sur- veys Project, now called the Sur- unstructured. The Speaker's Bu- decade, shows no sign of slowing vetor the study of small-group vey Research Center, was set up. reau too is only in the early stages. down. Just ten months after mov- interactions making headline con- Likert was named director and The Voice members announced ing its vast operation to the sleek tributions to one of the many along with him came such long- St their meeting that members of brick-and-glass six-story structure disciplines gathered under its roof- time members ofCSR as Angus Voice will discuss the group's goals on Thompson Street, the place Economists in the. Survey Re- Campbell, Charles Cannell, George tand specific actions on WOTA for became so overcrowded that more search Center of ISR recently ex- Katona and Leslie Kish. 15 minutes on Tuesdays at 9:05 offices were rented in the down- ploded the myth that high-income Kurt Lewin, a psychologist char- a.m tonT: n Civil Center Building, people view income taxes as a acterized by Seashore as "a dy- _m C C B . - - "disincentive" to work harder and namic innovator" in the experi- i earn more. George Brooks last mental study of small group pro- T1 year discovered a startling posi- cess, had established a Group Dy- j'M SU T o E ase R e ulations tie link between supectibiity to namics Center at the Massachu- the gout and super-intelligence, setts Institute of Technology. Af- opening avenues to further study ter Lewin's death in 1946, the O ver Student A ctivities of how people learn. senior staff of the center decided The institute started under a to. move to another' university tentative Regental decreein 1946 where the orientation to the social The Michigan State University 'tions, procedure for amending and as the Social Science Surveys Pro- sciences was stronger than in MIT. Academic Council last night ap- revising the report and general ject, charged with "research and Form Second Center proved the final draft of a sweep- recommendations - including a service projects in the field of Lewin's students and colleagues ing report liberalizing rules and provision for an ombudsman for public opinion survey, on an ex- formed a second center, the Re- procedures in student activities students. perimental basis . . ." Although search Center for Group Dy- and student affairs. The report now goes to MSU's the Regents still maintain power namics, which together with the Passage was assured after Pres- Academic Senate for approval. to terminate ISR's operations and Survey Research Center, now di- ident John A. Hannah told the The Academic Senate - composed although no employes, even the rected by Piof. Angus Campbell, Council that reformulation of a of all tenured faculty-can akcept 60 full-time Ph.D.s, are tenured, were officially named the ISR in controversial section on student or reject, but not amend, the the institute "needn't worry about 1947, with Likert as director of from federal agencies, industry and private foundations. Careful management enables ISR to recover the indirect costs that usually run research projects into the red. This small but cru- cial surplus permits ISR occasion- ally to launch new projects for which a sponsor cannot at first be found or to enlarge the scope of current projects. Sponsorship by outside organi- zations does pose problems. Staff initiative or willingness to accept research proposals offered by sponsors are the primary ways in which studies are initiated. Pro- jects must meet the ISR require- ment of freedom and publication (only. one classified project has ever been undertaken) and meet the standards of public contri- bution and ethical propriety. Mrs. Huebner Urges Democratic Regent By ROBERT KL1VANS Mrs. Trudy Huebner of Bloom- field Hills, one of the seven Re- publican Regents now on the Uni- versity Board, has indicated that she feels Gov. George Romney should appoint a Democrat to fill the vacant seat left by the resig- nation of Allan R.' Sorenson of Midland. Romney is expected to make the . Republicans mentioned as a re- placement include Mrs. Marcia Strickland, Bloomfield Hills, who is backed by Regent Alvin Bentley, and Lawrence B. Lindemer ,.of Stockbridge and John Feikens of Detroit, who are both former Re- publican state chairmen. Feikens recently resigned as chairman of the Michigan Civil Rights Com- mission.