PROTECTING PUBLIC FROM CAMPUS LIBERALS See editorial page AAr 4bp tr4tgan ~~IAit FAIR High--3 Low-15 ('old with possibly one-inch of snow Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 138 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Anal e lans or Selective Service Re) By DAVID KNOKE gress, giving the President an op- finish their course of study before ferments will be given, however, to High school students now plan- ates and graduates, will be includ- vidu portunity to make the changes he being thrown into the next year's men enlisting between the ages of ning to enter college for the first ed in the pool, their greater num- der President Johnson's proposed called for by executive order. draft "pool". 17 and 1812-before they are li- time will thus probably be deferred ber may bias the FAIR system duc revisions in the draft are most Thus, the reversal of age-prior- The President is still undecided able for the draft. under the 2-S classification, but away from the 19-year-olds, ac- quir likely to hit directly at those ities and the riandom system of se- against the fate of undergraduate The idea is to keep Reserve that deferment may be cut off by cording to Hershey in an interview O youths given new priority for draft lection called "FAIR" (for "fair deferments, but they are likely to units from being a place for men summer 1968 if the President an'- published in U.S. News & World pro call-ups-the 19 year olds. . and impartial random-selection remain for a while, partly because to escape to when they are expect- nounces a change in undergradu- Report. Such a system of selection syst In all likelihood, the reversalsm system") are not likely to start be- a majority of armed services offi ing to be drafted. Many Reserve ate deferments sometime after will "have some problems until the pur priorities (from the oldest first as fore this summer, but certainly by cers are trained on. campus Re- units have recently been placed in June. President makes a decision on stu- abo at present) will accompany the January 1, 1969, as the President serve Officer Training Corps pro- a high state of readiness, but none With the base of potentially dent deferments", he said.-and start of a lottery system for ran- requested. grams (ROTC). has been called to duty during the ' draftable youths reaching 1,930,- Student deferments are not the gion dom selection of individual draf- euetey Men currently holding occupa- Vietnam war buildup. 000 in 1970 and 2,114,000 in 1975, only classifications that are un- tral tees. Before then, probably in May 00ional1deferments1(3-A)0will1con- This pool will include the pre or Juneuthe President may issue tu tdefered under presen iThe only draft-liable men who only about four men in ten would dergoing scrut he Defense sheP ious year's 18-year-olds who hare- xctieodrbann h will be able to get Reserve defer -Deatntdcedlsflloop her pysalad have atiiv orderbnnt criteria; however, new deferments ments under the new system are serve in the armed forces if the use 40,000 men classified 1-Y be- seve passed their physical and mental granting of new deferments from in this category, and for married mhnseunded tefnw ssemfare estimated number of new entrants tween then and October, 1967, and Sou examinations as well as older men students in all courses except den- men and fathers will be abolished those needed to fill specific re- whose deferments have expired. ' tistry and medicine. once the lottery begins. Older men placements. Enlistment priority to keep the armed forces at 3.5 100,000 per year thereafter. R The question most undergradu- The effect of this ban will prob- who have never been deferred, of will be given to the 17 to 182- million men is a constant 812,000 The "1-Y" category includes cha ate and graduate students in this ably be to leave old deferments course, will drop to much lower year-old group. per year. The National Advisory men found to be unacceptable un- Ser latter category are asking is: "How untouched, permitting graduate priority on the draft rolls than Selective Service Director Lewis Commission on Selective Service der prevailing standards of physi- to long will I continue to be deferred students to finish work on their they have at present. B. Hersey and the Department of has noted that, barring a big war cal, mental or moral standards to bloc and what are my chances of being master's or Ph.D. degree, which- Thomas D. Morris, assistant se- Defense are working out the de- or sudden decline in voluntary en- serve in the armed forces unless cen drafted?" ever comes first in his program. cretary of defense for manpower, tails of the transition, but the old listments, draftees would account there is a national emergency. tery The present draft law expires Students accepted by a graduate said recently that the executive system is likely to remain in effect for only 307,000 men per year. Defense Secretary Robert Mc- pro June 30 and will probably be ex- school before the order is issued order will end most Reserve