r M archgan Butg Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNITERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS IAT-LAR GE a Greek System: A Hou' Is Not a H ome y V NEIL SHISTER I here Opinlio Are Free Truthwitu Prmvaiu 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN I Investigating the Liberals: I Spy' Comes to College S THERE'A HIDDEN microphone plant- ed by the Federal Narcotics Bureau on the third floor of the Union? Have you seen plainclothes detectives in the MUG looking for a hippy to sell them some "good stuff?" Do right-wing infiltrators disguised as mild-mannered students wear wrist- watch tape recorders to seminars and take down their teachers' pinko propa- ganda? Probably not. All the talk about espion- age at the University is probably just talk and nothing more. But with what's been happening at other schools across the country recently, it's little wonder that students are speculating about the possibility of similar activities here. Only Wednesday the New York Times reported that "an attractive, auburn- haired girl posing as a coed" at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, N.J.; was really an undercover narcotics agent planted by the county police with the cooperation of university officials. The day before, the president of Brig- ham Young University admitted that lib- eral professors had been the target of investigations by students who had form- ed what one of them called a "spy ring." THE SAD FACT is that universities and students are under increasing surveil- A COUPLE of nights ago the fraternity and sorority presidents, along with the IFC and Panhel executive boards, treated themselves to a fancy dinner. Over rare roast-beef and neopolitan ice-cream, the Greek leaders held their annual awards banquet in a plush room that the Inn of America uses for its pledge formals. Trophies were presented to outstanding members with deserved pride, and houses with the highest active and pledge average were also honored. The whole thing was pretty sterile, though. Harlan Hatcher was the smiling speaker at the banquet, but his speech was also bland as he made some innocuous comments about "the significant contribi- tions fraternities and sororities make to the welfare of the University." Perhaps the spirit and mood of the evening was best captured by Hatcher himself as he began his remarks by saluting "Chairman Bruce and President Virginia" in the same tone one uses at the Little League all-star picnic to thank the fathers for getting up early to help with infield practice. Which doesn't mean the fraternity-sorority idea is bad. But the system is floundering, principally because it publicizes its noble aims, even though they are often more honored in the breach than in the observance. BEING A MEMBER of a fraternity I feel reasonably qualified to criticize the system. I've never regretted the decision I made while a first semester freshman to join, but it is evident to me that as one progresses through four years of college the 'Greek way' has progressively les and less to offer. The 'fraternity man' mentally is rigidly cast during those first months of pledging when it is preached that there is something deeply sacred, almost mystical about calling somebody your "brother" and one is only able to obtain this privilege through an internship of servility. Many times the earnestness and conviction, are quite real, but the net result is the entrance each term of a new batch of actives well-schooled in the collective ethic of "the group."I The world of the true believer becomes a tightly knit one of TG's, Homecoming floats, band parties and pledge formals. The word is "the hou" and when pronouncing it, one must be reverant. There are a lot of good things about the fraternity system, of course, but these don't compensate for its fundamental defect: It doesn't demand that its members develop. From the time one is a pledge until the day he, graduates, the same skills and talents will keep him in good stead with his peers. The atmosphere of a fraternity house, even one with a high grade-point average, is decidedly non-intellectual-principally because its mem- bers regard the house as a place where one retreats from lance by all kinds of official, semi-offi- cial and self-appointed investigative teams interested in safeguarding the pub- lic. Even if it is desirable to apprehend and punish people who take drugs-still an open question-the goal isn't important enough to warrant the use of tactics which are easily abused, and whose exist- ence pose a threat to constitutionally guaranteed liberties. Investigating liberal, or any other kind of students and professors, is inimical to the foundations of an open society. The effect of such probes is to inhibit the free expression of opinion. It is a fact that even today there are students - many of whom hold views not terribly radical-who won't join any campus poli- tical organizations for fear of being call- ed before some McCarthy of the present or future. FREE SPEECH and open exchange of opinion are supposed to be simultan- eously, inherent rights, and keys to mak- ing a democracy work. In fact, we bewail their absence in Communist countries, and spend millions of dollars on the Voice of America to redress the imbalance. Are we turning our backs on our prin- ciples? -URBAN LEHNER school. As if you only go to college during the day. There are efforts to combat this syndrome from above, but these are usually in the