de- when students return to campus While men whose deferments Namara ordered a review of stan- equ tended for four more years by Con- will probably also be permitted to ferments for draft-age men. De- in the fall. expire, particularly undergradu- dards and a reclamation of mdi- the TEN PAGES orms gals in the 1-Y category in or- to meet, by enlistment or in- tion, the number of men re- ed in the program. pposition to the President's posed revisions in the draft em center mainly about the ely administrative change of lishing all local draft boards setting up a computerized re- 1al system served from a cen- bureau in Washington. Her- y had gone on record as being posed to this system, as have ral congressmen, mostly from thern states. ep. L. Mendel Rivers (D-SC), irman of the House Armed vices Committee, has promised work for new legislation to k the lottery system. He re- tly blasted the proposed lot- 7 as a "peculiarly fallacious ap- ach" to the problem of draft in- alities which have prompted President's proposed changes. CONFLICT OF INTERESTS: Authority Granted to JJC as SGC Revises Judiciary Role Pennsylvania Faculty Ends Faent s, By JENNIFER RHEA The University's Joint Judici- ary Council had its adjudicating authority extended "to have juris- diction over cases presently under the purview of the Student Gov- ernment Council Committee .on Rules and Regulations" through a- of the Office of Student Affairs, was proposed in response to the complaint that SGC was acting in a conflict of political authority in that it was both a legislative and a judicial body in the areas of in- terests to student organizations. Under the new resolution, SGC the implementation of discrimina- tory practices, will still be subject{ to the jurisdiction of SGC's Mem- bership Committee and Tribunal, as outlined in the 1965 revised Regulations of Membership Selec- tion in Student Organizations. I This is only one in a series ofI iProtest Pran Gas Masks Rally Dropped as Officials Cancel Contracts A University of Pennsylvania faculty group has cancelled a gas- mask demonstration it had plan- ned for the school's spring com- mencement exercises. The action followed the administration's an- nouncement that it will definitely not renew its Department of De- fense contract for projects SUM- MIT and SPICERACK. More than 20 faculty members Dairies Policies Attack FBA- __<> resolution approved by SGC last will have: 1) appellate jurisdiction week. from JCC over the cases concern- The judicial body was also ing student groups; 2) the preroga- granted the power "to exact fines, tive of suggesting various penal- place organizations on probation ties for a given violation; 3) a or suspension, and withdraw rec- continuation of its present power ognition from student organiza- to serve as a legislative body for tions." the regulation of student organi- The resolution, which has re- zations. ceived the "de facto" acceptance Membership violations, such as ~ ~ ~ - - ~~ - - efforts directed toward reworking, expanding and coordinating the student judiciary structure at the University. The motivation of this revision drive has been the cur- rent awareness that the channels of disciplinary authority are con- flicting in some instanceCs andim- a s j z I j .! . _ C A irlxigan Uafly NEWS WIRE Late World News by The Associated Press WASHINGTON--The House refused yesterday by a vote of 123 to 2 to go on record as opposed to a land invasion of North Vietnam by U.S. ground forces. The standing vote preceded passage by roll-call vote of 385 to 11 of a $12.19-billion emergency appropriation bill to provide more money for the fighting in Vietnam of the fiscal year ending June 30. It was the first appropriation bill of 1967 and still must be acted on by the Senate. THE STATE SENATE yesterday voted to give immediate ef- fect to a controversial bill which exempts the state from the Federal Uniform Time Act, allowing it to stay on Eastern Stand- ard Time all year. The motion passed on a 28-9 vote with Republicans and Democrats voting on both sides. Twenty-six votesG were necessary to give immediate effect. The measure now goes to Gov. George Romney for signature. Romney has indicated that he favors keeping the state on Eastern Standard Time. The federal act requires all states to observe Daylight Savings Time for six months of the year, be- ginning April 30, unless they take legislative action by April 1 to exempt themselves. REP. JOSEPH J. KOWALSKI (D-Detroit), the House Dem- ocratic leader, was rushed from his Capitol Building office to1 Lansing General Hospital yesterday and is described as being in very critical condition," the Associated Press reported.I It was learned that Kowalski had suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage and that doctors are not optimistic about his chances of surviving it. His wife arrived under State Police escort from Detroit yesterday afternoon. Roy Warren, assistant hospital ad- mninistrator, refused to confirm that Kowalski had suffered a stroke, but did discount earlier reports that it had been an attack of diabetes. "At this time, the diabetes is not the critical factor," Warren said. THREE WINNERS OF WOODROW WILSON Fellowhip from the University whose names were unintentionally omitted from The Daily article yesterday were: Shira A. Joffe, Far East Stu- dies; Richard E. Widerkehr, English; and Daniel C. Wojcik, Psychology. Twenty-eight University seniors and a 1966 alumna received the fellowships for graduate study. MUNICIPAL COURT examination of three University stu- dents and their faculty adviser on charges that they caused an obscene film to be shown at Cinema Guild in January may not ber resumed for a month, it was reported yesterday. 