form of superficial gimmicks. IFC can-give a trophy to the house with the highest grade-point, and once a month a guest faculty speaker may, appear at dinner, but the guys at dinner are still more concerned with who got drunk at the last party and who will get drunk at the next one. STILL, THE NEED and demand for fraternities on this campus is evidence by the fact that over the past 5 years membership in them has risen by 600. It how stands at 3100 undergraduate men in 46 houses. Thus the problem confronting the new officers of IFC is a difficult one: How to make the fraternity ex- perience as exciting to upperclassman as it is to the new initiate? There are no pat answers to the problem. What is necessary, though, is that the system phrase its dilemma in these terms. The=close contacts that are natural in a mall living unit like a fraternity are conducive to the most fruitful kinds of personal relationship. But too often this potential is squandered and what is left in the fraternity is a spirited group of freshmen and sophomores with nobody really left above them to provide the kind of advice and direction someone at this university needs. A I" The Board in Control and The Daily Penn-Ultimate Decision THE UNIVERSITY of Pennsylvania has finally told the Defense Department where to get of f. After a year and a half of protest and coitroversy over the existence of two classified research contracts for biochem- ical studies with Vietnam war applica- tions, Penn has decided that the benefits from the $900,000 projects do not out- weigh the detriments. President Gaylord Harnwell announced that the Projects SUMMIT and SPICERACK would not be. renewed on their expiration next year. "Ilarnwell's action pretty much kills the issue here," said one faculty mem- ber at Penn. In a way,-however, the uni- versity's actions should inspire other schools to take a stand against the types of research which the war indus- try forces upon them in the name of "contributions to society." ~IE LONG EPISODE at Pennsylvania is indicative of both the shame and tri- umph of modern higher education. That a major multiversity would con- sent to carry out research into aerosol de- foliation and biological warfare to be used in the Vietnam croplands is shameful activity for a public institution that should stand for the educated enlighten- ment of the citizenry. The triumph of the university is the great impact a handful of dissenters had in changing the policy of the university and the courage of Harnwell in saying "no" to the vast war industry that relies on the public universities to do its re- search into more effective ways of de- stroying human beings, to the vast finan- cial wellspring whose contracts are cov- eted by researchers as a status symbol, and as a measure of an institution's greatness. Penn's long struggle towards academ- ic respectability should set an example for other large universities that have been diverting their skills and energies from the proper function of education.' -DAVID KNOKE By LUKE COOPERRIDER Professor of Law First of a two-part sereis I SHOULD LIKE to answer some. questions your readers have asked concerninguthe organization and function of the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications, and then to comment briefly upon its recent' action in regard to appoint- ment of senior editors of the Daily. The Board exists pursuant to a by-law of the Board of Regents by which it is (1) constituted an "agency of the Board of Regents" upon which is conferred "author- ity and control" over all non-tech- nical student publications, (2) au- thorized to incorporate as a cor- poration not for profit under the laws of the state of Michigan, and (3) required to hold its property subject to the control of the Board of Regents, and its surplus funds as "a trust fund for general purposes connected with student publications." It consists of five members of the University Senate and two alumni, all appointed by the President, three students elec- ter by the student body, and the vice presidents for University Re- lations and Student Affairs. The student members serve one-year terms, the appointed members three-year terms. The need for incorporation arises from the fact that the Board is the business entity through which certain student publications, namely the Michigan Danly. Michiganensian, Genera- tion, Gargoyle and the Student Directory carry on their opera- tions. Its financial resources con- sist of the revenues of these publi- cations, plus the income from a substantial accumulation of sur- plus funds invested for it by the Business Office of the University. FROM THESE resources it pays all the expenses arising from its own operation and from that of the named publications, including building maintenance, heat and utilities, salaries and wages of ad- ministrative and printing depart- ment employees, salaries of stu- would seem that the Board derives at least a legitimate interest in assuring that access to these pub- lications remains open, and an obligation to see that they adhere to an appropriate set of journalis- tic or publication norms. IN AN EFFORT to balance these interests and purposes, the Board has developed a policy consisting of the following components: (1) the editorial management of the publication is entrusted to the se- nior editors; (2) that function is performed without supervision prior to publication, but in the case of the Daily, subject to a code of ethics to