'rA _ E C T M l n aoiAit ill - -n ahr f a nrnf fr - -f - g defined in others. Presently thiso had planned to wear gas maso Irestructuring process is being un- ItotheM alleged pursuitremony of chemical dertaken by a committee compos- and biological warfare research at e of SGCJJC and administra- the university's Institute for Co- tive ersonel.operative Research. Already, in the past year, stepsoprtvReach have been taken to eliminate some The university's announcement of the confusion concerning the said that both contracts would University-City of Ann Arbor jur- definitely lapse in 1968 and the isdiction question and the meth- negotiations to end ICR's in- ods for appealing cases from JJC. volvement in SPICERACK at an In this context, JJC, in re- earlier date were currently under- sponse to the claim of double way. jeopardy to the student, has ab- At a special press conference on dicated its authority to adjudicate Tuesday President Gaylord P. cases which have been referred to Harnwell said that the university the city police and brought before was currently seeking other insti- the Ann Arbor judicial authorities. tutions that would be willing to Formerly JJC would also exam- assume contractual responsibilities ine these conflicts, subsequent to for SPICERACK before its March1 their review by the local, civil 1968 expiration date, bodies, on the premise that the The $360,000 Army SUMMIT University and Ann Arbor are sep- and $485,000 Air Force SPICE- arate, individual communities. RACK projects have been under JJC has expressed its own con- almost constant attack by facul- ception of its authority in the fol- ty members, students and peace lowing manner: groups since the nature of thei "Regardless of whether or not ICR's research was uncovered in formal charges are made, a stu- fall 1965. dent charged with committing a Prof. Donald Murray, assistant misdemeanor will be heard by JJC to the president for federal rela- under the philosophy that this represents conduct unbecoming a tions, declined to name what he student. :called "the three or four institu- "The actions of any student re- tions that might take over the flect upon the University and the contract." student body as a whole. In cases Harnwell's letter said "The uni- where no complaint is made, the versity ... has taken orderly steps} University is considered the com- for the discontinuance of Proj- plaintant. . . . The referral com- ect SPICERACK. It is expected: mittee (will) accept all cases upon that this will be accomplished, which no complaint was filed with hopefully this summer, and cer- ' the Ann Arbor Police." tainly sometime before March 31, Petitioning for nine JJC seats 1968." is presently open until March 21 Protest leader Prof. Albert Mild- L I i I i I i -Daily-Chuck Bockoff ENGINEERING COUNCIL ELECTION, Dave Osmer, '67E (left), retiring president of the Engineering Council confers the gavel to Wally Rhines, '68E (right), who was elected president of the council at a meeting last night. Also elected were Joseph Shipley, '68E, vice president, Sue Ocobock, '69E, secretary, and Gene DeFouw, '68E, treasurer. PASS VIETNAM RESOLUTION: 4Young Democrats Back COpi And Rogoff inSC Election FBA Admits Some Basis For Charges Houses Claim Few Discounts Received In Food Purchasing By STEVE NISSEN In response to charges that the Fraternity Buyers Association is not being run efficiently and fair- ly, veteran FBA board member Graham Conger acknowledges that "a particular large house can probably do better (in buying) than FBA." The co-operative purchasing unit which handles $500,000 worth of business for 55 campus housing units is now under investigation by the Interfraternity Council Ex- ecutive Board. Officially the FBA says that "In spite of anything'that may be said to the contrary, no house operat- ing independently can match FBA." Several leaders of large frater- nities claim that they are not sav- ing money through FBA. Ron Weiser, alumni advisor to Tau Delta Phi says he is considering pulling his fraternity out of the group unless it becomes more ef- ficient. Weiser says that outside of milk purchasing, FBA secures little in the way of discounts. He claims the fraternities receive "only about a four per cent discount on bread, three per cent on eggs,/and no dis- count on meat or staples." Trigon