which the editors undertake to conform; and (3) the Board retains the function of appointing the senior editors, and 'has a continuing responsibility to review the norms established in the code appears to have occurred. THlE APPOINTMENT of Daily senior editors is a painstaking and time-consuming process. Each ap- plicant for appointment submits thre ekinds of evidence in support of his application: (1) a scrap- book containing the record of his writing for the paper, (2) a peti- tion describing his attitudes to- ward and plans for the position he hopes to occupy, and (3) a per- sonal interview withatheBoard. The members of the Board study this evidence at length before hearing the recommendations of the retiring senior editors. The senior editors on their part, preparatory to submission of their recommendations to the Board, pursue an intensive selection pro- cess of their own. This process in- cludes lengthy discussions with the petitioning juniors, and leng- thy consultations among themsel- ves. In practice the intent and consequence of these consultations is the development of a set of specific recommendations as to who should be appointed to each postion, to which recommendation the entire group then adheres. Prof. Cooperrider is chairman of The Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications. The Board in Control of Student Publications (three members not pres- ent). Prof. Cooperrider, chairman, is second from right, first row. dent editorial and business staffs, and other costs of operation and publication. From these same re- sources it has, over the years, fi- nanced the construction of the Student Publications Building, and the purchase of the printing plant and other equipment that building contains. Neither the Board nor any of the publications receives financial support from the University ex- cept through the purchase of sub- scriptions and services. The vari- ous schools and administrative of- fices of the University do pur- chase, for departmental use, ap- proximately 2080 Fall and Winter and 1150 Spring-Summer subscrip- tions to the Daily at a total an- nual cost of about $21,000. The University also contracts for pub- lication by the'Daily of the annual Honors Day Supplement at a cost of about $900; and various offices and activities within the Univer- sity purchase advertising from time to time in substantial amounts. It will be seen that there is a duality in the Board's function. On the one hand it is a regulatory agency of the Board of Regents, exercising over all student publi- cations delegated powers defined only as "authority and control". On the other hand it is, legally speaking, the owner and publisher of the named publications - the party to all contracts in which they engage, the owner of all pro- perty and funds, the employer of all personnel-and burdened with the responsibilities of that rela- tionship. HOWEVER PLENARY the pow- ers of which the Board may be legally possessed, however it would seem that its proper function is the formulation and application of a policy in regard to student pub- lications which is appropriate to a University of the distinction this one enjoys. The Board has been guided, I believe, by the concep- tion that the named publications, despite their special relationship to the Board and through the Board to the University, should be seen and treated as "student pub-s lications" rather than as "Univer- sity publications written by stu- dents." At the same time the Board does sponsor and support these publications for the benefit of the students generally,tand does have responsibility for their ac- tions. Out of this relationship it On Banning the Banana *1 CONCERNED CITIZENS have recently been confronted .with appalling new information on drug use: The Daily has revealed that bananas have effects that can ony be described as narcotic. Although many of us have been deep- ly involved in the sale and consumption of bananas, this new development im-. pels us to demand the prohibition of this "fruit of madness." Certainly we can now see the dangers implicit in the unrestricted sale of Musa Paradisiaca (bananas): -Bananas may easily be given to un- suspecting persons, who can be com- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan. 420 Maynard. St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Acting Editorial Staff ROGERRAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Directo SUSAN ELAN ........ Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .. Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director pletely terrified by the unexpected ex- perience. Millions of mothers unwittingly feed bananas to their infants every day. -Easily procurable, bananas can be readily taken by borderline psychological- ly disturbed persons whose defenses may be broken by the experience. -There is a strong possibility that a pseudo-mystical cult may evolve around banana eating, and that its members might not follow the rigid precautions necessary for safe consumption. -Money from the sale of bananas may well be going to support the vast under- ground networks of this country. If the NSA can be a front for the CIA, who is to say there are not shady dealings going on between Cosa Nostra and the United Fruit Company? In fact, why have fed- eral authorities been hounding Mafia leader Joseph Bonano? ALTHOUGH we are sure that the Ann Arbor Police Department would like nothing better than to clamp down on the student banana smokers in the com- munity, their hands are tied without the necessary legislation. Clear-thinking citizens must back any such legislation. We urge you to write to your state representative in support of an anti-banana bill. -PAT O'DONOHUE -JOHN GRAY No Go Dtept. Miranda' and the In visible Stationhouse By YALE KAMISAR The author, a professor at the University Law School, is a spe- cialist in criminal law and pro- cedure. Yesterday in "The Privilege Against S e I f-Incrimination," Prof. Kamisar discussed the tra- ditional attitude of the legal profession on the manner in which police interrogation was conducted. He traced the long- - standing inability of the lawyer (and judge) to reconcile "the grim proceedings" in the police station with the "lofty princi- ples in the Constitution." The landmark Miranda decision, however, has brought about some new thinking on this issue. Last of a Series OTHER SIGNIFICANT factors operating over many decades to freeze the status quo were the invisibility of therstationhouse proceedings-no other case comes to mired in which an administra- tive official is permitted the broad discretionary power assumed by the police interrogator, together with the power to prevent objec- tive recordation of the facts -- and 'the failure of influential groups to identify with those seg- ments of our society which furnish mnt nf the raw material for the provided it is done." It stings too much to say it now, for we are too close to it, but someday it will be said of the first two-thirds of the twentieth century: Too many peo- ple, good people, viewed the typi- cal police suspect and his interro- gator as garbage and garbage col- lector, respectively. (This is every bit as unfortunate for the officer as it is for the suspect.) MOREOVER, with the inadver- tent exception of those who wrote the interrogation manuals, each, I suspect, equal to a dozen law re- view articles in its impact on the Court (the majority opinion in "Miranda" devotes six full pages to extracts from various police manuals and texts spelling out techniques for depriving the sus- pect of every psychological advan- tage, keeping him "off balance," exploiting his fear and insecurity, and tricvking or cajoling him out to private quarters and there in- terrogated as to his goings and comings, or asked to explain what he may be doing with Mr. Brown's broken and dismantled jewelry in his possession, to take off a rub- ber-heeled shoe he may be wear- ing in order to compare it with a footprint in a burglarized prem- ise, or even to explain the blood stains on his hands and clothing, that, hypothetically, illustrates what would be called the 'Third Degree.' . . . If a confession, pre- ceded by the customary caution, obtained through remorse or a de- sire to make reparation for a crime, is advanced by a prisoner, it surely should not be regarded as unfair . . . Volunteer confes- sions and admissions made after a prisoner has been cautioned that what he states may be used against him, are all there is to the so-called 'Third Degree'." As recently as July of last year, his job if a competitor is standing by, and that is the situation for the law enforcement officer with the presence of an attorney while interrogating a suspect., "As to the description of an in- terrogation room, I wish to define it as a room where people can talk in privacy which is nothing more than an attorney desires in talk- ing to his client or a doctor in talking to his patient . . . (These rooms) bear no resemblance to, torture chambers as some may wish to think, and in fact some are equipped with air-condition- ing, carpeting, and upholstered furniture." WHAT I HAVE said so far does not fully account for the persis- tence of the de facto inquisitorial system. In the late 1920's and early 30's, complacency about' the system was shaken-at least for a while-by several notorious cases, and by the shocking disclosures of feasible. In this regard, the pessi- mistic views, some thirty-six years ago, of , Zechariah Chafee, co- author on "the third degree," are instructive: "In England, the police are for- bidden to interrogate a suspect after his arrest or involuntary de- tention; thus there is no danger of their using brutality or other pressure to obtain the desired ans- wers . . . However, it is doubtful if this remedy could be success- fully transferred to the United States, at least in the near future . Amercian police officials .. . attach extreme importance to the questioning of arrested persons. They would consider the adoption of the English rule a serious crip- pling of their activities, and until they feel otherwise it would only be one more law which they would be tempted to violate. How could they be forced to obey it? IT IS HARD enough to prevent policemen from using physical vi- olence on suspects; it would be far harder to prevent them from asking a few questions. We had better get rid of the rubber hose and twenty-four hour grillings be- fore we undertake to compel or persuade the police to give up questioning altogether." New advances in constitutional- criminal procedure have rarely 4l "It stings too much to say it now, for we are close to it, but someday it will be said of the first two-thirds of the twentieth century: Too many people, good people, viewed the typical police supect and his interrogator as garbage and garbage collector, respectively." of exercising his rights), most the veteran special agent of the the Wickersham Commission's re-