President Doug Wasama complains that "FBA is not being used to its fullest advantage. Our steward bought cereal at a retail store for the same price per box the FBA wholesale supplier -charged for case-sized orders." Jim Smith, plant supervisor of the Washtenaw Independent Dairy charges that during contract bid- ding two years ago, "The FBA told us the bids were due by midnight on a particular day. I took our bid over to the FBA office at 10 p.m. on that day and arrived just in time to hear someone in the other room tell a fraternity steward the contract had already been awarded." FBA officials deny the 'charges. Don Schummer, sales manager of the McDonald Dairy also voices dissatisfaction with FBA. The pur- chasing, agency, currently has a milk contract with Bolgos Farms. "When you have sealed bid com- petition you expect to be told the price on the winning bid," says Schummer. "I called the FBA of- fice the day after the bidding (last summer), -but they refused to tell me what the lowest bid had been," By MICHAEL McGUIRE The University Young Democrats Club voted last night to endorse Tom Copi, '69, for Student Gov- ernment Council president. The endorsement followed statements for undergraduate men and women who have junior standing or three1 semesters in residence and for graduate students. Petition forms may be obtained from 1011 Stu-j dent Activities Bldg. and should be 'submitted by 5 p.m. Tuesday. Non-Student Asked for Ca By ROB BEATTIE 1- 1. h1-1l iP 'v n has called the a m i itr ton s tu~i V ,Jt l '.t t L GGE van sn a"i thebadministration's by both Copi and his opponent, action "in the best Interest of Bruce Kahn, '68, and questions the university. President Harn- from the sparce audience. well's communication removed the The group also approved a reso- Ibasis for our protest at spring I lution urging "that the United commencement and inspires our i States government support all in- confidence and trust," he said. itates byvnieNtions Sec- - - - - ---- --- ,itiatives by United Nations Sec- retary General U Thant to cease shostilities in Vietnam and accept I emb ership Sa his three point program. The council then reaffirmed their endorsement of six SGC can- R US G oUPS idates. The candidates endorsed pus Groups e:E.O.Knowles,'7, Anne Patton, '68, Janis Sorkin, '68, Judy Speaking for the proposal, Peter|Greenberg, '68, Rick Heideman, Qfeinbhrg er grad-. pointed out I 'R9_ and Mark Schreiber.'69. Dave that anti-communism should be the cornerstone of American for- eign policy." In addressing the group Copi said that "it seems inconsistent that students should ask for'rule making power on the University level when they are not granted this power on the personal level." He was referring to the rules for student conduct, "Standards for Students." Kahn proposed replacing SGC with an Undergraduate Assembly based on the ward system and a corresponding organization on the Graduate level. The wards would be equal in population, between 1200 and 1500, and each its own representatives. Kahn proposed having a Student Executive Com- mittee to coordinate the Gradu- ate and Undergradaute Assem- blies. Six SGC Candidates Debate Representation of Students The representative power of Student Government council, its 1 1 a E 3 t i I A motion winch wouicd tiera ze t o g t muJ,,* , gl.,vu ,u u ..,s , I the role of non-students in student that the current regulations are Copi, '68, was endorsed for Board relationship with the Office of organizations was introduced at almost impossible to enforce. He , in Control of Student Publications. Student Affairs, and the authority the meeting of Student Govern- said that non-students were exer- Three SGC candidates also which students would have in the ment Council last night. The pro- cising leadership abilities in or- spoke at the meeting. George University decision-making pro-. posed change would permit the or- ganizations, and that they were Steeh, '68, stated that many stu- cess, were the topics debated last ganizations to have a membership either voting as members or voting dents with high academic poten- night in the final WCBN "Meet of which 50 per cent would be by proxy through members. tial but low income were forced to the Candidates" program. non-students. The motion will receive further go elsewhere for their education The six candidates speaking on Qurrent regulations require that consideration at the next meeting due to the University's lack of low last night's program were Mike all voting members and officers of of SGC. cost housing. Mark Schreiber pro- ,Andersn. '69;Blanche Gemrose, Knowles proposed that the size of SGC should be enlarged from its present membership of 17, and that election should be done by wards determined by a given type of living unit, having representa- tives elected from classes. In discussing the relationship of SGC and the OSA, Anderson sug- gested that SGC should reestab- lish its ties with that office, be- cause as an autonomous organiza- +bnn ifs po +n odministratnrs in i